Member Reviews

Thank you for the earc, unfortunately I cannot get into this book. The writing style seems fairly juvenile and I am not connecting.

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I wanted so much to like this but the writing was so immature? It read like a YA but I definitely thought it would be more adult. I struggled and eventually had to DNF @47%.

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Into the Skies by Kay Humphreys is a wonderfully paced fantasy that hooks you from the start. Kay’s vivid descriptions are a standout feature of the book. She not only paints a detailed picture of the world but does so with such precision that you can almost visualize it with your eyes closed. The same can be said for the characters; they are portrayed in a way that allows you to deeply feel their emotions and understand their motivations. I was constantly eager to see how their actions would drive the story forward. Well done, Humphreys—you’ve truly excelled with this story.

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I started this book and couldn’t continue past the first few pages. The writing for me was just not good. I’m not sure if it’s just the first person narration or that the narration reads very young. The summary made me excited to read it, but the way it was wrote, made me set it aside very quickly.

Thank you for the ARC.

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An original and interesting plotline, intriguing characters, and fast pace. I enjoyed Into The Skies.

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What a journey!

This book was such a breath of fresh air in the dystopian genre. Jaylyn's character was so well-crafted, and her growth throughout the story was incredibly satisfying. I loved how she started off as this innocent and optimistic character, and then gradually became stronger and more resilient. The supporting characters were so integral to the story. They added depth and richness to the world building, making it feel so immersive.

At first, I had some reservations about Jaylyn, but she really grew on me. And Kal, what a sweetheart! I couldn't get enough of him. Aster was a bit of a mystery, but I still liked him. So many twists and turns. Overall, it was such an enjoyable and entertaining read!

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Firstly, Thank you to NetGallery, the author Kay Humphreys and Magnamour, for providing me with the ARC of Into The Skies in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Into the Skies is a captivating dystopian romantasy with a unique twist. While the world-building and plot kept me engaged, I struggled to connect with the protagonist, Jaylyn. Initially, she came off as a bit selfish and impulsive, but her character development over time was impressive. Kal, one of the supporting characters, was a standout with his endearing nature. Despite some reservations, the twists and turns kept me hooked, and I'm curious to see where the story goes next. Overall, it's an enjoyable and entertaining fantasy romance., perfect for fans of forced proximity and star crossed lovers.

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Personally I think that this author tried to hard to be like others of its kind. Authors should try to be their own story instead of trying to do things that have already been done. Because for me this one could have been amazing but it was just trying too hard.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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I'm really sorry but I did not get on with this book, I debated not giving feedback on this title asI didn't want to come across too negative.
The whole premise was really interesting and as a fan of ACOTAR, I felt this book was right up my street. The worldbuilding was quite detailed and I was given a lot of information in one go. This, however felt a little forced and I don't think it felt natural. Section felt a little too much like a history essay and could have been written to feel lighter.
I also found the mate bond to be a little cringey. I'm not sure if it was the language used but it just didn't sit right.
Once I got past this, I was more engaged and the story itself flowed quite nicely. It was a good book and I would quite happily read the next one.

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There were certainly elements of this book that were compelling and intriguing, however I struggled much of the time with the writing style and editing. The story had a lot of potential to become something really good, however it needs a careful edit and certain aspects would benefit from changing, like making the FMC more likable. Flawed characters are great, but ones that are just dislikeable are very challenging to read.

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Into The Skies is such an exciting dystopian romantasy! This is the first in a planned trilogy, and it set the next two books up perfectly.

The world building is great, with plenty of rich descriptions that helped me to visualise the characters, creatures and the magic. The book does start off a little slow and it's a little bit of an info-dump, but it's well worth sticking to it because it evolves at a rapid pace not far into it.

Everything about this book makes me VERY eager to read the rest of the trilogy, very grateful for the opportunity to pick this one up! Big thanks to NetGalley :)

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AWESOME! The plot is a little bit confusing at the beginnning, but it's because Jaylyn, whose POV is the main one during the whole book, is confused and scared as well. There are things I couldn't quite grasp until she became more confident. Not even the other 2 POV in this story help with that. As a matter of fact, they bring a little more of confusion... with lots of info, valuable info. I CAN'T WAIT TO READ ''Into the Winds''! I love your way of writting and I hope to read more from you soon (pretty, please?)

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC. These are my own thoughts:
This wasn't too my tastes. I considered not finishing and choosing not to give feedback, but I stuck on.

Things I liked:
Goody and Min - I teared up as I learned more about there backstories.
Princes in disguise!
Class/political system

Things I didn't like:
The FMC - I liked her at first, but then I just couldn't. She's downright abusive at times
Soul Mates & the weird head screaming
POV changes (from a book written in 1st person)

I specifically didn't like the weird head screaming because it happened a lot. It happened so often, I just couldn't understand then what kept her ~soul mate~ from staying by her side/finding her. The idea behind this bond is that it's on both sides. At one point, the MMC verbalizes these, but as feelings, and it was so awkward, especially the HANGRINESS.

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The people writing good reviews on this book have not actually tried to read it. There's no way. Although the story itself could be really good, the writing is deplorable. This is a first draft and needs heavy editing. The same people/events are described multiple times, sentences are repeated in consecutive paragraphs, etc. There are too many errors for this to be completed and published. The story itself could be amazing, but an editor is desperately needed.

