Member Reviews

Wow!! Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Group, and G.P. Putnam's Sons for this e-ARC! I've been following this story and author since I first heard about them through twitter, and it was so excited for this book! It was FANTASTIC!

First, I am a huge genetics nerd. So when I saw there was a book featuring at BRCA1 positive individual, written by someone who also was BRCA positive, I knew I had to read this book. To start, the genetics knowledge about BRCA was spot on. Not only were we given statistics, but we also got to explore so many of the psychological impacts associated with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC). So many people know about BRCA as the breast cancer gene, but there's so much more to it! And this book tackles that and isn't afraid of the details. The author talks about mastectomies, about having ovaries removed, about appointment burnout, about survivor's guilt, loss, genetic guilt, about living life and how we think we should be living our lives versus how we maybe are meant to, and SO MUCH MORE!!

Alison, our main character, underwent a preventative bilateral mastectomy before the book began. We find out that her ex-boyfriend has died, but... he didn't tell his family they had broken up. So when she arrives at his funeral, she enters a precarious situation. Add in the fact that her ex's sister asks her to go along with it and... well... we have me turning pages like no one's business.

Then we meet the love interest and HELLO. ADAM. Adam is her ex's best friend. Again, I love that we get so many relationship dynamics and also so many truths about relationships. We see how they can change over time, How diagnoses can change relationships. How life can change relationships.

When Alison and Adam get roped into helping clean out her ex's apartment, these two get thrown together while fighting growing feelings for one another. Add in friendships that made me laugh, her mother's timely reminders about having her ovaries removed, and a cookie party like no other, and this book is a fantastic holiday read. Heck, it's a great read at any time of the year (but I did enjoy reading this during the holiday season!)

I cannot say too many times how much I loved it. The characters were fantastic. The love interest dreamy. The genetics knowledge on POINT! This is such a great way to learn more about BRCA and read a fantastic romance story. Do yourself a favor and order it now.

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When Alison shows up to her ex-boyfriend's funeral, she realizes that his friends and family don't know about their breakup. Seeking to give solace to his grieving parents, she pretends that she and Sam had been in a stable relationship when he passed away. She also gets dragged into emptying out his apartment with his best friend, Adam.

As Alison and Adam spend more time guessed it: they develop feelings for one another! But there's a lot of grief, and guilt, and emotional baggage, and they have a lot to figure out.

I absolutely flew through this book. I loved all the pining! It quite literally gave me butterflies. I also loved Alison's friend group dynamic and how chatty she gets when she's nervous (I have the same habit). The examinations of grief and guilt were well portrayed, as was Alison's survivor's guilt. This is a heart-warming romance that packs a lot of emotional depth and development into the story as well.

Note: I received a free review copy of this book from NetGalley, but that hasn't affected my review in any way.

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Four Weekend and a Funeral is an absolute fun read!

Alison is attending her ex boyfriend, Sam’s, funeral weeks after they have broken up only to discover everyone there never knew they broke up! Well everyone except his sister who asks Alison to keep up the ruse to make her brothers passing easier on her parents. What Alison doesn’t expect is falling into helping Sam’s best friend Adam clean out Sam’s condo…. And starting to feel something for Adam.
But how can she do this when Adam thinks Alison was Sam’s girlfriend when he passed?

Ellie Palmer does a fantastic job highlighting the undeniable chemistry between Alison and Adam while also showcasing some hysterical side characters whose banter had me laughing out loud so many times.

This is such an amazing book and one I highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this advanced readers copy in return for my honest review!

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A cozy, refreshing, perfectly lovely rom-com that reminds me of my favorite 90's movies. Palmer writes dynamic and complex heroines and swoonworthy heroes. A thoroughly enjoyable read that I will definitely pick up again!

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I found Four Weekends and a Funeral to be a very enjoyable book. I was immediately drawn in by the story of Allison and Adam meeting at the funeral of their mutual friend. The fact that Allison was dealing with a diagnosis of carrying the BRCA gene and the elective surgery and breast reconstruction she underwent to avoid cancer provided a thoughtful, but never overwhelming subplot. It made me stop to think about the women who faced a decision similar to Allison’s and the strength and courage it would take to date and find a supportive partner.
I enjoyed the character of Allison, her friends and everyone who appeared in this book. I thought the writing was clever and the plot moved along at a perfect pace.
I will be recommending this book to my friends who enjoy a rom com book that has depth and heart. I will be checking to see if this author has written any other books. This book was a very satisfying read.

