Member Reviews

This one kind of has it all! A thriller with a unique family dynamic and characters with cut throat senses of humor. I loved TJ! Highly entertaining! Many thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this early copy for read and review

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This is a tough one for me to review. There was a lot I liked about the book, but also parts that I found frustrating. I think it’s easiest to break it down into what I liked/didn’t like:


-Our main protagonist, TJ. An overall good guy with a sense of humor who has made some mistakes but is doing his best - despite incessant setbacks, which I talk about below in the WHAT I DIDN’T LIKE section.

-The plot about TJ’s sister trying to hold people/companies responsible for medical testing that was done on men who were incarcerated and that caused those men to suffer serious medical problems. I want to read THIS book! Make sure to read the Author’s Note at the end for more information!

-The mystery at the heart of the plot was very intriguing. I really did want to know where it was all going to go.

-TJ’s love for Mango!

-The ending. I appreciated the way it all came together!


-TJ could not catch a break and I found it frustrating that obstacle after obstacle was thrown in his way. Most notably, (most of) his family was truly terrible and treated him horribly throughout a lot of the book. No spoilers, so I won’t go into the other people who treated him terribly. Maybe that’s realistic! But it made for a tough reading experience.

-The pacing. As I mentioned above, I was interested in the central mystery. But it wasn’t until halfway through the book that things really picked up. Something happens about halfway through the book that throws the mystery into overdrive - but before that, I found the story to be a bit meandering. This book felt longer than it needed to be.

Overall, maybe not the book for me, but definitely more positive than negative!

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Thank you NetGalley for the eARC of The Truth about the Devlins. Lisa Scottoline is a go to author for me but unfortunately this book really fell flat to me. I never bonded with characters, the writing seemed somewhat juvenile and the plot was not that interesting. I never like to give a harsh review to a favorite author, but the sobriety stuff was just silly to me. The story line of "I'm telling dad you're drinking again" had me shaking my head!

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Thank you for the ARC! Another fantastic book by this author taking a look at the complexities of the family dynamic. The book is very fast paced and books you from the beginning. Will recommend!

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Lisa Scottoline has done it again! I am a long time fan of all of her books, but particularly love her return to the legal thriller. Great characters, a fast paced plot, and some unexpected twists kept me turning pages so fast that I read it straight through in one day. Told from the first person perspective of a recovering alcoholic, it was so engaging that I was pulling for him as obstacle after obstacle tried to break his sobriety. This was one of those books where the characters were so vividly real, that I'm hoping a few might appear in future novels. As a recent transplant to the Philadelphia area, I also enjoyed the detailed settings in the Philadelphia suburbs near where I live. Highly recommended

Thanks to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for an advanced reader copy.

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The Devlins are a powerful family of lawyers, except for TJ, the son of the family who has lived a troubled life. He works as an investigator for the family law firm. One night, TJ's older brother John- the golden boy, begs him for help, saying he murdered one of his clients.

This is a decently twisty thriller with a large cast of characters. It all felt very routine and comparable to multiple other thrillers. For me there was nothing that made it special or unique beyond the usual mystery/thriller. It's a solid read, it just didn't wow me.

Thank you Penguin Group Putnam for giving me an advanced review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Legal royalty, the Devlins and their family business. All that is, of course, with the exception of TJ, a recovering alcoholic who has served time for carelessness and putting his illness in jeopardy. But there are issues behind the surface. Mother and sister are kind and encouraging individuals; Sister Gabby chooses pro bono service over avarice. Father seems to the reader as a harsh, egotistical taskmaster. Additionally, Brother John appears to be struggling with something that is sending him into a downward spiral and putting TJ and possibly the entire family in risk.

Strongly planned, with comedy, sadness, tension, and a strong sense of mystery, this novel by Lisa Scottoline—whose thirty-six books show she knows her way around family drama, legal thrillers, and mysteries—is well written.

This book is a riveting page turner that will have to feeling like you’re along for the ride and don’t know who to trust or which way to turn. Thanks NetGalley for the chance at an ARC. This is my first book by this author I’ll be back for more.

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This was very slow moving and very character driven. I didn’t find it particularly captivating. I did enjoy TJ and found myself wanting to root for him.

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In Lisa Scottoline’s latest novel, there is something going on inside the Devlin family. At Devlin & Devlin, the prestigious law firm, mother and father, eldest son John, and middle sister Gabby are all lawyers. TJ, the youngest son and recovering alcoholic, is a college dropout and investigator for the firm. At dad’s birthday dinner, John confides in TJ that he thinks he’s murdered someone and needs his help. TJ quickly becomes wrapped up in investigating for John, caught up in scandal after scandal.

Many different side stories go on throughout the novel. Gabby, TJ’s sister, is working as a pro bono lawyer for the family firm and has a civil case against a major pharma company who ran unspeakable tests on convicts in the 1960s that ended up causing cancer. TJ is helping Gabby with the investigation.

John is doing many shady things while trying to help a company, Runstan, be acquired by a bigger company. Things are fishy with a murder of Runstan’s accountant, whom is the person that John thinks he murdered but ends up actually murdered 24 hours later.

I liked TJ’s character and was rooting for him throughout the novel. The entire book is told from his perspective so you see him and his struggles with alcohol which is very endearing and eye opening. It broke my heart for him when his family didn’t take his sobriety seriously.

