Member Reviews

Loved it sigh. I can’t wait for the last brothers book. And I love the brotherly bond.we met the first brother in an earlier book and now we are following the younger brother fall in love in this book. Mercy has been taught to play the game so that she has some of the freedom she is looking for in life to pursue her love of art. She had a crush on Damien in her youth watching her neighbor go from boy to young man. Unbeknownst to her, she gave him the confidence to be the man he wanted to be. He is a virgin but I wish he wasn’t bragging about all his experience, if you gonna be a virgin don’t be so rakish about it! This is steamy, romantic, and there is a big grand gesture that I love.

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A short novella with the relationship formed in childhood as neighbours. Damien is a great character he is scholarly and the opposite of his brothers. Mercy was taught to hide her real self in order to fit in but still managed to be an artist in secret and do what she wanted. The brothers relationship was also good and I look forward to their stories. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Tracy Sumner is one of my favorites and this novella does not disappoint. Mercy and Damien are a wonderful juxtaposition of a strong and talented woman and the man who is not too fragile to love and support her. Steamy, a little bit funny, and just an overall great way to pass some time. I look forward to Knox's story!

Solid 4 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book. The opinions herein are my own.

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This is my first book by the author. I really enjoyed it . The virgin hero was fun to read. The resolution of the external conflict was too sudden but expected as it is novella .

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Mercy Ainsworth has cleverly concealed her talent for painting from her father. She has managed her secret life as an artist of Drury Lane, even agreeing to marry someone she doesn’t love but whom she can deceive. Yet, her feelings for Damien DeWitt, the youngest son of a duke, threatens to change all of that. Damien whilst aware of her adoration when they were younger, finds himself equally smitten yet uncertain whether he can be accepted by her father.
This novella certainly packs a strong punch. Both Damien and Mercy are two dynamic characters, whose passion erupts when they meet again as adults. I found myself quickly immersed in this story, which was well paced.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I not only love this book, but I love, love this book. This was my thought before I even finished it. Mercy was the hellion from next door that couldn't catch his eye, but once she did, Damien was so sweet to Mercy. He didn't hold back either. Their story was short, sweet, and on fire. I could read more with these characters. The Devil of Drury Lane is book two, but can be read alone.
The Troublesome Trio are entertaining and I have a feeling Knox will have the most entertaining story of the three. I am looking forward to reading his book.
I received this book from Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for an honest review.

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A devilishly good read. You will fall in love with the characters quickly, loved the adventure and the steam and the drama and the secrets. Great one day read for me. Try it, you will not regret it!

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Such a sweet novella written with TSs flourish.

Damien 3rd son of a duke, intelligent, handsome and mistakenly notorious, professor at Oxford with a modest income.

Mercy wild internally, but quite the epitome of decorum externally, beautiful, confident and working on art for Drury Lane productions incognito.

Mercy had a childhood crush on Damien that he was aware off. A potrait that she makes of him, gives him the courage to be stronger. Years later they meet again, she a poised gorgeous lady and he an handsome intelligent man.

They meet, the attraction flares, and blooms into love. I loved Damiens brothers as well. Well developed characters, no angst, lots of steam and a quick read.

Highly recommend!!

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Mercy has loved Damien since she was a young girl. As she grew older she learned to hide her wild side and conform to society. At least that is what most people think. Damien is instantly attracted to her when he sees her again after she has grown up. They try to deny the attraction. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Victory Editing and NetGalley Co-op for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an early copy of this book.

I didn't know what to expect going into this, it's set in London, England and we follow our main Heroine, Mercy who has always had a crush on her hot neighbor Damien, an English professor at Oxford. Except the problem is, her father is in a lot of debt and she is set to be engaged to another man who she doesn't love. She is also a very talented artist who got Tutored by a man that finished college.

This one is sweet, sexy, and very short with a lot of built up tension from about 3 years in the making. I really enjoyed it for what it was. I would definitively be interested in reading the rest of the books in the series.

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Another great book by Tracy Sumner! As with all novellas, I so wish it were longer. Nevertheless, the story was so sweet and heartwarming. I enjoyed both Mercy and Damien. Damien definitely had the rounder character, but Mercy was still very likeable. I love the trope of childhood infatuation come to fruition. As a girl, Mercy was smitten with Damien. And even though Damien was a little older, he had an appreciation for the young girl and her artistic talents. It was well written and not gross or inappropriate.
Damien was such a wonderful character. It’s always nice to see a MMC who is a bit unsure of himself, an introvert, and even a bit socially awkward. Once he sets his mind on Mercy (when she’s a woman,) he is relentless and tender. He isn’t a brute or a jerk. He’s sweet and kind and gentle, and smitten! He is also a virgin and knows Mercy is his girl to give himself to. Well done on this MMC, Ms. Sumner! Please write more like him!

