Member Reviews

Alison finds herself back at current girlfriend status when she attends her ex-boyfriend's funeral. As a perpetual people pleaser, she agrees to pretend to still be Sam's girlfriend for the sake of his family. Which spirals into agreeing to help clear out his apartment with his best friend, who's a bit of a grump. They're now stuck with each other for the next four weekends.

What a refreshing and delightful read! I absolutely loved the humor of this book! This book is for people who find humor in uncomfortable and serious situations (funerals, breast cancer prevention) and don't shy away from a good nipple joke. The characters were ordinary and nerdy in the best way possible, and their growth through the story felt realistic. I could have done with a little more spice after the build up, but that's totally just a personal preference. I'm so glad I already pre-ordered a physical copy of this book!

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This was adorable. Absolutely wonderful and funny and- ugh.

While technically not a five-star read, I had so much fun and enjoyed (almost) every second that I believe it deserves to be rounded up the half point it would otherwise be missing. The banter between the characters was hilarious and rom-com coded in the best way- but not in a cringey or meh sort of way.

The characters had issues, but they worked through them independently, and I loved it. This book was impossible to put down and the pacing felt right, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else comes from Palmer.

thank you Netgalley for the free ARC

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After Alison’s ex boyfriend dies, she keeps up the ruse to help his grieving family, not expecting to fall for his best friend. This concept was such a unique take on the “fake dating” trope. Adam is, first and foremost, such a dynamic, well-written “grump” MMC. His and Alison’s banter and texting made me giggle out loud during my lunch break. Alison, throughout the novel, struggles with her mastectomy and her diagnosis, which makes her question herself - should she be this adventurous, outdoorsy person, even if she doesn’t like it? I think it was nice to see Alison struggle with physical health and also her mental health, dealing with who she was as a person and how her cancer scare affected her and her relationships. I almost wish more of Adam’s grief was shown, because we get small snippets, but it felt like we didn’t get to see as much of Adam’s grieving as I’d expect, although it makes sense while he’s happy with Alison. This book has fabulous twists on multiple tropes, tons of trivia, witty references, and fun writing. Congrats to Palmer for her debut novel, and I’m looking forward to reading many more!

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This book had such a unique premise, and that's precisely where its charm lies. Allison shows up at her ex-boyfriend's funeral. Except his family doesn't know they're exes, and his sister asks her to keep it that way. So, she does, and then she gets dragged into cleaning out her ex's apartment with his best friend. As you can infer, things just go from there. What I loved about this was that it was grief and regret in a real way, but also in a different way. There was also the exploration of Allison's identity after having a double mastectomy - There was more to her story, and I loved how this was woven into Allison's emotional journey. Even with the feels, this also had humor and fun. I love a book with characters I am rooting for so hard, and that was so much this. Thanks to NetGalley for the look at this August 2024 release. Also, an extra shoutout to this book's incredible title - It's part of the reason I couldn't wait to read!

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Alison and Adam’s story was so sweet! The plot felt fresh and characters had growth. I loved their story!

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Four Weekends and Funeral was such a delightful read. I was first drawn in by the outstanding premise. Alison attends her ex-boyfriend Sam's funeral and someone introduces her as Sam's girlfriend. She clarifies "ex girlfriend" and the guy goes "obviously." And by the time she's realized the mistake, the conversation has moved on.

Sam's grieving parents ask her to go through Sam's things with his best friend, Adam, because they can't bear to do it. Alison and Adam spend the next four weekends clearing out Sam's apartment and getting to know each other.

Alison is a BRCA 1 carrier and after her double-mastectomy, feels like she's been given a new lease on life and attempts to seek out an adventurous life even though it goes against all her instincts.

I adored both Alison and Adam, as well as the endearing and hilarious side characters, was hot and bothered by that first kiss scene (damn you Uncle Ricky for interrupting!), and was gutted by the quiet, reflective moments about what it means to dream and strive and be true to yourself. I was drawn in by the premise of this book but stayed for the banter and chemistry and the exploration of what defines a life well lived.

Easy five stars from me! So excited for you to read Ellie's debut and can't wait for what's next!

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This has been one of my recent faves! The title caught my eye (as I'm a sucker for covers AND kitschy titles) and the synopsis had me curious. It could have gone one of two ways, as many books can/do. What followed was both a "fun" romance story and a deep process of healing and self-acceptance by multiple characters that had me hooked. There is a fine line between "unique" and "crazy" with storylines and this DID walk that line a bit, but it wound up on the right side for me!

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This book pulled me in from the very first chapter! As a people pleaser, the premise of the story was relatable in an outlandish way. Rather than telling me how the characters felt, the author made me feel each emotion and become invested instantly in their story. Fate, friendship and true love wrapped wrapped up into a fun and easy read. I give this book five stars!

