Member Reviews

love this series, but this was the best so far!! First of all, spending time back at the Grand Palace on the Thames is just so much fun. All our favorite characters are there and how I love to visit them. Plus there are cameos from the Pennyroyal series, which just made me smile.
Catherine, a lovely country girl, comes for the Season and ends up boarding there. Then, one night, Lord Dominic Kirke, a firebrand MP from Wales, comes to stay because his house has burnt down. The funny dialogue between Dot and the footman Pike is adorable. I hope to see a relationship develop.
The reason I loved this book so much is that it delves into the actual history of child labor within the context of a very slow burning love story. It is about loss, guilt, and finding your true home. There is a lot of truth told, some fiery speeches, loneliness and misunderstandings. It seems to uncover so many human emotions with wit and beauty.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my EARC. I highly recommend this book, but please start from the beginning. You won't regret it.

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Five stars isn't enough. Absolutely perfect.

It was a delight to return to the Palace of Rogues, one of my favorite historical romance series, but even those who have never read a single book in this series will appreciate this installment. On the surface, this seems like a basic opposites-attract romance: a 22-year-old woman fresh from a small country village has been invited to London to join friends for the season and meets an older politician from the House of Commons, who is known for his fiery speeches on behalf of England's powerless.

Both Catherine Keating and Lord Dominic Kirke are residing at the Grand Palace on the Thames boarding house, which is where they first meet. Yet it is at Catherine's first ball that they have their first proper conversation. In that first conversation, it's apparent that he's both more worldly than she is in most ways that matter in a London season, and also that she can hold her own with his sense of humor and wry wit. A ball after ball, they encounter one another for private conversations that are simmering with a mutual, growing--and at times, almost begrudging-- admiration. Their chemistry (or alchemy, as Dominic thinks of it) is off the charts. These are complemented by the evenings spent together in the much-loved company at the Grand Palace: Dot, Delacorte (who remains one of the funniest recurring characters in historical romances), Mrs. Pariseau, Angelique and Delilah, Lord Bolt and Captain Hardy.

(A note here: Julie Anne Long is masterful in how she constructs this romance. Every scene--whether at a ball, in the park, or in evening gatherings at the Grand Palace--is so rich and layered, and so necessary for the development of their relationship. It's honestly a pleasure in itself to see such a well-designed plot.)

And both Catherine and Dominic are complex. She is not an angel nor he a devil, as they are contrasted in a newspaper gossip column. He demonstrates care for her in meaningful (and sometimes boneheaded) ways, while she can cut him with well-aimed words when she lashes out from reasonable hurt. She grapples with the complexities of loving a rake, and he with self-forgiveness for his past failings.

If you yearn for a historic romance that will make you laugh aloud on one page and tear your heart out on another, this is the book for you. If you like a brisk plot and multi-dimensional characters, this is the book for you. If you enjoy following engaging characters on their journey to a well-earned HEA, this is the book for you.

And if you like this one, I recommend the whole series--in particular, After Dark with the Duke, Angel in a Devil's Arms, and How to Tame a Wild Rogue.

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I loved this book! It had everything romantic and entertaining that I could have wished for: naive, hopeful young woman hoping to make a match at her one and only season, a jaded older man who could not help falling in love, politics, intelligent dialogue, and of course, the talks by the fireside at The Grand Palace on the Thames. Mr. Delacorte was particularly hilarious in this one.

Catherine Keating is the daughter of a rural pastor. She has been sent to London to have a season in the hopes of finding someone to marry, as there are very few unmarried men where she lives and none of them are particularly eligible. Her patroness is unable to house her so she has a room at the Grand Palace on the Thames.

Lord Dominic Kirke, a fiery orator and member of the House of Commons is also staying at the Grand Palace on the Thames. His house has damage from a fire, and is being repaired. He is considered to be somewhat controversial and has some scandal attached to his name.

Of course Lord Dominic and Catherine (Cat) meet at balls and are formally introduced, where they pretend to meet for the first time. Catherine attracts some very eligible young men who would be excellent matches for her, but none of them quite match up with the man who won't court her. Will she choose to spend her life with a man she doesn't love?

I received an e-ARC from publisher Avon and Harper Voyager via NetGalley. It was my pleasure to voluntarily read and review this book.

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4.5 stars

I yearned for a Capital R Romance and my prayers were answered. Loooooved this. Definitely my favorite of the series, and it potentially rivals WHAT I DID FOR DUKE as my favorite JAL. I have a complicated relationship with JAL historicals; a third are meh, a third are nice, and a third causes my head to spin for weeks. MY SEASON OF SCANDAL belongs in the last category.

