Member Reviews

i really liked the premise of the book, and the plot was so interesting, but i just had issues with the pacing. the meeting with willa-mae felt so rushed and unnatural. i would have preferred for more time actually spent on the worldbuilding. sometimes it felt like there was too much going on for me to keep track and sometimes it felt like it was dragging on for ages.
however. the love triangle that didn't end up being a love triangle was fun.

thanks to netgalley for my first arc!

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Book Review of Godly Heathens by H.E Edgmon
My thanks to NetGalley, Daphne Press and the author for providing this e-book for my unbiased review 🩷 This review will be shared on Goodreads and Amazon and a star rating shared on Instagram stories @tinydragonbooks.

Gem Echols has a lot on their plate. After their parents divorce, and moving to the tiny backwoods town of Gracie, Georgia, Gem is focussed on making sure their GPA is so sparkly that no college can turn them down, and a self-imposed quest to assist Gracie’s teens in exploring their sexuality. They have also been plagued with violent dreams since childhood, and when Willa Mae Hardy, a new student at Gems high school, insists that they know all about Gem, the dreams and their past, things get ever more complicated. After a run in with a creepy, pale girl who threatens to rip out Gems spine (from whom Willa rescues them), Gem learns that they are a reincarnated god, from another realm, a genealogical inheritance. Pursued by gods of death and battle, Gem and Willa Mae must seek the Ouroboros, a magical knife with the power to kill a god, before their enemies do.

Book One in the Ouroboros series was refreshingly raw and revelatory. I wholeheartedly applaud the author for utilising characters and themes that are essential for YA readers today to relate to and appreciate. The story includes a non binary MC, a variety of sexualities, and gender themes and identities; including hormone therapy & transrelevant clothing. I also valued the respectful addition of cultures and ancestral land lineage.
Godly Heathens is an urban fantasy with a dark vibe, I liked the storyline (particularly the gods personal skills) but I wasn’t able to connect with the MC, finding them unlikeable. I found myself starting to skim the MC’s internal monologue by about 50% through, but really liked the scenes with action and story progression. While this may not have been my perfect read, I think this book would appeal to LGBTQIA+ readers, readers who enjoy contemporary fantasy and those who like urban romantasy.

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Godly Heathens by H.E Edgmon, was an amazing, strange and super. I was engrossed in the story from the very start, despite not knowing about the world or characters I would meet.

Gem has magical dreams about gods and demons, and to add to their anxiety, dealing with their non-binary identity and a mother who doesn't fully get it. Since the only person they trust is out of state, so when the more student arrives who is aware of more Gem's secrets and odd things start happening, maybe Gem really is a reincarnated god?

I laughed out loud while I was reading this book. The idea of reincarnation, soulmates, and characters living through multiple timelines, along with the outgoing conflict between them, I was honestly fascinated.

A well-written story that seamlessly blends fantasy and reality, featuring relatable yet messy characters. Even though the second half of the book dragged a little, I was still intrigued by it and couldn't put it down. I'm eager for the next installment because I adore the little heathens!!!

Thank You to Netgalley and the publisher team for a copy of this book for a exchange of an honest review.

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Embarking on the fantastical odyssey crafted by H.E. Edgmon in "Godly Heathens," I found myself immersed in a world that seamlessly blends mythology with contemporary struggles. Gem Echols, a nonbinary Seminole teen, navigates the complexities of identity, friendship, and a divine destiny that transcends time.

The characters in Gracie, Georgia, breathe life into the narrative, each one adding a layer of richness to the story. Gem's dynamic with Enzo, their confidant from afar, brings a sense of genuine connection that resonates with authenticity. The arrival of Willa Mae Hardy introduces an element of mystery, weaving a tapestry of past lives and divine secrets.

Edgmon skillfully explores themes of reincarnation, love, and the consequences of past actions. The magical elements are interwoven with the struggles of self-discovery, creating an atmosphere that is both whimsical and profound. The vivid descriptions of Gem's dreams, filled with magic and foreboding, add an ethereal quality to the narrative.

While the journey through "Godly Heathens" was undeniably captivating, I found myself yearning for more depth in certain aspects of the plot. The promise of a divine conflict and Gem's tumultuous history left me craving a more intricate exploration. However, this desire for more complexity is a testament to the book's ability to engage and leave the reader hungry for the next installment.

As a reader, I appreciate the representation and the courage to delve into themes that challenge societal norms. "Godly Heathens" sets the stage for a series that promises to unravel more secrets and explore the intricate threads of divine relationships. I eagerly await the next chapter in Gem's journey.

