Member Reviews

Empty-nesters, retirees, seniors, and others may find Marni Jameson’s “Rightsize Today to Create Your Best Life Tomorrow: A Motivational Guide for Those Seeking Their Ideal Home Later in Life.”
It's the consummate motivational guide for making informed decisions about downsizing in one’s golden years to find a perfect lifestyle and an ideal home.
The book's tips provide a clear-headed approach to evaluating whether to move or stay put. It addresses the emotional challenges associated with moving and letting go of possessions and offers practical tips on what every home should have, how to organize belongings, and how to choose the right location.
Overall, ”Rightsize” is a comprehensive resource for anyone considering a move later in life that provides both the emotional support and practical advice needed to make the transition smoother and more rewarding.
JoyReaderGirl1 graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Marni Jameson, and Publisher HCI Books | Health Communications Inc for this advanced readers copy for review.

This book offers a compassionate guide for older adults considering a housing shift. Author Marni Jameson acknowledges the emotional and logistical challenges of downsizing, but encourages readers to view it as an opportunity for self-discovery and a brighter future. Filled with checklists, stories, and prompts, this book encourages a reimagine of one's living space to embrace the next chapter of life. While lacking depth for those needing more detailed financial or legal advice, it serves as a valuable starting point for navigating this significant life transition.

3 "somewhat helpful but also tone deaf" stars !!
Thank you to Netgalley, the author and HCI books for an ecopy. This will be released in January 2024. I am providing an honest review.
This is a challenging review to write as I believe this columnist and designer is well-meaning and sincere. However I had some issues with the book and I believe the book really needs to be re-titled and/or additional chapters incorporated.
I have always loved to keep house since I was a young boy. Whether it was the comfy blue collar home I grew up in, to the ghetto apartment in my youth, to the middle class condo in my young adulthood and most recently the executive townhome that I shared with my partner. We are currently living with friends in a village until we decide on our forever home that will be near a lake and modest. I grabbed this book to inspire me and light a fire under my ass to get moving and start planning for some major decisions next year.
I am excited. He is sort of excited. The cat would love to stay put and frolic with his new best friend for the rest of his days.
I am not going to lie...there is much I loved about this book...helpful questions and exercises, lots of case studies and examples and some really helpful tips in the second half of the book to make your forever home the best that it can be. All excellent.
The book however was really and I mean really tone deaf. The more financially secure you are the more this book will help. I would say this book is geared to the top 10 percent of household wealth.
These are people who are upper middle class and above where money is mostly no object.
The next twenty percent (which includes us) can also somewhat benefit while keeping our economic constraints in mind.
The book is completely tone deaf for those who are lower middle class and working class whose choices are much more extremely limited. For some of these folks I would that this book is a waste of time at best to triggering at worst.
The author could have easily added examples and strategies for those of much more modest means.
She also comes across as sometimes flaky, often entitled and mostly oblivious as to how most of the world lives. Either rename your bloody book to be more specific or better yet be more inclusive and yes this could have been done. I also did not like the name dropping and humblebragging that showed up from time to time in this book.
Despite these huge flaws, the book is and will likely to continue to be somewhat helpful as a reference as we plan our next phase in life....
PS....to the author and publicist please add the book cover to Goodreads in a timely fashion as I think it would helpful for your marketing and help to other readers.