Member Reviews

What a fun read! She is full of expectations and boy is she full of spunk. He is her long time co-worker. Imagine being an architect during the era when women were to stay at home. I like the contrast of what was correct for the era versus what she was. Her designs are whimsical and functional. Her heart is surrounded with thick walls. A delightful story and kept me up way too late. Loved it!

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It Takes a Rake was a great read featuring a romance between childhood rivals.

Miss Kitty Beckett has come a long way from the troublemaker she was as a girl. Now a talented heiress, Kitty knows exactly what she wants to do with her life and getting stuck in marriage isn't on the list. When Bellehaven Bay hosts its' first architectural design contest, Kitty is determined to win but it may take a little help from her childhood rival. Leo Lockland has been in love with Kitty since they were kids but he knows she has no intention of falling in love. Hoping to change her mind, Leo asks Kitty to give him rake lessons so he can win over a woman. He just leaves out that the woman he wants to win over is her.

Rake lessons is a trope I have come to love in historical romances so I was excited to pick this one up based on that alone. I was also looking forward to getting Kitty's story as I really enjoyed her character in the previous books in the series. Kitty has a lot of abandonment issues with the way her parents died which has made her adamant she'll never marry for love. Leo has been in love with Kitty pretty much since the moment he met her. It was obvious immediately during their interactions that it makes me wonder how Kitty never saw it. The rake lessons are so much fun and I loved that it backfired on Kitty and made her start to fall for him instead. The chemistry between the two is amazing and the steamy scenes are very well done.

The architectural design contest was a fun premise and I was interested to see how it would work out. The contest is for building something that will go in town on main street so whoever wins will get a lot of exposure for their design. Kitty is very talented but she's a woman so people inherently dismiss her talents based solely on her gender. I like that Kitty doesn't let that stop her and that she was determined to win anyway. The contest plays out in a way I wasn't expecting but I was happy with the direction the storyline went.

Overall It Takes a Rake was a fantastic book and I would highly recommend the book if you're looking for a great historical romance.

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The third story in the Rogues To Lovers, Miss Kitty Beckett and Leo Lockland both enter a architectural contest. The story is engaging with a well written storyline that held my interest until the end. I enjoyed seeing these two with their ups and downs get a happy ending. The story is well worth reading. I received a copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Miss Kitty Beckett is the last of the Bellehaven Belles to find love. She would rather be single and enjoy being an architect than to find her true love. Kitty would love to be a mom some day so maybe she will find a man willing to have a marriage of convenience.

When Leo Lockland moves back into town from London, Kitty is genuinely surprise. Kitty and Leo used to be apprentices together in his uncle's architect company. They had a fun friends/enemies relationship. What Kitty didn't know is that Leo has been in love with her for years. Now he just needs to convince her that they would be wonderful together. Kitty believes that Leo is back in town to find a wife and goes about helping him be a rogue in order to attract the woman he is interested in.....little does she know that it's herself! ;)

When the town announces an architectural design contest, Kitty really wants to win. She convinces Leo to help her. Things are going well until Victor Kirkham, Leo's architect friend from London shows up and throws a wrench into the situation. As Leo and Kitty spend more time together, lines start to get blurred. Just when it looks like Leo is going to get the woman of his dreams, everything falls apart. It will take the action of a true rogue for Leo and Kitty to find their happy ending.

I really enjoyed this frenemies to lovers story. Leo was the perfect man for Kitty. He really knew her and knew what mattered most. Kitty never thought she would find true love but Leo was right in front of her all this time just waiting. This book was fun ending to this really enjoyable series.

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I was so happy to receive this eArc from St Martins Press, as I was lucky to read the first two in this lovely series as well. I loved Leo and I liked Kitty some of the time. This is a hero falls first novel. Although Kitty appears to have been through a lot in life and I could relate to her feelings about how everyone treated her, she came across as a PIA as far as Leo was concerned. I think it was because we didn't really get to know her past well enough to understand her reactions at times. We were told a few things, but we didn't get to feel them, so it made her come across as a pain who overreacts. Even though I could relate, I felt her response to Leo's fail, was immature and way over the top. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the book, it just caused a few eye rolls. It does have a great ending. All opinions are my own.

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It Takes a Rake is the third installment of the Rogues to Lovers series by Anna Bennett. This was my second time reading a book by this author (the first being the second of the series, One Duke Down.) I enjoyed that other book but this was even better! I neglected all my household duties so I could finish it in practically one sitting.

