Member Reviews

The Husbands is a clever, unique look at choices, marriage and what-ifs. Lots of laughs while navigating life's dilemmas. Much thanks to NetGalley and Doubleday for the opportunity to read this wonderful eARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for providing an eARC of this book!

Lauren comes home from a hen do (bachelorette party) for her best friend expecting to have a normal night. But when she gets to her flat, she finds that she now has a husband…who she has never met. While first freaked out, Lauren learns that things are about to get weirder: when her new husband goes into the attic, a burst of light and energy happens and a new husband comes down. The same thing continues to happen: one husband goes into the attic, another one comes down. Lauren has met the husbands…but what is she going to do now?

This was a WILD ride! I really like these types of stories that either mess with time or, in this case, multiverses. I will say that this story felt a little less cohesive, especially because there are a string of so many different husbands to meet! I would have liked it to have more of a connection, but I do think it reflects the randomness of life! (I guess that’s loaf! 🍞 #iykyk)

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A fun and unique premise but it unfortunately wasn't executed as well as I had hoped. It lagged a bit in the middle and there were just so many husbands that it was quantity over quality with the plot. And it just ended without much closure/resolve with the main character.

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Absolutely delightful, I'm almost sad to be finished. Equally fun and thought provoking, Lauren's cycle through husbands was at times hilarious and at times maddening as it felt like both the character and reader were never going to get off the ride.

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Folks, I may have just read my favorite book of 2024! I generally don't even like magical realism, but Holly Gramazio made it thought-provoking, comical, and heart-warming. Fans of Kevin Wilson (Nothing to See Here) will definitely want to check it out.

The author took such a unique spin on the time loop/Sliding Doors/Groundhog's Day concept. It would be perfect as a book club pick - lots to discuss and unpack!

Lauren was an amazing female main character. She was relatable and funny. I found myself reading half the book in one day just to find out who she picks in the end.

Bottom line: Fun, creative, a true can't miss book!

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Lauren is shocked when one day, a man climbs down from her attic claiming to be her husband...but Laruen isn't married. Except, when she goes through her phone and asks her friends, they all claim to know the husband Michael. Then, Michael goes into the attic and a new husband appears. This happens over and over and over. Lauren has a magic attic that spits out husbands! Despite a seemingly endless supply, Lauren wants to figure out when to stop trading in husbands.

This is not the type of book that I normally read, but I had a good time reading it and the characters were so interesting. Talk about a complex woman - Lauren becomes more unhinged with each new husband. What would you do if the world reset itself every time you sent someone into the attic? There are no repercussions, long-term, for blowing her bank account, acting embarrassingly, or even hurting herself or someone else. It was interesting to see Lauren come to the realization that a perfect, unflawed man, unfortunately, doesn't exist, and marriage is about making the best of it with the person you chose.

My library will definitely be purchasing this book.

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When I started The Husbands, I almost immediately knew that I would LOVE it, and Gramazio did not disappoint.

Lauren returns home to her London flat after a drunken night with friends and finds herself face-to-face with Michael... her husband? Lauren doesn't remember having a husband - she's not married and has no idea who this friendly Michael is. After doing some investigating, it seems that, in whatever world Lauren now finds herself in, she is married to Michael. At least until he goes up into the attic and comes down as an entirely different man, Lauren now with an entirely different life. Every time her "husband" goes into the attic, he comes down a different man and Lauren's world has magically rearranged itself to fit the new husband and narrative. Lauren's job then becomes finding Mr. Right instead of Mr. Right Now.

Lauren cycling through husbands - keeping some not even minutes after coming down from the attic, some weeks after - left me with a good amount of heartache alongside her. Gramazio does an excellent job diving into contemporary romance and decision-making, with the attic acting as a dating app. Her writing toes the line between commercial and literary fiction, allowing her own bits of humor to shine through alongside her observations of romance. My only wish would have been that there was some more roundness to Lauren's character... although maybe that was indeed one of the points.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was aghast at first, and then I wanted my own magic attic. I love this novel. I desperately wanted Carter to return, while I simultaneously wanted the attic trips to continue. I love when she immediately sent someone back up the ladder.

I would absolutely love to see this adapted into a film.

