Member Reviews

Dnf. Wasn't for me. The direction it was heading looked to be more "spicy" as they call it. Just not into that kind of thing so I'm calling it quits.

Besides that, we got miscommunication issues going on already with the characters and I find that irritating to read about honestly when problems can be solved by simply talking them out. I guess the characters are young so it makes sense to a degree but I just don't want to read about it. Also, I feel like the reason for signing Winter back on with the agency was kinda stretching it but eh. It's a ya spy fiction book after all

Of course take this all with a grain of salt, give it a try if you feel like you won't be bothered it. This might've been a "it's not you, it's me" case.

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I loved the story, the world building and meeting the different characters. I felt completely immersed in the story and couldn't stop reading it.

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Icon and Inferno picks up a little while after Stars and Smoke ended with Sydney once again relying on Winter to help her accomplish a mission. I loved seeing the characters reunite and continue to grow as partners. Sydney and Winter help each other grow which is very important in a book.

I also enjoyed the setting of Icon and Inferno. The small crossover with Warcross made me smile. It was fun to see Lu’s realistic fiction universes intertwine.

I found the ending of this book very satisfying. I’ll be interested to see if Lu pushes for one more novel or leaves it here.

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Icon and Inferno, A whirlwind of a story - with romance, betrayal, and heartbreak. I personally loved the book, but the first few chapters had me crying.

Winter taking Gavi to the gala??

Sydney and Tems and their interactions?

Overall, the book was amazing! Four stars, with one off because of the torment I went through in the first half of the book.

Thanks Netgalley for an eARC of Icon and Inferno!

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This sequel was a great follow-up to Stars and Smoke. Winter and Sydney continue to grow closer as new characters build the story around them. Fun read!

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First of all, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy of Icon and Inferno. For as much as I enjoyed the first installment of Winter & Sydney's partnership, I think I liked this one even more. Beyond the mission, beyond the intrigue, I really felt that the character development and the questions of what we're willing to give up for loyalty, for duty, for fame were the most interesting things about this novel. I also enjoyed the inclusion of elements of the Warcross duology. Fans of Marie Lu won't be disappointed.

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4.5 stars

(*Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group for this eARC in exchange for an honest review*)

Marie Lu does all once again in this follow-up conclusion to the Stars and Smoke duology, and it was fun getting to read about what was in store for Sydney and Winter again! When I first heard about Lu planning to release Stars and Smoke, the concept of having a secret agent and an ultra-famous popstar team up sounded unique, and fun! I had never read a book with this type of partnership, and it did not disappoint. Icon and Inferno did the same exact thing, but even better!

If you’re looking for a fast-paced, action packed novel with high tension energy (and some good ol’ YA romance between the MC’s) this one is for you! Even though it gives nods to first book, this can also stand as its own story with new characters, plots, and some familiar faces from Lu’s other novels (the crossover with Warcross made me *oh so* excited for a few chapters).

So much of my own reading experience was anticipating what was going to happen next, and I LOVE books that can keep you yearning for more by the end of each chapter. The intensity of the plot rang so much deeper since the consequences of their mission failure was so much higher this time around (WWIII type of consequences), and I think that’s part of why the novel kept me reading until the very end!
- Sydney and Winter’s relationship: I feel like this book helped developed both of their characters even more. Even though their jobs are literally the definition of Night and Day, they have a great understanding of each other’s life situations and feelings. The chemistry of their relationship was also written well, and I found to be bittersweet and wholesome.
- The dialogue: Marie Lu is SO GOOD at writing dialogue that tugs at your heart, and makes her characters very relatable. There were a number of times I was like, “Yeah, I would totally say that to someone.” or, “Yup. That is a line of Love right there.” When it comes to romantic and witty lines, this novel did a great job!
- Easy reading experience: I think because this was fast-paced it made it easy to understand and follow. There were so many events happening one after the other, and given this takes place in a more urban, modern setting made the settings easy to visualize.
- Use of Gavi: I really wished that Gavi was used more throughout the book. She only really appears through the first half and I was waiting to see if she would show up again. I think she could’ve been used for building a lot more tension and drama between Sydney and Winter, but seeing this isn’t a romance driven novel, I could see why she wasn't a main culprit of driving the story's plot.
- Plot Twists: To me, the plot twist was spotted from afar, but that could be me picking up on Marie Lu’s writing style over the years. I thought it was fun seeing the pieces add up in the end, and the satisfaction one gets from seeing the story continue after the twists are out!

Another great YA book for readers to look forward to this year! Give this a try if you modern day thrillers and secret agent tropes!