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Very odd book, I had no idea what was going on, particularly in the beginning. Honestly it read like a bad fanfiction and had it not been so short and had I not wanted to review it, I would have dnf-ed this book after four pages.
The story felt like a continuous information dump as the author scrambled to explain the characters and novel contents in a really haphazard way. The author also expected reader knowledge on characters, topics and situations far too soon, which meant that nothing made sense as a reader. The pacing was also completely off as it leaps quickly from one piece of "action" to the next and leaves you ridiculously confused. I'm disappointed as I really love to support LGBT authors, but I'm afraid really couldn't get into this at all.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Daphne Press for the advance reader copy.

I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected, as I have become apprehensive with heading YA books but this one was a good read.

I enjoyed the idea about the gods and their pasts as well as where that puts us in the story.
We’re placed in directly with the main character Gem and I think building our knowledge and the world around what they know was a good way to drive the story. We weren’t ahead of the characters just with them through the story.

There’s a good amount of representation of races, sexuality and gender expression which considering we the reader are dealing with gods felt right and is even mentioned by the main character in one of the chapters.

I’m excited to read the second book in this duology.

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Godly Heathens is the first book in a new contemporary fantasy duology by H.E. Edgmon. It was published on 28th November 2023. I requested an ARC on NetGalley and successfully received an e-copy of the book in mid-November with the responsibility to reciprocate with a review.

Before I began reading I hoped I was going to love this book. As soon as I started reading I knew the story was going to keep my attention.

From the first chapter, the reader is dropped right into the life of Gem Echols. Gem is a nonbinary Seminole teenager who lives with his mum in the small town of Gracie, Georgia. They have disturbing dreams, experience anxiety and manage their life by limiting who they share their authentic self with. Gem has a long distance friend called Enzo who lives in Brooklyn and is waiting for the day they can be together.

Everything changes for Gem early on in the novel when they find out the dreams they are having are memories of past lives and they are in fact a reincarnated god. The people in Gem’s life, other gods and local townies all play different roles in how Gem comes to terms with this new knowledge. I liked Gem as a main character and following their point of view. It was interesting to see a character think about their identity; for Gem in regards to being queer and Seminole and their mental health. One of the main reasons I enjoyed this book so much is because I can relate to Gem and their anxiety. Gem thinks and overthinks. Gem’s a teenager and makes impulsive decisions. Right up until the end of the novel, I wasn’t sure what decisions Gem was going to make. The reader has to go with what Gem decides and watch the consequences play out as they do.

Godly Heathens takes place in our world. The sense of place and atmosphere contributes to a good read. Gem lives In Georgia and the novel has an essence of Southern Gothic woven through it - flawed characters, descriptions of decay, scenes in swamps and big mansions, characters with no wealth and characters with it. The gods originally came from another world over a thousand years ago. They play with objects that are unequivocally human and have battles in residential yards. In Gem’s dreams, the reader gets to see the gods clash in different times and places. They inhabited different people who belonged to different communities and had historical enemies. Despite this, in all of their reincarnations Gem’s been nonbinary. They have also been unlikeable and cruel.

These past lives result in several of the characters having secrets and complicated allegiances. The gods are characters who have human bodies and godly power. This adds a layer to Gem’s nonbinary identity. They also have to work out how to reconcile the struggle between human desires and their god magic and who they have been in the past.

The gods in this book have tremendous powers. The pantheon that Edgmon has created makes the gods, the gods of ‘something’. Their abilities manipulate whatever part of existence they have under their control. The magic system is well defined and described. It's another part of this book that added to my enjoyment. It’s also a reason I’m looking forward to continuing the series because I want to see what happens next from the cliffhanger the book ends on.

At times the god-driven events in the story feel isolated from our world and at others exposed to it. Gem feels all of this and the reader feels it too. Using aspects of YA fiction, scenes set at the local high school; parents that don’t understand their children’s lives and the push and pull of identity, adds to the more or less constant state of distress Gem exists in throughout the novel.

Overall, the plot is well paced. The reveals and twists arrive out of the progression of the plot and the development of the characters as Gem interacts with them and they learn more about the past. Throughout the entire novel I wanted to know what was going to happen next. The plot’s momentum, the quality of the writing and the dynamic characters make this a page turner. It’s hard to talk about this book without spoilers but Godly Heathens is an action packed, powerful novel with passionate characters. I’d recommend it for readers who like messy protagonists and contemporary fantasy stories. I’m excited to see what happens in the conclusion of The Ouroborus duology.

