Member Reviews

I'm trying really hard to find nice things to say about this book, but I absolutely hated it.

This story follows newlyweds Richard and Evie who are honeymooning on a Greek island. They learn the story of the sleepwalkers, a couple who tragically died when the husband was sleep walking and ended up in the middle of the ocean, and the wife who followed him to save him only to succumb to the waves as well. But as Richard and Evie learn more about the sleepwalkers, the story just isn't adding up, and it appears something much more sinister is occuring on this island.

The layout of this book was incredibly hard to follow, as you're reading recovered documents to figure out the story. There are several times where the story is cut off mid-sentence, and it's hard to determine if it was intentional or not. The characters are all AWFUL. They're all written in a light that is meant to bring out their worst qualities, but none of them have ANY good qualities. I couldn't stand any of them. The plot of this story is not strong enough and does not come together enough in the end to make this book worth the read in my opinion.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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What an odd little duck this book was. I almost decided to take the DNF way out a few times (even once when I was at 70%...who does that??!??), but I stuck it out and am kind of glad I did. I spent a good deal of my reading energy muddling my way through as this author's writing style and my reading style didn't quite mesh. Also, I did get this as an ARC and it was fully of typos, missing words, missing paragraphs, formatting nightmares. Because of the writing style it was hard for me to tell if this was intentional in some cases or an actual error. I am sure all that will be fixed before it goes out in publication. The storyline itself was interesting and I think it will keep other readers engaged in trying to figure out what happened with the Sleepwalkers and what is, in fact, real. A lot of the wrap up of this book leaves much to the reader's imagination, so if you don't mind not knowing for sure and interpreting your own ending, I think you'll enjoy this.

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I am not sure what I just read. Billed as a mystery with a touch of comedy, I wondered if I was reading the same book. The book was told in letters, notes and transcripts which was a unique way of telling the story. But it was also a tedious, confusing way. I understand that the author has written many exceptional books, but for me this was not one of them. Thank you Netgalley and Simon and Schuster for an early copy. I am always excited to read a new author to me, I just wish I wasn’t so disappointed in this book and my personal opinion of it.

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This book written in letter format gave beautiful descriptions of seaside towns. There was multiple mysteries going on that I wasn't fully able to sniff out. The first half of the book was slower paced, but the second half flew by.

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3.5★, but rounded down to a 3 because I'm still not exactly sure how I feel about this book. I'm not sure if it's because this was an ARC or what, but the changing of letters/information was too jarring and I couldn't tell what was an intentional change versus something wrong with the ARC. I think in a physical book with some visual changes, it could be easier but as it was, I'm not sure I'd recommend this book as it was just too...up it's own ass in it's weirdness, for lack of a better way to describe it.

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An atmospheric and unique read. The author has an unerring story sense and ability to keep the reader mesmerized.
Many thanks to Simon & Schuster and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is a weird book! The tone is inconsistent at times - graphic sexual scenes come out of nowhere - and overall I wasn’t super invested in the story. Good writing but not my kind of book.

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3.5 stars, rounded up.

I e want to start by saying that while I throughly enjoyed this book, I understand that it is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. It is presented in “found documents” style, with each document presented and advancing the story more and more until everything is revealed.

The story itself revolves around newlyweds Evelyn and Richard, who take their vacation on a small Greek island in a gorgeous Villa Rosa, operated by the mysterious Isabella. Evelyn clashes with Isabella immediately and senses an air of foreboding around the villa. But she finds that Richard seems oblivious. With rumors still swirling about the mysterious “Sleepwalkers” who drowned after staying at Villa Rosa the year before. As tension escalates, along with a coming storm, secrets are revealed and Evelyn and Richard are caught up in the story that hasn’t quite ended.

This book definitely reads like a Greek tragedy or drama as it continues on, with characters who get caught up in something bigger than themselves, and it may all be the result of their own actions in the end, in some sort of either cosmic karma way, or a literal inevitable way. It’s incredibly suspenseful, like watching a car crash you realize is going to happen, but can’t stop.

And, yes, none of the characters are very likable, but I still found myself invested in their fates. They were well-drawn and the author really paints a great picture for the plot. I was totally into it.

My only quibble was the very end. I don’t like cut off endings, and while the vast majority of everything was answered, I would have liked some more completeness in general.

I would definitely read more from this author. I liked the different formats and the intense story. It may not be for everyone, but it was definitely for me!

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3.5 Rounded down to a 3 star-

This was an interesting read in the organization and presentation of the story, which might have hindered my own reading experience with this book. The story is told through a mix of letters from different individuals to tell the story behind a newly married couple and their honeymoon. There were a few times that the organization of the story made it hard to follow and sometimes caused a disjointed reading experience that caused a break from the story being created. It makes me curious about when then finish product is released if the issues will be the same when it comes to the printed source. As it is, the ebook needs to be fixed a bit more to help.

Now the actually story was something new to read about and shows a new outlook on a relationship based on secrets and when life gets complicated how the characters handled it. Scarlett Thomas created characters that are not the most likable, especially the husband in my opinion, and even more dislike when secrets start to be revealed. There's a lot of elements that I was not expecting as the story started to show itself and that felt refreshing in a thriller book.

Evelyn and Richard arrive to a small greek island where they are going to be honeymoon and Isabella the hotel owner begins to show her preference for Richard. It is evident from the beginning that Isabella and Richard are sharing a connection with one another and when Isabella starts to go questionable things Richard takes her side over his new wife. Evelyn can tell something is amiss and eventually when a storm hits events start to prove to her things were strange.