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i'll start with two positives: winter. sydney.

but that's... kind of it. not saying i didn't enjoy the story of what i did read, but... it felt really, really anti-climatic? considering i finally had to say enough is enough at the fifty percent mark because it genuinely felt like nothing was going on despite there being a lot going on. i'm not sure if that's just because of marie's style of writing, but it was really kind of boring, which makes me sad because i really enjoyed stars and smoke.

eh. not going to rant, but this book suffers from "kind of mid second book" syndrome :(

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Plot wise, this wasn't as solid for me as the first book. I couldn't feel the tension and anxiety-inducing scenes that I found in the first installment of this series. But the romance saved the day in my opinion. I wasn't a big fan of the made-up love triangle, it felt unnecessary, but I'm glad it resolved quickly and with no extra drama.
I loved the character growth in this book!! Rooting for Winter, he deserves the world.

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Pub Date || 11 Jun 2024

Thank you to NetGalley, Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, Roaring Brook Press and the author for giving me the chance to read an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you to the publisher for my arc!

absolutely loved this! Icon and inferno was a solid fast paced sequel and i couldn't put it down. highly reccomend!

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**A note to the publisher that is not in my review: late in the book (I do not remember the page), Lu has written "marshal" law when it should be "martial" law. Please make sure someone catches that before the final version. Love, an editor. ;)

3 1/2 stars

I generally enjoy Marie Lu's books and I thought the first book in this series, Stars & Smoke, was a lot of fun when I read it last year so I was excited to spend more time with pop sensation Winter Young and super-spy Sydney Cossette. This outing is equally fun and fast-paced.

It was great to see Winter and Sydney back together again, and while I did not always enjoy the sulking and misunderstandings between the two of them, I do understand the need to build tension and create a story. Gavi and Tems - the newly introduced side characters were interesting to a point, but also easy to see for the false obstacles that they were; the path forward was easy to identify for anyone who reads regularly. Occasionally I found myself wanting to smack Sydney in the back of her fictional head and tell her that she was a terrible spy for not seeing what was right in front of her face, but I do have the benefit of age and reality on my side, so... instead, I just decided to enjoy the journey, and fun adventure.

There was more vulnerability between Winter and Sydney in this book as we learned more about each of their backstories and what made them who they are. Lu clearly leaves the door open for more adventures in the future, but should she decide not to write them, the story of Winter & Sydney also feels like it has reached a place where they understand where they fit together, which is a nice place to leave things.

As always, the action was fantastic, and the shoutout to Lu's previous Warcross series made me smile. That was a very nice touch to think of these two series in the same universe.

Thank you to NetGalley, Roaring Broad Press and Marie Lu for the advance reader copy.

Posted to Goodreads, will post to blog and FB on 6/10 right before publication date.

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Just like its predecessor, Icon and Inferno is a fast paced YA spy novel with a little thrill and a little romance. Plus, storyline introduces a love triangle, which was fun. The plot really builds about 1/3 the way in and then I was hooked. I love Winter’s character!

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This sequel was a great read and I loved returning to Winter and Sydney's story. This picks up almost a year since they last worked together and finds Sydney in a situation where she must work with Winter again. Their chemistry is still going strong and I loved the way that Lu creates the tension between them and the awareness that they just won't work as a couple but doesn't stop them from wanting to. The mystery was good and there was great action. I read this very quickly and I was happy with the way it ended. I would love to read more of their adventures, but if this is the final story for these two, it left me feeling satisfied. Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Icon and Inferno by Marie Lu is an absolute rollercoaster of a read! The fast-paced narrative kept me on the edge of my seat, unable to put the book down. Lu's skill in building tension, especially in the romance between Winter and Sydney, adds a layer of excitement that adds to the overall suspense of the story.

What truly sets this series apart is the remarkable growth in the characters. Watching them evolve throughout the journey is both satisfying and heartwarming. Lu weaves a captivating tale that seamlessly combines action, romance, and character development. Icon and Inferno are a must-read for anyone craving a thrilling adventure with a touch of emotional depth.

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Icon and Inferno is an enjoyable, fast-paced sequel to Stars & Smoke, featuring superstar Winter Young and precocious spy Sydney Cossette. You could likely read this without reading the first in the series, but the characters and relationships will feel deeper and more meaningful for those who read Stars and Smoke first. Reading about teenage/ young adult spies requires a willing suspension of disbelief, but after I got past that I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Recommend to fans of Ally Carter, Alias, and Harry Styles. Hope there will be a third in the series! Thank you to NetGalley and MacMillan Childrens for the advanced reader copy.

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Firstly, I love Marie Lu’s books so much and the cross over with Warcross brought me so much excitement. Beyond that I really loved this book. It was a super fast paced and easy read. The characters are amazingly lovable and their interactions are amazing. Some times I do wish we got to see them interact a bit more as that was something we lost a little bit of in comparison to the first book just because of the introduction of two new characters but amazing none the less. On top of that the action was great and while the order of events felt a little rushed sometimes overall still such a great book and fun time.

