Member Reviews

Thank you, Brittany Montgomery and NetGalley, for the ARC. I leave this review voluntarily and happily. Also, thank you publishers for your hard work!

A Peter Pan retelling! And not only that a dark romance!? Count me in! I was so hyped when I found this book and was accepted to read it. Though once getting into all of it, I'll say this it's not really a ' Dark Romance.'There are dark parts in this book of course: death and gore. But as for the spicy content, there really isn't really dark content there. Plus, the spicy content is really tame into comparison to most books I've read. This is really a more romantic book/ jealousy and hatred type book.

I loved the different points of view you get to experience it from instead of just one person the entire time. Even so, I did feel the story dragged slightly through the middle for a bit. I had a hard time reading through the lovey dovey gooey bits.

Overall, I think the characters are very well developed, and the world building was phenomenal. Thank you once more for allowing me to read this and leave a review.

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