Member Reviews

The book doesn’t just point out where we’re going wrong; it gives you practical tools to start changing those habits. You’ll be reevaluating a lot by the end (and maybe looking at a few past relationships like, “Ohhh…”). Five stars for sure—it’s self-help that actually helps.
Thank you to NetGalley and New Harbinger Publications for providing me with an advanced copy of Why Can’t I Let You Go? by Michelle Skeen and Kelly Skeen. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

"Why Can't I Let You Go?" provides a thorough and interactive approach to exploring one's attachment style while exploring the trauma and experiences that led to the development of these responses. I personally enjoyed the exercises and assessments and used them as tools to take into my personal therapy sessions. This is great for professionals to use with clients or individuals looking to explore this part of themselves more deeply.

Thank you NetGalley and New Harbinger for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.
The title of this book really spoke to me. I felt like it was fate because I'm currently going through a divorce. I've almost been married for 10 years and my STBX has been emotionally unavailable for most of our marriage. It's still hard for me to think of how I'm going to let him go. The divorce was his idea and basically told me he's not in love with me anymore and there are things he's not willing to negotiate with me on in order for us to stay married. It's definitely a confusing time and never did I ever think I would be getting a divorce.
This book was thought-provoking to me and really made me wonder why I struggled with this unhealthy marriage as an adult. It was interesting to see what my attachment style was. Michelle Skeen gave some very insightful tips on how to interrupt these unhealthy patterns and attachments. Leaving a trauma bond relationship is extremely difficult, but Michelle has given me a lot to work with since reading this book. I have a lot of reflecting to do on the material I have learned, and hope to better myself and learn from this heartbreaking experience.
Highly recommend!
Don't forget! Come back to your Review on the pub date, 13 Feb 2024, to post to retailers.

What a wonderful, deep dive into the ties that bind and keep us from feeling good about ourselves, our lives, and the world in general! WHY CAN'T I LET YOU GO? by Kelly Skeen and Michelle Skeen is at once wise and practical, coming at relationships with fresh energy and a perspective that encourages changes in my own regarding the people and memories I hold close -- even when I don't want to, but feel that I must. Throughout, the clear prose and positive momentum encouraged me to think differently and imagine a different way of relating. I received a copy of this book and these opinions are my own, unbiased thoughts.

Maybe this genre just isn’t for me or maybe it’s for someone just starting their healing/therapy journey- and I’ve been on that path for quite a while, so I found this a little repetitive and simple. Great choice for anyone interested in learning more about attachment styles or someone looking to understand their toxic tendencies in relationships!

Delve into the transformative pages of "Why Can't I Let You Go?" by Michelle and Kelly Skeen, a compassionate guide for those navigating the aftermath of childhood trauma, abuse, or neglect that manifests in toxic adult relationships. As relationship expert Michelle Skeen unravels the intricacies of attachment styles and core beliefs, the book becomes a crucial tool for breaking free from detrimental behavior patterns. By gaining awareness of trauma bonds, readers can dismantle the barriers preventing them from attaining the love, safety, and security they yearn for. Practical and proven-effective skills are laid out, empowering individuals to interrupt unhelpful relationship patterns and cultivate enduring, healthy love. This insightful guide encourages readers to understand their unconscious beliefs, paving the way for liberation from trauma bonds, and reminding us that change, though challenging, is a path to greater ease and fulfillment in relationships. "Why Can't I Let You Go?" serves as a beacon of support, offering the guidance needed to cultivate the loving relationships we authentically desire.

This book had a good mix of examples of different people going through situations. Having the different viewpoints made it interesting as you did the journal work to figure out where you stood and how it calmed me seeing other people have been through it.
One of my favorite sections was when it talked about the app dating. Keeping track of correspondence and staying grounded in reality really struck a cord with me. Things like figuring out what I want and being aware of text conversation and staying real and seating real goals made sense

This book would be great for those who are just at the beginning of their healing and self-discovery journey. This book would be a great tool for those who are just looking for more guidance and more insights. Yet for seasoned self-help readers this might feel somewhat basic, I’m afraid. Yet this is a good one if you are looking for a book that focuses mainly on attachment styles and the issues those may/may not cause!

If you're going through a very bad break or in a situation where you question yourself in your relationship, this book is worth reading. I've been experiencing a very bad break up with people that pursued me insistently at first (love bombing) and suddenly BAM, I'm not the only person that he's seeing. And it's traumatizing in a way because I'm close with him as a friend and seeing how your friend has the gut to hurt and betray your trust is definitely one of my breaking points in here. Luckily, I've requested and been granted access to read this book early and it's such an eye-opening book for me. I learn a lot from this book, about my attachment style and how it actually influence by circumstances that I had while I was still a kid and how it effecting me now.
Thank you Netgaller, Author and Publisher for the E-ARC of Why can't I let you go, Such an amazing book and everyone should at least read it once.

I was looking forward to starting this one and to help myself understand myself better but it did not actually address the fourth attachment style which is Fearful avoidant or Disorganized attachment style
Tho i still think this book and the tools that it provides would be helpful for someone with attachment style from the rest three but i found it kinda ignorant that it didn't even acknowledge or address the fourth one

This book got to me at just the right time. The advice resonated and I learned more about relationships and trauma bonds and psychology. The information was relatable and I would definitely read more titles from this author. The information is conveyed in an easy to understand to use manner. Some of the information helped me make a couple of important changes in my personal life.

If you are a person who is constantly choosing the wrong relationship partner or have difficulty in relationships in general this book may be just for you. Using concepts derived from the work of Patrick Carnes and others the authors have provided tools to help determine attachment styles, core beliefs, core values and behaviors that lead us to those we choose. The authors also provide concise instructions on how to break these toxic patterns that tend to hold us back. This is essential reading for anyone trapped in a narcissistic relationship.

This book focuses on underlying issues that affect our relationships, and it was an interesting look into understanding and knowing one's attachment style, what trauma bonds are and core beliefs and values.
Anyone who read this book and takes the tests seriously will surely discover a thing or two about the emotional beliefs and issues that are holding them back and will be able to work on how to improve on their relationship.
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC.

Very interesting, comparable to the book "attached". It contains really good information and details about each attachment style, coping mechanism, traumas. Core beliefs, everything. It was very good and helpful for me to read, I understand some more things about myself now.