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if emily henry’s beach read + funny story had a baby, it would be this book.

this is a tale of finding yourself and finding love while grieving the life you thought you should or would have had. the characters in this book are everything (!!!) to me. they are so realistic and raw, and I loved the angst that was always flowing in the background of this book.

adam and alison are struggling after a sudden loss, and their proximity to one another leads to much confusion (and tension). should you be falling for your dead ex boyfriend’s best friend while everyone still labels you as “his?” probably not, but life always likes to throw curveballs!

this story just felt so raw, real, and incredibly unique while also being reminiscent of the stories I love.

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Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for an ARC of Four Weekends and a Funeral in exchange for my honest opinions.

When I learned I had been selected to read this book, I honestly had forgotten what it was about. So when I began reading, I went in blind... and in a way I'm glad I did. First, I was DELIGHTED to realize the book was set in Minnesota. As a Minnesota native myself, I enjoyed every reference and I could tell that the author truly knew the state well. I found it very easy to get into the story and wanted to keep turning the pages.

I also enjoyed that this was a romantic novel, but with a refreshed plot. There was some serious matter in the books (FMC is a post-double-mastectomy BRCA 1 carrier) but it was truly done so respectfully and well and gave real insight to the feelings of a woman who navigates feeling like she cheated cancer yet sacrificed a part of her body to do so. As a woman I found this a powerful story.

I liked the FMC and MMC interactions and I liked that when things went askew - they worked on themselves first instead of just the blame game or needing each other to fix everything.

A genuine good book with a new to me author. I will gladly read other books as Ellie Palmer writes them (and hopefully keeps some Minnesota ties like author Abby Jimenez does!)

4.4 out of 5!
Spice: 2 out of 5

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This rom-com is the perfect blend of everything! The characters were super likeable, the banter was great, the love story was on point. I could see myself reading a part two about these characters!
This was just the book I needed right now. I smiled and laughed through a lot if it. I felt my heartstrings tugged at a few times.
Looking forward to future releases from Ellie Palmer!

Thank you @elliepalmerwrites, @putnambooks, and @netgalley for the opportunity to review this ARC!

#netgalley #FourWeekendsAndaFuneral

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pub date: august 6. 2024

@elliepalmerwrites knocked this out of the park! The only disappointing thing is that this is book is her debut so I don’t have a back catalog to devour.

I loved the characters in this one. Alison is a mess, but in a very relatable way. As a post double mastectomy BRCA1 carrier she feels she needs to make every moment of her life *big*. Adam is a grumpy carpenter who lives his life too small.

The supporting cast of Alison’s friends (also, is this going to be a series??? I would love to see Chelsea and Patrick next!) were just enough to help move the plot without making it a character soup.

I liked it. Go read it.

Thank you @elliepalmerwrites, @putnambooks, and @netgalley for the opportunity to review this ARC! Looking forward to seeing more from Ellie Palmer in the future!

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This book had everything I want in a romance book. Ali shows up at her ex boyfriend Sam’s funeral to find out no one else knows he broke up with her. His family takes comfort in knowing he found love before passing, so Sam’s sister tells Ali to just go with it and not tell anyone that Sam dumped her. Ali sticks around after the funeral to help with a few things including packing up Sam’s place with his grumpy friend Alex. This book has a couple of your usual romance tropes but what makes it different is that the female main character has the BRCA gene. I thought it added depth to this book and even romance because true partnership is being able to be vulnerable. When are we more vulnerable than when talking about our health. Having someone to go through the highs and lows of life is what love is all about.

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Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Four Weekends and a Funeral follows Alison who attends her ex-boyfriend's funeral only to find out that his family still thought they were together when he'd passed away. She agrees to play the grieving girlfriend for the sake of his family and offers to help pack up his apartment on their behalf with the help of his grumpy best friend, Adam over the course of four weekends. Over the course of the four weeks, Alison and Adam's relationship goes from tense and awkward to the start of a friendship, which eventually transforms into romance.

The book and storyline started out fairly strong, but for the most part it dragged on for me and I had to push myself to get through it. There were some cute moments throughout but as the story progressed it was a bit hard for me to keep interest. I had a hard time with the FMC and her demeanor as well. Her and Sam had only broken up 6 weeks before his death and her reaction seemed a bit nonchalant and not as grief-stricken as I think someone fresh off a breakup that they didn't initiate should seem. That and the fact that in just 4 weekends, Adam and Alison could go from monosyllabic conversation to declaring their love for each other over the course of packing up an apartment of someone who should have meant a significant deal to each of them was a bit off-putting as well. All in all, I didn't love this one but I also didn't dislike it, and I think many readers will find it enjoyable!

