Member Reviews

It took me a little bit to get into this book but once I did I was hooked.

I really enjoyed the supernatural elements, and the creativity in the story.

The book was engaging and I audibly gasped once I got to the ending.

I would definitely read more of Renee Lake’s books.

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Corp for providing me with this arc.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

The Infested is an alternate history western style horror story that starts off slow but pays off in the end. The story surrounds a family living in the midst of the Infected, the middle part of the United States circa 1900 which has been taken over by dark creatures and wild magic. The family loses their mother and receives two unexpected visitors. Strange things start happening, manipulating the siblings in different ways.

I love that in this alternate history, lgbtq people are seemingly considered the norm as opposed to how actual history has treated the community.

This story is original and fun once it gets going. You just need to push through the first 40%

3.5 rounded up for goodreads.

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This book was a very well written novel, and the setting was only amplified by the overall tone of the book, which to me really immerses the reader. I wasn't too into the Western theme with the wagons and all but it was a unique, different and overall very original read. The overall plot and the characters were great but I was expecting it to be a little more creepy or scary. It's a great read for any horror fan.

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I'm giving this book an extra star because I think there needs to be a lot more Western horror. There is something so especially creepy about knowing there are unexplainable things out there that want to kill you when you are facing a wild, unexplored area.
The book was creepy, but it kept losing my attention. Something terrible would happen, and then we would move on, and it just didn't feel like the stakes were being built up. I should have been a lot more scared than I was.
However, the world building was awesome, and even though this one didn't hit it for me personally, I hope Lake writes more horror so I can read her next book.
Thanks to NetGalley for making this available to me

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I LOVED this book. It was such a creepy concept and was executed perfectly. I highly recommend this book and will be reading more from this author in the future!

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***** I have received and read an advanced reader copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for giving my honest feedback. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.*****

I like the concept behind this book, especially the old west/wagon train,, but I just couldn't really connect with either the plot or the characters.

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Omigod I was hooked by the first chapter or two of this book surprisingly. I did go blind but I did not disappoint even a bit. Once I started reading it and getting into the world of The Infested, I couldn't stop. The world building of this alternate universe was fantastic, steeped in mystery and intrigue yet still telling the audience enough to be afraid.

As for the story itself, the pacing was a bit wonky, but the character moments and relationships built between them made up for it. The twist at the end was absolutely amazing. I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be looking for more supernatural/magic horror.

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I'll be honest, I wasn't as hooked by the first chapter or two of this book as I would have liked to be. However, once I started reading it and getting into the world of The Infested, I couldn't stop. I read this on my phone, on the plane, and on the couch as I prepared for Thanksgiving dinner; it had its hooks in me and I couldn't put it down. The worldbuilding of this alternate universe was fantastic, steeped in mystery and intrigue yet still telling the audience enough to be afraid. I personally need an encyclopedia of all of the monsters in this book; I want to know more!

As for the story itself, the pacing was a bit wonky, but the character moments and relationships built between them made up for it. Yay for gay people! The twist at the end was absolutely WILD. I finished the last 40-ish pages on the couch and at the end I gasped in surprise, to the point where my mom asked me what the look on my face was. I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be looking for more supernatural/magic horror. Thank you to NetGalley and Renee Lake for this opportunity!

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A well done book! It had all the right tones to make it creepy and spooky, while also having some heartwarming moments between the siblings and little bits of joy scattered in.
I really liked the entire concept of this. The monsters were cool, I wish we got to know a bit more about them and about the infested as a whole. I think the book could’ve benefitted from more description all round actually. But regardless, a good read with an interesting story, good, well thought-out characters, and an original idea.

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A creepy Western horror that was perfect for Halloween. I loved this and look forward to more by this author.

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I absolutely loved this book. Equal parts spooky and magical. I will definitely be reading more by this author

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In the year 1900, a section of the Mid-Western United States, known as The Infested, is overrun with ghosts and monsters

Fun and spooky. Well done!

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This has a lot to make an interesting creepy western book, but somehow it fell flat for me.

Part of it was no matter how the book ended, the times we switched over to the fathers point of view, I just couldn’t care,

The creatures were cool, and I actually liked the sibling and their disruptions of the families life, but this story ended up being just not for me, as even with the cool concepts, I found it difficult to enjoy the story.

This definitely has an audience, just not me.

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3 Stars! This book was written very well, and was set with the correct tone of where this book was set. It was unique and different and original which is not always seen. I liked the west, the creepy wagons and the swing!! Including the Overall premise and different characters.

I was expecting it to be scary, but for me it wasn’t, however I am a complete horror nerd. It’s still creepy and adventurous, and good for anyone that wants a different read.

Thank you to Netgally and Renee Lake for this ARC✨

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This is terrifying, weird and creepy. I love the pioneer/wagon train aspect. That's my jam.
It was good rewriting of history with supernatural elements.

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