Member Reviews

This was such a fun read from a debut author!
Lucy and Fletcher just felt so real to me. It has a great setting, strong mental health rep, and very wholesome vibe. Forever is pitching this as You’ve Got Mail meets Abbott Elementary and it delivered. I was also impressed with how it handled multicultural identity and not feeling like you’re enough.
Also, the teens in this book genuinely made me laugh!
Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Before I dive into my thoughts, a massive shoutout and thank you to NetGalley for this sneak peek in exchange for my honest review!

Lucy is a public school guidance counselor who struggles with her mental health - specifically, depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Lucy often finds herself struggling to say and do the right thing in her daily life, which is what prompts her to create a totally anonymous Instagram account with the handle @TheMissGuidedCounselor. Through this account, she is able to be the composed, confident person she aspires to be. As @TheMissGuidedCounselor, Lucy befriends a follower - a follower who quickly becomes one of her best friends. But when Lucy meets the newest history teacher at her school, Fletcher, her days of online anonymity may be over.

Discovering that "Flirty Little Secret" is Jessica Lepe's debut surprised me—I wouldn't have guessed it from the seamless storytelling. While I noticed a few minor typos and inconsistencies, they didn't overshadow the overall well-crafted narrative.

I typically steer clear of multiple-POV books, but this one was a pleasant exception. It proved crucial in understanding Lucy, a character who doesn't see her own charisma. The switch in perspectives offered valuable insights into each character's struggles, enhancing their complexity and relatability.

As someone juggling anxiety, depression, and ADHD—an admittedly challenging personal cocktail—I resonated deeply with Lucy. Her relatable and humorous portrayal, despite her awkward moments, made her endearing. There were times I wanted to shake some sense into her, but truth be told, I've probably been guilty of similar actions. Lucy's authenticity shines through her actions and reactions to the world around her.

Beyond Lucy, the depiction of her family was a standout. The palpable love between family members, evident in actions and words, added depth to the narrative. Their support during challenging times and playful teasing showcased a true family dynamic.

Despite a few hiccups, "Flirty Little Secret" is an engaging debut novel and an effortless read. I thoroughly enjoyed this advanced copy and eagerly anticipate Jessica Lepe's future works.

Rating: 4/5 stars - A promising start, and I look forward to more from this author!

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i wanted to really like this book but unfortunately, i just wasn’t feeling any of it. it wasn’t bad, just wasn’t for me. i didn’t feel connected to any of the characters or romance.

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Once I read You’ve Got Mail meets Abbott Elementary I had high expectations. And though I enjoyed the story it felt a bit flat. Some of the inner monologues were a bit repetitive and too long. The mental health talk and representation was great and well done, Lucy felt very relatable in that aspect. Since Lucy and Fletcher knew each other and hade become friends prior to meeting their instant attraction felt more natural. I do did wish he had been more upfront with Georgia and just avoid that conflict. Also having a mixed family myself I really appreciated the inclusion of Lucy's cultures and the way she interacted with her family. Overall it was a cute and easy read.

Thank you to NetGalley, Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and Jessica Lee for the the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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Where do I start??? I LOVED this book. I LOVED every second of it and I didn't want it to end. Lucy and Fletcher grabbed me from page one. I looked for every opportunity I had to pick it up and keep reading. Their individual neuroses and concerns are ones shared by so many people these days. Hiding behind an online persona is such a common phenomenon. What happens when you have to let down that online shield? Such a fantastic book!! Please tell us what happens with them next! Book 2??

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I enjoyed this book. It kept my attention even though it was a tad predictable.

I liked the neurodivergent representation. I also enjoyed the multicultural identity crisis aspect.

I didn’t really understand why Lucy was so upset when she figured out who Fletcher was but maybe that was part of the anxiety she had?

Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to read this in exchange for my honest review.

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This was such a good book! I initially felt that Lucy and Fletcher fell for each other too quickly and was a big put off by that, but I loved the characters so I kept reading. There’s a bit toward the beginning where it skips forward three weeks and mentions that they’d both fallen for each other during that time as they had little encounters and conversations at work. I wish we’d seen a little more of that so their very deep feelings didn’t feel so rushed (but maybe I just like a slow-burn). Regardless of this, their relationship is actually very deep because of their online relationship.
The romance isn’t even necessarily the star of the show for me, even though it was great. The characters were just so good individually too. I absolutely loved Lucy and her journey. She had so many characteristics that she viewed as flaws but by the end of the book, she can appreciate herself as the amazing person that everyone else knows her to be. I love, love, loved her relationship with her family and friends. This may have been my favorite part of the book. Her family members were such great characters and I really appreciated the glimpse into their culture and religion too. Grown women with genuine, deep friendships with other women is so refreshing to read.
I really appreciated Fletcher’s growth as well. He was quick to learn and accept responsibility for his actions when he was wrong (they both did this!). I love that he did this not only in regard to Lucy, but also in his perception of his sister.
I especially appreciated the friendly relationship that developed between Lucy and Georgia. It was just a small part of the book, but it was this attention to having well-rounded characters that made me want to keep reading. Georgia wasn’t just the villain or other woman necessary for a plot point, she was an actual human. There were no villains. Just real people, who are sometimes right and sometimes wrong.
I think the main theme of the book was ultimately growth, not just romance. I loved it and was inspired.
I would absolutely read more books by this author.

