Member Reviews

I received an ARC of this book from netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

I am a sucker for a Peter Pan retelling, and this is probably my favorite. I was HOOKED right from the beginning. Brittany Montgomery twisted this classic story into a dark fairy tale told from the POV of Wendy, Peter/Hook, and Tinkerbell. I loved that Peter found his dark side and that no matter how much the darkness crept in, his love for Wendy was there. And him calling her Darling with a different nuance as both Peter and Hook , *swoon*. I can’t wait for the second book!

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Losing Neverland by Brittany Montgomery is a love/sensation novel with ample twists on Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie.

As the name of the book suggests, Peter and Hook are the same man. As the book opens, we are introduced to the now fully-grown Wendy in her, who is later kipnapped by Peter/Hook back to Neverland by the end of the chapter. The story follows by analepsis retelling of what happened 2 decades ago before Wendy "betrayed" Peter and caused him to be fully engulfed by his dark persona-Hook.

Montgomery excels in portraying the intimate and intriguing relationships between the love birds with tenderness and authenticity. The story is narrated from multiple perspectives (as suggested by the title of each chapter, so the reader doesn't get confused), and she did a good job in giving old characters new persona through inner monologues, which sometimes could seem a bit ponderous that makes me want to fly through chapters.

As the story is propelled by a wicked Tinker Bell, by smoking and drinking Peter Pan, by learning that Wendy has been raising the children of Peter while they are apart, it is no longer magical but is slowly leaning towards a melodrama/fan fictions. The retelling is not too much up my alley for I am too much a fan of such genre, but that is no criticism of this book. With her perceptive writing, Montgomery imbues her novel with the stuff, literally and figuratively, of life. Her characters, through one may not agree with each and everyone of the twists, define themselves and by the end of the book you see them from a completely new lens.

Overall if you are into dark romance and dialogic writing, the is something for you. Nothing too hard-handed, and would be an enjoyable read.

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I love a retelling and I thought this was well done. 4.5⭐️
As a child I fell hard for Peter Pan and couldn’t wait to see where this was going to take me. It starts with a present day event that sent a chill through me and I was immediately hooked. The main characters have chemistry and I love how the author wrote the romance.
This had drama, suspense and a couple of shocking delicious twists. I would recommend for anyone who loves retellings.
Thanks Brittany Montgomery via NetGalley.

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This is the spice between Peter and Wendy we’ve all been waiting for. Absolutely loved this book! I love the connection between one of our favorite Disney “fairytales” to more adult life experiences.

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Overall I enjoyed this book. There were a few things I didn’t like but that was primarily the multiple time lines that were taking places. There seems to be like three timelines one being early when Wendy first met Peter, than when they were like 18 and than again 17 years later in the present. It made it confusing and I wasn’t 100% sure when most of the story was taking place. I think if it was more clear where it stated 17 years ago, and such I would have liked it a lot more. I am interested in continuing the story though it hasn’t deterred me. I’d give it a 3.5⭐️

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Losing Neverland is a dark(ish) retelling of Peter Pan where Hook and Peter Pan are the same person. The story is told in three points of view, Wendy, Peter/Hook and Tinker Bell. I liked the multi pov storytelling because it showed the reader more of what the characters were thinking and going through.

The timeline of the book was a bit confusing at times because the story was jumping between Wendy & Peter’s past and present.

I have mixed feelings about the book, there were some parts that were good but also some that weren’t. I really liked the idea of Peter and Hook being the same person but the execution could have been better. Hook was trying to be dark but it just fell a bit flat for me.

I mostly liked the romance between Peter/Hook and Wendy even though it was a bit cringe at times. I liked how the characters were multi dimensional and well developed.

Overall I think the book / story had a lot of potential but the execution might have needed some more work.

This version of the book I did read was rewritten and I’m not sure whether some of the story was “lost” during the rewriting process. It would have been interesting to read both versions to compare them.

I’m not sure whether I will read the next book of the series.

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Ultimately, I did enjoy this book by the end. I did feel frustrated in the beginning because I was confused by the flashbacks that were happening and felt the need to go back to the beginning of chapters and the continuity felt strange to me. I did finish the book, though, and enjoyed the idea of Pan and Hook being the same person and how the change came to be. It was an interesting concept that I feel actually made kind of sense and it was a fun book to read. I think I actually do anticipate the next book since it did end on a cliffhanger and I found myself curious as to how it will end.

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I'm not that sure how I feel about this book... There were some really good aspects that I enjoyed, but at other times the story fell flat
I love Peter Pan, and so when I saw this book on Netgalley, I knew I needed to request it.
Peter and Hook being the same person was a really clever concept, and I liked the way that the author was able to blend the two characters whilst still being able to show their two distinct personalities. I also really liked the connection between Peter and Wendy that went back to before he lived in Neverland, and I felt that it was a good way to explain their connection.
On the other hand, I felt that the timeline was a bit chaotic, and I found the jumping and forth in the beginning a bit confusing. I also felt that the relationship between Wendy and Peter was a bit one-dimensional, especially once they grew up, and I wish the author had given more time to develop their relationship as adults instead of just when they were younger. The smut was a lot tamer than I expected or wanted, but this edition has had some of the darker aspects and trigger warning content removed, so it could be that.
Thank you to Netgalley for sending me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I really enjoyed this book, it starts off a little bit slow to me but I so enjoyed this spin on peter pan. I can not wait for book 2.