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Beautiful writing. I couldn't put it down. I really enjoyed the pace, and it was easy to digest. 4 stars..

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The Devil of Drury Lane was a fast, entertaining read! I really enjoyed it. It is in the middle of part of a series with a bunch of collaborative romance writers, I have read just a couple before receiving this one as an ARC.
The series involves people who are involved with a theater on Drury Lane. The Devil of is the story of Mercy and Damien, who were childhood neighbors but never interacted back then. Both of them, children of a duke and an earl, were abused and/or neglected by their fathers, and both coped in different ways. Mercy as a child loves to observe Damien playing with his older brothers, and she is a talented artist. She draws him as he plays with his brothers, and leaves it behind by accident. Damien's brother finds it and Damien is touched by the drawing, and it gives him strength and inspiration to stand up to his father.
Years later, a grown up Damien sees a drawn advertisement and recognizes the artist's hand. He seeks Mercy out and they meet!
The Devil of is kind of dark, gothic, and moves really fast to the point where I had to go back and re-read because I kept thinking that my kindle had skipped some parts. It focuses a bit too much on the darkness of their lives, and makes it a little too gothic/dramatic, and moves too fast and makes the emotion feel a bit shallow. I don't look for realistic in my historical romance. but I do like some semblance of a realistic story and not a huge leap-- I just didn't know where these two fell in love. Then all the sudden, there is a quick wrap-up. There's a little too much of the background and not enough of Damien and Mercy's romance. That may be because it is a novella versus a full-on novel? I wish it was a novel because I think there could be more Damien and Mercy and less of a feeling of literary whiplash.
I did like this novella, though. I like the cover, the characters and the series premise is really fun. Good writing (just not enough in the right places!), good dialogue between the two-- and I loved Damien's brothers! I had to go find their stories, the one that is written is my next read and I'll eagerly await the other Dewitt Brothers story. I'd give this a little over 3 stars, if it was longer and had room for some of Mercy and Damien's romance maybe I'd give a solid 3.5 or 4, but I love to read so I did enjoy despite my quibbles!

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I just love Tracy’s books and this one is a winner!

Mercy had fallen in love with Damien DeWitt years ago. He was the quieter one in the family but her father would never entertain him even if he showed any interest in her, which he didn’t.

Damien had always been aware that Mercy had a thing for him and carrying around the picture she once drew of him, always kept her close in his mind until the day he met her again and realized the young girl who had followed him around was now quite beautiful.

Damien wasn’t what everyone assumed him to be and Mercy knew this, entering into a passionate affair of the heart with him wasn’t the best, she was expected to marry someone else but how could she resist the one person she had wanted all her life?

Phew, one hot Professor and one Sexy Artist what an amazing combination. Another De Witt brother falls hard for his everlasting love. A tender, emotional, passionate read with a wonderful HEA!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Mercy is the artistic and independently minded daughter of a critical Earl. Damien is the youngest 1/3 of a trio of ducal sons of ill-repute. Damien's reputation isn't what it seems, though, as he has far less experience as his brothers. And Mercy keeps secrets that only her childhood crush can uncover.

I really enjoyed this novella! The set-up was great! I always enjoy a historical romance with a neighboring estates/childhood crush element to it, and adolescent Mercy was adorable. And honestly, I am HERE for the hot historical professor vibes. Whew.

That being said, I thought the plot and the characters were better than the actual spicy scenes. But I don't tend to read historical romances for the spicy scenes, so that's not a big negative from me.

I will definitely read more from this author, series, and trio of brothers!

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Mercy is the awkward daughter of an earl who would rather draw than comport with society; she’s definitely pining after the youngest son of the duke next door and draws his picture. Many years later, Mercy has become a lady who follows all the rules of society in public while pursuing her art in secret and even taking commissions from Drury Lane. When Damien sees her artwork in a shop window, he spends more time at the theater, trying to track her down. Once these two reconnect, they share a liaison along with their stories. It’s a maddening few days where Mercy gets to indulge in her girlhood fantasies and Damien questions whether fate exists. Quick and steamy read.

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