Member Reviews

*Thank you NetGalley for the e-Arc!* (REVIEW ALSO POSTED ON GOODREADS)

A beautifully written suspenseful historical fiction and mystery, following a master poet and playmaker as he attempts to keep the waters steady between opposing sides whilst writing a play that may shake the grounds beneath his and all of England’s feet. Threats linger in the air like a veil of deathly smog, and it is quickly learned that trust is to be fully placed in no one, no matter how they display their loyalty.

“You are no man’s tool.”

“I am my own”

Historical fiction is not typically a genre I would pick up, but I was quickly captivated and ensnared by the thriller and utterly apprehensive mystery this book quickly became. I truly did not think I would enjoy this as much as I did.

The plot twists in this story are wonderfully weaved in!

What I liked - the beautiful writing, the suspense, the wonderful evolution of the characters through the storyline, the plot itself, the fast pace & action, and of course our witty, mature, clever and street smart main character, William Shakespeare.

What I thought could have been improved upon - The story was great, but I often found it difficult to keep the characters straight. There is a helpful guide at the front, but going back to locate everything takes a while. I also found that I didn’t have much of a connection to many of the characters as I normally would in many other books I have read in the past.

So, overall, I would recommend this book to historical fiction, mystery, and thriller lovers, especially those who are fond of Shakespeare and the renaissance time period.

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A fascinating account of William Shakespeare at the end of Elizabeth Tudor's reign. We explore the latter days of Elizabeth's reign and watch Shakespeare foil the Earl of Essex's insurrection as Shakespeare finds what happened to Mary, Queen of Scots during her captivity.

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A story told during the end of Elizabeth Tudor's reign and William Shakespeare. The rivalry between Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots; this was a religious feud that could turn a county into civil war. Caught in the middle is Shakespeare. A well written and well researched book, it is a good novel to read.

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An excellent story of Will Shakespeare and the end of Elizabeth Tudor’s reign. As Shakespeare discovers what happened to Mary, Queen of Scots during the last days of her captivity, we explore the last days of Elizabeth’s reign, and watch as Shakespeare foils the Earl of Essex’s rebellion.

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The story flowed well and the characters were well developed. I recommend this book and look forward to more from this author.

****Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review****

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