Member Reviews

Great book, I loved Danni and her good heart. Her backstory and the friendship between her and Ester was sweet, although the best storyline and friendship was between Connie,Gwen and Danni and I look forward to the next book and hope that they grow more and include Ester in with it. The book was about friendship, love and loss. Thank you NetGalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Another great read from Jo. I loved this one, set in Cornwall which I love and the story was so perfect. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I eagerly anticipated Jo Bartlett's latest book, and Welcome to the Cornish Country Hospital did not disappoint!

As the first novel in a new series, it introduces readers to a set of great characters while also reuniting us with some beloved figures from the Cornish Midwife series. Jo's writing style draws the reader in and creates a sense of community involvement that is truly immersive.

If you haven't picked up a copy yet, then run, don’t walk go grab your copy!

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I enjoyed reading this book finding the characters interesting and realistic. There was plenty to keep me intrigued and looking forward to read more books by this author.

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It’s such a delight to open a new book by a favourite author and Welcome to the Cornish Country Hospital certainly gets this new series off to a splendid start as not only are we back in Cornwall, an area the author describes so well, but we also have a new cast of characters to get to know, with maybe a few familiar faces thrown in for good measure.

Danni Carter has taken up a position as an A&E doctor at St Piran’s hospital in Cornwall where her professionalism and empathy make her one of the most popular doctors in the accident and emergency unit. Danni loves her new life and having moved from London she now is starting to call Cornwall home. That is, until the arrival of her friends, Esther and Lucas who will also be working at the hospital, all should be well but Danni is keeping a huge secret from Esther and with one secret leading to another, Danni gets inadvertently drawn into the plight of one of her patients who also has a long held secret which will have far reaching repercussions.

This is such a lovely story and although it touches on some rather serious topics there is never a moment when the story doesn’t pull you in and pretty soon I was so invested in the lives of all the characters I found I couldn’t put the book down. Most of the characters are lovely and bring such a sense of joy to the story however, there is one in particular who I couldn’t help but dislike and really hoped that they would get their just deserts.

Filled with the warmth of friendship, the burden of hidden secrets and the joy of discovering love in unexpected places, this imagined Cornish town comes wonderfully alive, whether it be waiting in a cubicle at St Piran’s A&E unit , out on the wards with Doctor Danni, or even walking along the coastal path watching for baby seal pups, there is so much to enjoy and I really can’t wait to pay another visit to the Cornish Country Hospital just as soon as this talented author takes us there.

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I have never read any of Jo Bartlett's novels before but I know that she has done many before this one, and I will be reading them at some point. I really enjoyed her writing and found this novel interesting.

We meet Danni who has escaped to Cornwall as she was having feelings for her friends (Esther) fiancée Lucas which for many friends is a no-go area.

Unbeknown to Danni, her friends have the same idea and join her at the hospital where Danni is working herself and they both have jobs their. This ensues a problem for Danni as having moved to get away from the issue, the problem itself is thrust right under Danni's nose.

I really felt for Danni as the predicament was not nice for her and I really sympathised with her. I hope there will be more stories about Danni as I would love to read more about her.

I really enjoyed reading about Danni's dilemma and think that Jo Bartlett told a really good and interesting story.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow, this is the start of another great series from Jo. I didn't want the last series to end and I feel as though this one will be just as good. Well worth 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgally, author and publisher for this ARC

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This book took me on a fun journey of escapism. It was exciting to read about other people's problems for a while and I love the hospital setting. I am thrilled that this is the first book of a new series and I would be tickled pink if it was also turned into a tv series as it definitely has potential. With decades of secrets and plenty of love and friendship I found it hard to tear myself away from the story. It proves that true love isn't always what you expect and I laughed and cried along with the wonderful characters. The two beautiful dogs in the story immediately sealed the deal for me and I know I will be impatiently waiting for the next book in the series.

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Danni works at a hospital in London alongside her best friend Esther and Esther’s boyfriend Lucas. Despite Esther and Danni having a great friendship, this is tested by Danni’s feelings for Lucas. To escape these feelings, Danni leaves London to make a fresh start in Cornwall, but it’s not that easy… Esther and Lucas follow her there too and now they are engaged.