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What would you do if suddenly you have a man that comes down from your attic and you have no idea who it is but everyone tells you he’s your husband ?
Lauren soon learns that she has a rotating attic the man that goes up comes down a different man it’s like a recycling attic for husbands.
This story is a comedic fantasy rom-com that raises that question
Given all the people in the world, how can you know if you’ve found the one when there might be an even better match just around the corner or better yet coming down from the attic. Would you keep trying to find him?

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Thank you Doubleday and PRH Audio for my free ARCs of The Husbands by Holly Gramazio — available now!

Read this if you:
💍 sometimes wish you could trade in your spouse
🧊 have ever suffered from decision paralysis
💃 are looking for a lighthearted novel featuring a feisty FMC

Lauren gets home after a girl's night to a surprise: her husband Michael. He's the surprise, because she's not married. After much panicking, she starts to think maybe she's the one who's crazy, so she settles in to try and figure out what's going on. But then, Michael goes up to the attic and when he comes down, he's a different man. A different HUSBAND, and Lauren has to figure out what on earth she really wants as an endless supply of interchangeable husbands and lives confronts her.

So I told my husband about this book while I was reading it, and the next day I asked him if he could go in the attic to look for a specific box — the look on his face was totally worth it.

The premise of this story is so fun and hilarious to watch Lauren fumble through at first, but man did it get me in the feels a few times too! I think the concept of choice is so interesting to explore, and Holly Gramazio does a great job with this lighthearted novel — how can you ever know you're truly making the right choice, especially given endless options with no real repercussions? The ending of this book is absolutely perfect, and I definitely recommend this book to all fans of contemporary fiction.


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Thanks to Doubleday Books, NetGalley and Holly Gramazio for this ARC. Going into this book without having read much about it, I was surprised, intrigued and wholly entertained by the premise. Lauren has a magical attic that creates new husbands for her on command. There are subtle changes to her life with every single one, and slowly she learns what she truly values.

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I'm a sucker for a good book blurb. I know how hard it can be to write one that's short while also compelling. "Do you take this man? No? What about this one?" did it for me. I even managed to ignore "A Novel" on the cover - I usually shy away from novels who proclaim themselves to be such, as that means I'm likely to be entering the realm of Literary Fiction, which can be tedious stuff.

But the blurb hooked me, and in no time I'd settled into my favorite reading spot, cracked into the book, and was willing to give it my afternoon. It's a longish book, so it took three of my afternoons to reach a conclusion I'd grown to greedily anticipate as I had absolutely no clue how this situation could be resolved.

While the premise may sound cute and fairy tale-ish, it's anything but. Our protagonist and perpetual new bride in old marriages is Lauren. How her attic turned into a reality-changing space that switches out not only husbands but entire realities isn't known, and not important. What IS important are the people it affects. That's Lauren, her endless parade of husbands, and also Lauren's family, friends, workplaces, and neighbors.

As the novelty of being able to change husbands as soon as one becomes annoying wears off, Lauren's rationalization and actions become darker, more cynical. When she thinks she may have found 'the one' to stick with... well I won't go into details because following the escalation of events is most of the fun.

Most of the people in this story, and there are many, are a mess. Author Holly Gramazio doesn't flinch away from showing people at their absolute worst, when the situations call for it. And you'll recognize people you know, and even yourself among them. In a nutshell, The Husbands is a scathing commentary on modern-day relationships. It shines a scolding light on how we treat hook-ups, dating, and marriage.

My thanks to author Holly Gramazio, Doubleday Books, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a digital advance review copy of this book. This review is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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Oh my gosh I absolutely loved this one!! This book has such a unique and fun premise, and it jumps in to the action right away! Our main character, Lauren, is super funny, witty, and relatable- I was rooting for her the entire time. There is a nice balance between vignettes with some husbands, and longer stories/relationships with others. Lauren’s experiences and honest self-reflection felt very authentic, and the culmination of her journey left me hopeful, laughing, and with tears in my eyes.

I also thought Lauren’s revolving door (attic ladder?) of husbands was a smart and clever way to examine dating apps and modern dating culture. The repetition and sheer volume subtly suggests that when it’s so easy to judge someone on first impressions and just swipe left or ghost, you don’t slow down enough to form real, meaningful, lasting connections. What’s even more impressive is Gramazio accomplishes this without ever losing the fun and humor of the story!

