Member Reviews

I love that this is the start of a new series. It has such a heartfelt narrative that I think beautifully illustrated the hardships of that time, and also the friendships that form through adversity.. I love that there a dash of romance in there too and I can't wait for the next book to continue getting to know the brilliant characters

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this book is based in 1940 and a new one saga written by Patricia McBride.
I love a library saga and this is full of characters, showing hope and loyalty throughout this terrible time
I enjoyed it and look forward to reading further novels.

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Cordelia has lived a privileged life and could easily have gone on doing so. But the War has made her determined to do her bit. Her mother’s disapproval can’t stop her taking a job in the East End of London. As the new head librarian in Silver Town library, she wants to help the community. And the challenges she faces will test her. Along with her new colleagues, Janet and Mavis, she does all she can to keep the community together at a time of war.

I liked that the main characters were so very different from each other, bringing different ways of looking at life.  They were brought together at a time of peril for the whole country. But together they made a difference. 

I enjoy stories set during the Second World War and this one pulled me in. Patricia McBride caught the feeling of the time perfectly. I could imagine the air raids and the immense poverty endured by the inhabitants of the East End. The author did not sugar coat their lives and this made it more real for me. I loved it.

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A fantastic novel with loveable characters, I loved how all three women were from different backgrounds but gelled together forming a secure bond.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 My first novel by the talented author, Patricia McBride, was The Library Girls of the East End and it was an exceptional read. Set in 1940’s East End London, the story introduces Cordelia, an upper-class woman who takes on the role of head librarian in Silvertown. Her colleagues, Jane and Mavis, join her in creating a community hub for locals to enjoy.

The characters were relatable, friendly, and down to earth. The narrative was brought to life with vivid descriptions of the wartime settings. I highly recommend this book, so head over to your local bookstore and grab your copy today!

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A very entertaining read from a new author to me. It’s the start of a series so I’m already looking forward to what is to come.
Cordelia has taken on the job of Head Librarian at an East End library, much to the disdain of her mother, who believes she shouldn’t lower herself and be amongst the poor. She meets her new library assistants, Mavis and Jane and soon set about making their library a thriving hub for the community. Set during the war, we discover how the characters ensure the library is a place where people can escape, take their minds off their problems but they can also find support for their problems too if they wish.
I loved the three characters, each very different but that’s what probably makes their friendship work so well. I only hope this friendship continues going from strength to strength. The more I learned about their backgrounds the more I took each girl to heart. They have had their work cut out for them to ensure the library can continue as it is but through their determination it proved to be an asset to the local area.
A story that was really easy to read yet entertaining, nothing too heavy or heartbreaking but characters written with depth and warmth so you care about each. With many books set in war time, it is good to see a different perspective. I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.

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I always enjoy a good old-fashioned story, particularly if it’s set around the Second World War. The Library Girls of the East End was no exception. It’s full of (mostly) wonderful characters, from all walks of life, ranging from the very posh and well-off to the cockney people from the depths of the East End. You know the ones I mean, the people who have to work for a living, who don’t have any airs and graces and actually appreciate everything they’ve earned for themselves.

Cordelia has managed to snag a dream job for her and despite being one of the ‘posh-uns’, she actually wants to get her hands dirty and muck-in. She sets about putting her mark on Silver Town Library and increasing the amount of borrowers it gets. She has a task on her hands as she changes everything that has come before whilst keeping her staff happy and all with bombs dropping on their heads!

An easy read that’ll while away an afternoon or two as the days become much colder. So snuggle up in front of the fire with a cup of ‘Rosie-lee’ and join Cordelia, Mavis and Jane at Silver Town Library.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Rachel’s Random Resources for the opportunity to read and review The Library Girls of the East End by Patricia McBride.

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The people in the East End stayed very strong and supportive during the war and this book shows it. The library becomes the hub for the community and is the centre of the area. Worthy of 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for this ARC

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The Library Girls of the East End is written by Patricia McBride. This is the first book that I have read by this author. It will not be my last. This is the first book in a new series by the author. One of the things that I loved most about this book is her characters are at all different walks of life.

Cordelia, Mavis and Jane are the three main characters and completely different from each other. Cordelia's mom is not happy when she accepts a position as head librarian in Silver Town Library, which is located in the East End. There is a lot of poverty in the East End. Cordelia wanted to make a difference and along with Mavis and Jane - she wants to show everyone what the library has to offer. Mavis is a tough cookie - she holds onto secrets - but also does not let others walk over her. Jane was worried when they heard there was a new librarian that it would be someone who is full of themselves. However, the three form a deep friendship.

Life is not all sunshine and summertime for our girls. They are dealing with a variety of issues. These issues include: gender inequality, domestic abuse, unplanned pregnancies and the adjustment of women taking over male roles.

The book is well written. The storyline is engaging. I have read a lot of WWII books this year, and I love that this one is set in the East End of London.

Thank you to the author, publisher and Rachel's Random Resources for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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Cordelia was different from the East End Girls. But was she really?

A page turner that introduced a new series by Patricua McBride. I enjoyed meeting Cordelia, Mavis and Jane. Each had a story to tell. But the relationship that grew from them working together was a treasure.

