Member Reviews

This was a good book, the characters were flawed but likable. I was glad at the end the family stuck together.

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The Devlin Family is all lawyers well except for their son JT who is an addict and family black sheep. During their dads birthday party JT who has been clean for a long time get approached by his brother saying he think he killed someone. JT being the brother he is jumps in to help but they dont tell anyone what they are doing. But when they arrive at the scene the person is gone and so is their car but later turns up dead later suspected of suicide. As things start happening the brothers are facing what is actually going on and there is question from their father of what is really going on. But no one really knows until a few fateful events.

I personally was not a fan of this book. It was long and at times felt like it dragged on. I think for me it had a lot to do with the procedural drama of it and I have a hard time getting into those type of books. I figured I would try because I have liked other novels by this author. Unfortunately for me this one just didnt do it for me.

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A family drama mixed with a bit of suspense and a main character you wanted to root for, The Truth About the Devlins was a solid read.

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I found myself immediately not drawn into this story. The writing was good. The plot started right away. I just did not care what happened moving forward. Not enough pull for me.

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The Truth About the Devlins is a character-driven mystery. The Devlin family is a group of lawyers (mother, father, oldest son John, and daughter Gabby) plus TJ, the youngest, who is an investigator, a recovering alcoholic, and the “black sheep” of the family. The story starts out with a bang, with John telling TJ that he may have killed someone, and progresses from there, with a good share of twists and turns along the way. The characters are decently developed (I loved TJ — and his adopted cat Mango), and the plot line is an interesting one, but this was a really slow burn, which I think took away from my overall enjoyment. Nonetheless, I found this to be a good and entertaining read.

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Things are not always what they seem. On the surface, the Devlin family is an American success story. They’ve built a powerful law practice and are influential members of the community, but every family has a black sheep and TJ Devlin is theirs.

A recovering alcoholic, TJ is slowly putting his life back together after serving a year in jail. Things go awry when older brother Joe tells TJ that he may have killed a client. This sets off a chain of events that uncovers deceit and reveals secrets.

The Truth About the Devlins is a twisty legal thriller full of family dysfunction. Lisa Scottoline has written another fast paced page turner that will keep you guessing.

Thanks to NetGalley, Penguin Putnam Group, and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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In The Truth About The Devlins by Lisa Scottoline everyone is gathered together there’s dad Paul Devlin, mom Marie Devlin, sister Gabby Devlin and her husband Martin, John and his wife Nancy and son Connor and last but never least is TJ Devlin. They’re gathered for their dad‘s birthday when older brother John tells TJ he must speak to him outside. This is when he confesses he needs TJ‘s help he thinks he killed someone they excuse their self from the dinner party and go to the quarry where John believes he became a murderer John says he found irregularities in paperwork he was doing for a company takeover and traced it back to the accountant who pulled a gun on him and John hit him with a rock. When they get to the quarry there’s nobody only bloodsoaked mud, proving John story to be true. TJ who is the black sheep of the family is also the law firm Devlin Devlin and Devlin‘s investigator and he tells John he will look into it but it seems the more he on covers the more strange things happen. While all this is going on he also has to help his sister Gabby with a nonprofit case she is suing medical conglomerate for using prisoners as guinea pigs so it doesn’t help when John tells the family after they keep asking where they went the night of the party he tells them that TJ relapsed which isn’t true TJ has been clean for 276 days and his brother John just threw him under the bus but before it’s over John will do worse it seems TJ isn’t the only Devlin with secrets only TJ‘s secrets never threatened the life of his family. But it may not be John’s secrets that put the Devlins oin danger after all. This is a great book and one I definitely recommend it is a five-star read and I absolutely loved it I loved how TJ loved the little cat I loved everything about the book they had mini twist the book is like a map it takes you down one road until you get to a a cross street where you can only go left or right and you’re wondering which way will it go in right when you decide their going right they turn left this is an awesome book… it has many surprises with no eye rolling moments I thought Lisa Scottoline did a great job with TJ struggles with alcoholism I thought her portrayal of that was honest and respectful and definitely on point is the wife of a recovering alcoholic I can only applaud her she did a great job this is a great book! And now I am just repeating myself. This is a great book and one I definitely recommend. I want to thank penguin group Putnam and Net Galley for my free Ark copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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First I would like to thank Penguin Group and Ms. Scottoline for the opportunity to read this new book in exchange for an honest review.

I have been reading this author for years. Her voice in her stories is authentic and provides that edgy Philadelphia attitude which Iove. This is no exception.

Devlin and Devlin is a family owned legal firm built by the father John but includes the family lawyers - his wife, son John, daughter Gabby, and son TJ who is a recovering alcoholic with a stint in jail. I really enjoyed how the story wove around this family which was filled with loyalty and yes - some serious dysfunction.

There were a couple of plot twists which I did not expect. The ending is wrapped up well - with justice for all.

I believe readers will enjoy this one.

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Thanks to Netgalley, Penguin publishing and Lisa Scottoline for this ARC. I can’t remember the last time I read anything by this author, but I enjoyed this story of the Devlin family, and especially the black sheep, TJ Devlin.. For me there were a few characters I couldn’t keep track of, but I really liked TJ, so I think that’s what kept me reading. He seemed to keep the storyline going..If there are any other books about the Devlins, I will be apt to want to read them if they have TJ Devlin in them. The title “ The Truth About the Devlins” is what got my attention to read this, but I think I was expecting more from the title.. but still, I enjoyed this book. and rounded out my rating to a 4. This is a good book for my bookclub .