It's impossible to summarize the plot because the entire plot *is* the blurb. They're neighbors at a boardinghouse and attend several balls together. That's basically it. But it's not boring. I would NOT classify this as "no plot, all vibes" (something I dislike) because the emotional journey is hella compelling and rife with exquisite tension. I often complain that protagonist conversations are shallow and artificial: are they merely bantering or do they actually like each other? Here, so much space is devoted to emotionally resonant conversations. Cat and Dominic understood what made the other person tick; their love brought out the best versions of themselves. That's all I ask for in a romance novel.

Also: CLOVER. Incredible reveal. Gah.

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Another winner from Julie Anne Long. Catherine Keating, the daughter of a country doctor, is a sweet, joyful young woman enjoying a Season in London. Lord Kirke is older, cynical, grew up poor and now a politician fighting for better conditions for the poor. Strong lead and supporting characters; the dialogue was witty and intelligent; the romance was exquisite; lust full of angst; and laugh out loud moments from the unique boarders of The Grand Palace.

I highly recommend this book and thank the publisher and Net Galley for an ARC.

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“He’d thought he was a fighter. She was ruthless.”

Get ready to be swept away by an unspeakably beautiful, moving, and heartfelt romance between a 35-year-old jaded MP and a 22-year-old pragmatic country miss. I’m delighted to report that My Season of Scandal delivers on all the necessary components to render a successful season: secret trysts, dancing, scandals, an abominable marriage proposal, and a perfect HEA. Reading a Julie Anne Long novel brings me ineffable joy. It has become customary for me to slowly savor her novels. Each written word is infused with so much exquisite emotion and love. It’s just lovely! In My Season of Scandal, Julie Anne Long weaves a spellbinding tale of love, yearning, heartbreaks, hope, with a dash of politics and a kaleidoscope of emotions. A must-read.

“She’d learned that everything beautiful and beloved was merely on loan.”

Little did Miss Catherine Keating know that one dance with Lord Dominic Kirke, a scandalous MP, would reshape the course of her first London season. The said MP is also a fellow guest at The Grand Palace on the Thames AKA cupid’s house. Attraction, proximity, and like-mindedness bring them together and forge an unending bond. I adore Cat. She is the daughter of a doctor from a small town. Cat’s character shines through as a caring, strong, and determined individual. She’s unafraid to challenge Kirke and turns his world upside down. Cat is eager for new experiences in London, and the notorious politician from a Welsh background is a whole new universe!

“He only has affairs, dear.”

Dominic is an irresistible mix of seductive hotness and formidable wisdom. His character is fully drawn and well-explored. I’m in awe of his character. Despite coming from humble beginnings, Dominic rose to prominence through hard work and sheer will. A legendary orator elevated to peerage for his outstanding public service, Lord Kirke is driven by an intense need to help the vulnerable. However, he’s a man with a history. Past heartbreaks have shaped him. You can feel his anguish and his internal struggles. He’s a complicated, imperfect hero one can’t help but fall in love with. When he errs, he delivers swoony public speeches. I had no idea speeches in the House of Commons could be so romantic.

“One wrong move will be your undoing, Kirke.”

Cat and Dominic share an intense chemistry from their very first meeting. Both are passionate and deep thinkers. I love how they gravitate toward each other and come alive in each other’s company. Their sensual connection is palpable. The yearning in this book is sublime. Their steamy, slow-burn romance will stay with you long after you’re finished reading it.

Moreover, the familiar setting and characters emanate a sense of comfort and warmth, thereby enhancing the reading experience. Delacorte, to me, is indispensable to this series. His candid, uninhibited humor is unmatched. There is also something sweet brewing between Dot and Ben Pike. And I love to see a satisfying glimpse into the lives of Delilah-Tristan and Angelique-Lucien.

The Palace of Rogues is one of the best historical romance series out there. This is yet another fantastic addition to the series. While I LOVED How to Tame a Wild Rogue, to me, My Season of Scandal is the best of the series. This book has my heart. I’m so excited for everyone to read this. Please fast forward the next few months so I can listen to the audiobook performed by Justine Eyre. I need it NOW!

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for the e-ARC. This is my honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book. The chemistry between the main characters was very well developed and very evident. The character development and relationship development in general was wonderful and thorough. There was some very nice trope subversion, and some really great nuanced and deep characterization. This is probably my favorite of this series so far.

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I have read every Julie Anne Long book published and enjoyed every single one- this is no exception. TGPOTT has been so fun to read and if Dot and Pike don’t get a story I will be devastated. Kirke and Catherine were sooo good together. Their banter was so perfect I just loved it! Their backstories were so well thought out and blended so well together. So romantic! Thank you so much for the advanced copy!!

