Member Reviews

Gracie's neighbor is sweet, thoughtful, handsome, and absolutely perfect boyfriend material. Except for one tiny flaw: he's a hockey player. Gracie has sworn that she will never date a hockey player ever again, but Felix would love nothing more than a chance to show her that he's the one for her.

I adored Absolutely Not in Love. Felix is the ultimate cinnamon roll hockey boyfriend. Everything about him had me sighing wistfully. The man pulled his arm chair right against the wall so he could listen to Gracie practice her cello in the other apartment. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The forced proximity and slow burn were delicious. This is a closed door romance, but all the emotions are there and I did not miss the spice because I was too busy melting over their relationship. I even got a little choked up at the end. Everything was so sweet and the emotions were so honest.

Absolutely Not in Love is worth your time!

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This is a sweet sports romance, where the protagonists are neighbors. The heroine is a cellist and the hero is a minor league ice hockey player, but the problem is that the heroine has a grudge against the sport. The
book starts off abruptly and dvelops slowly at first the characters are not establish enough before jumping into the heroine's dislike for the sport. But once you move past the first few chapters, their chemistry develops naturally, triggered by some forced proximity. There are lovely emotional layers to the story, the protagonists relationships with their families plays a great role here. All in all a sweet relaxing read, and an almost chaste or closed door romance.

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An amazing end to the sweater weather series! There’s such great tension between Gracie and Felix i simply could not put this book down! This was sweet and lighthearted and so fun to read. Thankfully the miscommunication was short lived and well explained for the sake of the plot. i would highly recommend this read to anyone wanting a exciting and easy romcom read!

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for granting me the privilege of reading this book in advance.

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This is the final book in the Sweater Weather series. This is a series of 7 books by 7 different authors. They are standalone stories that take place in the same town at the same time of year. They can really be read in any order, although Felix and Grace are introduced in the first book of the series, Just Don't Fall by Emma St Clair.

This story features Felix, a goalie for the minor league hockey team and his neighbor, Grace, a professional cello player.

It is a tender tale of overcoming challenges and stereotypes can lead to happiness. Jenny Proctor delivers a wonderful romcom with plenty of Rom to go with the Com! What a great way to wrap up a wonderful collection of stories! I can't wait to see what is coming next!

I was gifted a complimentary copy of the book by the author through Netgalley. I am happily leaving an honest review.

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My requirements for a man are simple. Must love books. Must NOT love hockey.
Which is why I will never be interested in my neighbor, the aloof and mysterious Felix Jamison, no matter how many books I see him hauling into his apartment. Unless he loses his pro hockey skates, I’m out.
But then he shows up at my symphony concert.
And I catch the sweet strains of Beethoven floating across the hall.
Have I mentioned how incredible he looks in his game day suit?

Such a cute love story 🤗 Love that they had social anxiety/mental health rep in this. It makes it feel more real. Such a cute heartwarming story when two people meet and help each other through insecurities

Thank you Net Galley for giving me the opportunity to read and review

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Right from the start I was digging this book. I love when He Falls First, and you can tell right away he is all in. Between an interesting plot, lovable characters, and a romance we are all rooting for, this was a fun and enjoyable read.

Let’s start with our man Felix. He is 100% Book Boyfriend Goals. He is just utter perfection. He is loyal to his friends, a great companion to his mother, and always there for his neighbor Gracie (who he has a massive crush on). He’s a quiet guy who prefers nights in listening to Bach while reading a book, but he still has a few friends (Eli and Logan) that he spends time with. I loved him from the start. We meet him when Gracie is shouting for him in the hallway and he runs out (only dressed in his boxers mind you) after just getting out of the shower because he was worried she was hurt. *Sighs* oh, this man.

Gracie took a couple chapters for me to get to know and like. When we first meet her she is yelling for her neighbor Felix while angry that a bunch of his stuff (that we later find out are hockey supplies that are to be donated to the local youth hockey team) is out in the hallway. As we soon dive into her life as an orchestra teacher and why she dislikes hockey and hockey players, I felt like I could relate to her.

