Member Reviews

The Truth about the Devlins by Lisa Scottoline is a very highly recommended domestic psychological suspense novel following a dysfunctional Philadelphia family. This is an excellent, un-put-downable thriller that will hold your attention from start to finish.

TJ Devlin is the youngest son and the greatest disappointment in his family of lawyers. Both his parents, Paul and Marie, and two older siblings, John and Gabrielle, are lawyers in the successful family firm of Devlin and Devlin. TJ, on the other hand, is an ex-con and, after rehab, has maintain his current sobriety for two years. The only employment he has been able to find is with the family law firm in a make-work job with the title of investigator.

When his older brother John is frantic because he thinks he murdered Neil Lemaire, an accountant he confronted with proof of embezzlement, he privately turns to TJ for his help. TJ agrees to help him and this act of brotherly fidelity sets into motion a complicated entanglement of schemes and deception, especially after John falsely tells his family that TJ is drinking again. At the same time, he is helping Gabby on a heart-breaking pro bono case.

TJ is a likable, genuine character who is honest about his many flaws and failings. He is determined, intelligent, tenacious, but also self-effacing and realistic. This is truly a family drama and the interpersonal dynamics in the Devlin family play an important role. TJ remains loyal to his family, even when it is to his own detriment. His father is a disagreeable, unlikable character and John is an arrogant, pompous jerk. His mother, Marie, and sister Gabby are both likable, agreeable characters.

As expected, the writing is exceptional and descriptive. The pace is fast and compelling for most of the novel, although there is a more even pace in the middle. The narrative is full of action and suspense, containing a good dose of family drama and hysterics, as well as several twists along the way. The Truth about the Devlins is truly an un-put-downable, just one-more-chapter book that had me staying up way-too-late to finish it. The pages flew by. There are several shocking surprises and twists along the way. You will be cheering TJ on as it seems more and more mud is slung in his direction while he is trying to do his best.

The Truth about the Devlins is another winner from Scottoline! Thanks to G.P, Putnam's Sons for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.

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TJ Devlin is a recovering alcoholic and the black sheep of the Devlin family. He is also the only one who is not a lawyer at the Devlin family law firm. When TJs brother John comes to him for help when he thinks he killed someone, TJ decides to investigate. He gets caught in a web of lies and betrayals, and must uncover the truth before anyone gets killed, all while fighting his own demons.

Have read many Lisa Scottoline's books and have always enjoyed them. This one was no different. Book was a little slow to start but it picked up and I was in for a ride. Love TJ and it was hard not to root for him. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that a few things were left unexplained. Would definitely recommend this read.

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Thank you to netgalley and G. P. Putnam's sons publisher for allowing me to read The Truth about the Devlins by Lisa Scottoline. I love Lisa Scottoline books and was very happy to get a copy. This book can be read as an entertaining stand alone book. This book has a trigger warning for alcoholics. A family drama set in a law firm in Philadelphia with no court room drama. The characters were engaging and helped the story flow. I enjoyed the setting of the story and the way she writes to provide glimpses of the city of Philadelphia.

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This thriller explores the importance of family while tying together the plot and twists.
I've always wanted to read a book, by this author, and I'm glad I did.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC

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Lisa Scottoline is an auto-read author for me. I don't care what it's about, I will read it no matter what. This is a true Lisa Scottoline book and highly recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review.

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This was ok. I liked TJ and his self-depreciating humor, although I am sure it comes from his family treating him like garbage. I was happy with his character arc and how it resolved. On the other hand, I didn't like the "twist." It just seemed way too convenient and coincidental.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a legal thriller read with family drama and secrets! Following the Devlins - a family of lawyers who has a firm. The youngest son, TJ is the only one in the family that isn’t a lawyer. TJ is a recovering alcoholic who works as investigator for his family’s law firm. His older brother comes to him for help when he murdered a client who had been embezzling. A very suspenseful read - it started out slow but picked up midway towards the ending. I loved the short chapters, it was easy to binge read! I’ve read a few of backlist titles by this author and I can verify that you can’t really go wrong with Lisa Scottoline! I really enjoyed THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEVLINS, coming out on March 26th! Thank you to Netgalley and G.P. Putnam’s Son for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I adore Lisa Scottoline and her books, I always get sucked into them and cannot put down. This book felt a bit different than her previous novels and while I really enjoyed it, it seemed a little dragged out for me. It is a story full of secrets, family drama, crime and redemption. I am excited to see what she comes up with next.