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My Season of Scandal: ★ ★ ★ ★ . 7 5

Julie Anne Long (The Palace of Rogues, #7)


When Catherine and Dominic end up in the same hotel for the London season after his house burns down, the tension between them is palpable. But he's too old for her, he's got a history, and has a reputation that would ruin her for days. Nonetheless, they can't stop running into each other by the plants and can't help falling in love either.

– Historical romance
– Forced proximity
– Grumpy/sunshine
– Age gap

As with any Julie Anne Long book, she is a master of tension, wit, and angst. And this book was no exception. The banter between Dominic and Catherine was top notch. I loved her curiosity and his witty little responses to everything she had to say. I liked her innocence and his intellect. I liked the way their relationship grew so much and his absolute obsession with her.

Where Julie Anne Long always shines is the emotional intimacy and that was so clear with this story. The connections her characters always form with one another is so raw and their communication is satisfying, mature, and loving, always. There's nothing I love more than when two characters fall in love and just don't realize it. But then when they do realize it, Dominic and Catherine are such a force of nature.

My only note would be that the pacing was just a touch slow for me in the beginning of the book and I wished to see more interactions between them to keep me engaged, but once it going going, it really got going. I devoured it so quick.

I know that quote, "Clover," gives away nothing, but the MEANING of it. UGH. The grand gesture and speech behind that word was everything to me. I understand why Catherine cried because girl, I was quite close myself. Also, one of my favorite micro-tropes in historical romances is waltz-at-the-ball-where-everyone-is-watching and this one had that with an extra twist that heightened the whole thing. UGH. The way he bent his whole life around her, her, her–the dress, the footmen, the dance. ALL OF IT. He was so obsessed with her and I loved him for it.

The slowburn of Dot and Pike over the course of this series... oh boy. I cannot wait for that one.

As a loving note to the editors at Harper Collins from a girl who works in PR and media–this copy does need a thorough proof though as there's some lingering "notes to self" and proofing errors that I am sure you would love to see rectified before this book is live. I found it endearing, myself, but then again, I am also a perfectionist in every way and would be remiss if I didn't mention it.

ARC kindly shared by Netgalley for an honest review.

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CLOVER!!! My heart!!!

Ok, I knowy review must be more than the word clover but .. well, it has to be said. Now on to the book at hand. Which is magical and inviting and captures your imagination from the very start, then proceeds to entrance you and hold you captive until you are crying happy tears at the end. Catherine was lovely and kind and wore her goodness on her out of date sleeves. Dominic was prickly and determined to keep the world at bay. And my heart is so happy after watching them find their way through the crocodile infested waters of the ton. Brilliant.

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I think that Julie Anne Long will always be in my top 3 of regency romance writers. With every book she releases my adoration grows. So there wasn't a question of if I would read and review My Season of Scandal but rather, if I could cut my pages of praise down to a respectable review length. I LOVED this book, it was one of the most romantic books I have read in a long time. This book was so emotionally moving, that more than once I had to set it down walk away so I wouldn't cry. Catherine and Dominick are so beautifully written. I suppose you can say they're an unlikely pair, but the more time you spend with them, the clearer it becomes: they were made for each other.

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The happiness of having an upcoming Julie Ann Long novel to read, is transformed into joy for how much fun this was to read... swoony, contented sigh. I was lucky enough to receive an advance copy of this and began it once I finished the two books I'd been reading.

Kirke is the ultimate book boyfriend - he's an absolutely wonderful MMC. Age difference as a trope doesn't generally work for me but fortunately, Catherine is just as great as the MFC. As the plot progresses, the chemistry between the two is intense and chock full of longing.

Ms Long is a very gifted storyteller; her writing allows you to witness two characters, despite whatever odds stand in their way, fall in love. It's a happy event indeed to read a new book by this author.

Highly recommended if you love smart, well written, swoony love stories with heart, spice, slooooooow burning longing, and sweetness that will make you smile with reading joy ❤

Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for the DRC!

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Oh.. my god. Thank you thank you thank you Avon/NetGalley for this wonderful ARC!!!

This book was so perfect to me. I adore both MCs & the slow buildup of their relationship. There are moments in this book that are so romantic that I genuinely thought I would swoon; like I had to put my phone down, take a deep breath, and steady myself before I continued. This book wrung out my heart like a ShamWow & I loved every delicious second.

I was also very lucky to have been given an ARC for the the prior book in the series, How to Tame a Wild Rogue, which was incredible. Both of these books are on my VIP-Hall-of-Fame-Favorite-Ever-Ever-Ever list. Both were just so emotionally appealing, in a way that feels totally unique to me. The MCs just.. see each other in a way no one else can. It's amazing.