THE HUSBANDS is a great choice if you're looking for something compelling and fun that encourages you to reflect a little and laugh a lot. I highly recommend this one and will be buying a finished copy for my shelves as soon as I can!

Huge thank you to NetGalley and Doubleday Books for this advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review!

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The Husbands by Holly Gramazio was quite an entertaining read. It was intriguing and unique and it kept my attention. I didn't want to put it down. I think the character development was amazing and well done. I will be recommending this to anyone looking for a unique yet funny and though provoking read.

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In the Husbands by holly Gramazio we meet Lorna who comes home from a Hindu and she wakes up her husband the only problem is she doesn’t have a husband.
Throughout the book we see Lorna struggle with the mini husbands that come out of her magic attic after a while she decides to stop worrying about how it happened and just worry about which one will be there for her plus one at her best friends wedding. Where for some unknown reason her best friend sits her at a table with her ex and his date. She lands on southern American Carter as her plus one who she really likes being around but unlike previous husbands she doesn’t want him going into the attic and OMG the rest of the book happens. Let me say I was super excited for this book and couldn’t wait to get to it in the beginning was funny and engaging I just thought we really didn’t get to know any of the husbands not to mention no consequences or not she certainly got naked with more than I would’ve. I get it they didn’t know but she did! To each their own however I just wanted to express that point no judgment on this fictitious character. I really thought the book would go differently and I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would I still enjoyed the book it is a solid read it’s funny and have some very relatable moments but mostly it’s funny and entertaining. I want to thank Double Day books and net galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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There is no way to describe The Husbands by Holly Gramazio. When Lauren comes home from a hen party and finds a strange man who claims to be her husband, even though she knows she isn't married, her life takes a crazy twist as each time a husband goes into the attic he is transformed into a completely different husband. All her friends seem to be in on the deception as they all acknowledge her new life. The only way to imagine how this ends is to finish the book and I heartly recommend doing that.

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When I read the synopsis for The Husbands, I jumped at the opportunity to review an advanced readers copy. I am so glad I did! A magic attic, a rotation of husbands, and the search for your own happiness and the perfect partner. This book was so much fun and had me laughing out loud one moment and frustrated the next. Kudos to Holly Gramazio! I can't wait to see what you may have in store for us readers. 4.5⭐️

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THE HUSBANDS was one of my most anticipated reads of the year, and it definitely did not disappoint! After a night out at her friend's bachelorette party, Lauren returns home to find her husband, Michael, waiting for her. There's just one problem—she isn't married. She's never even met Michael. But judging by the photos on her phone, the new-and-improved decor in her apartment, and the opinions of her friends and family, they've been together for years. When Michael goes up to the attic to change a lightbulb, he disappears, leaving a new husband descending in his place. Lauren soon finds out that her magical attic is giving her a never-ending supply of husbands, forcing her to confront her views on life, love, and what it means to find "the one."

I so enjoyed this book! The premise had me intrigued from the start—it was so fresh and creative. I also loved Gramazio's writing style. She does such a great job of developing all of the different characters, from Lauren—who you're with from start to finish—to even some of the short-lived husbands you only get to know for a page or two. Lauren's journey is funny, suspenseful, and thought-provoking in equal measures, and I think that so many readers will want to follow along. THE HUSBANDS is a must-read, and I can't wait to see what Holly Gramazio writes next! Thank you to NetGalley and Doubleday for the ARC.

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I really love magical realism as a genre and I loved the ending of the book. I had a hard time getting into it for a good chunk of the book but that is only because of the start and stop storyline of it all. I’ve talked about this book to so many people while reading and I really love the look on their faces when I say “if she sends him up to the attic, he becomes a different husband.” The premise is a hook from the get go. This was my first read by Gramazio but I will definitely be looking into her more in the future!!

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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What a fun concept! Lauren comes home one day to find she’s married to a man she’s never seen before, Don’t like that husband? Send him back to the attic and keep going until you find the right one! She’s chasing happiness- will she ever find it? I enjoyed this story and recommend it!

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