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A debut novel that explores self-love and the loss of someone close. After reading the description of this book it reminded me of the While You Were Sleeping which is one of the aspects of what drew me into this title. We first meet Alison when she attends her ex-boyfriend’s funeral where she somehow ends up pretending she was still dating him before his death and is now committed to cleaning out his apartment with his best friend, Adam. At first, Adam is very hostile with Alison but slowly she begins to break down the barriers that Adam put up when they first met.

Alison was dealing with a lot of things in her life when we met her in the book. She is post-double mastectomy due to carrying a BRCA-1 gene mutation and is contemplating a hysterectomy. Although she and her ex-boyfriend were anything but serious, she is still dealing with his loss and doesn’t realize that until she begins to help clean out his apartment. It doesn’t help that Adam is a hundred percent her type and completely distracting her. Although he tries to push her away, due to her people-pleasing skills, a friendship grows between them. This allows Alison and Adam to realize that they've been doing a lot of things wrong in their life. They understand one another but due to the things they can’t admit they are doing wrong, complications form. This was such a great read and despite some of the heavy topics there was a great balance of humor alongside it

Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Group Putman, and G.P Putman’s sons for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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"Four Weekends and a Funeral" is a captivating novel that weaves together the complexities of love, loss, and self-discovery against the backdrop of picturesque Minnesota. While the novel successfully tugs at the heartstrings, there are instances where the plot may feel somewhat predictable or reliant on familiar tropes. However, the strength of the character-driven narrative helps overcome these moments, allowing readers to connect with the story on a deeper level. I especially loved how the inclusion of BRCA-1 gene - and how that impacts lives both personally and with friends & family members.

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I couldn't believe this was a debut novel. I love it and it was a very cute read.

The character development was great and it was so real because they were like people you meet in real life. So it felt like when i was reading the book that i was right there in the book.

I will be reading whatever this author produces. Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review.

Keep up the writing. It will only get better from this author.

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This story is told from the perspective of Alison who was diagnosed with the BRCA-1 gene mutation and underwent a preventative double mastectomy. We first meet her at a funeral of her ex-boyfriend, Sam, who died in an accident. Sam was very outdoorsy and Alison wants to be that type of person - to be the person she’s “supposed” to be.

She meets Adam who was Sam’s best friend. They are asked by Sam’s parents to clean out Sam’s condo and spend several weekends together. They end up falling for each other but Adam doesn’t understand why she’s trying to be someone she isn’t. Adam also had to deal with some issues of guilt and being true to himself.

We come to find out Alison has survivor’s guilt from avoiding cancer. The book is her journey to finding herself and accepting that she’s “enough” and doesn’t need to prove she deserves to live.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Four Weekends and a Funeral" is a debut romance novel that weaves humor, romance, and moving moments into a compelling story. The story revolves around Alison, a post-double-mastectomy BRCA 1 carrier, who finds herself entangled in a little white lie that leads to unexpected romance.

The plot kicks off with Alison attending her ex-boyfriend Sam's funeral, only to discover that no one knows he dumped her. In a gesture of goodwill, she agrees to play the grieving girlfriend and embarks on a journey to pack up Sam's belongings with his grumpy best friend, Adam Berg. It is a take on the grumpy x sunshine trope and such a fun plot!

One of the notable strengths of the book is its realistic portrayal of characters and situations. Despite being categorized as a romcom, the novel delves into serious topics such as Alison's BRCA 1 gene and the complexities of grief.

The pacing of the story is generally well-maintained, however there was a dip in momentum around the halfway mark. The occasional laugh-out-loud moments add a lighthearted touch, balancing the more serious themes explored in the book.

The main male character, Adam, stands out as a well-developed character. His complexity adds depth to the narrative and keeps the reader invested. In contrast, the MFC- Alison, is unique in the context of lighthearted romcoms, but her development feels somewhat delayed. Alison’s constant repetition of the same life philosophies became wearisome. I really enjoyed all the supporting characters, each with a unique personality.

Overall, "Four Weekends and a Funeral" is an entertaining read that offers a fresh take on a romcom. The chemistry and tension between the characters creates a captivating dynamic, lending to the heartwarming read. I recommend this book to readers who appreciate a blend of humor, romance, and exploration of real-life issues.

Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for an ARC of this book!

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Wow! This was an obvious five star read and I could tell after just a few chapters. Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the advanced copy. I am sharing my thoughts and review voluntarily.