I am now 100% convinced I need to read the entire Palace of Rogues series from the beginning; that's my next order of business.

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First Impressions
My Season of Scandal is the seventh installment in the “Palace of Rogues” series and I still can’t believe how large this series has become. I hadd high hopes for this one because the previous book “How to Tame a Wild Rogue” was epic and everything I could have hoped for. I wasn’t sure how this installment would match with the previous book and I will say that even though it didn’t meet my full standards, this book was cozy and charming and the type of story to relax with on a cold night with. Although when this review comes out winter will be almost out, but as I read this book in November it was just perfection for the type of vibe that I was looking for. I think what was the struggle was the pacing. This story is super slow burn. Its probably one of the slowest slow burn’s I have seen from this author and so I definitely feel like you need to know this going into it. I really enjoyed the way that this story was implemented but the execution was slight off and read this NOT right before bed is my best advice.

Catherine Keating has a chance to find a husband and she comes to London for the season to hopefully find the husband that her father wants for her, as he wants her to find a love match like what he had with her mother. Catherine would do anything to never disappoint her father and so she comes to London to fulfill her father’s dreams for her. But when she resides in the “Palace of Rogues” she comes across the most delicious man that is almost forbidden to her….Lord Dominic Kirke. He is rumored to have mistresses and to be bold in the commons and fighting for children’s rights. Kirke is forced to find a place of refuge when his home is accidentally burnt down. He puts on armor as a matter of protection and keeping people at bay. He is more of a recluse, and doesn’t like people and only interacts out of necessity. He is intrigue and drawn to Catherine. They have a interaction that makes him come alive. But the issue now is that he has a past, a past that if trust isn’t carefully built will crumble around them.

What I Loved
So for the aspects that I really loved. The connection that Keating and Kirke have together were so intense at times. And the moments in which these two banter with each other was so endearing. Everytime these two would talk with each other, I was laughing all over the place. It just delivered all the happy feels that I was expecting for this couple. They seem like they would be too opposite from each other, but in the end they ended up just right for each other. I also was intrigued by their cute meet. It was so different but adorable in how it really added some complexity to their relationship. There were some poignant moments between this couple and I was really drawn into the quiet moments that this couple have together. Honestly, the best parts of the story were when they were “together” and I wish that we could have received a bit more of these moments. We do get some beautiful atmospheric vibes of the actual place they are staying with and I loved seeing our previous characters that we have fallen hard for within the series. All in all this was a solid win of a story that was charming and delectable.

What I Struggled With
So I want to cover the issues that I had with this story. There were a few with this one. This book could have been a bit more quicker paced. The writing is very similar to what she has been writing with the series but it was very slow. I feel like the slow burn was not quite written correctly because this book almost put me to sleep. I just had a hard time staying invested in the story when it took forever for any action to happen within the story. The chemistry between these two was so so slow and it took some time to adjust to it. And also the conflict in the story. *sigh* this one was a struggle for sure. I really had a hard time with the third act conflict. It just felt so unnecessary. Like it was placed in the story just for dramatic effect but not for a real purpose other than that and I wanted to shake the heroine. And quite frankly she should have done some groveling worthy of this hero for this one.

Overall View
MY Season of Scandal is a story that delivers a intimate slow burn that grows this relationship from friendship to lovers and in seeing a couple learning to fight for the relationship and how their dynamic flows to match up with expectations. A COZY SWEET ROMANCE!

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What can I say about this book? I loved it. LOVED it. It was one of the most romantic things I’ve read in a long while, and romance is my preferred genre. Julie Anne Long has always written historical romance very well in my opinion. And while I haven’t read her entire back catalogue, I’ve dipped in and out of a few series and never been disappointed. My Season of Scandal even included some tropes I don’t always prefer (there is a bit of an age gap romance going on) but truly, the two main characters were so well matched it didn’t give me any of the feelings I normally have while reading a book with that trope. Catherine Keating, the female lead of this Palace Rogues installment, was witty, intelligent, and an absolutely pleasure to read. Her youth didn’t equal idiocy as is often the case, and I was sad to leave her at the story’s end. Lord Kirke, Catherine’s love interest was absolutely everything I love in a hero. Intellectual, fighting for the less fortunate, and so besotted with the lead it causes him to question all his deepest held ideals. While I read this in less than 24 hours, I’m determined to add it to my list of yearly re-reads. There is just something magical about The Palace on the Thames; and like all its boarders, I am loathe to leave it. I can’t wait to read Julie Anne Long’s next book in the series. Hopefully Lord Vaughn will be up next! It’s not necessary to read the entire series to pick this one up, but Long includes a great running story line of other boarders at The Palace on the Thames that is only enhanced if you decide to pick up the others.