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This book gave so much Disney Channel (with 1.5 🌶️) energy. It was definitely an adult book, but it had a lot of cheesy and wholesome elements with a HEA. I loved the representation with not only a neurodivergent guidance counselor, but also someone who is multiracial and struggles with her identity.

While the book was a little ✨too✨ cheesy at times, as well as the questionable funny bits (e.g., Konfident Kids Klub/KKK), it discussed a variety of heavy topics in a very palatable way. As someone who has worked in a school setting and goes to therapy for anxiety, it was very relatable. It was also extremely informative regarding mental health topics and how to navigate the world with an anxiety disorder (among other diagnoses). I also loved how the author shares the same diagnoses as the FMC, which made it feel more authentic.

Overall, it was a very cute and quick read. Definitely a feel-good palate cleanser!

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Flirty Little Secret by Jessica Lepe is a sweet and heartwarming rom-com.
The characters were fully realized and fleshed out, the romance was on pare.
I love how the author weaves a swoon worthy love story in with real life issues.
It truly was an amazing read and one I definitely recommend you pick up and check out.

Thank You NetGalley and Forever for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This book was everything!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review! I was initially drawn to this book by the super cute cover, and the description of the book: You’ve Got Mail meets Abbott Elementary, and was captivated by the well-thought out main characters and the lovely writing style.

The premise of an anonymous FMC social media account being admired by the MMC follower reminded me of Love on the Brain in the best way! I loved seeing the two interacting as Lucy & Fletcher, and TheMissGuidedConselor & BravesGuy93, and essentially falling for each other twice over. And the mental health rep?? This felt incredibly personal and manages to encapsulate so much of what I (and so many others) feel every day.

The banter was great, the pacing felt really smooth, and the resolution was satisfying! I think we have a real winner on our hands here, and my only regret about reading this so soon is I have no one to talk about it with!

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Huge thanks to NetGalley, Jessica Lepe and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this E-ARC!

As someone diagnosed with both ADHD and anxiety, Lucy's character profoundly resonated with me. It felt incredibly empowering to see these aspects portrayed with authenticity and care, adding a layer of depth to this already charming rom-com. Lucy, the guidance counsellor with a penchant for chaos, instantly became a relatable and endearing protagonist.

The references to "Abbott Elementary" caught my attention, and I'm thrilled to say that this book exceeded my expectations. From the hilarious spill-the-tea moment between Lucy and Fletcher, the handsome history teacher, to the complexities of Lucy's anonymous Instagram alter ego, @TheMisguidedCounselor, this rom-com expertly weaves humor, romance, and meaningful issues.

Lucy's battles with anxiety and ADHD are portrayed with remarkable sensitivity, making her character even more relatable. The chemistry between Lucy and Aldrich, especially through their online interactions, adds an extra layer of charm to the story. As their connection deepens, so does the anticipation for the moment Aldrich reveals he knows Lucy's online identity.

The depiction of mental health challenges, ADHD, and the pressure to have it all together resonates authentically, making the characters and their struggles feel genuine. What a breath of fresh air to witness a romance novel that not only entertains but also tackles important themes.

Flirty Little Secret is a heartwarming rom-com with depth, reminding readers that even counsellors have their battles. Jessica, in her debut novel, has crafted a captivating narrative with an irresistible mix of sweetness, humour, and a dash of spice. This book deserves a spot on your must-read list!

- I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

5 Stars!

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Thank you NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for giving me early access for an honest review.

I really wanted to like this book, but while I loved the Latina Jewish representation (plus the anxiety, depression, and ADHD rep) from Lucy, the rest fell a bit flat for me. We didn't actually get a lot of interaction between Lucy and Fletcher before they started liking each other - even with the knowledge that they'd been messaging the whole time I didn't feel the connection at all. In fact their online interactions seemed very detached and more of a faceless mentor/mentee rather than friendship (all of their messages sounded like her guidance counselor inspo quotes). Fletcher himself didn't have much of a personality and again I just didn't feel connected to the characters or their relationships.