The plot was easy going and moved quickly so I wanted to keep reading. There was never a lull where I thought there should be more action. Well, this is closed doors, so I guess there could be more action. *wink-wink*. No, I’m all honesty I’m okay with the closed door scenes. This is a sweet romance, not a spicy one. And I loved every moment of it.

This one is a slow burn for sure. There are a lot of cute scenes between when we meet the characters and they start dating. The first date doesn’t happen until we are 70% through the book, so you know this is slow…but a good kind of slow.

*An ARC was provided by NetGalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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This title is in contrast with my opinions of the book because I am absolutely in love with Felix and Gracie.

Gracie, a middle school music teacher and cellist, lives next door to the goalie of the local hockey team, Felix. After a note worth run-in in their shared hallway, Felix finally grabs Gracie's attention. The only problem? Gracie doesn't like hockey, or the people that play it. But when she gets to know him, he manages to surprise her like no one else ever did.

I'm just going out and say it, Felix might be my new favorite book boyfriend. Not only is he the sweetest and most thoughtful man in Gracie's life, he buys her books which totally counts for something. I like how Gracie seems to be stuck in her 'hockey players suck attitude' because of her high school boyfriend, when it's really rooted in her struggle with her place in her hockey-loving family. And then there is Felix, a professional athlete that beats all jock stereotypes and I'm here for it.

This is not my first book written by Jenny, and for good reason. I thoroughly like her writing style and I'm sure to pick up everything she publishes after this one.

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This whole Sweater Weather series is just perfection, and Jenny Proctor's Absolutely Not in Love is exactly what I hoped it would be. Felix is like a warm hug and a cup of hot chocolate. Love this book!

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Gracie is a symphony teacher, a cello player, a lover of the arts. Felix is the goalie of the local AHL hockey team, and they are neighbours. It doesn’t matter that Felix is beautiful, because Gracie swore off hockey and hockey players a long time ago.

Forced proximity and not quite enemies to lovers, but one sided dislike to lover, is always predictable and fun. Felix and Gracie’s connection grows and feels real, which is something I enjoy in my romance novels.

A few laugh out loud moments caught me by surprise. It had a good feel and a good vibe.

This series is good as well because this is technically the last book and I have not read any of the others, and although other characters are mentioned and their stories are briefly mentioned, they do not need to be read or read in order to enjoy the stories.

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This is book 299 this year and what a sweet spot it is,

This is a soft romance. The most they do is have rated G kisses. But who cares when it's Felix that's giving them.

I didn't know Ivy could have her place taken by a real life woman but Gracie played her way into his heart and it was music to the goalies ears.

Things I found really funny would be
1. Felix being a manic texter and lettings his anxiety flag fly
2. Felix knowing only to not send peaches and eggplants to people but being baffled by emojis meaning. Love to see it.
3. Summer being the funniest BFF

Things I absolutely went feral and kicked over
1. he cooks for her and wants to take care of her. Modern day strides be damned. Provide me with all the lovely things
2. REPLACING HER BOOKS AFTER THE Great Pipe Explosion. AND writing her a note in a book to commemorate the occasion in a book he picked out her her!!!!
3. The way he sees how special she is and wants everyone else to see it to.

This was the sort of tooth rotting sweet that makes me feel like somewhere in the world people actually are happy. And I loved every second of it.

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Absolutely Not in Love was a cute little romcom, but it left me wanting a little more. Gracie is clear on her stance about hockey players and that is a resounding no and Felix was made to break through her defenses. I found her anti-hockey stance starting to get tired as the book progressed; we are given reasons for it but I wanted them to have a little more depth. Felix was a dream and it was very fun to see him and Gracie find common ground and start to fall for each other, but I wanted a little more time getting to know them and the world they were inhabiting.

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A super cute cover with super cute content. Why not?
i love love love this book.
5/5 stars for this masterpeice.

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This is a very fluffy read! Just what I needed as the weather starts to change and get cooler out. The story was cute and hockey romance is very popular now so this is perfect if you want to get into sports romance without the spice. I didn't realize it was a part of a series so now I'd like to go back and read the others!