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3.75 stars

This was an excellent debut fantasy! I sometimes struggle with then beginning of fantasy series because the world building can be confusing or hard to follow. I thought the world building was easy to understand but it felt a little bit Info dumpy.

I thought the story was paced pretty well and had plenty of entertaining plot twists and curveballs thrown at us. My biggest complaint is with the female main character. I didn’t connect with her at all and didn’t see many different sides to her. I think this could be something that is fixed by more character development in book 2.

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Thank you NetGalley and Magnamour Press for the chance to read this fun Dystopian Fantasy Romance!

On Loya, the fae rule and the humans serve. Those humans who are lucky to be Placed are taken to the skies at the age of 18. Jaylyn Hoste is not one of those lucky ones.

Since not being Placed, she has made the most for her time at home. She is content to help her brothers in school, dancing as a barmaid at The Whistler, and spending time with her friend Welton. Once she learns some truths, Jaylyn questions some of the choices she has made. She doesn't need to question for long, when one night a royal spy comes into The Whistler and her life will never be the same.

This was such a fun new world to read. Jaylyn's POV was so much fun as her inner monologue made me laugh so many times. I loved the additional POVs, which always popped up in moments that were perfect for the plot line, and gave more information for this world that Jaylyn didn't know. Jaylyn and Kel's banter was such perfection that I didn't want to stop reading and always had a smile with the two of them. Min and Goody were big favorites of mine as well. They created such a wonderful found family and I can't wait to see how their relationships grow in the next book.

The pace at the beginning was a little slow due to the intricate world building that was happening. At times, I was confused with details in this world, but seeing as how it's in Jaylyn's POV, perhaps it was meant to be that way as she was unsure of this world around her also. By the halfway point, I did not want to put this book down. I was hooked and could not wait to see how the events would unfold. I am excited to return to this world in Book 2 and see how the end of Book 1 plays out.

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I thought this book was written really well, the world was interesting and I loved the dystopian fantasy concept because it was very unique. However, I didn't really like the FMC...

I do think this book would appeal to a lot of people because it has different fae kingdoms, human and fae relationships, dystopian world, forced proximity, star-crossed Lovers, Adventure, Secrets, Danger, Elves and Hobbits. But I just couldn't connect with the FMC Jaylyn.

She was a bit annoying and selfish to me. I mean the insta love at the start really didn't help either, but the way she acted towards the sentry really just made me mad, sure at the start I looked past it but later into the book it just didn't make sense to me.

Then there was some character development and I really enjoyed the direction the author was taking the book, plus the romance got really sweet and the secrets were so interesting that I'm tempted to pick up the next book. But I just couldn't look past that section of the book where the FMC was a bit annoying.

Thanks to Netgalley and Magnamour for the eArc, this in no way affected my review.

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Thank you to Kay Humphreys and NetGalley for giving me a copy of this book.

I was not Placed. I wasn’t chosen by the fae as worthy or exceptional. Yet I—a fierce and mighty barmaid?—could change our entire world. This must be a dream. Though, it's beginning to feel more like a nightmare.

It was advertised like ACOTAR and it did live to my expectations. It was well written and has a great world building - there are floating kingdoms above the humans. I loved this book, I can't wait for the second book.

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Jaylyn is an unexceptionable human being. She spends her days caring for her family and her nights working as a bar made and dancer at her favorite local pub. In her world, especially skilled humans are Placed and taken to live in the parallel fae world that floats above the human world. Jaylyn was not Placed and she is happen to live her boring life, until she learns that unmarried women are forced to become breeders to keep an endless supply of human slave labor for their fae overlords. Not long after, Jaylyn is forced into Placement and meets her soulmate, and for a little life in the far world seems idyllic. But war is brewing and Jaylyn and her silent guard might have a bigger role to play in it than either of them ever imagined.

This book includes:
- fae, hobbits, elves, and humans galore
- unwilling allies
- starlight magic, elemental magic, soul magic
- kidnapping
- not the one horse or one bed tropes but something very similar that scratches the same itch
- damsel in distress FMC
- fated mates
- instant love
- mysterious and brooding MMC

“Into the Skies” was a bit of a rollercoaster. I was tempted to DNF during the first third of the book. It was very much a tell don’t show writing style and Jay’s internal monologue was repetitive and insufferable. I think she said “idk I like my life” 1000 times. The second third of the book picked up and I actually really enjoyed the dynamic between Jay and Kal. The final third lost me again and I had to force myself to finish the book.

Jay is a damsel in distress, which I’m usually okay with, but she was also spoiled and stubborn. I liked Kal, he was brooding and interesting, until the last third when he lost his entire personality. My biggest gripes were the overdone world building and under developed plot. I felt like the world was too complex for what the author was able to convey to the audience and it left us with more unanswered question than grounded explanations. I also felt that there were too many active plot lines running at one time. I think the author left so many of the conflicts unresolved to set up for a second book, however I think it would have been helpful to at least get some inkling of resolution on the soul mate or starlight issues.

I rate this book a 2.5 and am rounding up to a 3 in account of the addictive and exciting middle section of the book.

I received this ebook as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, Kay Humphries, and Megnamour for the opportunity to review this book. This review has been posted to goodreads.

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