Member Reviews

My face aches from reading this book. I had to force myself to stop smiling to mitigate risk of crows feet. It’s going in my 10-star reads tag. Absolutely fantastic.

Things I loved:
-A grumpy x sunshine romance that I can actually get behind. I was hooked from the first chapter. Hooked as in I skipped dinner to read this book straight through. I’m really hungry now.
-The survivors guilt is real. This book put me in my feels.
-… guys who like hiking that much are a red flag, okay!? Same vibe as putting “I am super active and need someone that can keep up with me” in a tinder bio.
-How different Alison, Mara, and Chelsea are. Nailed female friendships.
-Loved the pop culture references.
-Obsessed with the chemistry between Adam and Alison. Alison is very funny for being a self proclaimed bore. And the jealousy, UGH. Loved it. They made me smile like very few romance book couples have.

Notes (because I technically didn’t dislike anything about this book):
-I didn’t know this was a fade to black and actually cried out in frustration, but I understand that full penetra… I don’t think I’m allowed to write that… scenes are not for everyone.

Hold up… I just learned this is Ellie Palmer’s debut novel. I cannot wait to tell all my bookish friends that I got to read an ARC copy of this book and introduce them to this wonderful woman and wonderful story. Amazing read, wish I could wipe it from my memory and read it again.

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I absolutely loved this story! I laughed, got teary, and found myself talking to the characters while reading. The survivors guilt and later acceptance was so well done, I really felt like I was right there with Al.

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This was such a good book absolutely loved it! First time reading this author can’t wait to read more!

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I loved this! It was funny and charming and the main couple had such great banter and chemistry. I found myself smiling while reading it and even the deeper subjects were written so well. I basically read full time as my job finding new books so sometimes I just love reading something that is easy and pulls you right in. Also I’m a sucker for grumpy sunshine dynamic. Will for sure be purchasing this for the library in the future.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

My first read of the new year and I absolutely adored this book. The author's writing is hilarious and phenomenal, and I found myself snort-laughing even while I was feeling sad for the characters because my imaginations of the author's words and descriptions were so funny. The banter between all the characters (not just between the main couple) were all on point. I loved all of the interactions, especially between Alison and her friends, Mara and Chelsea. Mara and Chelsea, even though they were side characters, were definitely the main highlights of the book. Their characters were developed very well and they felt like well-dimensioned characters that had their own personalities and purposes, not just there to help Alison's journey. I especially loved Mara's character - I identified with her competitive nature and found it so endearing and funny. Their friendships with Alison were so touching and they were so supportive of her struggles.

Thoughts on the main couple (Alison and Adam): a grumpy/sunshine relationship - the banter and chemistry were off the charts. I liked how they each had their own struggles and they both took the time to work on them. I was rooting for their characters individually and together - it was so obvious that they were perfect for each other that it was easy to root for their relationship. I was so happy to see their character development by the end of the book. Their romance story reminded me of the movie While You Were Sleeping.

Overall, a great read. The writing was excellent and I truly enjoyed/got a kick out of the trivia team name puns. An excellent debut novel. I'm looking forward to see what Ellie Palmer writes next! 1.5-2/5 rating on Spice level.

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This book is absolute romantic comedy perfection. The premise is gold and the writing is phenomenal. Ali, Adam, and their friends (even the dead one) come alive on the page and make their way into your hearts until you are pining for the HEA. The grand gesture at the end is *chef's kiss*. Honestly, I loved everything about this book. Ellie Palmer is an author to watch and I will be watching!

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A good but not amazing book in my opinion. I was entertained but thought the story was slow-moving at times. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Romance, holidays, friends, family, and a funeral (maybe in that order, may not!)… one of the best books I’ve read this year! From the first chapter I was hooked on Alison’s journey of finding herself and finding love all while maintaining a fake relationship. Alison’s journey and relationships are real life relatable, a balance of joy and happiness vs. real life situations and grief. I could not put this book down! A must read!

Thank you NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy.

