Member Reviews

Honestly, I really enjoyed this book - even stayed up 45 minutes later than my bedtime to finish it. That said, if I had parents like the couple in this saga, I'd have bailed out of house and home before I was even in kindergarten. Yowsa!

Everyone in the Devlin family is a lawyer - following, of course, in the footsteps of their illustrious father and mother. That is, John and Gabby did; T.J., the youngest, went in an entirely different direction. Plagued by alcoholism that led to a stint in prison, he's always been the black sheep for whom all the others in the family tried to not only compensate for, but cover up. Now, he's out but on parole, staying on the wagon with help from AA meetings. Of course, his parents took him in at their prestigious law firm, where he functions as an unlicensed private investigator and gopher. His drunken actions also cost him his wife and daughter, so as far as the world is concerned, he's walking around with a big "L" on his chest (he even sees himself that way).

But one night, brother John tells T.J. that he "accidentally" murdered an accountant who works for their biggest client - one whose company is in the final stages of acquisition that will make the owner - and the Devlin firm - a boatload of money. John apparently discovered proof of serious embezzlement at the company and confronted the accountant - who then reacted badly.

Against T.J.'s better judgment, he agrees to keep everything secret from the parents, who would be devastated at best to learn that their golden boy was tarnished (and certainly not happy that the murder wouldn't set well with the company that's acquiring their client). But T.J. also pledges, at least to himself, to investigate; when the accountant's body isn't where it's supposed to be, questions arise. Even more questions surface the following day, when the accountant turns up in a different location, shot dead by a bullet - definitely not the rock John claims to have used as a weapon.

As T.J.'s investigation - and that of the police - move forward, it becomes clear that the parents will do anything to keep their law firm's good name intact, including throw T.J. under the bus (he's the black sheep, after all; hopefully, nobody will spot him under there). Meantime, to pay his bills, T.J. helps his sister Gabby as she prepares a precedent-setting lawsuit on behalf of former prisoners on whom life-altering drugs were tested during their incarceration. Pro bono work looks good on a law firm's books, don't you know, and her parents can turn her loose and let their golden son shine in the "real" courtroom.

The rest of the book follows T.J.'s investigation, which quickly begins to turn dangerous, as well as the fallout that threatens the family dynamics. It's nonstop action right up to the end, when all the issues get resolved (and I almost - almost - begin to somewhat sort of warm up to the parents kinda). Very entertaining, and I thank the publisher, via NetGalley, for allowing me to read and review a pre-release copy.

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The Truth about the Devlins is the newest novel by Lisa Scottoline. The story follows TJ, a recovering alcoholic, ex-con who is working as an investigator at his family's law firm. When the accountant at a company in the midst of a merger/acquisition deal the law firm is representing is murdered, things start to get intense for TJ and his family.

I've read several of Lisa Scottoline's books and I enjoyed this one. There were several characters to keep track of, but once that was understood, the story flowed quickly and smoothly. Definitely an author who will continue to be an auto-read for me!

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This was surprisingly my first read from seasoned author Scottoline, and I l’m glad I finally read something by her! I really enjoyed the legal thriller aspects of the story, the author has a law background so it’s interesting how she incorporated a real case into the story.
However I was less invested in the characters than I hoped - largely because I didn’t really enjoy TJ as a protagonist. He’s a 30something former criminal and alcoholic, but I felt like his personality has jarring contrasts between him being ‘tough’ and then crying in every other chapter. His ‘resolution’ also seemed a bit sudden and I felt like it couldve packed a bigger punch. Overall I was invested in the story, a decent 3 star read! Fans of her previous work will probably enjoy this one.

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Lisa Scottoline's The Truth about the Devlin's is a compelling story of the Devlin family told by the black sheep of the family, Thomas (TJ) Devlin. The Devlins are a family of lawyers working in the same firm, except for TJ who has had his share of problems with drinking and jail time and is now the firm’s investigator. TJ, who has been on parole for the past two years after pulling a really stupid stunt while drunk, gets pulled into a messy investigation by his older brother, John when John says he just killed someone.

