Member Reviews
There was a lot I liked about this! The author, Robert Francis, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and mental health professional who has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. I enjoyed learning about his experience of psychosis from both a personal and professional lens and really appreciated the strengths lens applied to mental health in this book. With that being said, the book was a little meandering and overly flowery. I liked it but didn't quite love it.
I love information books like this! They are so helpful especially when just starting out on this journey and even just to learn more on the subject
I have a close family member with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. In Schizophrenia by Robert Francis, the author provides almost a guidebook on how one can their life with the illness through a positive lens. When the time is right, I’ll share this book with my loved one.
I was really surprised by this book. I love how the author really focuses on the positives of having schizophrenia. Of course it's very unique for someone to be able to write all of this down in such a clear, engaging way, without bitter feelings involved or undertones. I wanted to learn more about schizophrenia, and I did because of this book. There is no one nearby me (that I know of) with schizophrenia, so it is all unknown to me, but I'm always willing to learn about these kinds of things. I will borrow the authors other books from the library as well!
I found that this book gave a great, educational and insightful look into what it is like to have Schizophrenia and how it can shape your whole life. It was full of personal perspective as well as well-informed views and theories. This is actually the third book this author has written and it's very descriptive so I'd be interested to read his other books.
There were times when it felt quite a heavy read and I had to take a break, but overall it was very interesting.
In Schizophrenia: A Strengths Perspective, the author sheds a light on not only his personal experience and struggles with schizophrenia, but also on all of the positive ways it has shaped his person and perspective: like learning to adapt a flexible approach to life plans, focusing one's energy on the things over which one has immediate control, cultivating temperance, creativity, and most importantly, hope and resilience in order to find and maintain the strength to push ahead.
Equally empowering and informative, this book is a guide to making the best of every situation. I highly recommend.