I’ve read COUNTLESS books by Scottoline (at least 10 at this point) and her writing as of late doesn’t compare to 2010’s Scottoline. This book was good but it was lacking on something that her earlier books have, something that kept me on the edge of my seat and wanting more. I don’t think I felt emotionally connected with any of these characters. Yes, there were some heartfelt moments, but there was no true connection for me. For that reason, I’m rating this one 4 stars. Overall, it was an enjoyable read, it just doesn’t rank as highly as some of Scottoline’s other works.

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If you’re looking for a top-notch family drama thriller, here it is.

The Devlin family are very successful high powered lawyers. Then there is their brother TJ. He is the problem child of the Devlin family. He just returned home from being in prison and finishing rehab for his alcohol problem. TJ’s parents agree that they will hire him through the law firm since he is not able to find another job due to his record. He is given the position as an investigator.

One night TJ’s brother John confesses to him that he has murdered a client after a confrontation. TJ start to dig into this to not only save his brother, but to also show his family his worth. The more that TJ uncovers things, he never thought were possible and he must fight to keep his family’s good name.

I loved this book and how there were so many twists and turns. I thought the story was going one direction, but then it ended up going another. Red herrings are my favorite, and I just love being surprised by books.

I'd like to express my gratitude to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, Lisa Scottoline, and NetGalley for affording me with the opportunity to read this ARC and share my honest review.

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Another great read from one of my favorite authors! The Devlin's are a prominent family of layers in Philadelphia except for their son TJ, who is a recovering alcoholic who has a criminal record. This book, as all of Scottoline's novels is well researched and she gives you a lesson in the topic at hand. This story revolves around TJ and his alcoholism as well as him trying to solve a missing person, possible murder case. I really liked the character of TJ, I thought he was relatable and a person who was trying to be better in a world that isn't always easy. A well written enjoyable mystery.

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This story is a page-turner! Quickly draws you in and hard to put down. I have deep admiration for TJ, the recovering alcoholic investigator for the family law firm. He was always getting put down and yet he became quite heroic! It’s all about family and the lengths they will go to help, protect, enable and support each other.

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I enjoyed this story about family, right and wrong, and second chances. TJ was a great character and I was rooting for him even as things kept going wrong - and I loved the cat.

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With family like this, who needs enemies???? So many twists and turns. Secrets galore! I was up until 4 am finishing it. I will be diving into the author's other books asap!!!

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Devlin & Devlin is a family law firm consisting of Paul (dad), Marie (mom), Joe (son), and Gabby (daughter). TJ, the black sheep of the family, joins the family firm as an investigator after getting released from prison. Typically operating on the periphery, TJ finds himself front and center after his brother Joe confides in him that he killed a client. The next thing you know, he is chasing down suspects, uncovering lies, finding listening devices in his home, and...adopting a cat? A fun and upbeat thriller full of twists and turns.

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TJ Devlin is the black sheep of the family of lawyers with their own law firm. He is an investigator for the firm, a job which his brother John says isn't really a job, just a busy job. John is the star child. On the night of their father's birthday dinner John tells TJ that he thinks he killed one of their clients in self defense. When they go to the scene the body is missing. Then the lies start coming and keep on coming more and more. Then the man John thinks he killed if found shot dead in his car. Then another man is killed and attempts are made on TJ and his sister Gabby and their father. The family is imploding and on the brink of devastation and ruin due to all the lies and deceit. Can the family save itself...

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What a fantastic read. Love Lisa's books. They are straight to the point. I found this boom amazingly great.
It sure kept me on the edge of my seat. It was that good.

Great job Lisa! Can't wait for another exciting book from you!

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Council, cleanse, and courageous.

The Devlins are a family that are well known from generation to generation in the community. TJ seems to be, and knows he’s the disappointment in the family. Who will be your favorite in the family? I think you already know.

Prison time, addiction, family secrets, and murder are just the foundational plots to this new novel.

Lisa Scottoline is back with a great thriller, she’s added humor, and also writes about a serious theme with grace.

A big thank you goes out to Lisa Scottoline, PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this novel, in return for my honest opinion!

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The Devlins are a powerful legal family in Philadelphia. Mom and Dad started their firm, Devlin & Devlin, their oldest son and daughter both went to law school and joined the firm. Then there is TJ, youngest son and by his account, the black sheep of the family. TJ is an alcoholic who has been sober since going to jail for a crime brought on by the alcoholism, and currently works as an investigator for the firm.

TJ has a pretty rough relationship with his older brother and a bit iffy with his dad who has been embarrassed by TJ. When his brother John asks for TJ's help with what John thinks may be a crime, TJ ends up the one questioned because of course John is the perfect son and TJ is the screwup. There is a death, maybe murder, of a man connected to the merger that John is negotiating followed by break-ins and car chases. There is also a very interesting case that his sister is working on trying to compensate prisoners who were experimented on during the 60's and 70's. Reading the authors notes, we learn how this case is based on actual events.

I zipped through this book rooting the whole time for TJ and his sobriety. I enjoyed these flawed characters and the mystery that befell this family. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Readers who enjoy character driven lawyer stories will enjoy this one. The Devlins are a privileged family with each member having secrets that hopefully will not be exposed. TJ, the black sheep of the family is working hard to overcome his failures when his brother John throws a wrench into his life. Will this slow, twisty thriller tie up all the loose ends in with TJ finding his way?

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