Member Reviews

Megan is a ghost hunter and Thom is a bad boy bassist for a hot rock band! They drifted apart but can’t stop thinking of the other. What happens when they come back to each other and realize they have a bigger evil working not only against them but against Thom’s band too? The spice in this was delectable, this was my first paranormal romance so I did have a bit of a tough time getting through it. However, if you like paranormal romance, then this will be a sexy, quick read!


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3.75 stars
I didn't know that this was the second book, but it could easily go without reading the first one. The book is an interesting paranormal read about witches and evil and how to save a world. Thom and Megan are a little bit special, they are both very physical and it is for me a little bit too much but what could we expect from a rock star?
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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I would like to start this review by clarifying that this is not a bad book. I thought that the characters were really well developed and that the plot was well written and thought out. I really liked Thom as the male main character, his devotion to Megan was clear and I found it really endearing. Megan also made a phenomenal female main character, she was really strong and resilient on her own, but I liked that she wasn't afraid to ask for help when things got too intense to handle alone.

However, I think that there should be a Trigger Warning section, if there is one and I missed it, that's on me.
For me there should have been something that noted that there would be mentions of grooming and the rape/sexual assault of a minor. I have read books that contain this before and it while it does not deter me from continuing the book, and I will read a book knowing that this will be part of the plot, I think that it should be mentioned before the beginning of the book so that people who may not be able to handle this kind of content will know before hand and can avoid that chapter or avoid the book all together.

I did DNF at around 82%, but again, that is not because this was an inherently bad book. it just wasn't for me. I knew that the main character would be a witch and I have read books like that before, but this one just contained way too much of the occult for me. I know it sounds ridiculous to some people, but I recognized that it was becoming too intense for me and that I needed to stop reading it. If this is something that you are okay with or enjoy reading, then you will probably enjoy this book. It was interesting and really spicy (but not repetitive), with cool characters and a good storyline, but again the level of intensity of the occult content was just too much for me.

I would also like to mention that this is not a standalone, at least I didn't think that it could be read as one. While I found that a lot of the book made sense on its own, there were several plot points and questions that I believe would be better understood by reading the first 4 books in the series.

Happy reading!!

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Phenomenal romance, amazing storyline, deliciously intirguing...Inferno is everything and is the story everyone needs to drop what they are doing to read. I will be impatiently waiting for more books in this series by this great author.

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