Not just anyone. But a client. Of course, being the family's embarrassment, right away it is TJ, not John who is the problem. John immediately tries to conceal the incident, even lying to their parents, claiming that T.J. has relapsed into alcoholism, even though he's been sober for a considerable time. Since John is the perfect one, his family, especially his father, believes that TJ fell off the wagon. But that is just the tip of the iceberg, as it were.

T.J. becomes suspicious after realizing they are being followed by an unknown car. It appears that someone knows about their involvement with the victim and is willing to do anything to stop the investigation. Meanwhile, TJ takes on a pro bono case assigned by his sister, Gabby, related to illegal drug tests conducted on inmates in multiple prisons by several pharmaceutical companies, resulting in terminal diseases. Gabby needs TJ’s help to get justice for her dying plaintiffs-prisoners who were experimented on by a large pharmaceutical company while they were in prison.

TJ not only has to deal with John's mistake and his apparent secretive behavior, and help Gabby get justice, but he also has to deal with his own demons as he tries to remain sober while also adopting a demon cat named Mango and making up to the woman who he disappointed the most. When it appears that someone is attempting to silence TJ, as well as Gabby, the story ramps up to full throttle danger. TJ’s character felt very authentic to me in his struggles. His desire to be accepted by his family and to be loved by the woman he disappointed.

*Note* Gabriella's lawsuit on behalf of former inmates at Holmesburg Prison is not only horrifying but based on true events that some of Philadelphia's prisons. Prisoners were used as human subjects of medical experimentation from the early late fifties to the early seventies by government agencies, as well as corrupt medical doctors. This all appears to have happened before the era of informed consent. The inmates tested an array of products under the auspices of the late Dr. Albert Kingman, who was then a professor the University of Penn. Thus, while the plaintiffs in the novel are fictional, the case they brought is founded on true historical facts as described in the novel.

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A tight-knit, successful family may not be all that it seems.

The Devlin family is well-known and highly regarded in the Philadelphia area. The parents, both lawyers, have built the family firm up to be a powerful legal force. They are all whip-smart, hard-working and driven to succeed….all except one, that is. John is the typical type-A, super-competitive oldest child; he has a beautiful wife, an adorable child, and is building a successful portfolio of mergers and acquisitions as a lawyer in the family firm. Gabby, the middle child, is also a lawyer and married, but her passion is her pro-bono work. TJ is….well, not like the others. He has always been the funny, charming one who partied too hard during college and dropped out a few classes shy of graduation. He also was an alcoholic who was able to (mostly) hide it from the ones he loved, until one night when his addiction caused events that almost ended in tragedy. He pled guilty to the charges, did his time in prison, and now works as an investigator of sorts for the family firm. He’s the family screw-up, and knows it. Then one night his perfect older brother begs for TJ’s help….John insists that he has killed someone, an employee of a client of the firm, and he needs TJ to help him clean things up. TJ has no desire to run afoul of the law, but the pull of family loyalty is strong and he agrees to try to help. No good deed ever goes unpunished, and soon TJ is being followed, his apartment has been bugged, and John is telling everyone that TJ has relapsed in his recovery. As he struggles to maintain his sobriety and find out what is happening with John and the client firm that seems to be at the heart of the current problem, all while proving his worth to his family and himself, he has to decide where family loyalty ends and self-preservation kicks in.
There are two main storylines in this engrossing novel, the mystery at the heart of John’s actions and the dynamics of a family with plenty of love but perhaps too many secrets. The characters are all well-developed….the somewhat arrogant golden brother John, the passionate and nurturing sister Gabby, and of course the snarky brother who feels too deeply how he has disappointed his family. The father is a man of exacting standards who TJ has never felt able to please; the mother loves her children deeply but often acts and thinks like a lawyer rather than a mother. There is also the pro-bono case on which Gabby and TJ are working, based on true events in Philadelphia history, having to do with medical experiments run on inmates in Philadelphia area jails in the days before informed consent was required. TJ is an all-too-easy scapegoat for John’s actions, and the rest of the family is quick to believe that TJ has let them down yet again. In facing some of the demons of his past, TJ is able to dig in to redeem himself and in doing so causes the facade of the perfect Devlin family to crack. A very satisfying read on many levels, both as a thriller and as a study of flawed family dynamics and of redemption. The plot is well-paced, and takes its share of twists along the way. Fans of Lisa Scottoline will enjoy this latest outing, as will fans of authors like Sara Paretsky, Tess Gerritsen and David Baldacci (to name just a few). I highly recommend The Truth About the Devlins, and thank NetGalley and G. P. Putnam’s and Sons for allowing me access to this well-written and hard-to-put down nove.