The supporting story in this book involves Connie, an injured patient, who is brought into the hospital. She speaks about her past where she gave up her relationship with Richard so that he could have the life he was supposed to live. But this happened 40 years ago, so what happens when the two meet again? And even more so, when Connie reveals her biggest secret?

This book is full of love and heartbreak, and is perfect for those who love the Greys Anatomy!

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Having previously enjoyed the books in Bartlett's Cornish Midwife series, I knew this was going to be the first in a wonderful new series set on the Cornish coast.

Her characters are wonderfully real, written with depth and warmth and they were so easy to become emotionally invested in. And whilst you're still suffering with the Cornish Midwife book hangover, never fear because Bartlett has even slipped in a few characters from the previous series...eeek!

Welcome to the Cornish Country Hospital is a great starter to the series, I'm already stoked for book two.

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Review for 'Welcome To The Cornish Country Hospital' by Jo Bartlett.

Read and reviewed for Jo Bartlett, Boldwood Books, Book And Tonic and Rachel's Random Resources Tours.

Publication date 22nd November 2023.

This is the first book I have read by this author but it most definitely won't be my last!! It is also the first book in Jo's new series.

This novel consists of 31 chapters. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

What an absolute stunner from the extremely talented Jo!! Well done Jo on an absolutely beautiful and perfect read!! This is the ideal escapism where you could sit there and turn around and just imagine everything coming to life around you.

This book is extremely well written with beautiful descriptions that completely drew me in. The synopsis and the cover match the storyline perfectly!!

The storyline itself completely swept me away. I absolutely adored the storyline and getting to know the lives of so many different people, seeing their relationships and friendships change and see how they react to secrets, heartache, changes, romance and everything else that goes on in this absolutely fantastic read!! I adored the fact that it was mainly based around a hospital as I have yet to read a book set in a hospital environment and I was just fascinated by the different situations going on. Along with the hospital staff and patients lives the main storyline revolves around Danni who is an A&E doctor and Connie who is in hospital after surviving a bus accident. Danni is in love with her best friends fiancé and moved to Port Kara and started her job in the hospital there to get away from having to suffer with this heartbreaking secret. Connie gives Danni a letter to pass on to Richard if she doesn't survive. What does the letter reveal and can Danni keep her love for her best friends fiancé hidden? To get the answers to these questions and more then you'll have to grab your copy of this gorgeous book today! I've not long got home from Cornwall and missed it before I read this book but OMG Jo has made me want to jump in the car and go straight back now!!! Jo's evocative writing skills ensures the readers are absolutely sucked into the stunning storyline with the atmosphere and characters coming to life all around them.. I absolutely fell in love venturing back into Cornwall and Jo's vivid descriptions are absolutely perfect and evocative. I became so invested in this book that it actually felt like going on a holiday and I absolutely dreaded coming to the end where I had to unpack my suitcase and get back to reality. It was an absolutely compelling and addictive heart lifting read that kept me turning the pages until late at night. I loved discovering the pasts, secrets and histories of the characters and I was absolutely swept away in the story line. Everything and everyone came to life around me and I cannot wait to return in the next book in this absolutely stunning series. This book really was an emotional rollercoaster ride filled with friendship, family, drama, medicine, love, secrets, affairs, romance, heartache, emotions and everything you could ask for!!! The fact that Jo has done her research when it comes to the hospital environment completely shines through so a HUGE well done to Jo. It is a massive shame when authors don't do enough research into their chosen topics and/or environments and their books are then littered with unnecessary mistakes as it really can spoil a book that would otherwise be fantastic. This book is escapism at its best and is a perfect way to disappear into an amazing world for a while. It is one of those books that I just could not put down and drive everyone mad by walking around reading it every chance I got and ended up devouring it in one sitting!! This book would make an absolutely gorgeous movie which I would absolutely love to see!!

An absolutely gorgeous, page turning and addictive start to what is guaranteed to be a stunning series!! Don't even peek into this book until you've cleared your schedules as you won't be able to put it down!!

It is always worrying when starting a new series as you have no idea who the characters are. It is very important for me to bond with not only the lead protagonists but also any characters that may make repeat appearances during the series too.

