Member Reviews

I do not follow hockey, so this was a different type of read for me. However, Jenny Proctor had me engulfed in the story so quickly! I felt so connected to both Gracie & Felix. And at the end of the story? I cried, right before the epilogue. It was charming, sweet, perfect in every way. A great ending to the sweater weather series.
Ps I really hope we get more books about the hockey team!

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i love it sooooo freaking much, this is one of the sweetest romance book ever!! both character are so freaking amazing. I AM SMILING ALL THE TIME WHILE READING THIS BOOK!

i'm giggling, laughing, screaming and kicking my feet because of felix and gracie! best couple indeed!!!! i love how they communicate with each other. i love how they treated and respect each other. i love that they are being so understanding to each other. and most of all i love how BOTH of them tried their best to show their love to each other. i can't help myself to keep rooting for them through the entire book.

oh and i also crying (GOOD CRYING) because of felix's letter omg he is perfect!! and i am so damn proud of gracie too! this book has such loveable characters that i want to be part of their world too.

i hope there will be more appies book from emma st clair and jenny proctor!!

thank you net galley for the ARC<3

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I am in love with this series and concept! I have found so many new favorite authors, and each book is a perfect bridge to the next. I love seeing former characters pop up in each book, I feel like I live in harvest hills too! Gracie and Felix were adorable, endearing, and each scene played out in my mind like a book. I wish it wasn't over!!

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The last book to be released in the Sweater Weather series and… I think it was the best! And that’s saying something, because they were all really good. They can be read as stand-alone books, but this book had more crossover with book one, Just Don’t Fall, than others did. Great revisiting those characters.

I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it again, I love a good hockey romance. Especially when that hockey player also loves classical music, has an amazing home library, and is really sweet and funny. Now if he can just get past the hurdle that she doesn’t like hockey players!

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Absolutely Not in Love is out NOW!

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I enjoyed this more than I expected. The characters are so engaging and intriguing! The plot kept me turning pages, and I will read the next books...I'm hooked and obsessed.

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This was a very sweet romance with a golden retriever male love interest and a dashing of forced proximity. Felix was an absolute sweetheart, and I’m all about those bashful, tender men - especially the ones with the towering height and physical jobs. And the boy really loves his grandma, so really, Gracie didn’t stand a chance. I love how this pair connected over books and music, and Gracie got to know Felix without bringing up her hatred of all things hockey. Felix’s relationships with his hockey team were great to see and they all have their own personalities as well, bringing a bit of fun to the book. I would have liked to see more of a plot outside of Gracie and Felix’s budding romance and there were quite a few cheesy lines that aren’t my thing but it was a nice read that normalised men in therapy and touched the surface of dysfunctional family dynamics.

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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Absolutely Not In Love is the seventh (and final book) in the indie author collaboration standalone small town romcom series Sweater Weather. I was so eager to get my hands on this one - it’s Jenny Proctor contribution to the series, it’s a hockey romance and for those that read book one in the series it’s another Appies romance 🙌

I was not disappointed - thus delivered all I was hoping for and was lightly teased in Emma St Clair’s book (first in the Sweater Weather series, and with another Appies player romance featured). I was very curious about Felix, the goalie for the Harvest Hollow minor league hockey team the Appies, after meeting him in a prior book. He seemed interesting with his introverted and sensitive nature, and the spark with his neighbor Gracie (classical musician and teacher) that we also briefly heard of previously.

I was eager to see what would come of the pairing and I was not disappointed. Felix is an absolute sweetheart and teddy bear - loved his character so much. Gracie was the slightly more prickly of the two initially (with reason), and I loved seeing the slow bloom of friendship and more between them.

You can expect cute banter, epistolary elements via text (and a perfect letter IYKYK), forced proximity via a temporary roommate situation, and some love for classical music, books and hockey.

If you want a sweet, feel good small town romance look no further. As I said after reading Emma’s book 1 of this series (also a hockey romance), I can only hope we’ll get more Appie books in the future 🤞🤞 (Summer & Nathan? Eli and…?)

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Thanks to netgalley and publisher for this arc!

I was so excited for Felix's story from the first book in series and he was swoon city!! Felix is just a dreamboat all around and continued to be in this book now too.

Gracie's anti hockey ness got old real fast too and was cringe with how long she held the grudge too yikes. Gracie and Felix were adorable but also kind of frustrating to me because they were too sweet and innocent for their ages. This was a spicer book than normal for the author but still I just don't think I like no spice romance books now. I wanted Eli's book in sweater weather series and am sad and surprised we're not getting it afterall!

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4.5 stars!

This was adorable. A hot hockey player that likes to read, is a gent, lets his emotions show, AND went to therapy?

There's no other words to put other than cute. wholesome. I liked their interactions and I loved how Felix was written!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC!