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Law, addiction and family are at the forefront of this action-packed thriller. Author Lisa Scottoline keeps you on the edge of your seat with the suspicion of murder all putting the family law business of Devlin and Devlin at risk.

TJ, John and Gabby, the Devlin siblings all have their own vested interest in the business and the family . Having been raised by a strict father, and one who devotes his life to his business, they were cautiously secretive in their actions and forthcomings.

Can TJ ever live down the truth of his past that resides him? Addiction, prison and a broken relationship harbor at his every memory. His family are the only ones who will employ him as an “investigator” …which will later come to be his savior.

John, the golden child of the family, is distraught and reaches out to TJ , to admit he murdered someone , a client involved in embezzlement.

Gabby is handling pro bono cases for the family business and is trying to help clients who were illegally used to test drugs.

A triage of legality brings the family together once again but first lies, deception and trust question The Devlin’s circle of trust.

Will “The Truth About the Devlin’s” keep a family together or tear them apart?

Thoroughly enjoyed reading this domestic thriller. Crime, law and justice at work. A distinguished families trust questioned. I highly recommend this to anyone who finds a crime suspense novel a thrill. Page-turner!

Thanks to GP Putnam Sons and @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Solid page-turner! My heart broke at times during this one for TJ, underestimated by his family and thrown under the bus often, but his love and dedication to them drives this story. Great twists and a story that keeps it moving.

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And here I thought I enjoyed What Happened to the Bennetts! Pshhhh. The Truth about the Devlins by Lisa Scottoline is another pulse-pounding domestic thriller about family, justice, and the lies that tear us apart.
This is a very well written book that will keep you guessing and sitting on the edge of your seat.
A clever, entertaining and addictive psychological suspense novel.
The Truth about the Devlins is an intriguing and tension-filled family drama. Lisa Scottoline’s writing is stellar. She draws us in and takes us on a breathless ride. It is a gut-wrenching story that will have you holding your family close.
Scottoline not only made the ending surprising and unexpected, she also managed to make it satisfying and completely plausible.

Thank You NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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A very enthusiastic read from the author Lisa Scottoline again. What Happened to the Bennetts kept me on the edge to find out what happened, but this one gained a stronger momentum with characters well played out. The Devins are a very entitled family with everyone a lawyer except for TJ. He took a different path that led him into prison and rehab for his drinking. Trying to help get his life together, the family hires him as an investigator for their cases.

TJ's brother John reveals he needs his help to cover the death of his accountant when an argument over embezzlement gets out of hand. When he begins the investigation, he opens a Pandora box that puts the whole family in danger.

Gabby, TJ's sister, is working to find justice for some inmates used for medical experiments and needs his help. He is a strong character and focuses on building it, while looking for redemption.
The author did an excellent research job on the premises of the story which was based on some real events.
Thank you NetGalley and GP Putnam's Sons for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for the digital ARC of ”The Truth About the Devlins” in exchange for my honest opinion. I really tried to like this book. It starts off right in the middle of the drama and I liked TJ as a character. The dialogue was very cringy, as the kids would say. I had major issues with John lying about TJ’s drinking problem. I can’t imagine anyone doing that to a family member when they have seen the struggles and the importance of sobriety. At that point I could have cared less about what happed to John. Things were fairy predictable throughout and there was too neat of a bow to wrap things up in the end. I know this book has a high overall rating, it just wasn’t what I look for in a thriller/mystery.

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Crime fiction with a messed up family
TJ was easy to root for - really understood his past trauma.
Highly entertaining and suspenseful

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher for advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This story was very different from What Happened to the Bennett’s. It’s not a sequel or anything, but I guess I assumed it might have some of the same plot lines. I was wrong. I liked that.
This isn’t so much a thriller, but more of a family drama like her other book. T.J. ( an ex convict) gets a call from his brother John that he killed a client, and basically their world gets flipped upside down.
I would recommend this book, I did find her other one a bit more fast paced, but I still enjoyed this story for its interesting dynamics.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I enjoyed this book enough but did not find the plot to be the most unique. It was the black sheep son of a powerful family - rich people doing bad things - kind of tale.

