Member Reviews

Lisa Scottoline is one of my few "must read" authors, and I was excited to see that she has a new book being published in March 2024! If you haven't been introduced to Lisa yet, I recommend every single thing she's ever written!

The Devlins are the family that we all want to be a part of - wealthy, prestigious, and respected in the community. Mom, Dad, and kids John, Gabby, and TJ all work together at the Devlin and Devlin law firm. Gabby is the family do-gooder, John is the stereotypical ambitious, high-achieving firstborn, and TJ is a recovering alcoholic that wants to be accepted and valued by his family. At the family patriarch's birthday dinner, John comes to TJ requesting urgent help...and the wild ride keeps going until the very last pages!

This book has it all! It's a thriller, it's a family study of a loving, but dysfunctional, family, and it's a reminder of the failures of justice in society. I truly loved the protagonist and rooted for his successes the entire book - as usual, Lisa Scottoline's characters are vibrant and dynamic. The twist at the end I did NOT see coming, which is rare!
Thank you, thank you for another wonderful read!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

As much as I tried to like this family focused thriller, something about the writing felt very stilted to me. Perhaps it was the main character, TJ’s, internal monologue that didn’t feel authentic to me.

Just an okay read

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Great story about a family law firm. The black sheep PI is investigating the oldest son's murder confession. Great family dynamics and characters. Twisty story that will surprise you!

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Wowzers! What a thriller! I love a good black sheep of a family! After spending time in prison, TJ Devlin joins the family law firm. His brother confesses to murder and TJ is determined to get to the bottom.

Super fast faced thrilled that was un-put-downable! Love all of Lisa Scottoline's books and her latest is no exception! Add it to your TBR list!

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I haven't read a lot of her books before but I really enjoyed The Truth About the Devlins. I kept turning the page because I needed to know how it was all going to unfold and wrap back up at the end.

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I enjoyed this book. TJ trying to prove himself after all the mistakes he’s made and his family not making it easy. This had some comedy, mystery and romance.

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Read it. Immensely readable and fast paced, I loved the Devlins and all their secrets along with their commitment to family. The Truth About the Devlins is about family and how our roles in the family define who we are and how hard they can be to overcome.

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This was a really good book. Lots of family drama and well written characters that make you love them or hate them. And, a great suspenseful story that has twists and turns and keeps you guessing. Definitely recommend.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC.

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The Devlin's are a prominent family who have been in business with their law firm for years. The law firm was started by the Mr and Mrs Devlin and their two children John and Gabby have followed in their footsteps practicing law. TJ the baby of the family has recently come back to the family after spending time in jail and battling alcoholism. He is a investigator and helping his brother John when he comes to him regarding a client who he thinks he killed when he met him to discuss funds that had been misappropriated. The story is fast paced and multi-leveld with all the family drama and plenty of mystery. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book it was really enjoyable!

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TJ Devlin is the black sheep in a family of lawyers. A recovering alcoholic, after his stint in jail he now works as an investigator at his family law firm. One night his brother tells him he killed a client and he needs TJ’s help.

I liked this book but I found TJ to be an especially likable and real character. I did not like his brother or dad. I felt like the story was well written and well researched. I had to keep reading to figure out where the story was going. Twists and turns until the end!

Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Group, and the author for the advance reader copy. This is my honest review.

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thank you NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this book.
I love Lisa Scottoline but this one will not be one of my favorites. It started out great but when it began to unfold I got bored with it. I liked TJ and what he was going through and the realness of his character.

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In a family of successful lawyers TJ Devlin is the problem child with his drinking and immature ways. His older brother John whom everyone looks up to comes to TJ for help after he thinks he’s killed someone, then turns on TJ telling their father it was TJ’s problem. What do you do as a family when it’s your reputation that makes you the slight after law firm in Philly? Who is telling the truth, the upstanding brother or the alcoholic who’s already caused so much trouble.
Scottoline is a master in all genres, the law novels, the historic ones, and this my favorites of hers, the suspenseful books. A great read.

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My thanks to both NetGalley and the publisher Penguin Group- Putnam for an advance copy of this book of mystery dealing with family dynamics, making amends and of course murder.