I also think we often heard a bit too much of what was going on in the characters heads instead of seeing them actually doing anything, it felt like there wasn't a good balance.

Overall a decently cute book.

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If you loved Mr. Wrong Number- this is the book for you! The MMC was super caring and the friendship between the two main characters was fun to see develop. They are high school teachers, but some of their actions felt like they were high schoolers themselves. That was my main issue with the book. Overall, this was a fun, quick read with lots of interesting family dynamics to round our the love story. 3.5 stars.

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3.5 ⭐️ for me - but still worth the read!

If you’re looking for mistaken identity trope, mental health representation + wholesomeness, pick this one up. My only critique is the incomplete nature of Fletcher + Lucy’s ability to work through things!!!!!!!! Other than that - a very poignant story with a dash of Abbott Elementary sprinkled in.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishing tram for the ARC!

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If I could try to come up with a sales pitch for this book in a phrase, I'd say it's like Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood BUT with teachers in a high school setting AND lots of mental health representation!💖 And of course, what that means is it is a GREAT book that is quite fast moving, not necessarily lighthearted because there are some tough themes and topics mentioned throughout the book BUT how the characters handle themselves and pick themselves back up is INSPIRING! I love that the FMC in Flirty Little Secret, Lucy, has ADHD + Anxiety + Depression and she actually experiences the feelings and thought that come with those mental health diagnoses, they aren't just surface character traits!
Flirty Little Secret has all of that awesome stuff but it also is a romance book which has a great combination of tropes such as workplace romance + anonymously messaging each other for YEARS but not knowing that they were talking to each other (falling for each other online AND in real life 🥹). There are so many aspects to this book such as the representation, the romance, the tropes, and more that made this such a quick and fun read to me!
As this is Jessica Lepe's debut novel, I cannot WAIT to see more!!! Thank you so much to Forever for a free e-ARC of Flirty Little Secrets!💞

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This book is my first NetGalley read, and I am so glad I was able to read this! I absolutely loved this book and I don't think I have ever related to a character as much as Lucy. All of her anxiety, depression, and ADHD was so resonating and I really felt like I was feeling it all right along with her. Such a great representation of what it is really like to live with these demons, and how you can still be a badass at the same time. I have nothing bad to say about this one, and I can't wait for the next one!

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Whether being coworkers at the same school or meeting through Lucy's anonymous social media account, Lucy and Aldrich both seem to know just what to say to help the other person navigate what they're going through by messaging or in person. The problem is Lucy doesn't know that Aldrich knows she's @TheMissGuidedCounselor and that her online friend she has gotten close to also happens to be Aldrich. When will Aldrich tell her and how will that change their relationship they have where things are starting to get flirty and steamy?

With Lucy dealing with anxiety, depression, and ADHD I thought made her character relatable, and also by feeling the pressure to feel like you have your whole life together. It was a nice reminder that even the counselors and therapists have their struggles as well. And I have to say, what a guy Aldrich is, that even when Lucy is in the middle of a mental breakdown, Aldrich can't help but have the desire to ask her out right then and there.

Overall FLIRTY LITTLE SECRET is a sweet and feel good rom-com with touches of heavier subjects that still allow the story to feel real. I enjoyed seeing Lucy's online posts that I thought was a clever way for the readers to see another deep layer to her character and with her writing how she is able to help others.

Thank you to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley I received a free electronic copy of the book to read and provide a review.

Are you telling me @BraveGuy93 was a post-less account without a single picture and Lucy befriended them without question? I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of things for the sake of a HEA and romance, but not this.

The story had some cute and adorable moments that made the book worth finishing, but it also felt uninspired and dragged at times.

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Romantic comedy, texts on page, workplace/school romance, Jewish rep, ADHD rep, depression & anxiety rep (own voice experience!) make this a 5-star read for me!

I have a soft spot for debut authors, and this is truly one of the best first books I’ve read. Jessica handles sensitive topics realistically and with grace. I also loved the reader guidance at the beginning of the book.

Lucy is a self-proclaimed mess, has *too* much going on between being a school counselor, running a popular yet anonymous Instagram account and her family. In walks Fletcher to her mess, but he’s struck by her and it’s a bit of instalove but they’re connected in other ways…plus, he’s got his own mess going on.

Yes, it’s messy but also hilarious & sweet (with a few spicy scenes!)

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I want to thank Net galley for giving me the opportunity to read this book. This book is an automatic 5 stars for me. The humor, mental health, life of an educator, and rom com nature of this book was so well done! I will be reading more from this author!

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