Kitty Beckett is known for being a tad bit rebellious but she's also an aspiring architect. She was an apprentice for years to Bellehaven's resident architect; along side his grandson Leo. They have annoyed and verbally sparred with each other side childhood until the day Leo just up and left with no goodbye. Now, Leo's back to take over his grandfather's firm when a contest is revealed. Whomever can make the favorite plans for a new town building will get to see those plans come to fruition. Kitty wants to prove to everyone that she can be an architect just as much as the men in town. Leo has plans to prove to Kitty that he's been hopelessly in love with her since the first day they met.

Leo is gone for Kitty since page one. I loved their dynamic. They had the best witty and snarky banter back and forth but you could see them growing and becoming more comfortable with each other. I do kind wish for a different reaction when Kitty learns that Leo has loved her all along but all the conflict in the book is very short lived which I appreciate. It was just a sweet, easy, enjoyable read and I can't wait to pick up more of Anna Bennett's books.

Tropes include: loved you since I met you, rake lessons, bluestocking heroine, competition, miscommunication (short lived), hero falls first, spice in a cave, grand gesture, frenemies to lovers, love is for anyone but me, heroic rescues (for a minor character)

Thank you to NetGalley, Anna Bennett, and St Martin's Press for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own. #NetGalley #AnnaBennett #ItTakesARake #RoguestoLovers

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It Takes a Rake by Anna Bennett. I am a big fan of Romance books and I found this one to be a very enjoyable read. I will be looking for more books from this author.

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I'm sad to see the end of this great romance series by Bateman. The friends, the men, the setting, the pacing were all extremely well done. I highly recommend the whole series to fans of historical romance.

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What an anomaly--a sweet, working-class hero who is not a rake and falls first paired with a kind, scholarly heroine! You can't help but root for this couple! The hero, Leo, worked with the heroine, Kitty, for years, all the while harboring a massive crush. He skips town without so much as a good-bye. When Leo returns, he has a lot to make up for. He allows Kitty to give him rake lessons in order to spend whatever time with her he can. Now, to turn her lessons on her... A fun premise and cute story!

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I adored Kitty and Leo's story! I just loved watching these two go from enemies, to friends, to lovers!

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This is the final book in the Rouges to Lovers series. The series centers around 3 best friends:
Poppy,Hazel and Kitty. Also known as the Belles.
This stand alone book is about Kitty. It's an. Kind of enemies to lovers trope but it's not. It's really a Rivals to lovers trope.
Kitty and Leo have known each other for years. Both are apprenticing to be architects. They have totally different designs aesthetics. They disagree and bicker constantly. But Leo has always loved Kitty.
Kitty is used to being left behind. He parents died when she was young and left her alone. Her two best friends have married and even though their still there for her, things have changed. So when Leo decides to go to London to pursue his career, Kitty is hurt by it.
Years later when Leo comes home to take over the Architect firm for his grandfather, how will Kitty react?
Leo has his work cut out to get Kitty to forgive him for leaving and to give them a chance at love.
This was a good book. I enjoyed it.
4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I want to thank Netgalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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Kitty was a troubled teen in book one but now she's about to turn 21 and come into her inheritance. She and Leo were both apprentices to his grandfather, an architect, but four years ago Leo left for London without a word. This reinforced Kitty's opinion not to become close to anyone because they will just leave you eventually. Her fear of abandonment stems from her orphaned childhood and continues as friends and family circumstances change taking people out of her life. Now, Leo is back in town ready to announce his love for her but finds her looking for a marriage of convenience and a career in London. She thinks he's interested in a lady in town. When an architectural design contest is announced, they make a deal. She'll help him become a rake (he should roll up his shirtsleeves and not shave!) to attract the lady, and he'll help her with the mathematical elements of her design. He agrees to stay close to her. Leo's family secret and her reluctance to find love make for some bumps in the road to romance. We see Hazel and Poppy again from the previous books but I think you could enjoy this book without having read the first two.

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I so enjoyed Kitty and Leo in It Takes a Rake by Anna Bennett. This book nicely rounds out the Rogues to Lovers series, even though Leo is not a rogue. In fact, he is the opposite – he is such a nice guy! But Kitty isn’t looking for a nice guy. She has no desire to marry at all because to her, love only means pain and loss. Having lost her parents as a child, her uncle placing her in boarding school, and then Leo leaving town without notice four years ago . . . she is quite done with being left. No, she will be quite content in London working as an architect. If she can win the town architecture design competition, she will have an easier time opening her own firm in London.

I loved the “he falls first” aspect of the book. He has been smitten with Kitty since they were kids and now realizes he loves her. Kitty seems oblivious to Leo’s feelings, and she has not forgiven him for abruptly leaving town four years ago and never contacting her while he was gone. Hmm, he sure has his work cut out if he is going to win her heart.