Schools were closing. Buildings were destroyed. War threaten their own existence. Lives were forever changed.

Cordelia did everything she could to keep the library open.

A great story. I read it in one night.

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I have always been drawn to sagas but have also felt overwhelmed by the number of books that I would have had to catch up on. Imagine my happiness when I discovered this novel, the first in a new series. Imagine my even greater happiness that this book happened to be set in a historical time I find fascinating, and in a city I love! The author has done a great job transporting me to 1940s London, and I found myself looking forward to learning more about Cordelia, Jane and Mavis as the story unfolded. Despite some of the themes in this book are not light-hearted in the slightest, the novel has a feel-good vibe to it, which I really appreciate these days. I can’t wait for more!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC publication for an honest review.

I enjoyed this historical fiction with three main female leads who are from different walks of life and all work at a library during WW2. Each character gets to voice a chapter which helps see more depth into her life. There are some dark topics beyond the war (rape, abuse, alcoholism, murder) that are scattered throughout the book. There is also some light romance. However, I felt like we only skimmed over certain things and the characters needed to be more fleshed out. Overall, still a good read and I would like to see how this series continues.

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The main characters in this book, Cordelia, Mavis and Jane are a wonderful mix of personalities. I loved the straight talking East Ender, Mavis. I was born and grew up not too far from where the book is set and I certainly recognised Mavis, as well as many of the secondary characters.

Through both the narrative and dialogue, the author has imbued an authenticity to the setting of this book. I have vivid memories of my parents describing the East End during the Second World War, and it was very easy for me to slip this story into those descriptions.

There are lots of themes running throughout this book; rape and domestic abuse are mentioned (although not witnessed on the page) and the author deals with them with sensitivity and compassion. However, alongside this there are happier themes of friendship and a good dose of romance thrown in.

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This is the first book in a brand new series and what a wonderful read it was . Cordelia has just accepted a job as head librarian at a library in the East End of London, much to the dismay of her rather snooty mother . Surely people like Cordelia shouldn’t be lowering themselves to work in the East End amongst all the poverty stricken people . However Cordelia sticks to her guns and takes up the post . Her two library assistants Mavis and Jane are eager to meet their new boss and between the three of them they thrive to make this east end library a place for the east end people to visit and make use of. The library helps to take people’s minds off the ongoing war and it’s a place they can come not just to read but to be amongst people and share their fears and troubles . This truly was a wonderful read and right from the very first chapter I was completely hooked . I loved the 3 main characters, Cordelia, Mavis & Jane. The three of them were as different as chalk and cheese but they soon developed a deep friendship. It’s an easy read but one that makes you realise how important places like libraries are especially back during war times . As the story progresses we learn more about the backgrounds of the three library girls and life hasn’t been easy for them all . I was quite sad to reach the final chapter as I was enjoying this book so much but I’m looking forward to reading book two in the near future . ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Lovely book with a great story and characters that make the book come a live. I will be looking forward to more from Patricia McBride

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This is a great read about Cordelia who takes on the job of managing a library in the East End of London.Cordelia is helped in the library Jane and Mavis as she tries to get more people to use the library so it doesn't get closed. There are many ups and downs in the way.I found it so good I found it hard to put down and look forward to reading more .Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood.

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This is the start of a wonderful new series set in a library in the East End of London during WWII. I've lived in London and heard stories of the time during WWII so I always enjoy reading about life during that time. Cordelia is wealthy but wants to make her own way. Mavis is a no-nonsense woman whose son is off to the war, and Jane is raising her daughter at home with her verbally abusive mother, while her husband is off to war. When Cordelia takes over, along with the support of Mavis and Jane it becomes a gathering place for the local community. It provides a place for locals to gather read, and even get their medical needs met as one of the handsome local doctors works there a few days a week seeing patients.

The author did a great job weaving together the stories of the girls and their secrets while writing about how it was to live in London during WWII with the continuous bombing and the need to run to the shelters every time the air raid sirens went off. Since I lived in London and have heard the stories of life during WWII, along with the incessant bombings by the Nazis this book was of particular interest to me. I'm looking forward to seeing what's next in the lives of the library girls.

Thanks Netgalley, Boldwood Books and the author for the chance to read this ARC.

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This is a fantastic start to a new series. Set during WW2 it follows the lives of the three East End library girls, Cordelia, Jane and Mavis. Three very good friends and work colleagues having three very different lives. The characters are truly loveable with the library meaning so much to them and the community. I could not put this book down. I was truly invested in the story from start to finish and cannot wait for the next in the series to catch up with them all.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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The library girls of the east end, a great story with great characters, enjoyable historical fiction story. Hoping there’s a follow up to carry the story on.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I loved reading this story of a library in the East End.

Cordelia, takes a job working there and is tasked to implement some ideas so that more members will join.

But, she is a female manager and unsure how she will be made up feel, what welcome she will receive.

As we continue to read, we learn more about the library’s other members of staff, Mavis and Jane. How Cordelia’s life and upbringing is so different from theirs.

Besides that, a war is ongoing.

I highly recommend this book.

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