I will have to check back in when the print edition is out and I can see if the organization are fixed and in turn if that solves the gapping between the stories making it more confusing to follow. Overall, this book felt fresh and interesting to follow and the ending left open room for questions and the readers own decision on what happened.

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Evelyn and Richard end up at a small boutique hotel for their honeymoon in Greece called the Villa Rosa. Tension between the two is high due to their “cursed” wedding, but only gets worse when Isabella, the hotel owner enters their lives. A weird and dark mystery that gives The White Lotus vibes.

Similarities to The White Lotus include: a mysterious death, sex and betrayal,

I don’t know how I feel about this book. At times I was enthralled but mostly I was confused. I didn’t mind that the story was told in letters and transcripts (even though the transcript chapter was VERY confusing to follow), but was I supposed to be solving a mystery here?

Every character in this story was unlikeable, Evelyn was insecure and Richard pretentious. The more you read about their dark pasts, the more you hated them. Is it wrong to have hoped they both drowned in the storm?

My arc had some formatting issues, that caused some confusion. Sentences would cut off randomly, missing punctuation, etc. Maybe once a hard copy is available, I’ll pick it up again and give it a reread. Even though it was a bit confusing, I did enjoy the descriptive writing and overall tone of the story.

Even when I felt lost in the plot, the mystery aspect kept me engaged til the end, and I did read this ARC in one day.

Thank you NetGalley for this advanced reader copy. These opinions are my own and given freely.

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This book had such an intriguing premise, and I was very interested in it. Unfortunately, it fell flat for me.

The plot was very interesting, and the mystery and relationships kept me reading. However, I must say that the formatting really made it difficult for me. The book is broken out into the different pieces of evidence, which in theory is a super cool concept. The problem was the execution just turned out to be really really long stretches of words and no chapter breaks. I think if there were natural breaks in the story, where I felt like I could pause (or honestly, chapters), I would have liked it more. But, with the current structure, I found that the first letter we read lasted 40% of the book and didn’t have any good spots to stop. The other thing that confused me was that some parts stopped or skipped around, and due to how the book was structured, I wasn’t sure if it was just because I was reading an early copy, or if it was intentional.

As mentioned, I did like the plot, but due to not really being able to get around the structure and formatting, this wound up being a 3 star read for me.

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Thank you NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the copy of The Sleepwalkers by Scarlett Thomas. I loved the description, but I had no idea this would be an epistolary novel and I wouldn't have requested it if I had known. In the beginning I was enthralled by the writing, but as it went on I had a tough time staying engaged. I think if you like letting the letters tell the story, you would probably love this book. It just wasn’t for me.

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I thought the premise of this book was interesting. Maybe describing it as White Lotus meets Patricia Highsmith in the blurb set my hopes too high. Another reviewer commented that the book felt disjointed and I can’t help but agree. I typically like epistolary novels, but with this one I felt like something was missing. As if I wasn’t getting the full story. Maybe it was only on the kindle version as I’ve heard the other version contains more images and details?

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I've been reading Scarlett Thomas since her Lily Pascale days and while the content of her books and the characters she creates have changed over the years, her writing has remained as engrossing and as addictive as ever. To be honest, the plot of this story which the blurb likened to "Patricia Highsmith meets White Lotus" was not my cup of tea so I went into this book a little skeptical. But again, Thomas' writing draws you in and I probably read half this book into the wee hours of the night. I've always been happy to read a Scarlett Thomas book and this one was not an exception. Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced reader's copy.

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Reading this felt like I was in a fever dream or watching a David Lynch movie.

It's told in 'letters' but probably more like a diary entry. The copy I had was disjointed in a few spots so some sections were jarring and I had to know which man she was talking about.

Anyway, there is nothing idyllic about this island, the hotel or this marriage and one of my bigger mysteries is why Richards mother booked them there in the first place. Throughout some of the outrageous happenings, realities of true human horror pops through. And it's really sad.

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When Evelyn and Richard marry, they head off to a honeymoon that his Mother booked for them. Since they wanted to be gone longer, they book another hotel to start their honeymoon and enjoy a great time before switching hotels. While the change also coincide with the stormy off-season, it’s no surprise that the couple are the only ones staying at the new location.

The longer the couple spends on the island, the more intrigued Evelyn becomes with several people she first saw at her first hotel. Perhaps bewitched may even be a better word at times, as Evelyn cannot help herself from wanting to learn more about them. But as the honeymoon continues, cracks begin to show in their fragile, new marital bliss. But when things take a turn for the dark and stormy, is it all in Evelyn’s mind or is she thinly one who sees things for what they truly are? Can they survived the honeymoon, or will things fracture and shatter?

A great story. A bit dark for my usual tastes, but it wasn’t overly done and I kept turning the pages to find out what would happen.

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I’m not sure if it was my eARC copy or just the writing style in this book but I had a hard time following who was who and what was going on. I ended up Dnfing this book at fifty percent but I am still intrigued by it so I plan on maybe checking out the physical copy when it comes out to see if it’s easier to differentiate everything!

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Oh dang! This one definitely threw me for a loop and kept me intrigued the whole time. I thought the writing was excellent and the characters were one of a kind. Great drama but also suspense and thrill were involved as well.

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Well this was interesting. The formatting of this book was very interesting and different. It took me a little bit to get into it but it still lagged a little bit. I did not see the similarities that were mentioned to White Lotus besides being on an island.

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The Sleepwalkers by Scarlett Thomas

A suspenseful modern gothic story following a couple running from both secretive pasts and very present dangers while honeymooning on a Greek island.

I did not finish this book.’It was written more as a journal than an interesting story, Mostly about the couple’s fighting and jealousies, plus complaints.

Thanks to Net Galley for sending me an advanced reader’s copy for my review.

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