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Despite serious subjects in the background, this was an easy read. The pacing was good throughout and the characters were fully thought through, including secondary characters. The actual romance of this book skipped over some predictable, plot devices that it could have easily used. At times, I found myself getting slightly annoyed with the female main character but in a way that I believe her friends within the book were also getting slightly annoyed. This was a good debut, and I hope to see follow up books for the two other friendships within this trio of the main female character.

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Sometimes you meet the right guy at the dead wrong time. Going to her ex boyfriend’s funeral, Alison is mistaken for the ex’s current girlfriend by the family and she doesn’t have the heart to share the truth with them. She soon finds herself offering to clean out his apartment with his friend Adam.

This book was thoughtful, cute and real. It deals with strong topics as death, cancer and reconstruction surgery. If you can handle those topics I think you’ll enjoy this book of finding love not where you expect.

Thank you NetGalley and Putnam Group for the ARC!

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Four Weekends and a Funeral by Ellie Palmer was an enjoyable read. The chapter lengths were just right—I prefer shorter chapters. While the writing style for this book didn't completely engage me for extended periods, I found the plot idea good, and the characters were genuinely lovable. Overall, it's a promising debut novel.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this E-arc for my honest review.
Absolutely loved this book! I could relate to this book on so many levels…cancer, celiac disease, seatbelt pillows in everyone’s vehicles, people pleaser, etc.
I laughed out loud throughout and the characters were relatable. Adam and Alison were funny and sweet.
While this book is a rom-com it touches on important issues as well giving it depth and learning to accept and love yourself as you are. Highly recommend.

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I liked where the book was going when it first started I just didn’t like how Adam and Al came together. Adam just seemed like such a grump.

I think she should have gone on the trip to Chile with Adam in tow. Patagonia is beautiful!

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I LOVED everything about this book!

I am so glad that this was the last book I finished in 2023 because I am ending the year with one of my favorite books of the year! Ellie Palmer gives us wit, humor, impeccable timing, wonderful circle of friends, and the grumpiest of grumps that make my heart swell.

Ali has never been much of an adventure seeker - but after she found out she was a BRCA 1 Carrier and underwent a double mastectomy, she feels she owes it to herself to take risks and live life at its fullest. When her ex boyfriend and thriller seeker Sam suddenly passes away, she finds herself at his funeral - where no one knows they broke up - stuck playing the part of mourning girlfriend. She is now stuck cleaning out Sam's apartment with his estranged best friend, Adam. It would only take four weekends. Now, Grumpy Adam and Ali are stuck together for a month, full of awkward moments, great banter, lots of chemistry, and such good romance.

Honestly, I loved every minute of this book. Ellie does such a great job of making these wonderful romantic moments without being cheesy or over the top. They are just Billy Crystal perfection. I loved the tender moments with each other, how Ali has such a great support group, how they both discovered how to be the best versions of themselves, and not what others wanted them to be or who they thought they should be. It was such a good book and I cannot wait for others to read it! Adam Berg is the grumpiest and I love everything about him. All the stars. Loved it.

Read if you like:
Grumpy / Sunshine
Forced Proximity
Mental Health representation

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam/ G. P. Putnam’s Sons for providing me with a digital reviewer copy of this entertaining book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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When Alison attends her ex-boyfriend Sam’s funeral, she doesn’t expect to be greeted as as his current girlfriend. At his sister’s pleas, she agrees to play along, only to roped into packing up Sam’s apartment with his best friend Adam. They’ve never met before, and he clearly doesn’t want her to help out. Over the next four weekends, though, she slowly breaks through his prickly exterior.

I enjoyed this book for the most part, especially the characters. Alison is a pocket of sunshine compared to Adam’s grumpy personality, although she has her own issues worrying her. Her two best friends are also very supportive of her and provide a lot of humor to the story.

The romance itself was very sweet! Alison and Adam have great chemistry although they have to navigate the loss of Sam hanging between them. I liked reading about them slowly growing closer.

I did have some issues with the pacing, with some parts of the story really dragging. Overall though Four Weekends and a Funeral was a solid, heartfelt debut that navigated grief after a sudden loss and the complex feelings after having a mastectomy.

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What a delightful and angsty book this was. I loved the entire premise.

The leads were both amazing and their chemistry is palpable throughout the entire book. And the interweaving of Sam throughout the story was done tastefully.