They are complete opposites at work – her desk is messy while his is neat and tidy. Leo is great with numbers; Kitty isn’t as great. Because of this, Kitty asks Leo to assist her with her design calculations for the competition and in return, she will help him become a rogue so he can win the heart of the woman he has returned to town for. The banter during the lessons was fantastic! They are opposites who are perfect for each other.

Kitty and Leo’s book was such fun! Kitty was a bit stubborn, but Leo’s romantic swoony side was stronger. There is a humorous croquet game where Kitty’s competitive side comes out. You will be laughing and cheering them on from the sidelines. Their journey from frenemies to lovers is worth every entertaining minute! Thank you to Anna Bennett and NetGalley for an Advanced Reader Copy. I voluntarily read the story and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Kitty & Leo are the love story of the season! Friends to lovers is always a fun trope. You already have foundation but how do you make it grow? Teach a steadfast boy the ways of a rake of course. Who can resist a steadfast, dependable guy who is a rake for one woman alone! Certainly not Kitty Beckett. She is lost to Leo’s charms and quickly learns that perhaps her feelings are more than she thought. Leo has a tough road ahead, for Kitty is convinced she doesn’t want love because she fears losing her heart and being left behind. Their story comes with joys and frustrations, ups and downs, and many a learning lesson. Just when you think it’s smooth sailing, the wind is blown out of the sail into turbulent waters once again. Leaving the setup for the only true solution for a steadfast friend… the grand gesture. Leo doesn’t disappoint but comes swooping in to tie up this love story in a happy bow.
I greatly enjoyed listening to this book. Beverley Crick does a fabulous narration with plenty of depth and emotion.

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IT TAKES A RAKE - Anna Bennett

#3 in the Rogues to Lovers historical romance series

A GOOD STORY! - 4 stars

Plot - 4 stars - Leo and Kitty have worked together over the years in his grandfather's architectural office. Now Kitty wants to prove herself and enters the local design contest. At the same time, she's decided to help Leo become more of a rake, offering him lessons in exchange for his help with her project.

Writing - 4 stars - Bennett's writing style, as usual, caught my attention right away, reminding me of the very enjoyable world she has built in Bellehaven, filled with characters that I'd love to spend time with. Kitty has always been an interesting character, and it was easy to become more intimately involved in her life.

Characters - 4.5 stars - This is where the story shone for me. Kitty has always been strong-willed and opinionated, but she also has worked with Leo for many years in the architectural office, so she respects his skills and opinions. In this book, she has softened a bit, and she comes across as somewhat naive because she's out of her area of expertise (meaning love and sex, even though she tries to bluff her way through). Leo seems laid-back, but he has a solid core and is certainly strong enough to stand up to (and with) Kitty.

Title - 4 stars - In Kitty's opinion, she needs to find a rake to marry in order to be sure that both their hearts are not engaged because she's afraid to commit her heart in full.

Cover - 3.5 stars - A typical Regency romance pose, although the strong colors are beautiful and draw the eye.

Overall - 4 stars - This is a good continuation of what has been an enjoyable series. There was some revisiting with previous characters, although most of the focus was on Kitty and Leo. I enjoyed watching the banter between them. I was alternately happy for them and frustrated with their problems, but those conflicts definitely kept the story interesting and moving forward quickly. I will keep an eye out for more from this author.

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This is the third installment of the Rogues to Lovers series by Anna Bennett. It features Kitty Beckett a young women on the verge of gaining her inheritance without needed a husband. Kitty is an independent woman who has plans to move to London and work as an architect once she wins the design contest in her hometown of Bellehaven. Her friend, Leo Lockland has returned home to Bellehaven after being in London for years working as an architect. They both used to apprentice with Leo's grandfather in his architectural office. Kitty is perturbed that Leo left for London without a goodbye or reason for leaving. The couple manage to spend more time together as Leo helps her ensure the measurements for her design are done correctly in exchange for Kitty teaching him how to be a rake so that he could impress the woman he has feelings for. A great end to a series by Anna Bennett. It has your HEA but the couple must go through the trials of learning to trust one another enough to share their innermost fears in order to reach it.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving a review

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I love historical romance trilogies. In the first story you meet a lot of very interesting people, and the story focuses on two of them. In the next story you get a laser look at another couple of people, usually one you met in the first book and someone unexpected. And – bonus – you get to catch up on that first couple and many of the others. By the third book you feel like you know them all. There’s another couple, one old, one new, and they press on will they-won’t they to their glorious HEA. Maybe, hopefully. You’re never quite sure until the end. it’s a great formula, with the only drawback being that while you can’t wait for that third book and the big wrap-up, at the same time you dread it because you know it’s The End for the series. Author Anna Bennett is so excellent at this. It Takes a Rake is an excellent example, in fact.

