Member Reviews

Thank you to Net Galley for letting me read this early. I felt like this was a solid book but I couldn't quite give it four stars. One thing I loved was knowing a lot of the towns and locations in this book since it took place in Philly and surrounding areas. Lisa's writing style is as good as ever with this one but where it fell a little flat to me is that I felt like I saw it coming of who the truth was about, so to speak. But I still enjoyed the path she took to get there. Look for this book to be released on March 26th.

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This book hooked me from the beginning. I was lucky enough to have a Saturday free so I didn’t have to put this book down.
An interesting mystery with a dysfunctional family of lawyer's thrown in. Who killed the accountant? Why are we being followed? Did my sibling throw me under the bus again? Who’s following us? Why can’t they believe that TJ is sober. I found the family treatment of each other pretty appalling but TJ’s mom and sister want to believe him while his dad and brother, wow! Not nice people. At least his sister is trying to do good by exposing the testing that happened at the prison years ago and has caused deaths. The twist at the end and how it unfolds was sooo satisfying.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC and to Ms. Scottoline for another great book.

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Thanks to Netgalley & PENGUIN GROUP- Putnam for the E-ARC! I unfortunately did not enjoy this book. The characters were very unlikable and the plot was very boring.

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Last year I had the pleasure of reading "What Happened to the Bennetts," and loved it, so when I saw that Lisa Scottoline had a new book available I was so excited when @NetGalley sent me the ARC in exchange for a fair review. So thank you @NetGalley, @LisaScottoline and GPPutnamSons for this book!

The Truth about the Devlins really had me hooked from the start of the book. TJ, the books main character is one player in the family that is The Devlins. A group of powerful lawyers, and one misfit son. As the book unfolds I fell in love with TJ's character, I don't know if it was because he was the black sheep of the family, I don't know if it was because we have similar "pasts," but the author really put me into the feels for him and despite all that happens you are rooting for him non-stop. His brother, John Devlin on the other hand I wanted to punch in the face. John calls TJ to come and help him because he thinks he just murdered a man, when TJ arrives there is no body to be found. This starts the book on a rabbit trail to find out where the man is, who the man is, why would John have murdered him. TJ is also an investigator, doing what he does best - he starts to uncover to so many things that you as the reader won't see coming. A tangly mess within the family and all roads seem to point to TJ, but no one believes an ex-con, alcoholic over his successful lawyer brother who blames him for everything. Murder, scandal, mystery, redemption and justice all come into play in this book. I recommend it to my friends and family and remember - you are not defined by your past, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

#TheTruthabouttheDevlins #NetGalley #LisaScottoline #arc

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Meet Philadelphia family Marie, Paul, John, Gabby, and Thomas, known as TJ, in The Truth About the Devlins, the latest domestic thriller from Lisa Scottoline coming out at the end of March. The Devlins are a lawyer family except for TJ, who has served a short sentence in prison and rehabilitation for alcoholism. However, he works for the family law practice as an investigator.

TJ finds himself on a downward spiral when his brother John admits to killing Neil Lemaire, an embezzling accountant who worked for Devlins’ client Runstan Electronics on the verge of being acquired by another company in a lucrative deal John has brokered. TJ and John head to the deserted spot by Knickerbocker Quarry where John said he left the body…but there is no body, no maroon Volvo, and no bloody rock that John said he threw when Lemaire pulled a gun. TJ goes into search mode that night and the next day to find Lemaire, but the police found him first, shot in the head in a white Mercedes parked at Dutton Run Park.

In a flash, John turns on TJ by trying to get the family to believe that TJ is drinking again and he, not John, must have had something to do with the death of the accountant. TJ has already lost so much: time in prison and rehab, the love of his life and her daughter, and credibility with his family.

When TJ comes clean with his family—minus John—about what has been going on starting with John bashing the accountant with a rock, they do not believe him. His drinking history colors his present status especially with his father who believes TJ has relapsed as John has said. Things are spinning out of control as another death occurs, people are following TJ, and his home and car have been bugged. Soon the police turn up at his door because, after all, TJ has a criminal past.

While TJ begins to lose hope in this tangled web of intrigue, his sister Gabby asks for his help in a pro bono case seeking justice for former prisoners of the Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia who were used as guinea pigs for the drug testing by real-life Dr. Albert Kligman, a dermatology professor at Penn’s medical school. With the author’s recent interest in writing historical fiction, Scottoline incorporates the experimenting with Tretinoin, an acne medication that Kligman was developing, which works by exfoliating the skin. The tests resulted in devastating health problems for the men who were involved in the drug trials.

The pro bono case is a distraction for TJ who is desperate to open his family’s eyes to the truth about John and the Runstan acquisition. What can he do to redirect the police to the actual guilty parties? Could he possibly be headed back to jail for something he did not do? Is the truth about the Devlins going to shatter their world?

Lisa Scottoline, a former lawyer, has written more than two dozen novels as well as co-authored nine humorous books with her daughter Francesca Serritella. A long-time writer of a lawyer series and thrillers, she has started writing historical fiction as well with the books Eternal and Loyalty. She lives in Philadelphia with her horses, numerous dogs and cats, and a life-size cutout of Bradley Cooper.

My review will be posted on Goodreads starting January 20, 2024.

I would like to thank PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in return for an objective review.

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First time reading this author, so didn't know what to expect. It was a fairly solid tale of family drama - LOTS of drama. I think everyone had a little something to uncover here. The protagonist, TJ a recovering and struggling ex-alcoholic, was a likable character so I wanted him to win his battles. Older brother, John a big jerk and high roller lawyer, was very unlikable so I wanted him to lose. Read to see how things finished. I might try another by this author, but this was just an ok for me.

