Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and INKfluence for this eCopy to review

One Last Touch is a supernatural mystery. Georgina inherits Alswell Manor after her mother was murdered. With no other options Georgina goes to live there even though it is where her mother was murdered and no one seems to want her to stay. The staff behave mysteriously and never seem to do any work and insist Georgina stays in her room after sunset.

Georgina is determined to stay and find out what it all means and who murdered her mother

The mystery aspect was good but the sense of fear never really materialised and I had worked out most of the revelations half way through

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As it states in the book, this is very much in the same vein as Hill House and Bly Manor but with the happy ending. It was a little predictable and not all that deep but it was a cosy horror romance and perfect for a quick spooky season read.

The FMC was frustratingly oblivious to what was going on, almost to the point of stupidity but the MMC I loved, he was perfectly obnoxious.

I would have loved a bit more atmosphere and more romantic build up but considering it was short book, it did pretty well.

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This was a short, binge read for me - and one I could not put down at that. As a lover of The Haunting of Hill House, I was very interested to see how this book was written and I was not disappointed!

The setting was beautifully written, and I absolutely loved all the characters. they were all written in such a way that it took me a while to catch on who was what, aka who was alive and who was..not. The main twist as to the big bad who was also something that took me by surprise, which just attests to the great writing in this book.

The romantic aspect was done very well, and the relationship build was sweet and wholesome. Despite the circumstances surrounding the characters, the steam was oh so good, and the last few pages definitely hit me in the heart for so many reasons.

I loved the length of the book, it was an easy one sitting for me but wasn't so short that it felt rushed or had plot holes. The details that the author fits into this book is perfect and didn't leave any unanswered questions, I wish there was more simply for the sake of it being a good book and a great story!

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I think this book was beautiful, tragic, atmospheric, and above all, an amazing romance story.

I loved the writing, writing style, and loved how easy it was to imagine myself inside Alswell Manor because of the details of it all.

I believe Jade Church did an excellent job at turning a horrible tragedy into a beautiful love story, and she did it with complete ease. The words flowed so well, and I didn’t want to put this book down.

I’m so glad I got to read this and I definitely plan to read more from this author!

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This book was so good it reminded me of a mystery and a ghost story all in one! my favorite books are about haunted houses set in historical times.
this book had romance and it had spook. I think the family in the house was also strange. the footsteps in the house made me freak out while reading but perfect for halloween!! I give this book 5 stars!!

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Wow this book is just the perfect read for October, equally the perfect amount of spooky/romance and spice! First I’ve ever read of jade church and won’t be the last, they say not to judge a book by its cover but how can you not, with one as beautiful as this

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Charming paranormal romance. Content warnings were appropriate without giving away spoilers. Part of the enjoyment of the book was that it was self-aware enough about the tropes to lampshade some without feeling contrived. Profanity felt a bit overused at times but not vulgar. Overall a light romp through a haunted house.

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A good book for spooky season!
Ghosts, mystery, spice and more!
Plus you get a HEA, like mentioned, so that’s always a plus!
It was a relatively easy read with an easy to follow storyline.
I recommend it to those who like spooky ghostly mysteries.

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Let’s get ready for spooky season with this smashing book.I really enjoyed it it was gripping intense and kept me interested

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Thank you NetGalley and the author/publisher for allowing me access to this arc.
one last touch
ghosts ☑️
mystery/murder ☑️
haunted manor ☑️
if you want to get into the spooky vibes, want a murder mystery in a haunted manor with a side of romance - look no further this book has it all and it was executed soooo well!!!
in this book you’ll follow georgina as she unexpectedly inherits a haunted manor, moves in in attempts to find out what happened to her mother and why they left the manor 20 so years ago never looking back. there is a side of spice and romance that makes the mystery so much better!!
honestly adored this book, it was fast paced, had me hooked from the start, i was wanting answer along side georgina.
don’t get me started on sage, he was a grump (although he had every reason to be) but he will grow on you and you’ll end up in love especially with his words!!!

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Staff who disappear after sunset. Footsteps that echo in the halls. Alswell Manor is at once a place of life and death, love and tragedy. When the manor passes to Georgina after her mother’s death, she is unprepared for how much the old house would feel like home.

A solid gothic horror romance novel. Very atmospheric.

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4.5/5 ⭐
**I love that they released today, Friday the 13th**

This book is very similar to The Haunting of Bly Manor, as promised, but at times it felt like scenes and descriptions were pulled directly from the show itself. Honestly, it was right on point with it, and seemed exactly the same with different character roles.

Georgina is one of my favorite characters now, just for her nerves of steel. She stayed when she didn’t need to. That said, it was a little weird to me that ‘ghosts’ didn’t even occur to her.

Sage’s whole ‘you’re so beautiful, but I can’t let myself have you’ thing was exactly what I needed. It helped their get together feel less rushed.

The ending felt slapstick. I love a HEA as much as the next person, but it felt forced
We don’t get an explanation on how or why energy is being transferred, for example.

In all, I think it’s a cute, short read with minimal spice. Plenty to get you through the spooky season!

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I had no clue just how perfect for spooky season this book would be. One Last Touch by Jade Church was a wonderful romantic horror. This was my first book by the author and I can't wait to read more from her. The setting was so errie and atmospheric. I loved the aging, vine covered estate with the overgrown grounds and dismal weather. It really painted the perfect creepy picture. The romance was surprisingly cute and I loved the stubborn female lead paired with a grumpy love interest. They had some great banter! This wasn't a very spice heavy book but the spice they did have was super hot! This is definitely a must read for fans of haunted houses, murder mysteries, and family secrets.