Kitty is the little troublemaker from book one. Willful, headstrong, clever, orphaned, being raised by a bachelor uncle who has no idea what to do with her. She’s the reason Blake and Hazel met and got their HEA. Kitty? We meet her and kind of forget about her.

Kitty is a young lady in book two, a member with Hazel and Poppy of the little group The Belles of Bellehaven. She’s refined, calmed down a bit, but we can still see her independent streak and determination. But this is Poppy and Keane’s story and we enjoy the trek to their HEA, happy for how Kitty is growing up, how she belongs, but mostly smitten with the two lovebirds.

Book three, though, is all about Kitty. All about all-grown-up Kitty. A talented heiress ready to come into her own. Not so much about getting in trouble these days as knowing her own mind and intending to follow her own path. Which is to become a successful architect. Remember, however, that we are still in the Regency Era and young women don’t really get to do whatever they want without consequences. How is Kitty going to deal with this? By never giving away her heart and never being under the thumb of any man who will try to control her, that’s how.

And now we come to the fun part that Bennett does so well. Enter Leo, childhood friend of Kitty, and an old rival in architectural talent and dreams. When he returns to Bellehaven after several years away, they meet again and Kitty feels something, but she won’t let that little twitch take hold. Nope, no way, not Kitty. She has plans. As for Leo, he has plans too but as soon as he sees her he realizes that childhood crush he came close to acknowledging before chickening out is no long a crush. Nope, now it’s love. Through a series of hilarious misunderstandings where she thinks he’s come back looking for a wife, she offers to teach him to be a rake, to attract women and find that wife, although this soon starts to stick in her throat and grate on her. These two together are laugh-out-loud funny, tender, sweet, hilariously oblivious, and eventually steamy enough to make you break out in a sweat. And, yep, we get our bonus and catch up on Hazel and Blake and Poppy and Keane and everybody else.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for providing an advance copy of It Takes a Rake. It was delightful, suspenseful, swoony and totally, completely enjoyable and satisfying. I just hope fantastic author Bennett is busy writing another trilogy; I can’t wait! I voluntarily leave this review; all opinions are my own.

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I was looking forward to the third book in the Rogues to Lovers series. The tropes of childhood nemesis and unrequited love on the hero's part sounded intriguing. Plus the main characters are architects. Unfortunately, this story didn't work for me. So disappointing.

The plot felt thin, didn't keep my attention and I found myself skimming pages. My biggest issue with the book was the main character Kitty. She came off very immature, naive and clueless. I didn't warm up to her character and had a tough time buying into her change of feelings towards Leo. I like steamy scenes but these felt really out of place given their behavior towards one another.

However I did like being back in Belhaven Bay with characters from previous books. I will read the next story from this author as I enjoyed the last two books. Thank you to the publisher for my e-copy of this book.

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This is the third of a series about three best friends (Hazel, Poppy, and Kitty) that had each other’s back no matter what. Miss Kitty Beckett lost her parents at a very young age and has been raised by her uncle. At her upcoming birthday, she will become an heiress and won’t be tricked into a marriage. Leo Lockland is an architect and started at a very young age in his grandfather’s office. Also working in that office was Kitty. They used to spar a lot but both were great at their drawings. He left without a word, and she never got over it. She felt everyone she got close to left her beginning with her parents, her uncle sending her to boarding school, and then Leo. She vowed she wouldn’t give her heart to anyone. Bellehaven Bay has announced an architectural design contest, and she is determined to win, take her inheritance and move to London to become a successful architectural designer. She has asked Leo to double check her numbers and for that, she says she will teach him how to be a rake. Some things happen that aren’t planned as you will find in this story as secrets and feelings surface.

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It takes a Rake by Anna Bennett was a fun historical romance. It is the third book in the Rogue to Lovers Series. The novel takes place in Bellehaven and really focuses on Kitty and Leo.

Kitty Beckett was a heiress. As a child, she was constantly pushing her boundaries with her friends. She has been apprenticed to an architect (Leo’s grandfather) and can see life and beauty in so much. Once she is old enough she can take her money and move to London to design buildings.

Leo was apprenticed with his grandfather to become an architect and then he left for London to make his fortune. However, he has returned and he wants to reconnect with Kitty, who is less than pleased.

Bellhaven has started a competition to make a new building for the town. Kitty wants to win the competition to help start her future. Leo ends up helping her, making her designs somewhat more practical. She ends up helping him to not drown. Slowly they began to draw closer to each other, but is it enough?

I enjoyed reading It Takes A Rake by Anna Bennett. The characters were interesting and the story line kept my attention. I am looking forward to reading more novels in this series.

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