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(3.75⭐️) Taylor Swift songs: “Dancing with our hands tied”

Age rating: 14+ (fade to black, closed door)

This was such a fun, fast paced, action-packed sequel! I found the overarching mission/mystery to be intriguing, and I loved seeing Winter and Sydney working together again! The romance was still not as prominent as the overall plot, it’s much more of a subplot, so keep that in mind! There was just a lot going on in this book, even more so than the first book, so be prepared to keep up. I think the ending was a tad bit rushed, just trying to tie up loose ends while keeping it open for a third book in the series. Other than that, it was just a fun time! Perfect for fans of the Gallagher girl/Ally Carter series. I just want to see Winter and Sydney happy and safe together.

I would like to see more of Winter and Dameon’s past fling explored in the next book because it is briefly mentioned but we don’t know much about their dynamic and how they went from friends to hookup to friends.

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What's it about?
A year has passed since superstar Winter Young last saw secret agent Sydney Cossette. After barely surviving their mission together in London — and their intense chemistry — they haven’t talked since, though that hasn’t stopped Winter from thinking about her nonstop. . .

So when Sydney shows up at his studio with a new mission from Panacea, Winter has no choice but to accept. With no time to lose, the duo heads abroad to rescue a fellow agent — only to learn he is none other than Sydney’s ex.

Of course, nothing is ever simple when it comes to Winter and Sydney. As old flames give way to new jealousies, they find themselves ensnared in yet another treacherous plot that’s much more sinister than it seems. To make it out alive, they’ll have to figure out how to be partners again — and if they can resist something more.

Summary from The StoryGraph

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
I absolutely adored this book!! I LOVE all of Marie Lu’s writing, and this was no exception!! This novel was pure joy for me!!

What I loved

The character development was top-notch! They were so well-written to begin with, but the development that came in book 2 is crazy! This made the read so enjoyable! Also, it really helps you to relate to and understand the characters better!

Continuing on with my character rant, they are just super loveable! Having loveable and interesting characters matters a lot to me! Winter and Sydney are both super great people, and their backstories make for a really intriguing read!

The book is super-fast paced, but it also doesn’t skip out on the character-driven side of the book! I feel like too often fast-paced books forget that characters matter, and that well-written characters are essential to a good book! As mentioned above, Icon and Inferno definitely didn’t skimp on the awesome characters! It was the perfect balance of a very fast-paced book, with lots of really important character development moments!! Love that Marie Lu did this, it takes real talent!!

There are some really great themes in this book! There’s a lot of life lessons about being able to let yourself be happy and enjoying your life, which I think is a really great message for this book to give!

Okay guys, this is a VERY important part of the story that I loved. This part made me literally cry with joy!! If you’ve read my review on Warcross by Marie Lu, you know it’s one of my favorite books ever! This book revealed that it takes place in the same world as Warcross, along with a couple of other hints/Easter eggs!! Getting a little bit more of Warcross was huge for me! I’ve wanted more ever since I finished Wildcard, the sequel to Warcross, and this book helped give me that and answered some of my questions! I am now complete!!! P.S. this sounds kinda like a spoiler, but it is revealed very early in the book that there’s a little bit of Warcross content.

What I Disliked

Nothing!! The only reason I didn’t rate this book 5-stars is because it takes a lot for me to do that. I need to think on whether or not this book has made a tremendous impact on my life. It might get that coveted 5-star rating someday, after I’ve thought about it for a while, but not yet!!

Book vs. Movie

There isn’t a movie for Stars and Smoke, the first book in the series 😦

Should You Read It?

YES! Beyond the shadow of the doubt yes! This book so amazing for any YA reader, especially a Marie Lu fan like me!! If you like any sort of spy novel, this is also a super great choice! Just make sure you check out Stars and Smoke first!!


Icon and Inferno is the second book to the Stars and Smoke duology! It follows Winter and Sydney as they embark on another mission where they might not make it out alive. I loved so many different aspects of this book! Whether it was the character development or the Warcross hints, this novel was AMAZING! There was nothing I disliked about the novel, I’m just not ready to give it a 5-star rating! You must read this book if you like to read anything YA!! Happy reading!!!

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My students, and myself, are big Marie Lu fans. So when I saw Icon and Inferno, I knew I needed to check it out. It is a great book to follow Stars and Smoke with all the action you expect. I will say that this is not my favorite book by her, but it is definitely one that deserves to be read.

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I love Marie Lu and really enjoyed stars and smoke so I had high expectations for this, and it did not disappoint. Lu has a way of writing gripping, fast paced novels and I find that even as I’m growing out of the young adult genre, I still really enjoy her novels and long for a reread.

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