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For many reasons, I loved The Truth about the Devlins, by Lisa Scottoline. Among the least relevant is that I'm a lawyer and Philadelphia is my hometown. Reading one of her books set in the Philadelphia region is like visiting home. For most readers, however, this stand-alone novel features an engaging family of characters that I hope will appear in future books. The protagonist is flawed, struggling, and totally sympathetic. Scottoline also manages to weave two stories of corporate greed and abuse of those least able to defend themselves. At least one of those stories is based on fact. I found this to be a very quick read and well-paced. The final twist and reveal were both a bit sudden and incredible. This is a 4.5 rating, rounded up to 5. Thanks to NetGalley, G.P. Putnam's Sons, and the incomparable Lisa Scottoline for allowing me to read a digital ARC.

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Loved the book. Love Lisa Scottoline's work. Loved the story. Loved the characters that I was supposed to love. Loved it! Buy it!

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I've loved most of Scottoline's books, but this one missed the mark a bit for me. There's good characterization and development, a good premise, and ample twists. However, the story starts off strong, but then the pace slows for a good portion of the book.. The narrative drags a at times. TJ is an easy character to root for.

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Lisa Scottoline is a must read author! I have loved all of her books and she always keeps me wanting more. This was a fast paced legal thriller. I really admired TJ's character. He deals with addiction but tries to learn from his mistakes. I love a good family drama, full of twisted, dark secrets, and dysfunction, and this book delivered. I was hooked from the beginning until the very end. This book was well written. I can't wait to see what Lisa has for us next. I HIGHLY recommend this book and all of her other books.

Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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In a family of lawyers, TJ is the one odd man out. Not only does he not work in the law field, but he has also been on the other side of the law, only recently being released from prison. He works as an unofficial investigator for the family law firm, so when TJ agrees to help his brother, his world gets entangled in a much larger investigation for him to solve.

Everything Ms. Scottoline writes is masterful. The reader is drawn into the story from the beginning and she does not let loose until the very end. This book is no different. She creates convincingly honest and genuine characters, while others are deeply flawed, only to find people are not who they seem to be as the "plot thickens".

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Lisa Scottoline never disappoints and her latest is a fast-paced, 5-star thriller that I couldn’t stop reading.

The Devlins are a family of well-respected attorneys. Their firm is thriving and even their black sheep son TJ is helping at the firm doing investigative work. The death of an accountant who works for a company doing business with the Devlins starts a chain of events that leads to secrets and lies and betrayals.

I loved everything about this amazing book!!! Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the honor to read and review this book!!!

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The Truth About the Devlins is Lisa Scottoline at her best. There are multiple crimes and entanglements to be worked out while trying to maintain family relationships.

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3.5 Stars

A rich family full of lawyers and one ex-convict son who happens to be our narrator. This time though, he’s not the one making a mess of things; it’s his older brother. And as he wades through murder, and a slew of other criminal activity, his true heart shines through as he helps his sister fight for justice in a (shockingly based on true facts) case.

I give the author’s note and the research she did five stars!

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This is a fast paced and addicting thriller! I could see this being a series, it was a fun read!

Thank you for this ARC

4/5 stars!

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It's been a long time since I have read one of Lisa Scottoline's books and I can say, I will be going back to reading them. This was a good reminder of how good her books are. While it wasn't my favorite, it was still a great read. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

TJ Devlin is the charming disappointment in the prominent Devlin family, all of whom are lawyers at their highly successful firm—except him. After a stint in prison and rehab for alcoholism, TJ can’t get hired anywhere except at the firm, in a make-work job with the title of investigator.

But one night, TJ’s world turns upside down after his older brother John confesses that he murdered one of their clients, an accountant he’d confronted with proof of embezzlement. It seems impossible coming from John, the firstborn son and Most Valuable Devlin.

TJ plunges into the investigation, seizing the chance to prove his worth and save his brother. But in no time, TJ and John find themselves entangled in a lethal web of deception and murder. TJ will fight to save his family, but what he learns might break them first.

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The Truth about the Devlins
Lisa Scottoline
March 26, 2024

The Devlins are a family of lawyers. Every one of them, Mr. and Mrs., John, Gabriella, but youngest T.J. never finished college. He had problems, couldn’t study and chose to drink, party and didn’t follow the program. He drank too much and despite his folks' help, he got into major problems. He was arrested for leaving his girlfriend’s baby in the car while he went into a local bar to have a beer. After he did his time he did his best to attend daily AA meetings and help as an investigator at Devlin and Devlin, the family business, His parents were at odds about his instincts. They were never sure that he remained sober. The eldest, John, was their pride and joy. In time, he would take over for his father in his retirement.
The Truth about the Devlins will be published by Penguin Group, LLC on March 26, 2024. I was able to read and review Scottoline’s latest novel via NetGalley. After reading many of her books I was thrilled to read the ARC. The Devlin journey is detailed. It is necessary to keep track of the family member’s lifeline. The Truth about the Devlins is back on the legal track. Once the reader is fully involved, it is difficult to put down. It is another of her terrific, well written books. Do enjoy.

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