I do think this is a great debut novel for this particular author and she absolutely has a talent for writing. I look forward to seeing what else she releases in the future.

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oh, ellie palmer. oh. ellie. palmer.

this book is for the pathological people pleasers who feel guilty because they feel like they should be doing or wanting more in life. another book for the people who feel like they're running out of time (for what? we never know).

ali and adam ARE LITERALLY SOULMATES. there is literally an invisible string that ties them together (you'll get it, trust me).

and while i love romance i have to say i always appreciate a positive friendship between women. ali and her friends mara and chelsea are all opposites but bring out the BEST in each other. i absolutely loved every single interaction between the group and how they showed each other tough love and always had each others backs. ugh. platonic love is so rarely celebrated and i love how it's expressed in this book.

in the same vain of them bringing the best out of each other, i think this book does so well in bringing comfort to anyone who feels like who they are isn't enough. a heavy theme throughout this book is that "just" being you is not only enough but the best thing you can do. it's easy to feel like you aren't doin enough; in life, in your career, everywhere. you try to make up for it my convincing yourself that you need to change. and while change is good (in routine, in practice, in your mind) it doesn't necessarily mean that you need a complete overhaul of your life.

being you is okay. it's good. it's great. there is no one else like you, so it's the best thing you can be.

ellie palmer, you have a fan for life. a new automatic buy author. ilysm.

thank you netgalley and penguin random house for the arc in exchange for an honest review. the easiest five stars ever <3

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NetGalley ARC -
overall enjoyed the book, I liked that a lot of the focus of the book was really about coming to terms with being a BRCA 1 carrier and the aftermath of her mastectomy. I liked the group of friends and their relationship. Main relationship cute, both overcoming a lot of baggage to be together.

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A really great debut read by Ellie Palmer. This book was a breath of fresh air in my long list of never ending romcoms tbr! First, the title is perfect. It sets the tone for the book, which is literally what the title says. Second, the characters were familiar but yet expertly twisted into something new. I reconnected which each character in a different lens than any other romcom, which I feel is essential in standing out within the genre! Finally, this one felt REAL. I could see these exact same events happening to someone I know. It's kinda wild, but in the best possible way. The lessons learned by characters were life changing, but not poetic to the point that those lessons couldn't be learned during four weekends and a funeral. Loved this one! Star this release date on your calendar!

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This book was such an unexpected delight! I’m hoping the lack of buzz so far is just due to its publication date not being until August, but rest assured I’ll be yelling about this one for the next 8 months to make sure everyone is aware of it before then. This is one of the books where I was screaming for dual PoVs because I wanted to know everything inside Adam’s head and hear all about his obsessions with Alison firsthand. Alas, we got only Alison’s point of view, but luckily the author did an amazing job showing us Adam’s feelings through his actions and facial expressions so we never really missed out.
Alison was such a relatable character, a born people-pleaser trying to live her life as someone who “cheated cancer” by getting a preventative double mastectomy as her genetic predisposition for cancer was high. She is searching for a new, more meaningful life, trying to make the most of the chance she has been given to live without the increased chances of cancer looming over her. Unfortunately, Alison has yet to discover a love for this new and improved life.
Adam, on the other hand, called the North Shore Grump behind his back, is grappling with demons of his own when he and Alison meet, and I love love LOVED watching his walls come down as he realized he was safe with Alison. As he poured his heart out to her and gradually let her in, it was so satisfying to watch him become a funny and sweet guy as his heart started to melt for her. Their banter was so cute and I laughed out loud more than a few time at their conversations and witty comebacks. I was pining right along with them for much of the book, and while this is fade to black, we were never short on sexual tension.
The topic of grief and loss was handled very well, and while Alison and Adam were in very different places with regards to their grief surrounding Sam’s death, they were both able to process in their own way and start to heal from what was left after he died. I was glad to see that Sam’s death, and his life, never faded from the storyline even as the romance between Al and Adam took center stage.
This is a spectacular debut from Ellie Palmer and I cannot wait to see what she gives us next!

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I really loved this story. It was sweet and funny.

Alison is experiencing “survivors guilt” and feels she has to prove something about cheating cancer. Alison’s ex boyfriend has a horrible accident and now she is stuck cleaning out his apartment with his best friend Adam.

This story had me laughing out loud and at time brought tears to my eyes.

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I had high hopes for this book and it DID NOT disappoint. I absolutely loved it. Adam and Alison gave me Luke and Lorelai vibes. It had grumpy meets sunshine. And that ending had me tearing up. Such an amazingly sweet debut. Well done! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Five stars from me and I’ll be recommending this one to all of my friends. I can’t wait for this book to release so I can have a physical copy for my shelf.

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