Member Reviews

I was excited about this one but it was archived before I got fully invested, so sadly it's a DNF for me.

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While the premise of this book sounded so good I really struggled getting through this one unfortunately. This felt very choppy, disjointed and hard to understand in parts. I found the pacing abit all over the place with some parts feeling rushed and other parts seemingly dragged out for too long.

There were parts I did enjoy and I can appreciate the book touches on some harder topics & themes but I think overall this just was not a book for me.

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Hook/Pan preying on a young Wendy? 😬 I tried to finish but struggled to read just a chapter daily. The story felt like something was missing, but I can't pinpoint it.

DNF at 64%.

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Sadly, i could not get into this book. No worries, didn’t books satisfy different people! That’s the beauty of reading.

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This was a very depressing and dark novel. Every page kept me hooked and wanting to know more. The writing was decent, but in my opinion, it could have been better. I will say it was interesting and the book is worth giving a try. I loved the parallels to the original story. Overall it was a decent novel.

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"Lost Boy" by Brittany Montgomery is a dark and gripping retelling that delves into the backstory of one of literature’s most enigmatic characters—Captain Hook. This novel explores the origins of the infamous pirate, painting a vivid picture of his transformation from a lost boy to a feared captain.

Montgomery’s writing is both atmospheric and intense, capturing the essence of Neverland in a way that’s both familiar and refreshingly new. The character development is particularly strong, with Hook’s journey being both tragic and compelling. The author does a fantastic job of humanizing him, making readers empathize with his struggles and motivations.

The plot is filled with twists and turns, keeping you engaged from start to finish. The darker themes are balanced with moments of introspection and emotional depth, making it a well-rounded read.

Overall, "Lost Boy" is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that will appeal to fans of dark fantasy and retellings. It’s a story about identity, loss, and the choices that shape us. I’d rate it 3.5 out of 5 stars for its intriguing plot and well-crafted characters.

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I wish I could read this again, that's how good this story was, like oh my god, I loved every moment of this!

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Brittany Montgomery’s “Lost Boy” presents an interesting premise, but unfortunately, it falls short of delivering a fully satisfying reading experience. While the novel has some redeeming qualities, several aspects hinder its overall impact.

The story centers around a compelling concept with the potential for emotional depth and engaging drama. However, the execution is often lacking. The plot is unevenly paced, with significant portions feeling either rushed or overly drawn out. This inconsistency makes it challenging to maintain interest and investment in the story.

Character development is another area where “Lost Boy” struggles. While the protagonist has moments of relatability and depth, many of the supporting characters come across as one-dimensional. Their motivations and actions sometimes feel forced, making it difficult to connect with them on a meaningful level.

Montgomery’s writing style is straightforward and clear, but it lacks the vividness and nuance needed to fully bring the story to life. Descriptive passages are sparse, and the dialogue often feels stilted, missing the natural flow that makes characters and their interactions believable.

On the positive side, the book does touch on some important themes and emotions. There are glimpses of genuine insight into loss, identity, and personal growth. However, these moments are not enough to compensate for the overall shortcomings in plot and character development.

Overall, “Lost Boy” by Brittany Montgomery is a novel with an intriguing concept that fails to fully deliver. While it has its moments, the uneven pacing and lackluster character development make it a challenging read. It may still appeal to readers who enjoy exploring themes of personal struggle and growth, but it didn’t quite meet expectations for me.

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Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, wie ich dieses Buch bewerten soll, da ich es aufgrund relativ kurzer Ausleihdauer (ohne Verlängerung) nicht lesen konnte.

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I feel like the original version should have been kept in a few different areas, because this felt disorganized, choppy, and hard to understand. I would assume that was due to big rewrites and taking huge parts of the story out to "clean" it up.

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Do you like Peter Pan? Do you like naughty Peter Pan? Well then go ahead ahahah because I know I did had a lot of fun with this one

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I have not read this book yet. I received this book a while ago and then I received an email saying that it was redone and reposted so I’m just putting this review in because it’s still on my board and I look forward to finding and reading the new edited version of this book because it sounds really cool.

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Interesting premise, but the execution just wasn’t there for me.

It was dark and uncomfortable rather than dark and alluring.

I found myself annoyed at these beloved characters - you may enjoy it, but it wasn’t my cup of tea.

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This was such an interesting premise and as someone that really enjoys the story and magic of Peter Pen, it was interesting to read an adult spin on it. I feel Peter's actual character (and the complexities that come with it, without giving spoilers away) worked really well to breathe fresh life into a timeless classic. Obviously, this sort of thing won't be for everyone, but for those happy to explore darker themes and aren't afraid of a trigger warning or two I'm pretty confident this is one you'll enjoy!

I also think the duality of Peter Pan and Hook was done really brilliantly. It definitely kept me hooked (pun intended) throughout!

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This is an interesting dark retelling on Peter Pan. This book was previously revised to remove triggering elements from its pages. I think the story was interesting but was missing a few few things and maybe those triggering elements could’ve been rewritten to add back to the story in a way that was more beneficial for the readers.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

Just an initial warning to anyone reading the review that this is not your pixie dust coated Disney story, there is added darkness and depth added to the story of Peter Pan. I would consider this an adult retelling of Peter Pan where some of the original story has been changed to add some twists within the story arc.

I hadn't actually read the 1st book in the series but still managed to follow the story, but just to complete it all I will go back and read the first book Hooking Peter.

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Wendy decided to leave Neverland years ago and move on, but she has always had in her mind her young love: Peter Pan. And when he comes back for her and forces her to return, they both must find out what happened to them as a dark threat looms over them.

I love the story of Peter Pan, and when I saw this retelling I knew I had to read it, especially since the premise was based on the assumption that Peter and Hook are the same person.

The first part of the book is somewhat confusing, as it continually alternates between the past and the present like pieces of a puzzle that you have to solve slowly. I enjoyed the flashbacks of young Peter and Wendy in love, but the present tense narrative... not so much.

There are a few things that took me a bit out of the story, like Wendy leaving Peter for one of her brothers, but upon her return there wasn't even a moment of her with John/Smee. Also, the villain, Tinker Bell, does almost nothing until near the end, and this whole plot is resolved too quickly (in fact Tiger Lily's role doesn't seem to be relevant to the plot at all).

In my opinion, I think the idea was very good, but I found it missing a better execution. Nevertheless, I liked the author's writing style, and I don't discard reading anything else by her.

Rating: 2.75 ⭐

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the author for providing me an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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I will be honest, this novel was gripping and hard to put down. However, I could not keep reading as I found the dark sexual theme unsettling. I read the excerpt saying "triggering" things were removed, but I could not help wondering if they missed somethings. I guess I am not into Peter Pan being so sexual and dark. Especially with Wendy as a grown woman at one point versus him still being I assume the same age as when they first met. The timeline was a little hard to follow as well. Others may not mind the dark romance, but this one was a personal no.

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I wanted to enjoy this but the formatting made it impossible to read and follow along. I’m an avid Peter Pan retelling lover so it pained me to not enjoy this book.

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I didn't realize when downloading this book that it was a revised version of a spicier/darker book from the same author under a different name. I really love that idea and appreciate that the author did this so her book could reach a wider audience! I enjoyed this retelling a lot and think if you love a good retelling this will be right up your alley. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but I am looking forward to also reading the spicier version of this as well.

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