Member Reviews

I haven't read the first book in the series, so I should probably go back and check that one out as well.

Just mentioning Romeo and Juliet is a great way to immediately grab my attention, so I was at least a little interested before I even started reading. This book has some great representation, which I love to see. It's maybe not quite to my tastes, but this is a fine book and I'm glad to have read it.

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Loved it! This was a really interesting story! I really related to the main character!! Can’t wait to read more of the authors work

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A good read but took me awhile to really get into the book. The whole thing with Jesse taking Nicoles side and believing obvious lies was a bit ridiculous but by the end he realises his mistakes and fixes them and so does Nicole which is good.

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A good read but took me awhile to really get into the book. The whole thing with Jesse taking Nicoles side and believing obvious lies was a bit ridiculous but by the end he realises his mistakes and fixes them and so does Nicole which is good.

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Amazing book!
I was thoroughly engaged throughout this book and I didn't want to put it down! The author captured my attention from the get go! Five stars from me :)

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This book follows Raina, a Jewish student at a boarding school and Jesse, who is one of the descendants of the rich school owners. We focus on religion, friendship, and sexuality as the two of them and Jesse's friend Nicole try to navigate a messy situation.

Let's start with the things I liked about the book. The ashcroft children are on top form in this book, I really enjoy reading about how close they are. We also get a lot of Dean and gracie, which is nice. It was interesting to read a book that looks more at the Jewish faith (I believe the author herself is Jewish, so I imagine it's an accurate representation based on her own experiences).

Raina and Jesse are sweet, and I liked that the book focused a it on consent and respecting people's boundaries.

Sadly, though, I didn't enjoy this book as much as the previous one. The main conflict caused by Nicole lying to Jesse and her not liking Raina felt glossed over. The lying is never discussed, and the girls spend a lot of time together being civil from very early on in the book. I'm really hoping the next book isn't going to follow blake (I actually think it'll be zara) because I'm not sure he warrants a redemption ARC.

Also, content warnings for antisemitism and homophobia. The elder ashcrofts are very unaccepting of different sexualities and they actually ban same sex couples from attending the dance together. It's nice to see the friend group rallying in support of them, but I'm sure it will be difficult for some people to read.

Right now, im not sure that I'll continue with the series. I really enjoyed book 1, but this one fell flat for me. It would be interesting to see how certain relationships progress, but I'm not dying to read it.

I received an advance review copy of this book, and this review represents my honest opinion. Thank you to netgalley, Allie Sarah, and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is book 2 of the Trinity High series but can be read as a stand alone. The Friendship Fight takes place in a boarding school (all genders), featuring a group of teenagers navigating through high school. Nicole, Jesse and Raina are the 3 main characters in this book. Nicole and Jesse are best friends but when Nicole comes back to Trinity Jesse has a new friend, Raina. Nicole becomes jealous of their friendship and tells Jesse about Raina's crush on him but added that it's all part of a prank. Jesse and Raina are assigned to work on a Romeo and Juliet project together and spend more time together. As a result, their feelings for each other begin again and Jesse learns the truth about Raina's feelings.

This book has excellent Jewish representation and is a fun YA book. There is no kissing in this one, just Jesse and Raina navigating through their feelings.

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I love Raina and Jesse’s story so much🥺 I didn’t want to put this book down!! This book had me so interested in what would happen next and if Raina and Jesse would end up together. I also really enjoyed learning more about the Jewish community and Jewish beliefs from Raina. It’s not a subject I know much about so it was super cool being able to learn more about that community while I devoured this book! I also really enjoyed seeing the other members of the group go through their challenges and struggles. I absolutely adore Theo😩 I need a book on each of the characters now tho👀 I want to read Theo fall in love🥺

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A sweet found family YA romance novel. I loved that Raina didn't give up on her Judaism when discovering who she really is.

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A huge thank you to NetGalley and SnowRidge Press for providing me an ebook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Friendship Fight is the second book in the Trinity High series, which is a series of books that can be read independently from each other, in which we follow Raina and Jesse as they try to rebuild their friendship – and maybe something more.

I chose to request this book based on two things: the cartoon cover that is very cute, and the fact that Romeo and Juliet were mentioned in the synopsis. But do not let that fool you, I ended up being a little bit disappointed by this book. Maybe it was a bit too YA for my taste and definitely aimed for a younger public than me. It is definitely a me problem, but it did not stop me from reading this book in two evenings.
I do have some positive things to say about this book: it is fast-paced novel with a character-driven plot, and there are a lot of representations that I don’t often see or read about: the FMC, Raina, is Jewish, and you get to learn a lot about Judaism in this book. There are aromantic, bisexual and gay side characters that are absolutely adorable. The platonic relationship between two characters was lovely and it was a breath of fresh air to see a male and a female characters being close without necessarily being romantically involved.

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Raina has joined Trinity boarding school this year and quickly becomes friends with Gracie and Jesse (who she *might* have a major crush on). But then Nicole rejoins the school after a month away, tells them all about Raina's crush and now Jesse is back to being best friends with Nicole and ignoring Raina. She's miserable, and then Mrs Dixon starts meddling, asking Nicole to tutor Raina in Romeo and Juliet and partnering her with Jesse for a project. Can they all be friends?

First thing, I didn't notice this was a sequel, but it works fine as a standalone book. It is, I would say, a fairly young YA book, it's all relatively shallow but I actually really liked it. It was a nice easy read and break from real life.

I noticed someone had reviewed the previous book on Amazon and wasn't happy at the swearing and references to "sleeping with". So I guess I should mention they are still there, it's not a big deal, it's just a few jokes and I'm sure anyone that's reading this knows all about that anyway.

So basically, it's not going to win any awards but I liked it. I've downloaded the first one to see what I missed and I hope it's the same lighthearted story, likeable characters and an attempt to tackle some more serious issues.