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Julie Anne Long took my heart and crushed it into a million pieces with this book.Then after my heart could take no more she carefully glued it back together. And it hurt so damn good!

This book had the humor I have come to love from this author, but still provided the angsty poignant love story that actually moved me to tears.

Lord Kirke is one of the most interesting main male characters of the series. He's a politician, he's brilliant, he's dry and he is terrified of letting people in. When he meets Miss Keating she slips right under his defenses with her quick wit and her joyful innocence.

These two love each other quite early on but neither of them realize it. They make mistakes, they say things they shouldn't, they do things they shouldn't, but as these two figure out themselves and each other you can't help rooting for them to get it right.

When they finally get on the same page, it's obvious they are an unstoppable force. Kirke's confession of his feelings was swoon-worthy.

Side characters include all of our favorites from The Grand Palace on the Thames. It's always like seeing old friends when I pick up a book in this series. As always the mandatory socializing provides tons of humor (even Lucian gets a little saucy) and antics.

Also, the relationship between Dot and the footman continues to burn slowly and I'm here for it!

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Incredible- a fabulous story.

Too many times authors think for their stories to be interesting they have to add spice. Long’s stories are fabulous - then she adds the spice.

I discovered her writing with Penny Royal Green series - which I also highly recommend.

I have read every book in the Palace of Rogues series and I am thrilled to see she is prepping us for another book!

I highly recommend not only this book but that you start at the beginning of the series and her other books!

I just reviewed My Season of Scandal by Julie Anne Long. #MySeasonofScandal #NetGalley

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I am SUCH a fan of Julie Anne Long and have been obsessed with this particular series centering around The Grand Palace on the Thames. This book in the series was definitely not an exception as it captured my interest early and she drove the plot right up until the end! I also particularly love how Julie creates little moments of joy throughout the book with the different characters that we have come to love from the previous books (Delacorte will always be a favorite of mine) and, as always, the love story between the hero and heroine is the perfect level of spice. I am so grateful to have been able to read an Advanced Readers Copy of this book through NetGalley and look forward to any future books in this series (of which I hope there are many more)! Definitely worth the read.

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Lord Dominic Kirke is a Mp renowned for his stirring speeches in the House of Commons. After his house catches fire, he stays at a unique boarding house near the docks. Dominic encounters a wholesome country girl with an uncanny ability to penetrate his cynical armor. Against his better judgement, he helps Catherine with her season. However, his help comes with repercussions. Will Kirke’s reputation ruin Catherine’s chances amongst the peerage? Or will she encourage him to love again?

Catherine Keating is the only daughter of a small-town physician. She travels to London to experience a Season and to possibly find a suitable husband. However, Catherine soon learns that is far more cutthroat than she imagined. At her boarding house, she meets a cynical yet closed-off gentleman. Even though Dominic may be her only ally, he is all wrong for her. Can Catherine learn to hold her own amongst the Ton? Will she be able to resist Dominic’s sardonic allure?

Dominic is the reason why I picked up this book. I could never resist a broody, standoffish, cynical hero. And he did NOT disappoint me! I love how protective Dominic became of Catherine. He wanted to keep the snobs from the peerage from dimming her inner light. Dominic liked that Catherine was not conniving or fake like others in his social sphere.

I can see many people not liking Catherine. She does come off too Mary Sue at times. However, I think she counter-balances Dominic perfectly. She is sunny and wholesome to his dark and jadedness. I like how Catherine can see the real Dominic beneath all that cynicism. Plus, she does not retreat or balk at his cutting personality or wit.

MY SEASON OF SCANDAL is the seventh book in Julie Anne Long’s historical romance series, THE PALACE OF ROGUES. This story can stand alone. Sadly, I have not read the previous six books. That did not hinder my ability to follow the plot and storyline. Fans of this series will like that Delilah and Tristan from LADY DERRING TAKES A LOVER, book one, and Angelique and Lucien from ANGEL IN A DEVIL’S ARMS, book two, make frequent appearances throughout the book.

The only nitpick I have is the ending. It got a little long-winded. There were parts that sounded more like the author “telling” readers the couples’ future. All-in-all, I enjoyed the plot and characters enough to pick up future books by this author.

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Instead of being born into Parleament, , this book deals with a man who was born in Wales to a poor family. He studied and worked his whole life working to improve the life of the poor. He worked for years trying to pass laws against child labor and the companies that hired young children promising them thing they would not get. It was refreshing to see a romance book not just deal with romance but more complicated woes of society.

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