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The Devlins are a successful Philadelphia family. Attorneys Paul and Marie Devlin's law firm includes daughter Gabby and the golden child, son John, both also attorneys. John is anxiously awaiting his father's retirement so he can take over the company. And then there's TJ, the youngest son and the disappointment of the family. He's a recovering alcoholic who served time for an incident that happened while drunk. His family employs him as an "investigator" so he has a job, and they can keep an eye on him. When John confides in TJ that he thinks he killed a client, TJ stands by his brother and offers to help him. But TJ, who no one gives him proper credit for, actually knows how to investigate and starts to put together the truth as to why his brother found himself in this situation. As he works to stay sober, TJ starts uncovering much more than expected about his family and finds himself in danger.

With The Truth About the Devlins, author Lisa Scottoline is back with another exciting and suspenseful family drama. You'll feel immediate empathy for TJ as he works so hard to become a better man and earn the respect of his family, especially his father. He's a great character who doesn't hesitate to help his brother, even when it becomes more and more clear that John is not the near-perfect person TJ always thought he was. Sister Gabby's pro-bono case against several large pharmaceutical companies was fascinating. It's a well-crafted thriller from an author who never disappoints.

4.25 stars.

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The Devlin family is a family of highly successful lawyers - with one exception, TJ. TJ served a year in prison and rehab due to his alcoholism. He is considered the black sheep of the family and works as an investigator at his family's law firm because he can't find a job anywhere else. So much to his surprise, TJ finds his big brother John (the star of the family) needs his help the night of his father's birthday party. John tells TJ he may have killed one of their clients. When John and TJ go to the spot where John thinks he killed the client, there is no one there and nothing that tells them what happened. TJ vows to investigate and get to the bottom of the mystery, but more things happen and facts don't add up. TJ is also helping his sister Gabby with a pro bono case she is working on - fighting for justice for men that were used as guinea pigs while in prison to test various drugs on patches of their skin. Every day is a challenge for TJ to stay sober and the investigations are only making things more difficult. This was a very interesting read - full of suspense, mystery, family dynamics, betrayal, alcoholism and more. I thought the characters were well written, especially TJ. You really feel all the turmoil he is going through - you really root for him at every step. Will he figure things out? Will he stay sober? Will he earn his father's respect? I couldn't wait to see how those questions got answered. I highly recommend this book. I give it 4.5 stars out of 5.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. It is due to be published on March 26, 2024.

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TJ is a recovering alcoholic who has served time and is now out trying to get back in good with his family. On their dad’s birthday, his brother John comes to him saying he is worried he accidentally killed someone. TJ doesn’t hesitate to help his big brother that he has idolized for years. TJ starts the work of investigating the circumstances around the man John thought he had killed. This opens up a scary can of worms for TJ and his entire family as the people TJ is looking at do not want the attention.

Scottoline is just amazing. In one book she is able to tell a phenomenal story of family, relationships, inner struggles, and so much more. There are so many layers to her books and this one is no exception. Highly recommend!

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Scottoline returns to her roots, and does it again! Lisa is back with a new standalone, returning back to a courtroom family drama, highlighting her extensive knowledge of the legal system. Fans of this author will not be disappointed! Thank you to @netgalley and @putnambooks for the-e arc in exchange for my honest review.

The Truth About the Devlins centers around an affluent main line suburban Philadelphia family, creators of the prestigious Devlin and Devlin law firm. Lisa does an excellent job with characterization, making the reader invest, care, and root for her characters. TJ is the family screw-up and black sheep, recently released from prison for committing a crime that will haunt him forever. He is working for his family’s firm and trying (unsuccessfully!) to get his life back in order when he receives a frantic call from the golden boy of the family, John, who confesses that he has just murdered someone and needs TJs help. What happens next, leads the leader on a roller coaster of emotions as the Devlins start to divide and turn on each other. Who can be trusted? The truth about the Devlins will all be revealed! I liked how this book went deeper into exploring the dynamics of family loyalty and the influence of money and power. My favorite storyline was the relationship between TJ and Mango and how they saved each other. This was just a small part of the book, but it really had an impact on me.

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Whoa- this was a wild ride! 4.5 stars ⭐️!
The short chapters kept me engaged and I fell into the "one more chapter" trap each time I picked the book up! The law office of the Devlin family has always had an elite and powerful reputation in the city of Philadelphia.. that is, until John and T.J potentially become involved on the other side of the law. T.J. is employed as the firms "investigator" and being the only family member who is not a lawyer, he is trying to prove to his family that he is more than his past which involves a battle with alcoholism and related imprisonment. His brother John, the "golden son" gets T.J. involved in risky business at the beginning of the story and the madness keeps the reader on the edge of their seat! Is Devlin and Devlin innocent or guilty? Will T.J's outside involvement in trying to solve the case make things worse?
Highly recommend this book. Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read Lisa Scottoline's newest release!