#netgalley #authoralliesarah #thefriendshipfight

Also posted on Goodreads but can't link account.

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This book was a nice way to spend a cold winter weekend. I enjoyed the characters throughout the book and the references to Judaism were much appreciated, especially since not often represented in fiction. Raina's struggle between her parents' wishes for her and her own wishes for herself is something many young people can relate to.

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I received this book for netgalley in exchange for a review.
I enjoyed the writing style and reading things about jewish and dyslexia was very interesting and kept me intrigued. I just couldnt connect much with anything else felt to much of a slow burn to me. Its not bad its actually really nice. Just not one that got me over the moon excited

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The Friendship Fight is the second book in the Trinity High series. It can be read as a standalone which is how I read it, but I would recommend reading them in order because I think that would have made my reading experience better and you would know most of the characters already.

This one just wasn't really for me. It read pretty young for high schoolers in my opinion and it was very hard for me to get into. I didn't find the characters to be particularly likable and didn't feel connected to any of them by the halfway point. I'm not sure if it was the dialogue that felt off or the way the story flowed, but there was something that just made it difficult for me to get through. I read a lot of young adult books and truly enjoy them but it could just be that this one is too much on the younger end of the spectrum for me.

That being said there are a lot of great things about this book, the largest being representation/diversity. Some of the characters are LGBTQIA+, Jewish, have dyslexia, etc. and Allie Sarah does a great job of not overly emphasizing each of these pieces of the characters's identities and making it seem like something negative, but shows how it all affects their high school experiences and relationships with those around them. Consent is also pointedly marked in this book which is great especially for YA since most teens start dating in high school and should be shown more books/shows/movies where consent is an essential part of any relationship and that it's something to be expected. Without giving anything away, I did also like the English teacher and the focus on Romeo and Juliet as someone who studied English Lit in college. This is a slow burn and there is a lot of character growth from start to finish. It's definitely cute and I think would really suit younger readers and those who like YA stories that are big on found family, high school drama, and themes of identity.

Some content warnings include homophobia and antisemitism.

2.5 stars

Big thanks to NetGalley and SnowRidge Press for the digital ARC which I have voluntarily read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to netgalley and SnowRidge Press for allowing me to read this book. This was such a cute book I really enjoyed it

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First of all, thank you to Allie Sarah and Net Galley for giving me the chance to read this book!

I’m gonna start with what I liked then I’m going to mention what I didn’t like

The book is a slow burn so that was entertaining. I like seeing growth in characters so that was also pushing me to read more

I liked that the book has quite the eye for consent and its importance and I love that, because some people forget that consent is very important. Doesn’t have to be for reassurances or anything but just the purpose of asking is a must so I really appreciated Jesse

I liked that one of the representations was dyslexia. It’s not really known. I know some people who are dyslexic so I like when it’s mentioned in books as a form of awareness

It’s the second book in a trilogy. Even though it’s a standalone, I wish I read the first book.. I think it would’ve made more sense

I’m not antisemitic but I’m not really into books that are pro Jewish and religious. However, I did like the information presented about Judaism. That was interesting to read about

I usually enjoy YA books, but I felt like I’ve matured enough and outgrew these kinds of books so it wasn’t really much of a book I enjoyed but I enjoyed the writing style. It was just a cute book but nothing galvanic. I was just reading to read

Buuut, if these are some of the tropes that you enjoy, then I suggest you give this book a go

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This was really cute. It is definitely a slow burn though. I found it really interesting to learn more about Jewish culture and the rules that Raina follows. Jesse was so sweet and I just adored their relationship. She was so unsure of things and I liked seeing her growth and learning what works best for her.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Book Review 📚
The Friendship Fight by Allie Sarah - 4/5 ⭐

A cute and bubbly Young Adult romance. It was an easy read that can be done in a day, easily. It kept me entertained and engrossed so I couldn't put it down.

Raina and Jess as characters were brilliant. They were easy to read about, likable and entertaining. See them both grow within the book was exciting and I thought it was beautifully set out. There is romance, friendship and family themes throughout.

The plot was amazing and thoroughly thought out. Throughout the book I was engrossed because it was a brilliant plot and it keeps you entertained. Before you know it you've finished. It's heartwarming and beautifully set. I recommended read for young adults and those who enjoy a YA.

Thank you to NetGalley and SnowRidge Press for allowing me to read this ARC - this is an HONEST review from my own personal opinion.

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I recently read The Friendship Fight by Allie Sarah, and I must say it was a delightful read. The story is about Raina Cohen, who is having a tough time dealing with her not-so-secret crush Jesse Ashcroft and his best friend, Nicole. The trio used to be close friends, but now they're fighting, and Raina is trying to avoid them. But thanks to some meddling teachers, Raina is now forced to spend time with Jesse and Nicole.

The book is a heartwarming tale of friendship, family, and love. The author has done an excellent job of exploring the complexities of teenage relationships and the struggles that come with it. Raina's journey towards rebuilding her friendship with Jesse and Nicole is a slow one, but it's a journey that will leave you rooting for them.

The Friendship Fight is a beautifully written story that explores themes of family, friendship, and love. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is engaging. The book is suitable for young adults and is a great read for anyone looking for a heartwarming story with relatable characters.

Overall, I highly recommend The Friendship Fight to anyone who is looking for a fun, engaging, and heartwarming read. It's a story that will leave you with a warm feeling in your heart and a smile on your face.

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The Friendship Fight by Allie Sarah is a really enjoyable teen/ya romance story.
I thought this was well written with some pretty great characters. Every character was great in their own way. Unique, sweet and cute.
The writing is great and held my attention from start to finish.

-full review to come-

I would like to thank NetGalley and SnowRidge Press for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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