Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Cherish Editions for access to this title
I thank Lisa Ashworth for sharing her story and smashing the stigma that surrounds infertility. I felt that I was her audience but I also feel that it's the type of book I would place into the hands of those that mean well but just don't get it.
Publication Date 02/11/23
Goodreads Review 27/12/23

In Mindset & Meltdowns, Lisa Ashworth opens up about her emotional journey towards parenthood, a path marked by a decade-long struggle that involved five rounds of IVF, personal and medical hurdles, and a downward spiral of her mental health. It was only when Lisa reached her lowest point that she uncovered the missing piece of the puzzle: managing her mindset, leading to a long-awaited pregnancy with triplets at the age of 40.
This book offers a window into Lisa’s voyage to becoming a parent and serves as a practical guide for those navigating the challenging emotions of trying to conceive. Lisa shares the straightforward tools that transformed her journey, along with her insights on surviving the toughest moments.
As a neonatal nurse, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many families and parents who have had fertility problems and issues as well as those who have experienced IVF and in some cases loss. We celebrate every moment with these families because we know and understand how extra special those babies are. I’m always looking to learn more and gain a deeper understanding of the problems families I care for can face and this book will help with that.
The E-Book could be improved and more user-friendly, such as links to the chapters, no significant gaps between words and a cover for the book would be better. It is very document-like instead of a book. A star has been deducted because of this.
This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

My first impression was that this book was... okay. "Fertility..." is written from the perspective of someone who went through the journey of trying to conceive, has heard many hurtful comments and now coaches people on the matter.
The simple language and short chapters of this book are perfect for individuals who are maybe going through a grieving process after an unsuccessful transfer or their trying process has become lengthier than they expected. These individuals often don't have the capacity to read professional terms-heavy literature, but need resources that will help them within their experience. I think this book does it quite well. But... to me, a very important part was missing, namely -- the relational aspect of infertility journey or lengthy TTC journey. It lacked the partner's perspective and advice for them, as well as how to navigate this issue together as a couple. I think with this omission Lisa Ashworth only confirmed how isolating and lonely experience it is to be a birthing parent, but the other side of this equation should not be ignored.
As a mental health practitioner I often see partners being left out, whilst their feelings are important, too. And a book that focuses on the relational aspects would be an even better resource.

I thought this book was really helpful for anyone trying to concieve. It gave me a sense of support that we sometimes don’t feel in this whirlwind process.

We may have a wish to be parents, but the biology of our bodies might be against us. So we seek medical solutions. The ups and downs of this can be mentally debilitating. This book may give you a way through the author’s experiences and mindfulness techniques to find a way to lighten the load. It may not solve all your problems, but it may be one of line if support. Thank you to Cherish Editions, Literally PR and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.