Personally, I tend to have trouble with legal aspects of thrillers because I work in the criminal justice system, but this one didn't bother me. I liked that it was just enough.

This book was definitely a slow burn. I think it could have been a little faster paced, but I liked the length of the chapters, so it kept me moving.

Overall, it was a solid read.

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Dnf at 37%. jesus christ could they mention tj was a recovering alcoholic any more? there was too much going on and too many plots that probably end with no explanation or fall flat.

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Thanks to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for this ARC. I've been a long time reader of Lisa Scottoline's books and loved her Rosato book series but I had drifted away for awhile. I was pleased to get this copy and looked forward to reconnecting with Scottoline! You become immediately enamored of the main character, TJ, and was instantly rooting for him, who was the "under achiever" in the family.

I read this while a passenger in a car for an 8 hour trip and thank goodness I had this book to help pass the time, it really made the trip fly by. Whether you're sitting at home, in a car, train or plane, I think you'll enjoy reading her latest novel!

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The Truth about the Devlins
By: Lisa Scottoline
Publisher: Penguin Group Putman
Pub Date: 3/26/2024
I’m just not sure what more you could want in murder mystery than this one. Family drama, money schemes, prison time and most importantly murder!
TJ has had it rough not only has he served time in prison but he’s also an alcoholic. He seems to be the family screw up. Unfortunately for the family things are going to get way worse.
The Devlins run a family law firm. Both Tj’s brother and sister work there as well as his parents. After leaving prison he returns to the family firm where he takes on investigations for the firm.
When his brother reaches out and believes he’s murder a client, TJ races to try to save him.Only he has no idea how deep the trouble with his brother goes. He has to figure out what’s really going on but he needs to stay alive and protect his family to do that.
I love Lisa’s books from her thriller/mysteries to her historical fiction. I felt like I was rooting for TJ from the start. I loved how he found his way around the roadblocks for his family.

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When I first started reading The Truth about the Delvin’s, I wasn’t sure if I would 1) like it 2) finish reading it. Boy, did I change my mind as I continued reading! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book!
The story has so much going on…..lies, secrets, alcoholism, major family drama, suspense and so much more.
Lisa Scottoline’s writing is solid and engaging.
Definitely recommended! You need to read this one!
Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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3.5 stars - I love Lisa Scottoline and have read every book in her Rosato legal series. I've had mixed feelings about her standalones. What Happened to the Bennetts wasn't my favorite, but After Anna was a five-star read for me. This book, The Truth About the Devlins falls in the middle. I like the main character, TJ Devlin, who is narrating the book. TJ is a recovering addict and ex-con, but is trying to get his life back on track. He is an investigator for his family's law firm, the only non-lawyer in the family.

Usually TJ is the one in trouble, but this time his older brother and family favorite, John, reaches out to TJ for help. Unfortunately, this favor to his brother could end up costing TJ everything. I almost quit reading the book a few times because of the things John does, but I was invested in how things would turn out for TJ. I also admired TJ and John's sister, Gabby, who uses her knowledge of the law
to represent prison inmates who were used for medical experimentation in the 1960s. (The author's note at the end says this is based on real events!)

TJ has a great sense of humor and the ending of the book is hopeful. However, much of the book was still too tense for me, although I think others may enjoy the suspense. I received an advance copy of this ebook at no cost from NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.

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A meh slow burn thriller, I definitely wanted this to be Better than what it was, I DNFed it and just kind of felt meh about it.

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I am a big fan of some of Lisa Scottoline's previous works, so I was excited to receive this ARC. Unfortunately, it kind of fell flat for me. There was so much potential - the main mystery was compelling and the storyline of the sister's case - it just didn't give enough for me. The setbacks and way that TJ was treated was frustrating and, honestly, unbelievable and annoying. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't my favorite... a solid okay read at 3 stars.

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