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4.5 stars
OMG! I loved this book! Absolutely Not in Love by Jenny Proctor is the seventh and final book in the Sweater Weather series. This was so fun and I read this book in one day.
Okay, so Felix was an awesome MMC. I fell in love with him in the beginning. He was kinda perfect, but he did have his own issues to work through. I loved Felix’s growth throughout the book. He learned to trust Gracie and that he didn’t have to prove himself to others. Gracie was also a lot of fun! I enjoyed getting to read from her perspective, She felt like a friend. Gracie had to learn to let Felix in and see that he wasn’t like the others she knew.
Felix and Gracie were just the cutest together! I loved their connection and easy romance. Their relationship was sweet to read about. The story did seem a bit more abrupt at the end. There was some conflict that I understood but I wasn’t fully able to connect with it. However, I loved the side characters, especially the hockey team and Gracie’s brother. It was fun to see Logan and Parker too.
Absolutely Not in Love was a great book! I would totally recommend it. Absolutely Not in Love is a closed door contemporary romance with some innuendos.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required.

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Felix and Gracie have officially stolen my heart! This was the perfect small town, fall and hockey romance wrapped into one. Their dynamic and personalities flowed so well throughout the story, making me want even more at the end. One of my favorite reads this year!

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I. LOVED. THIS. BOOK. A hot guy who plays hockey, reads, and went to therapy? Sign me up. This story was incredible!

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What happens when hockey has been the bane of your existence since childhood so you've sworn off all things hockey including players, but find your neighbor across the hall is a sexy, smart, well read, classical musical listening hockey player? You avoid, avoid, avoid until you can't anymore! A wonderful friends to lovers love story that will have you swooning in delight as well as hoping for a change of heart in our jaded heroine. This story also delves into the damages that you can experience at the hands of well-meaning, but inept parents when they have a child that is nothing like them. Can our two broken main characters overcome their broken upbringing to find the love they so desperately crave? You'll have to read to find out, but I'll tell you that you love a good, clean romance with a happily ever after, then you have found the right book. This is the last book in a wonderful series all set around the same town with many of the same characters, but each book has been written by a different author. I dearly hope they decide to expand on the series as there are many other characters that each book introduced that could use their own book as well! Hint, hint, hint to the powers that be to encourage another set of books for this town and cast of characters!!! FYI: You don't technically have to read the series in order, but you will see characters and locations introduced in other books so reading in order gives you a better grasp of the town and the people that live there!

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Would you believe it if I told you I’d never read a hockey romance before “Absolutely Not in Love?” I know they have been all the rage, but none have ever really caught my attention before. However, I knew I loved the Sweater Weather collection — a collaborative series of autumn-themed sweet romantic comedies by different authors and set in the same town. I adored “Can’t Help Falling” by Courtney Walsh from this series, so I thought this book was worth a try, hockey or not.

As it turns out, a book where the main female character doesn’t like hockey players is exactly the right book to read to first dip your toes into hockey romances. I ADORED this romance.

Things I loved:

1. Only one apartment. Squeal!!
2. Felix was so into Gracie FROM THE BEGINNING.
3. A clean romance, but still had me blushing and swooning with the kisses.
4. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other, but they still communicated their boundaries in the best way.
5. Felix being so open with Gracie and himself about his social anxiety.
6. So much classical music. With two scoops of hockey.
7. Lots of food and cooking.
8. A dash of meddling relatives.

Final Thoughts:

This was a such a delightful rom-com, but it actually got really deep and touching at moments. I highly recommend it to readers who love clean or closed door romances and even those who love traditional steamy romances. Sometimes our perfect person is where we keep refusing to look and sometimes they are right across the hall. ❤

Rating: 5/5 stars.
** review submitted on Amazon as well, but not yet approved.

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Ahhh!! This one was amazing yall!!!

Let me start by saying that as a girl who has played hockey her entire life, it was very interesting to read about a girl who absolutely despises the sport. It was quite the experience for me and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT. You can tell Jenny did her hockey homework because the house references and lifestyle are spot on.

Gracie and Felix are two complex characters with more than meets the eye. My first impression of Felix… ahhh total SWOON! He is such a sweetheart and he made me melt multiple times throughout this book. Also, THANK YOU Jenny for not only portraying social anxiety in a totally relatable way, but also making sure to mention that Felix has made so many strides due to his hours in therapy.

Jenny always make me smile when she includes references from her other books, so I obviously loved the Flint Hawthorne reference. But what I loved even more was how she made sure to include the characters from the previous Sweater Weather books.

This was the last book in the Sweater Weather series and it was absolute perfection.

Don’t sleep on closed door romances guys. There’s something so REAL and intimate about building a relationship on a personal level instead of a physical level. And believe me.. there is still tension and the first kiss moments are to die for!