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I have always wondered about this idea and I just enjoyed the story that unfolded. I am not sure that I agree with all the choice the characters made but I loved the journey they took me on.

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Absolutely loved this book! I’m a big fan of retelling and this one just pulled me in. Will definitely be reading the next book!

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Personally Losing Neverland just wasn't for me. I really liked the concept; Captain Hook and Peter Pan being the same person? Spill the tea sis by

I got about 16 pages in before I decided to DNF. I wasn't a huge fan of the internal dialogue, and I know that the author removed the trigger warning (+ the triggers too I think) but I was getting many non-con vibes from Pan; I'm not into that.

My biggest reason for DNFing was because I couldn't relate to Wendy (the MC). NOW THIS IS NO HATE TO THE AUTHOR. Wendy is 34 and a mother while I'm a barely adult teen, I just can't relate. I'm glad the author chose to do an older FL rather than the many teen MCs I've read.

This book wasn't for me but I strongly believe those who like dark romance will LOVE this book. It's got a morally ambiguous ML, Prey/Predator vibes, returning to childhood, tension, forbidden love vibes and FL is not barely legal.

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I am always a fan of a good fairytale retelling. This did a good job at keeping the magical fairytale feel while still adding adding additional story that captures you. You get to see Peter and Wendy at different ages. The added twists and turns are a great touch. It really hit that feel-good mushy part inside.

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You know when in the live action remake when Peter (played by Jeremy Sumpter) taps Wendy on the shoulder the then blows pixie dust on her and you felt something when you were young? And you thought I would let this boy kidnap me any day…Yeah this is how that book makes you feel. This book is definitely for the girlies who so desperately wanted Peter Pan.
The Dark moody tension of a morally gray obsessed man with touch her and die vibes is everything!!
It’s spicy without being graphic which sounds lack luster but it is anything but. The stolen moments, lust filled tension are absolutely delicious.
There are a bunch of Peter Pan retelling and even with the main point of Peter and hook being the same person there was still so much this book had to offer. This is definitely a unique retelling
Through multiple POV and timelines you find yourself immersed in the journey to Neverland as Peter steals Wendy away, then Peter’s descends into darkness.
This book does end on a cliff hanger leaving you with so many questions but definitely enticing you to come back for more!

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I received this book for netgalley in exchange for a review.
You cant go wrong with retelling at least not for me. Peter Pan is an amazing story to hear different takes on that. There is a big world to explore for retellings. I loved it. It was easy to read and even easier to read it all quickly grabbed my attention on every page. I highly recommend this.

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4/5 ⭐️1.5 🌶️🌶️
Tropes:fantasy, fiction, magic romantic fantasy
This book is a republished book written by the same author but a different pen name and some stuff was taken out( language, violence and darker romance scenes). I really enjoyed this book. I’m a big fan of Disney and Disney books/retellings. Peter Pan is one of my favorites and I loved the twists of this retelling. Unlike other stories hook and pan are the same person. This book had all the things I usually love with books. Plot, romance , fantasy and mystery and kept me wanting to know more. I loved that it wasn’t just the typical story/fairytale. I really enjoyed the take of it being the same person. I enjoyed the backstory and how they are fated mates . Tinkerbell was darker than i expected and some parts were definitely not Disney age which I actually didn’t mind. The writing font and style was a little bit long but otherwise I enjoyed it and would recommend this book to anyone that likes Peter Pan retellings or darker fantasy stories . Thank you to Netgalley for this arc in return for an honest review.

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I am an absolutely HUGE fan of anything to do with fairytales, but I especially love fairytale retellings, AND fairytale retellings of Peter Pan! It was a very interesting plot, and I thought the other did a great job of executing it and keeping you engaged.

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I love when authors take a classic tale and put a wholly original spin on them--especially when it's one that is super unique and well thought out. Not only is this concept just that, but the execution is well done as well. I was very impressed by this dark reimagining of the Peter Pan/Captain Hook story.

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This was a new author to me and a very interesting perspective on a classic story! I really enjoyed the element of Peter Pan being two characters. The story worked really well and I very much enjoyed it!

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4.5 ⭐
1 🌶️

Peter Pan has been coming to visit Wendy since she was 13 years old, but when she is 17 things start to change between them. Peter takes her to Neverland and after a while she agrees to never leave, but due to unfortunate circumstances Wendy ends up going back to London and breaks Peters heart along the way.
18+ years later, Wendy has just dropped her twin daughters off at college when Peter appears at her window and forces her to come back to Neverland with him to find something he has lost.

I have never been a huge Peter Pan fan, but this book has definitely changed that. This book hooked me and I didn't want to put it down. The story just kept getting better and better.
This book takes the childrens story of Peter Pan and makes it for adults, it goes so deep into the background if the story and gives so much perspective on the story.

100% recommend reading this, but check your trigger warnings first.

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