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The sweater series has been so much fun. This book didn’t disappoint. I loved the characters. I didn’t feel her hate for hockey like I wanted but I loved his love of music. Not your typical combination but worked well.

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Absolutely Not in Love was my first Jenny Proctor book that I have read and I can not wait to read more of her books. This book was also my first hockey romance book but I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it and will read more hockey romances. Reading about Gracie and Felix's chemistry was so enjoyable and I loved reading about them. Grace was hard to like to in the beginning but she grew on me a lot. The author did an amazing job and I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end. Highly recommend to others! Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for this book.

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I absolutely LOVED this book!! We were introduced to Felix Jamison in the first Sweater Weather book, Just Don't Fall, and in Absolutely Not in Love the spotlight turns to Harvest Hollow's goalie extraordinaire in all his classical music-appreciating, book-loving, heart of gold glory. The object of his affection? Gracie, the classical cellist who lives next door, in the building Felix happens to own on the DL.

I love the way Jenny Proctor writes sweet, wholesome, and swoon-y romances, and this one quickly became a new favorite! It was pure joy to read about two people who are so devoted to their craft and also have full lives outside of their professions. Theirs was a true meeting of the minds, and it made for a very compelling story on the page. I loved all the threads that bound them together, and it was fun revisiting other characters from this series and Proctor's Hawthorne brothers. I highly recommend reading this book for all the feel-good fall coziness it imbues.

BIG thank you to the author via JPC Publishing for gifting me with an ARC to review. I adored it!!

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A truly sweet and PG love story about two people who are both meant to be and meant to never meet🙂 Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC.

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I absolutely loved reading this book. It made me feel very warm and fuzzy, great for an evening read with a hot drink.

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A sweet and enjoyable story about neighbors becoming friends and then falling in love, “Absolutely Not in Love”, by Jenny Proctor, is a tender slow burn romance with two very relatable, lovable characters.
The process through which Felix and Grace connect, get to know each other, enjoy each other’s company, do things together and start dating is such a wonderful journey.
I loved that we get to watch the hero longing and craving for Gracie, and how she was also attracted but trying to resist. How they both have a kind of a secret crush on each other was endearing, as was the honesty about their feelings and emotions.
Felix is such a sweet, thoughtful hero in that sexy hockey player persona. The combination of the big, strong goalie (a “dark-haired Thor”) with the nerd who loves music and reading is awesome.
He’s the antithesis of the vain, self-centered and full of himself stereotype one would expect a fictional hockey player to be (the “bad boy hooking up with random women in whatever city they’re playing”).
There’s much more to him than hockey, and he seems like the perfect boyfriend, even with the natural flaws and insecurities.
I liked how the social anxiety is handled and that it’s an everyday battle and doesn’t go away miraculously. The fact it has several manifestations throughout the story is also interesting.
Gracie’s tumultuous relation with hockey has its effects in the romance and carries a lot of hurt. She’s a great heroine, too, caring, honest and with a sense of humor.
It’s great watching them overcoming their issues, some rooted in family dysfunctions, and built a relationship of trust, affection, and love.
I liked the role music and hockey play in the leads’ lives and their passion for their jobs. The side characters are complex, too.
Goodreads - 16/10/2023.

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First things first, I could not love Felix Jamison any more than I do, he is perfection rolled into a book boyfriend! Hockey player and book nerd, yes please! Just take me now Felix, I’m yours! Now as to Gracie, I love her too! I’m no musician but I appreciate the art and I love that this book included her profession so much (and she’s a teacher too which I also love).

This flirty, forced proximity, neighbors to roommates to lovers romance is everything! It was the perfect bow on top of the rest of the sweater weather series. It was steamy without the spice and I loved every minute. The texting, the banter, the jokes…

I love that Felix is both quiet and reserved but also confident and sexy. I love how he knows just when to use both. I loved the conflict of the story and how it all played out. I just loved it all around! A+ from me!

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