Member Reviews

In this captivating read, the author masterfully weaves a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. Through a blend of richly developed characters and a meticulously crafted plot, the book offers a unique exploration of its central themes, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the story's depth and complexity. The narrative is paced perfectly, balancing moments of intense action with thoughtful reflection, ensuring that readers are hooked from the first page to the last. The author's ability to evoke emotion and create a vivid, immersive world is truly remarkable, making this book a must-read for anyone looking for an exceptional literary experience.

Beyond its compelling storyline, the book stands out for its insightful commentary on the human condition, weaving philosophical questions into the fabric of its narrative. The author's skillful use of language not only enriches the text but also elevates the reader's experience, offering new perspectives on familiar themes. Whether it's the intricate dynamics of relationships, the exploration of identity, or the confrontation with ethical dilemmas, this book tackles complex issues with sensitivity and intelligence. It's a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the nuances of life, making it a valuable addition to any book lover's collection. Regardless of genre, this is a work that resonates on multiple levels, affirming the enduring impact of well-crafted literature.

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When Lauren gets home from a night out with her friends, she finds she is married to a man she does not remember. She realizes she is able to switch him for a different husband by sending him into the attic. While I do think it was a fun read, I felt it was a little long. I would still recommend this book. I think it would make a cute movie!

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Not my usual rom-com... When Lauren returns to her flat after a night of drinking, she finds a man in her apartment who says he is her husband. She can't possibly be so drunk that she doesn't remember him?! In the morning, he is still there. She tries to piece together their relationship by scrolling through text messages, photos and google. Her friends all seem to know him but she just can't remember him. He goes up to the attic to change a lightbulb and comes down a different man - another man who is another husband and with that comes a new life. Same friends, same apartment, lol, but with different decor. It is then that Lauren realizes that she can change her husbands and life just by sending the men up to the attic.
The book centers around a revolving door of husbands, It gets a little weird after a while, but then when Bohai comes down and they start talking, Lauren realizes he has had more husbands/ wives then her and they instantly bond and become best of friends, as they can both share the craziness. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I wasnt sure what to expect when i received this book.....It turned out to be a total surprise! A magic attic.... a book about friendship..... self reflection..... suspense..... all in one! It was funny and quirky, and i quite liked the ending! I will watch out for more books by this author

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This book is definitely for an adult audience, so I can’t necessarily purchase it for students to check out from my library, but it would be a fascinating choice for our teacher book club. We could have discussions for days about the rightness/wrongness of her choices, how this relates to the real world, our responses to certain husbands or episodes, etc. The book was a bit slow-paced, so it took me some time to get into the story, but the time spent turned out to be worthwhile. I would recommend it to readers who are willing to wade slowly through a literary fiction title before reaching a firm conclusion to wrap up a “What if…?” story.

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I pushed through reading this book, trying so hard to like the idea of a woman who could trade the husband in her life for a new one, with just a trip for him up to the attic. I couldn’t do it. It went on too long, though the ending was a good one. I didn’t and I couldn’t feel as though the main character deserved better. I tried to like the book, but I really can’t see my way to recommending it to any of our readers.

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When Lauren returns from her bffs bachelorette party, she is shocked the find a man in her home. She is even more shocked when he goes to the attic, and a different man comes down. Then when the second man goes up, a third comes down…all of them claiming to be her husband. What is happening in this weird, maybe magic (?) attic of hers? Knowing she can send each guy back for someone new, will Lauren ever find someone good enough? Or will each small thing have her sending him back for what’s next?

Yes, hello…where do I sign up for this? Like seriously, dude sucks? Send him back to the attic for a new model! In all seriousness this book was just such a delight. Some of the husbands had me dying laughing, while others I was bored for Lauren! The Zach story was just too much, I was reading it through my fingers covering my eyes it was so crazy! Overall this was a really fun book and I loved the way it ended! Highly recommend grabbing a copy of this one!

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This was a unique read! Lauren, a single woman, comes home to find she has a husband, and then each time a husband goes up to the attic, a different one comes down. Repeat, repeat, repeat. I found myself thinking about what would happen next and seeking out minutes here and there to keep reading.

That said, it did feel a bit long at times and if you like a book with a clear storyline (build up, problem, neat solution), this may not be the book for you. Despite that, I enjoyed this author’s writing style and know I’ll be thinking about this book for awhile. Im looking forward to reading more from them in the future!

Thanks to NetGalley and Doubleday for early access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What a fun book to read! It had a unique storyline, unlike anything else I've read. And the craziness of the ever-changing husbands just got better and better. Each time she kept one of the husbands, it was an interesting tale within the tale. I just had to keep reading to she how she was going to handle each one. Especially Bohai, Amos #2, and Zach. Oh and what a great ending.

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The Husbands , is the debut novel by Holly Gramazio. I was drawn in by the premise and it truly was an original story. The story is based around Lauren who wakes up from her flat in London and is surprised to meet her husband Michael. Especially, because as she knows it she is not currently married. After a short lived relationship Michael heads up to the attic to change a lightbulb and lo and behold another husband climbs down the ladder. It seems with every new husband her life is slightly altered although her core family and friendships remain. Lauren’s journey through husbands provides for some comedy relief , a few surprises and maybe a little whiplash. It is a time-bending tale both entertaining and thought provoking. I was captivated until the end wondering if she would ever settle and remain married. In my opinion this is a wonderful book to curl up with and I definitely recommend it!