The side characters were fun. I particularly liked Allie's friends and the entire trivia night escapades.

I also really enjoyed Allie's health journey and how it colored her outlook and her life experiences.

The ending was *chefs kiss* magical. I loved the little twist at the end.

Overall, a beautiful and amazing slow burn, grumpyxsunshine romance.

Thanks to NetGalley, Ellie Palmer, and the publisher for the ARC!!

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A stellar romance that handles the nuances of changing relationships and different kinds of grief with gentle, honest hands, all mixed it into a tingle-inducing and fun (are they enemies?)-to-lovers story you won't be able to put down.

Every character has a purpose, and I already miss them. 

I can't wait to see what this author writes next.

For fans of:
THE FRIEND ZONE by Abby Jimenez 

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I had a harder time getting into Four Weekends and a Funeral, but once I was invested I was hooked. It feels smart, funny and heart warming like only the classic rom coms do. Sometimes, I find romcom books to read a little cheesy, but I really enjoyed the banter between Alison and Adam. The book also touched on intense subject matter like grief, guilt and illness without weighing heavy. I would definitely recommend this to my friends for a fun, smart read. Thank you to Netgalley and Putnam for the advanced ARC of Four Weekends and a Funeral by Ellie Palmer.

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I thought the breast cancer genetics storyline was well-covered. The white lie storyline was frustrating because it clearly didn’t serve anyone, even the people it was meant to comfort. Once that broke down I enjoyed seeing the romance unfold. Overall, an enjoyable read.

Thank you #Netgalley and #Putnams for the ARC

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Absolutely, utterly superb. Genuinely uplifting, downright hilarious, and hopelessly romantic, this book should be on everyone’s 2024 reading list.

Not only could I not put this smart, superbly written book down, but I picked it up again and again and again (and, ahem, again).

Yes, I must apologize to the author and publisher for my late ARC review because, sorry not sorry, I was too busy rereading it. And re-re-reading it. Is four times too many? Who’s to say?

In Four Weekends and a Funeral, Alison is trying to grab life by the horns and live like every day can bring adventure. This doesn’t come naturally to her, but after testing positive for the genetic mutation that predisposed her to breast cancer, she has a preventative double mastectomy, and comes away feeling like she has to do something “worthy” with her life. She feels like she’s “cheated” cancer, so she’s determined to Take action! Be bold! She meets Sam, a travel influencer, who inspires her to do just that. But when Sam senses she doesn’t really like all the Outward Bound-ing, he ends their brief romance. And while they remain friends, he doesn’t tell his family they broke up. And then he dies. At his funeral, his distraught mother clings to the idea that Alison was Sam’s rock, and, thinking they were more to each other than they actually were, asks her to help pack up Sam’s apartment. The catch? Sam’s mom asks Sam’s best friend, grumpy and gruff Adam, to help as well. What will happen when these two grieving people come together over four weekends of forced proximity?

The first time I read Four Weekends, I read it in one sitting, with so many feelings knocking around in my heart: love for the forced proximity plot; more love for the gruff mmc Adam and hopeful/conflicted/lovable mfc Alison; Alison’s supporting cast of sharp and witty friends Chelsea and Mara; the slow burn of a plot.

So then I read it again because I didn’t want to leave this world that Ellie Palmer so beautifully created.

But then I read it again because — as you do when you fall in love quickly — you want to go back to the start of it all and find out why… like your brain hasn’t caught up just yet and you need an explanation for yourself as to why you fell so hard.

And I fell so hard because of all of the above, and so much more. For me, the best stories create deep connections. They flow like a conversation with a dear friend. They’re piercing and knowing, like a look from someone you love. There is conflict and self-reflection, and ultimate self-realizations.

And that’s what makes this a best story.

If you love Jane Austen for her wit and romance; if you live for Nora Ephron’s biting observational comedy; if your favorite modern authors are Emily Henry and Kate Clayborn; and if you want to get in before everyone else on a future bestselling author, Ellie Palmer’s Four Weekends and a Funeral is the book for you.

===ARC provided by the publisher for an honest pre-publication review.

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