Being the black sheep in a family, the person that much was expected from, and yet never came to fruition strains a family in many ways. Especially in a family that values restraint, and control of actions, as their livelihoods are based on this. Doubts will always be there. Actions will always be questioned, and even when helping another member of the family, blame will be aimed directly at the mess-up of the family. The one who couldn't hack it, and fell down. However, once one has hit bottom, there is only one way to go, and though the family might have given up on a person, maybe the black sheep hasn't given up on the family. The Truth about the Devlins by bestselling author, Lisa Scottoline is a story of murder, the betrayals and lies that families hide behind, and getting back to one's feet after having everything swept away.

Thomas Jefferson Devlin, known as TJ, is better known as the failed Devlin, the one who had it all, but messed it all up. A problem with alcohol cost TJ his job, his family's respect, and his freedom for a period of time. With a criminal record jobs are scarce, and TJ is filling time in a made-up job at his family's firm, working with his father, brother and sister, and trying to make amends. TJ's brother, John, comes to him with a dilemma. Somehow a client is dead, and John might have had a part in it. But the scene of the supposed muder is lacks a body, nor evidence of a crime. Though the body does turn up later, killed in a different way than John says. John begins to badmouth TJ to his family, saying that TJ is drinking again, something that everyone believes. And the more TJ investigates the more he finds out about himself, his family, and the perfect world he was once a part of.

A different kind of work by Scottoline, but a good story nonetheless. This is as much an investigation of how families interact as it is a mystery of murder and what happened. Scottoline is really good at developing characters and TJ for all his faults is not only interesting, but a funny character to have as narrator. One of the few to actually try and accept the blame for his mistakes, TJ stands out in a book loaded with people who seem to treat ethics like a four-letter word. Though again TJ does have a few weird moments. The story is good, starting strong and keeping the momentum going, never slowing down, nor losing the narrative. A lighter book for Scottoline, but after the last few one could understand why.

This is an enjoyable read and one that her fans will quite enjoy. A title to keep in mind for Mother's Day.

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I've read my share of books from this author and this is defiantly not her best.
Fast read that doesn't really keep your interest .
Thanks NetGalley for advance copy.

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Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this eARC!

I have been a Lisa Scottoline fan for quite a while since I started reading her in high school after my mom started suggesting her books. I wasn't sure what to expect from this one due to the plot and change from typical main character. The plot very quickly pulled me in and I really enjoyed the fact that TJ was not a perfect character. He had flaws and vulnerabilities, but was also strong and reflective. His character's willingness to seek the truth and do good while also seeming true to himself made this story very compelling. I think I am going to miss reading from TJ's POV and hearing about Mango and the rest of his family. The Holmesburg cases definitely added another level to the story and I have started to research more about it. Brava to Scottoline for bringing more attention to his horrific time in our history. Overall, another great addition to Scottline's oeuvre!

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I always love a good legal thriller and this one by Lisa Scottoline is great! Family drama at it's finest!
Very fast read !
Thank you Net Galley for allowing me to read and review this book!

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Another fast read thriller from Lisa Scottoline! A member of a well to do Philadelphia family, the main character is a recovering alchoholic who is struggling day by day to stay sober. Working as a Private Investigator in his family's law firm, his older brother reveals a secret which will tear this family apart. A quick suspenceful read that you won't stop until the end. I live near the area that the author writes about, everything is so familar. Kudos to the aurhor.

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WOW! This is one of those “stay up past your bedtime” books. I definitely did. I love that the black sheep son who is taken for granted, served time and is an alcoholic ended up being the hero of the story. The dysfunctional family is very well depicted and real and the situations are also realistic. Don’t miss this book! I received an arc of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I love a story about a dysfunctional family and all the webs between relationships. I have read many Lisa Scottoline books and have yet to be disappointed, this book is no exception. I loved the story and all the layers within. I can't wait to purchase a physical copy to add to my bookshelf. thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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Lisa Scottoline does it again. The Truth About the Devlins is an intense legal thriller with family drama. TJ a recovering alcoholic, the black sheep of his family, works at his family’s law firm as an investigator. When his brother, a lawyer in the family law firm confides in TJ information about embezzlement and that he may have killed a man.T TJ is suddenly caught up in deception, and attempted murder. As TJ investigates his life is threatened., the story moves fluidly from past bro present. And the different storylines combine to for an intense story about a family with all their flaws, and the law. It was easy to get drawn into this story which moved fast with plenty of twists and turns.

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