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The Truth About The Devlins showcases Scottoline in her most familiar genre: fast-paced crime thrillers. This book is no exception, grabbing the reader from literally the first page. The story is told by TJ Devlin, recovering alcoholic, trying to get back in his family's good graces while trying to solve - what turns out to be - more than one crime at once. The book is written in short chapters, often ending in cliffhangers, which makes the book hard to put down. The book also highlights a real-life case about prison inmates, which was both interesting and disturbing. All in all, The Truth About the Devlins is definitely worth the read if you like crime thrillers!

Thank you to Lisa Scottoline, Penguin Group Putnam, and Netgalley for allowing me to read the advance copy of the book.

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My fave Lisa Scottoline book so far! I could not put it down and I loved it! I was rooting for TJ the whole story and was happy with the ending. Be sure to read the Acknowledgements and Author’s Note at the end of the book. She did a lot of research into addiction and it was very accurate with my brother. He sadly could not fight it any longer and was dead at age 57. Fought it for many years. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release. I highly recommend it!

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Huge fan of Lisa Scottoline, so I jumped right in to read this book. In the author true style it didn’t disappoint. Being from Pennsylvania and born in Philadelphia her book always get me. The dysfunction in the family reminds of times my own crazy seems normal.

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The Devlins are a prominent family of lawyers. They own their own successful law firm that includes siblings, mom, and dad. Out of all of the kids, TJ is the black sheep. He had addiction issues and did a bit of prison time. They all love each other but can only be as close as they can be given his issues.

When TJ was released from prison he couldn’t find a job so his family hired him as an investigator for the firm. His dad in particular was very disappointed in him and never wanted to see his son like that again.

Tj’s brother John confessed to him that he accidentally killed a man. This man was an accountant who was embezzling. TJ steps up the plate and wants to help John. It would help their strained relationship if he could do right by him and help.

Although it’s work of fiction, Scottoline hits the target with respect to legal terms, courtroom testimony, and the deep emotions that people would feel in these real-life situations.

This is a fast-paced thriller with all of the goodies: family tragedy, family bonding, bad guys, and courtroom drama. We see how hard work, determination, and family love can bring people back together again. This is a family affair and they all must work together to get through this.

Another great thrill ride for Scottoline fans and fans of suspense, thrillers, and legal dramas. Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the ARC of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for my advanced copy of Lisa Scottoline's soon to be published book, The Truth About the Devlins, for my honest review.

I've read all of Lisa Scottoline's books and they never disappoint! Being from the Philly area myself, I liked the references to different parts of the City.

This book hooked me from the first chapter! All the characters and the dysfunctional family dynamic were very well developed. I found myself really rooting for TJ and would like to see him the subject of Ms. Scottoline's next book.

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TJ Devlin cannot seem to catch a break. Always the black sheep of the family of lawyers and trying to fit in. His older brother John the poster child, one night makes a bad decision that will rock the family and their law firm. As TJ gets involved in John’s issues, things become messy and include murder and white collar crime! Can TJ help his brother and his family or will he sink before that happens. Great book. Little twist at the end helps make this one worth the read.

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I was excited to read The Truth About the Devlins as I’d enjoyed other titles by Lisa Scottine. The Truth About the Devlins started very well, I was drawn right in. The brothers and the dynamic was interesting. Through the middle, I found my attention waned a bit but I’m glad I kept reading as the final 1/3 was good with mild twists and a heartwarming ending.

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Interesting read! The mystery, intrigue and family secrets are only part of what keeps you reading and wanting to find out the ending! Lisa Scottoline’s writing is engaging ! Thank you to the author, Netgalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the arc in exchange for my honest review!

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I was very taken in by the family drama of the Devlin family, the court case for the former prison inmates who had been used as medical guinea pigs, the legal maneuvering, the recovering alcoholic, the broken relationships, the brother vs brother…every chapter made each situation harder to unravel. Scottoline kept it all pieced together masterfully. This made for a well plotted read. It will be easy to recommend.

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The REAL truth about the Devlins is not at all what it seems.

The story follows the Devlin family - high profile lawyers - and specifically TJ - the screw up son fresh out of prison. The only lawyer NOT in his family.

Trouble finds TJ and he finds himself wrapped up tightly in the webs of murder, fraud, lies and scandals. One Devlin blames another Devlin - and it becomes an all out family war.

I did not see the twist coming - great thriller!

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This was a great read. It went in so many different directions but it was all pulled together. The Devlin Family are quite interesting and I loved TJ from the start. Lisa Scottoline knows how to tell a story and pull the reader in!!

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This is a rollercoaster of a family saga combined with a thriller. I found the set up promising, but the middle of this novel got a little convoluted, and dragged on. Overall a solid novel that is enjoyable for fans of thrillers.

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The Truth About the Devlins by Lisa Scottoline is one that I couldn't put down once I started reading it. The book follows the ups and down of the Devlins who run a family law firm. Two of the three Devlin kids are on the straight and narrow, however the youngest TJ can't get it together. TJ is the youngest and has a drinking problem, after spending a year in jail for his crimes he is now the private investingator for the famly's firm. John, the oldest Devlin seeks out TJ's help when he thinks that he accidently killed a man. Everything for TJ goes down hill from them. His family thinks he is drinking again. He is being followed and he doesn't know who it is. The man that John killed wasn't dead but turned up a day later as a suicide victim, which dosen't sit well with TJ. Now the police are looking at TJ for the murder and no one believes him. You can't go wrong with Lisa Scottoline books. Love them all.

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I love a domestic thriller and Lisa Scottoline absolutely delivers a home run with The Truth about the Devlins.

This will grip you in its hooks and won't let you go, even after you've long turned the last page.

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