I was completely invested in the characters, along with the storyline, who were all, well almost all, absolutely fantastic with their own individual personalities and quirks. Every one of the characters had a part to play and they were all completely unforgettable. My heart completely went out to Danni who loves her best friend Esther but has also fallen in love with Esther's fiancé Lucas. Sadly we can't chose who we fall in love with and Danni's heart made the worse possible choice. She does everything she can to stay away and even moves home and job, but after all that Esther and Lucas end up working in the same hospital as her again!! Danni is such a lovable and caring character that I just was rooting for her happiness from the moment I met her!!! My heart also went out to Connie who I also liked and whose happiness I was also rooting for. I must say that I really liked hospital volunteer and previous midwife Gwen who offers her advise along the way. I was really disgusted by a certain person and also by another's attitude but I'm not going to go into any details as I'm sure you'll work it out yourself when you read this fantastic book yourself!!! I really enjoyed getting to know most of the characters and when I came to the end I felt like I was leaving amazing people and new friends behind and felt quite sad about that but am happy in the knowledge that this book is just the first book in a new series and I just can't wait to get stuck into more of these gorgeous books. I loved watching how so many characters, relationships and personalities develop and change from the first page to the last. They all made me laugh, swoon, angry, cry, joyous and much more!!! Regardless of whether you love them or hate them all of these characters work perfectly together to make this a stunning page turner and I cannot wait to return to Cornwall to meet them all again!!

Congratulations Jo on an absolutely gorgeous success!!! I'm definitely looking forward to my next holiday to Cornwall and cannot wait for the next book in this series!!! This is the exact reason I would love to welcome you to my favourite author club and here is to your next success 🥂 !!!

Make sure you read to the very end of the book to read the first chapter of Jo's 'Meet Me In Central Park' which sounds just as fabulous as this book was and I cannot wait to get stuck into it myself!!!

Overall this is a gorgeous start to what promises to be a stunning new series with an amazing gang of characters that will sweep you away to the gorgeous coast of Port Kara, Cornwall from the very first page to the end!

342 pages.

This book is just £2.99 to purchase on kindle, free with kindle unlimited and £9.99 in paperback (at time of review) via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5 /5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

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This is a light-hearted romantic novel, the first book in a new series set is lovely Cornwall. Although I liked the setting and the main plot, I found the writing repetitive and the characters sugar coated. Come on, there's one bad guy in the entire book, and everyone else is kind, sensitive, understanding, friendly, honest, supportive, successful... This just felt so unreal.

I don't think this series will be for me, but those who liked Jo Bartlett's Cornish Midwife series will most certainly enjoy this too.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC.

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Oh my heart, where to start with this review, Welcome to The Cornish Country Hospital took me through all the emotions, I ached during reading this, both for Danni and Connie, also for not wanting to put this down when real life drew me away.

Such an engaging and emotional story, highlighting the importance of friendship and family, even when being tested and strained. Jo ‘s beautiful writing always full of such warmth and heart is on top form here. I felt for all the characters, okay one was growing distrust but that’s a feeling , but no spoilers here and I hope that person gets their future comeuppance in the next book.

I loved this book which is the first in a new series and I’m so looking forward to future books even more after finishing this. While it’s a emotional read, with so much heartache along the journey is also full of hope and so uplifting too, as well as having romance, wonderful characters and being a wonderful introduction to St. Piran’s. I don’t know what more you’d need to be encouraged to read this, but if you can’t tell I really enjoyed this and wholeheartedly recommend it.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I love a medical type TV show but find so little in fiction form but this was a delight. It really brought all the things I love about the medical side, although I’ve no history in it - I love finding out more. Lovely book, delightful read.

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A new series from Jo Bartlett is definitely something to look forward to. She has a way of writing such relatable characters and the new setting of the country hospital is perfect for introducing Danni and Esther. As always, Jo has written a wonderfully warm-hearted story full of emotion and I loved the relationship between Danni and Esther. Reintroducing Gwen was a nice tough and I’m hoping she’ll make regular appearances in the new series to give everyone that often needed pickmeup

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3.5 Stars

Danni arrives in Cornwall hoping for a fresh start. She’s trying to forget the man she can never be with because he’s engaged to her best friend. Unexpectedly, this best friend and her fiance end up at the same hospital and she’s faced with the same impossible situation once again. As much as she loves her best friend, she wonders if she should move once more. Before she can make that decision, she becomes involved with a patient whom she helped rescue.