Thank you to the publishers and netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow. If I could add another half star to this I would…I loved this book. It started off a bit slower but the mystery gripped me instantly and the secrets kept me flipping pages quickly. I really enjoyed the personalities of the characters and how they played off each other, and the banter was well-written. I was originally drawn to this book from the Haunting of Hill House reference in the description, and it definitely delivered in that sense! The secrets were juicy, the romance was heartbreaking, and the ghosts were top tier. Would 100% recommend as an October spooky read to anyone looking!

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Thank you NetGalley for gifting me a copy of this book.

I enjoyed it! The main character Georgina was stubborn, but also very sweet and had much more courage than me lol. I would not have stayed in this house for long 🤣

I had some trouble picturing Sage because I think that I usually picture gardeners as being older. But the more I was reading the more I could picture him as he was.

I found that there were some moments when it was too long and unnecessary (even though the book is not long in itself) but these moments did not prevent me from enjoying the book!

I would recommend it!

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Je remercie NetGalley de m'avoir donné ce livre en échange d'une critique honnête de ce livre.

Je donne à ce livre la note de 2.5 que j'arrondis à 3.

Dans cette histoire, nous suivons Georgina qui suite au décès de sa mère emménage dans le manoir secret de cette dernière. Elle réalise que sa mère a de nombreux secrets et tente de les découvrir. En se rendant au manoir, elle fait la connaissance des employés du domaine. Après un certain temps, elle réalise que la maison est hantée et tente de briser une malédiction s'acharnant sur la maison.

Le début de ce livre avait énormément de potentiel. L'atmosphère épeurant était bien présente et bien réussie. Cependant, plus le livre avançait, plus il y avait des détails qui ne fonctionnaient pas. En effet, de nombreux éléments ne faisaient pas de sens ensemble. Il y avait plusieurs aspects dans l'histoire qui ne fonctionnaient pas ensemble.

L'intérêt romantique est un fantôme. Ça pourrait fonctionner mais leur relation ne fait pas de sens. C'est le cas puisque lorsqu'ils se rencontrent, il n'y a pas vraiment de chimie entre eux. Leur relation ne change pas au fil du temps. Cependant, du jour au lendemain, les deux développent des sentiments romantiques gigantesques au point qu'ils ne peuvent plus vivre l'un sans l'autre. Ce n'était pas du tout réalise. Si au moins dès le départ il y avait eu un intérêt marqué l'un pour l'autre cela aurait pu fonctionner. Mais ce n'était pas le cas.

L'univers des fantômes ne fait pas de sens. Les fantômes ne sont pas comme ceux préétablis dans les oeuvres de fictions. C'est correct de sortir des normes mais à condition que les "règles" de l'univers ne se contredisent pas.

Les rebondissements du livre ne se seraient jamais produits si la protagoniste avait suivi la seule règle pour la garder en sécurité : rester dans sa chambre pendant que le soleil est couché. C'est tout. Elle aurait pu être en sécurité tout le livre si elle avait fait ça. Mais Georgina sortait sans cesse de sa chambre sous prétexte qu'elle n'aime pas quand on lui dit quoi faire. De plus, ça ne fait aucun sens qu'une maison soit hantée partout sauf dans sa chambre. L'autrice de donné pas de raisons. C'est simplement un fait qui n'est pas expliqué.

La fin du livre ne fait aucun sens. Il y a une intervention divine qui clôt l'histoire. Il y a de nombreuses solutions qui apparaissent et qui règle le livre en "tout est bien qui finit bien". Ça fait du bien des histoires qui finissent bien mais à condition qu'elles fassent du sens.

Bref, ce livre a énormément de potentiel mais il y a trop de détails qui ne fonctionnent pas pour que je puisse lui donner une bonne note.

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Georgina embarks on a quest to unravel the enigmatic past of her mother, following her tragic murder at their mysterious family home that she didn’t know they had. As ghostly occurrences unfurl in the dark of night, Georgina is compelled to uncover the truth about her mother, the secrets hidden within the house, and the depths of her own emotions before it's too late.

“One Last Touch” by Jade Church is one of the best books I’ve ever read. I loved every second of it. It reminded me of The Haunting of Hill House but a sexy version. It is a slow burn but was completely worth it in the end. I ordered a physical copy of the book immediately after I finished it. 5 out of 5 stars, absolutely perfect and everything I didn’t know I needed.

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One Last Touch is a standalone romantic horror, perfect for the spooky season! It is fast paced and rather short so it took less than a day for me to read. Jade Church's writing style is simplistic and lovely to read. This book didn't stand out to me from others in the same genre, however, it was still enjoyable and I recommend it if you're looking for a quick October read.

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The atmosphere of the book made this a perfect short read for halloween/fall. Georgina was a little irritating to begin with, doing everything she was told not to and making poor choices but she did get better throughout the book, Sage really made up for it. Initially I wasn’t sure how the author was going to pull it off a HEA but I’m glad that she did. 3.5 stars

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A spooky and spicy paranormal romance/thriller I never knew I needed in my life!! Thanks so much Netgalley, INKfluence, and Jade Church for the advanced ebook. I enjoyed this read during the spooky season.

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