Note- Make sure to read the authors note following the story. It's insane what has previously happened with inmates being used for human medical expirementation purposes. I didn't realize Lisa Scottoline has a background in law- this subject material obviously is important to her and I felt this subject really contributed to the plot of the story. I also liked her acknowledgment of those struggling with addition, resources available and especially loved her weaving T.J's character with his alcoholism into the story and how he rose in recovery.

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The first half of this book was a bit slow but once it got rolling I couldn’t stop reading. I felt for TJ and his struggle to over come his past. Don’t give up on this book even when it is slow, the ending is full of twists that are worth it.

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I really enjoyed this family legal drama about the Devlins. Everyone in the Devlin family is a lawyer except for TJ. He is a recovering alcoholic on parole. The law firm of Devlin and Devlin hire him as an investigator to keep him out of trouble. His brother John is a lawyer there waiting for the Dad to retire so he can run the company. His sister Gabby is a lawyer who works on pro bono cases. TJ is helping Gabby with a law suit against a pharmaceutical company who did testing on inmates. The inmates who were tested are now all suffering from deadly cancers. Right from the beginning of the book brother John gets TJ involved with a murder that John thinks he has committed. Poor TJ is pulled deeper and deeper into this mystery and his parole and sobriety is in jeopardy. His is the black sheep of the family and his father is always disappointed in him. He tries hard to earn his dad's trust but with his past to haunt him TJ thinks it is a lost cause. There is some sibling rivalry between John and TJ and John isn't who everyone thinks he is. This story is very addicting and a great read. It has family drama and legal drama. It is fast paced and intriguing. I highly recommend.
Thanks to #netgalley, #gpputnam'ssons and @lisascottoline for an ARC of this great read.

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This book is a whirlwind of intrigue and excitement, offering a little something for every reader. From addiction and sinister human experimentation by rogue drug companies to murder, attempted murder, courtroom drama, and family antics, it's a rollercoaster of suspenseful storytelling.

In "TheTruth about the Devlins," a family predominantly composed of lawyers, secrets abound—after all, what family doesn't have its fair share? However, the Devlin family's secrets often veer into criminal territory, adding an extra layer of intrigue and excitement to the narrative. It's these juicy secrets that keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the truth behind the Devlin family's tangled web of mysteries.

Despite the weightiness of the topics explored, author Ms. Scottoline masterfully infuses the narrative with humor, making even the darkest moments feel somehow lighter and more approachable. It's this balance of serious themes and comedic relief that makes "The Thruth about the Devlins" a truly engaging and unforgettable read.

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This is my second Lisa Scottoline book, and I'm really glad that I enjoyed this one more than the first one I read, What Happened to the Bennetts. Right from the start of this novel, I was invested in TJ's story, although I was able to see some of the "twists" coming very early on. I really love books that have a heavy prevalence of glamorous careers in them, and this lawyer-heavy book definitely scratches that itch for me. I am looking forward to reading more of Scottoline's books. I am hoping the next one I read it more thriller versus suspense, but like I said, this one kept me invested regardless. Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for my advanced copy of this novel to review.

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TJ is the black sheep of his family full of Lawyers. He’s had troubles in his life as an alcoholic. Now, two years sober, he works for his families law firm as an investigator.
One night, his brother John asks for TJ’s help. He thinks he may have killed one of his clients after accusing him of embezzlement … TJ investigates to see what really went down.
This is a crime mystery/thriller with family drama. I didn’t see the ending coming and loved the character development.

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This was my first Lisa Scottoline book but will certainly not be my last. I am a sucker for high society whodunnits, and The Truth about the Devlins did not disappoint! I loved the setting, loved the characters, and loved the plot. I truly could not put it down and am waiting anxiously for Scottoline's next book already!

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Lisa Scottoline's latest book started out a bit slow for me, but by the second half I was putting everything else on hold in order to finish it. I couldn't help but feel for TJ as he was trying so hard to get his life on track while taking risks to help his seemingly ungrateful brother. It is always a treat to read one of Lisa's books. Thanks to NetGalley, Penguin Group Putnam and the author for an advance copy to read and review.

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