Jo Barlett is a popular and prolific author whose stories are often set in Cornwall. I’ve only read the Cornish Midwife series. Fans of the author will be thrilled to hear that she’s beginning a new series. This one is set in a hospital.

Falling for someone you can’t have is a trope that I associate with adlescents or young adults and not necessarily a mid-thirty something professional. In this respect, I felt a bit impatient with Danni, and those feelings escalated as I learned more about the character of the man she loves. I was impatient with her to move on from her emotional attachment to him and to be a better best friend.

Serious Grey’s Anatomy vibes here! Welcome to the Cornish Country Hospital includes themes of friendship, women supporting women, toxic relationships, family secrets, second chance romance, new beginnings, supportive family, and adoption. Lots of page-turning drama within these pages.

Content Consideration: toxic manipulative relationship, bus accident with medical trauma

Fans of Jo Barlett will appreciate this strong beginning to a new series. And, yes, there are dogs! Readers who are looking for likable characters, page-turning drama, and substantial themes might want to join in on this series from the beginning.

Thanks #NetGalley @BoldwoodBooks for a complimentary e ARC of #WelcomeToTheCornishCountryHospital upon my request. All opinions are my own.

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I am a huge fan of Jo and her work. I absolutely loved the series featuring the Cornish Midwives. When I heard that Jo was due to release the first book in a new series, I knew that I would have to grab a copy at the earliest opportunity and hibernate until I had read the last word on the last page. I couldn't wait to start reading and so without further ado, I grabbed my Kindle, grabbed a cup of tea and settled down for what proved to be an interesting afternoon of reading. I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Welcome To The Cornish Country Hospital' but more about that in a bit.

As soon as I started reading, I knew that I wouldn't be putting the book down anytime soon. My Kindle wasn't exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it travelled everywhere with me. I couldn't bear to miss a single second of the story. I was blown away by the characters and by the story. It didn't take me long to warm to the two main characters of Danni and Connie. In fact Danni and Connie ended up feeling more like friends rather than characters in a book. I felt all protective of them both and wanted to either jump to their defence if somebody was upsetting them or I wanted to jump inside the pages of the book to give both ladies a hug. The more of the book that I read, the more I wanted to read and the quicker the pages seemed to turn. This was one of those books that grabbed me from the start and didn't let me go until long after I had finished reading the last word on the last page. All too quickly I reached the end of 'Welcome To The Cornish Country Hospital' and had to say goodbye to Danni and Connie. I found 'Welcome To The Cornish Country Hospital' to be a gripping and somewhat emotional story.

'Welcome To The Cornish Country Hospital' is superbly written and then some, but then I have come to expect nothing less from Jo Bartlett. Jo has an easygoing writing style that is easy to get used to and easy to get along with. In fact reading one of Jo's books feels more like a chat between friends rather than reading a book. I hope that makes sense. Jo certainly knows how to grab the reader's attention and draw them into what proves to be one heck of a story. I love the way in which Jo makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action. That's how I felt anyway. This story certainly took me on an emotional journey as I found myself going through every emotion that Connie and Danni went through. For me, 'Welcome To the Cornish Country Hospital' was a superb start to what I am sure will be a superb series. 'Welcome To The Cornish Country Hospital' is the real definition of an unputdownable page turner of a read.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Welcome To The Cornish Country Hospital' and I would certainly recommend it to other readers. I will certainly be reading more of Jo's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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This didn't wow me to be honest. It's okay, but I could never really warm to Danni. And as for Connie, I couldn't understand her keeping such a big secret. Loved the setting. With thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Pleasantly surprised!

I went into this book thinking it would be a cozy story, but I got much more from it. It reads more like a G-rated Grey’s Anatomy, which I enjoyed. The friendship between Dani and Ester was wonderful. Lucas was a charismatic slimy man. Charlie is a man every woman wants to meet. Richard and Connie’s story was timeless and heartbreaking.

This was a quick, emotional read and I recommend it.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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Really good, easy to read new series (hopefully) from Jo Bartlett. Very well written with great characters and set in lovely place. Thank you netgalley for the advance copy

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