The story told is so incredibly heartfelt and the characters immediately grabbed me. I loved how Alison and Adam grew individually through their grief. This was an honest portrayal of friendship, grief and growing up. I immediately mourned after the last chapter and wished I could have savored it, but I just couldn’t put it down. I am now eager to read everything Ellie Palmer writes.

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This rom-com by a 🌟debut author🌟 was such a pleasant surprise for me. It’s an enemies-to-lovers, grumpy-sunshine story between Alison and Adam. Alison is an introverted 30-year old post-double-mastectomy BRCA 1 carrier, who wants to be a thrill seeker because she feels she’s been given a second chance at life. When her ex-boyfriend dies and she attends his funeral, she agrees to play the grieving girlfriend for his family’s benefit and pack up his apartment with his grumpy best friend, Adam. Sparks fly, and they each work through their life road blocks before finding a happy ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Group-Putnam for this E-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Publish date: 8/6/2024

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Such a lovely debut. I loved the easy shift of their relationship in and out, as relationships sometimes do. It felt natural. Never forced. And I appreciated the exploration and personal perspective on a topic, the BRCA1 mutation, that’s so rarely mentioned in romance novels. It was so beautifully expressed and shared. And as much as I loved Alison and Adam—and I did!—the side characters are truly as much a part of the story as they are. If any of these other characters get a book, I’m in!

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Palmer’s romantic comedy is full of all of the things that make a romantic comedy a pleasure to read. While somewhat predictable in nature, there are enough elements of surprise to keep the book moving along. Palmer also tackled survivor guilt in a manner that is realistic but not overly heavy to the underpinning of the book. I usually avoid books with cancer or mastectomies but this one handled it in such a way that it was not the center of the story but an element of the character. I am glad that I spent a few days living in Minneapolis with Ali and her friends. Thank you to Net Galley for the early read.

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Four Weekend and a Funeral had a very interesting and funny concept for a romance. I really enjoyed how both characters had fully fleshed out personalities, histories, and traumas in connection with the main character’s (dead) ex-boyfriend. However, in the beginning of the book the main characters did not seem as sad or upset as I would assume one would be after losing someone close to you in a tragic way.

The story is really a journey of self discovery, for both the main characters, disguised as a basic romance. I really enjoyed the conflict in the book revolving around the main character trying to change herself and her life instead of embracing who she was and how that reflected on her relationship with the other main character. I loved their relationship because it wasn’t just insta love. Throughout the book, you got to see how they slowly develop into friends and into their relationship. The banter and conversation between the characters was also really good. The side characters in this book were very fun and I would have liked to see the author develop more of her female friendships. Overall, this book was a very pleasant and refreshing romance read.

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Here are a few things I enjoyed about this one:

-all the fun holiday vibes
-the nod to While You Were Sleeping
-all the Minnesota references (as a Minnesotan I adored these & related to them so much!!)
-a BRCA-1 rep (this is not something I can relate to, but I appreciated the character's process with this & how it impacted her life)
-her friend group - they were so fun!
-the grumpy MMC & how he warms for her
-the romance was sweet & I enjoyed watching it unfold

This was a fun one by a Minnesota author & I will happily read whatever she writes next!

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I just loved this book. It’s funny, clever, real, touching and well written. The dialogue and repartee among the three best girlfriends are intelligibly terrific. The authenticity of the families is portrayed without abashment. The love story component is done without being sappy or trite, just realistic and thoughtful. This is a feel good book. Yes, it touches on cancer but doesn’t scream about it. I am so grateful to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam to have been granted this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own. #NetGalley, #PenguinGroupPutnam, #ElliePalmer., #Goodreads.

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This was such a fun read! I loved the premise of this story and couldn't wait to see what happened as the main character tried to work through her struggles and figure out who she wanted to be all while falling in love. I would definitely recommend this to family and friends, and all fans of rom coms.

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I loved this novel. It tackled some really tough issues but did so in a gentle and realistic way. I loved the two main characters, their character development and their love story. I was so excited about the ending

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This book was so fun right from the beginning! It helps that it takes place in MN and, as a Minnesotan, I loved all the references!
The book started off with great pacing and the MCs are fun despite starting out at a funeral. I enjoyed the slow burn up until about the 70% mark as the pacing fell off. At that point it felt like the characters were hitting the FMC on the head with the same lines which put me off the FMC a bit.
Overall, it’s definitely a fun romance and the banter between the MCs and the FMC’s friends was delightful.
The handling of grief is well done as well. I’m giving it a 4.5 stars and thank you to Penguin Random House and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Four Weekends and a Funeral!

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