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Lauren is mildly content with her single life in London. When she returns home after a night out, a man named Michael is in her flat. And not just any man: her husband. Before Lauren can wrap her mind around how a man she doesn't know could possibly be her husband, Michael goes up to the attic and a new man retreats down the ladder in his place. Also her husband.

In a seemingly-contained and spontaneous burst of magic, Lauren now has access to an infinite number of ever-replenishing husbands of all shapes, sizes, interests, and quirks; it's as simple as getting them to go up into the attic. Along with the husbands come versions of Lauren's life she's never known--lavish mansions, exhilarating travel, and an uncomfortably close call with her neighbors-turned-swingers. As each new husband retreats from the attic, Lauren's life around her changes and her other relationships shift.

There's got to be a perfect combination out there somewhere, right?

"The Husbands" is a hilarious, truly ingenious debut novel. Smartly written, almost bafflingly-simple, it combines humor and heart in a way that weaves such a unique story it's utterly impossible not to love it. This breath of fresh air of a novel begs the question: if you had a revolving door of options before you, how would you ever know if you've found "the one?"

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This is unlike any book I’ve read lately . Funny , thrilling and suspenseful. Lauren returns home to her flat one evening and finds her husband there . Problem is she is not married . While she is trying to figure out who this person is he goes to the attic to change the light bulb .But what comes down is ANOTHER HUSBAND . Funny part of this book is when she gets annoyed at the slightest thing back they go . This a very fun unique novel that makes you question what would I do . I loved this

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This novel has such a unique plot: our main character Lauren is living in London and has just come home from a bachelorette party. Somehow, she has acquired some sort of alternate universe portal, because not only does she suddenly have a husband, as soon as he goes into the attic, a different husband comes out. And things in her life have changed, sometimes subtly, sometimes drastically. And this happens over and over.

My problem, and this is on me, is that I can be a prude sometimes and I felt Lauren’s actions were just… yucky…and I didn’t buy her reactions in general. I’m not the right audience for this book.

I read about half and the writing was very good and quite funny so if you are ok with some dubious choices of a main character, then it could be a really enjoyable read! Unfortunately, it was not for me.

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This book took me forever to get through. The plot was slow and the main character was so unlikeable. Even to the end, I just wanted it to be over with so I could move on to something better. Honestly, I still struggle to figure out what the point of the book was. This was definitely not for me.

Thank you to the author and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

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I absolutely loved this book! Lauren comes home after a night out, to be greeted by her husband. The thing is - she's not married. Very weird. She soon finds out that her attic somehow turned magic, and will provide an endless stream of husbands. It's hilarious and thought provoking. I would have liked for Holly Gramazio to have provided a kind of explanation or theory on what caused the attic to suddenly turn into a husband making machine, especially when it becomes clear that her attic is not the only place where husbands and lives are swatted around - but it was still a highly enjoyable and entertaining read.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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Great debut! Not a rom com and not a literary tale- just a feel good story that I laughed out loud at while reading at times. Definitely will look out for more from this author!

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When Lauren returns to her flat after a drunken night out, she is met by a man who claims to be her husband. She can't possibly be so drunk that she doesn't remember him, can she? In the morning, he's still there, still her husband. She tries to piece together their relationship by scrolling through text messages, photos and google. Her friends all seem to know him but she just can't remember him. He goes up to the attic to change a lightbulb and comes down a different man - another man who is another husband and with that comes a new life. Same friends, same flat (but with different decor). Soon Lauren discovers that she can change her husbands and life just by sending the men up to the attic. Will she just keep bouncing from husband to husband indefinitely or will she ever find THE ONE?

With a plot that centers around a revolving door of husbands, you'd think that this would get repetitive and boring after the first few husbands. Instead, Holly Gramazio manages to hook you and reel you in. I loved this book. It was unpredictable in the best ways and you really are invested in Lauren and her husbands. Can Lauren just keep switching husbands and lives when she gets bored or if she finds a flaw in them? Is the supply endless or will the attic just suddenly stop procuring husbands and she will be stuck?

What a fun book with a great ending!

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I find that books with an unusually interesting premise often disappoint in the execution; this was a delightful exception! Could not put it down, I wanted so badly to find out what would happen next. There were surprises, poignant moments, and several snorts and chuckles along the way.

I liked the way the author used plants as a way to ground the main character to her world(s). The ending was... *chef's kiss*

Ultimately, a thought-provoking, absolute gem of a book. Highly recommend for book clubs.

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A funny, yet thought provoking book. How can one person seemingly choose such different partners? This book was a fun read. Could this actually happen? Wouldn't you like to know!

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3.5 A fun, slightly zany book about a single women who suddenly has a husband walk down from her attic. She learns that the attic can always produce new husbands when one goes up. Some are nice, some so-so and some a little creepy. I found the authors insights on relationships and commitment interesting. And how in the end you could end up with lots of different people; and choosing to see the good in someone helps the relationship. The premise is obviously bananas but she balances it well with real life.

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