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Thanks to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review

I really enjoyed reading ‘Absolutely Not in Love’ it was very good and I enjoyed it very much, I would love to recommend this book to everyone.

Rating 5 Stars

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I could read this book over and over again. I just loved it.
This story brings Gracie and Felix together. If you have read the sweater weather series, Felix has been mentioned in another story, So it was nice to read his story. Felix is a hockey player, he is the goalie for the Appies. Gracie is a music teacher and plays the cello. She absolutely hates hockey and will never date a hockey player. Gracie and Felix are neighbors. Felix is a lover of classical musical but Gracie doesn't know that. She just knows he plays hockey so she rules him off limits. When a pipe burst in Gracie's apartment, she is forced to temporary stay with Felix. This is where Gracie finally gets to see the real Felix.
Felix is such a great guy. You will fall in love with him. Gracie is pretty wonderful as well.
I read this story in just a couple hours, as I couldn't put it down!
A must read!

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Felix is a dream.

I really enjoyed the nuanced characters, Felix and Gracie. They are are a perfect match. Gracie has issues with hockey (her childhood) and is a musician. Felix has social anxiety, loves music and books (hello, Ivy) and lives comfortably in a building he owns, with Gracie as his neighbor. He's not crazy rich, just comfortable. Gracie is a teacher and a musician. A sweet romance with interesting, well develped characters, with a side of hockey.

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Absolutely Not in Love is the last closed-door romantic comedy in Sweater Weather, a connected series by various authors. Although most of the books can be read as a stand-alone, I highly recommend that Just Don’t Fall (first book) is read prior to Absolutely Not in Love. Otherwise the books can be read in any order.

28-year-old Gracie Mitchell is a middle school orchestra teacher in Harvest Hollow, North Carolina. She gives private lessons, plays cello in the local orchestra, and performs at local events to supplement her meager salary. She spent most of her childhood at the local hockey rink while her older brother, Josh, practiced and played. When she was a junior in high school, her boyfriend, Gavin, stood her up for the prom because he was having sex with a hockey groupie. Ever since then, Gracie has hated both hockey and hockey players.

Josh was a gifted wingman until he got his girlfriend pregnant and dropped out of college at age 19. Now he’s happily married and the father to 10-year-old Maddox, who is a big hockey fan. Meanwhile Gracie dated a violinist, Anton, who aspired to become a conductor until his moodiness overcame her affection for him. Since then Gracie hasn’t found another man that she would like to date, although she receives many offers.

Gracie is attracted to her hunky neighbor, six-foot-four Felix Jamison, who is a goaltender for the town’s minor league hockey team. Felix let NHL star Logan Barnes live with him for a few weeks after groupies bothered him at the hotel where he was staying. Logan was the hero of Just Don’t Fall, and readers met both Felix and his neighbor, Gracie.

Felix is the introvert of the Appies hockey team and suffers from social anxiety, although it has improved since he has been in therapy. Felix prefers reading in his library (named Ivy) to going out with his teammates after a game. They believe he has a girlfriend named Ivy when he’s really attracted to his neighbor. Unfortunately when he tries to talk to Gracie, he winds up saying nonsense due to his anxiety. Felix has been a disappointment to his businessman father since choosing a career as a professional hockey player, and he also has that to deal with.

Felix owns the building where he and Gracie live, but he keeps that a secret. All business is handled through a property agent. When there are plumbing issues that require immediate repair, they are forced to live in closer proximity. Gracie learns that she and Felix aren’t as “opposite” as she thought. Her best friend tries to convince her that her bias against hockey players isn’t fair, and that Felix is a wonderful man.

Absolutely Not in Love is the wonderful conclusion to the Sweater Weather series. It’s so rare to read a clean hockey romance, and the author knocked this one across the ice! Felix and Gracie are both wonderful characters and the chemistry between them is magnificent! Absolutely Not in Love is the kind of closed-door romance that readers want: a great story with engaging main characters but no profanity or sex. The cameos from characters in other Sweater Weather books and the author’s Hawthorne Brothers series made the story even better. I was afraid that I was going to have to wait months to read Felix’s story, and I’m so glad that he got his happy ending in this Sweater Weather series.

After I ordered a paperback copy of the book from Amazon, I received an Advance Review Copy (ARC) e-book from NetGalley and JPC Publishing for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Absolutely loved this book! Felix was just perfect, absolutely perfect! he was the sweetest man ever, he cared about Gracie and his friends so much! his pov made me love him from the beginning! This was such a sweet and fun book. I have loved this series, but this book was hands down my favorite! Even though it was closed door the tension was great and honestly i didn't mind that it didn't have any spice, it was such a good book! I loved the healthy communication and their chemistry was amazing! This book had me hooked from the start! The texting was so cute and her grand gesture at the end was just perfection! Highly Recommend!!!

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