Member Reviews

It was so hard for me to hold it together reading this graphic novel about Linney the cat. I had never heard of this author or her cat comics before but a cat owns me so I wanted to see if there was behavioral overlap. Spoiler - there is, cats are weird.

Lucy gives Linney a wonderful voice in these comics, very 'cat' but also very woe is me... aka cat-like as well. I appreciated her candor around the age of Linney and chronicling the times they shared but also how she left the world. It was refreshing... but very sad. You may leave this one in tears, but it will give you a lot of great laughs beforehand.

This collection is a great example of remembering the good times you have with loved ones. I think all pet owners would get a laugh out of this book, and if you love/have cats, you will certainly relate to a lot of it as well.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one.
Review will go live in June on the Blog.

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Lucy Knisley never disappoints. From children to adults, she is able to connect with whomever her audience may be. I've read a lot of her works, from picture book, to middle grade graphic novels all the way to her adult works. Woe: A Housecat's Story of Despair may just be my favorite. I don't even have a cat but I have lots of friends who share lots of stories about their cats. Woe sums up a typical housecat's days in such funny, relatable way and manages to showcase why we love our pets so much, even when we find some of their habits irritable.

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Warning: the book discusses pet aging and death.

I loved this book and so much of Linney's character reminds me of my own furry friends. Her comics made me laugh and cry as I fell in love with Linney. Thanks Netgalley for the advanced reader copy.

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Once again, Lucy Knisley does a great job of exploring every day but making it extraordinary. I love her simple illustrations and how it is all told from the point of view of her cat. Knisley has definitely become an author I recommend.

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I did not expect to be weeping while reading a graphic novel about a cat. But then again, cats! They find their way into our hearts. Woe: A Housecat’s Story of Despair is all about Linney. She’s grumpy, and loving, and, if you’re like me, you will quickly quickly fall in love with the fluff ball in these comics.

Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for the digital copy of this graphic novel.

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Woe is the story of Linney the housecat, from Linney's point of view. I think this is a cute and fun story for any pet lover. Linney's antics are relatable and fun to watch. I was not prepared for the end, when they talked about Linney aging, but I think it was approached well and in a positive light. Overall, this was a cute, easy read and I think it will appeal to many audiences. The illustrations and color palate were enjoyable.

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I will read everything Lucy Knisley ever creates! Woe is a lovely collection of comics honoring her late cat, Linney, who I feel like I know after having followed her on Instagram for years. Lots of comics I'd seen before, but also a handful of new ones with a new-ish color style, which I adored! Much love to Linney and her woes.

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I have generally enjoyed Lucy Knisley's work in the past, especially her art style. This book was an adorable, quick read that resonates with anyone who considers themself a "cat parent."

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I was lucky enough to get an eARC for Woe! As someone who followed Lucy’s comics of Linney while Linney was still with us. I was also dealing with an elderly cat who had dementia at the same time, so I was able to love Linney and grieves with Lucy when Linney did pass. These comics meant the world to me, so when I saw that Lucy was coming out with a book of them, I was so happy, but also it brought up a lot of emotions.
We follow Linney in the last years of her life and the daily antics of her and her family. Lucy captured Linney’s emotions perfectly as an older cat who needed to be the center of attention. The whole comic is a mood. It’s hard not to relate to Linney in her moods or as a cat parent to a cat that very much has a mind of their own. The artwork is still wonderful, and it captures the idea of medieval cat paintings. Because cats are so utterly strange and yet so familiar. I highly recommend this comic, but know it does involve the death of an elderly cat. So make sure to have tissues at the ready.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC!

I. LOVE. THIS. It made me very sad and weepy at work, but I absolutely love how Lucy Knisley draws, especially how she draws cats. I followed all of these comics on twitter and absolutely fell in love. She totally knows the love of a cat, and the true personalities they all have.

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"Woe: A Housecat's Story of Despair" had me giggling at Lucy Knisley's dramatic cat Linney. Like most cats, Linney has a contradictory nature. One minute, she's demanding her humans gaze upon her magnificence, and the next she is telling them to scram so that she can wallow in solitude. While this was a quick read, I still became attached to Linney and those who dare to orbit her greatness. Keep some tissues close while you read this as [SPOILER ALERT] Linney's path ends at the rainbow bridge.

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Well, getting to the end made me sob! But on the whole, it was so good! The illustrations are so cute, and I loved how Linney spoke <3 A wonderful comic compilation!!

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I received this book in exchange for a honest review from NetGalley.

I generally love Lucy Kinsley's graphic novels and this one is no exception. As someone who has had several fuzzy soul mates pass on from this mortal coil I can totally identify with many of the feelings she expresses in this graphic novel. Unfortunately the best case scenario is always that we will out live our pets and that is very hard. Lucy does a great job capturing that pain in a beautiful way.

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I really love Lucy Knisley’s books and *may* have been one of those obnoxious people asking for years about the Linney graphic novel on social media. The book doesn’t disappoint, filled with Lucy’s adorable drawings and humor. Any cat owner will relate to these pages. However, a trigger warning - I wasn’t expected the gut punch of the caring and loss of an elderly pet. It mirrored the loss of my cat Lorelai and left me weeping. As always, I am a Knisley fan.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Childrens and Random House Graphic for the e-ARC

This has been a month, so I feel For Linney the aging long haired cat starring in Knisley’s life and story. Simple line drawings manage to catch the expressive and ridiculousness that is living with and loving a cat.

Layered with the silliness of children's’ interactions, a loving neighbor dog who doesn’t get it, and the everyday woe that is being a much loved cat, this graphic novel gives all the feels. Not only to complex emotions of owning a cat, but also of watching a pet age, and the lengths we go to extend and honor that life.

This book had me tearing up and laughing out loud, as a new cat convert I now understand.

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I didn't expect to cry at the end, oh my God

That was so funny and accurate representation of house cats behavior. I'm a cat person myself and this graphic comic memoir truly amused me. Now I have to worry of when my cats getting old:( Don't think I'll ever be ready for that scenario:(

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Linney!! You wonderful, angry, mean cat!! I never thought it was possible to fall in love with a cat so quickly as I did with Linney. Lucy Knishley’s vivid coloring and emotive art brought Linney and her lovable family to life. I like the short story format, it was like a referencing slice of life with Linney. The ending was so heartbreaking, I can only imagine what Knisley felt.

Woe! (how i feel with no more linney comics)

Thank you to Random House Graphic and NetGalley for this ARC,

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Graphic for providing this electronic advanced copy for review!

I have been a fan of Lucy Knisley’s comics for a while since I discovered them on twitter years ago. I distinctly remember when Linney passed away back in 2019 because one of our family cats passed away shortly after. Now years later, I am reading Linney’s book the month after my cat, Markie, has passed away - also so old and full of such woe. This book really touched me as a cat owner. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and so much reminded me of my wonderful boy who I miss so much.

It was a tough but cathartic read after my own loss. I kept turning to my fiancé to show him comics that reminded me of Markie and his silliness. He was so like Linney. An absolutely wonderful book that touched my heart. Highly recommended.

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If you want to know a cats opinion through a graphic novel, then this one is for you! The illustrations are so cute, you want to just squeeze the cat. You can commiserate with with other cat lovers and how they act.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of Woe: A Housecat’s Story of Despair.

This is everything we all love from Lucy Knisley. It’s cute, laugh-out-loud funny, and heartwarming all at once. And have no fear, you do not have to be a cat lover to enjoy.

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