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H. E. Edgmon strikes with another great hit! I really enjoyed The Witch King, so when I saw Godly Heathens, I had to jump on the train!

The voice is spectacular in this one, as expected, and Gem's truly leaps off the page, a true teenager's voice. I think having them as the protagonist for this adventure was an excellent choice. I liked the juxtaposition of the worldbuilding and fantasy against the contemporary-ness of the setting. Edgmon's spin on the reincarnation of gods was done wonderfully and with its own twist that makes this book a compelling addition to the trope without there being any repetition. Enzo and Gem also had such a great relationship that I loved reading, and in general, the book was extremely well-written!

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I LOVED The Witch King when I read it last year and I've been really meaning to read everything else that H. E. Edgmon has out or is publishing in the near future. I felt like their voice was fresh, the pacing always engaging, the slightly campy plot juxtaposed perfectly against deeper interpersonal relationships and inner conflict.

You can also imagine my slight disappointment, then, when I realized I wasn't loving Godly Heathens much.

To be honest and fair, I actually really liked the first half. It was again fast-paced and fun while also clearly delving into something "more" (for the lack of a better word). I was a huge fan of the worldbuilding because I'm a huge fan of it being snappy in general, I instantly liked our main character and the set of characters as they were positioned around them... But then the second half happened.

And more and more often as I was reading, I started asking myself some of the worst questions I can ask: do I even care? why should I care? do I like these characters? does it matter to me at all what happens to them? AM I actually liking this? As the second half unfolded, I unfortunately had to tell myself that no, I'm not actually liking it very much anymore.

We were told A LOT - and it was a little too much even for me, a person who doesn't usually mind - and I missed greater character development. Ultimately, I also think that this book expects you to suspend your belief more than I was capable of.

I'll pick up the next series or standalone that Edgmon writes, but this one was unfortunately not for me.

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A bit overwhelming at the beginning, the story provides an interesting concept of gods, who reincarnate from generation to generation as teenagers. There's so much to unpack - the history of these gods, their powers, their relationships, their motifs.
Loved the vivid depiction of a not so vivid town Gracie, Georgia, where the story is set. Somehow I found its messy characters likable and relatable, being true to yourself is difficult even when you're older. My heart went out to Gem, though I can understand why for some they may appear not a likeable MC. And I loved the dynamics between them and Enzo, not so enthusiastic about Willa Mae, but, hey, the second installment is on the way, I'll give her a chance.
Though the pacing sometimes was off, the twists were good, especially the ending. Can't wait to get my hands on the conclusion of the story.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange of honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Daphne Press for a copy of this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

The first 30-40% had me hooked and I was really intrigued by the plot and the mystery surrounding everyone’s alt identities. But I’m not sure what happened in the last half? Maybe I wasn’t in the right mood, but I just felt a little disconnected from the story.

I enjoyed the characters and the focus on mental health, as well as the creepier, more supernatural elements of the book. I think what may have contributed to my issues was the volume of characters that were all introduced in a short amount of time; all with several names/identities which kind of spun my head around a little.

I think that the pacing could be improved, but overall a great start to a darker YA series.

3.5 stars

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This book felt evil in the right ways.

Gosh this book was a lot of fun. The start of the book was already extremely strong and great. Gem relishing in the fact that people can't gender them correctly? HELL YEAH. However at the same time the start with that intense dream totally sets the tone for a dark and grim story and oh how it was such a thing. I loved it.

So at the beginning of the book Gem is mainly confused and I felt that very much with them. It was great how these feelings were conveyed. To be honest strong feelings were totally the best in The Witch King and The Fae Keeper too so I was extremely glad to see that this book totally delivered in that again. That confusion turns around to frustration, to love, hate, sadness but above all anger. That anger was so so good and it was great to shout at the world with Gem.

I also really loved all the relationships between characters. They were deep and complicated without ever feeling like they were too much to understand. Everyone had their own motives and feelings that clashed in the best ways. Willa Mae was so great with her frustrations with Gem not being faster at ... everything really, but also her love and care for them was the best. Talking love and care Enzo needs to be mentioned. He is a sweetheart but.... oh my god I did not expect where his character went, but damn was it good.

Then closing off my review I need to give one sentence on the ending, and that is that it was the most absolutely badass ending I have ever read in a book.

All together I would recommend this book if you're into celebrating queer wrongs and have a love for queer misfits fighting out their issues.

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This one is a hard one to review because at the end of it it once again came down to me trying YA again but finding it was just not for me. something that had little to nothing to do with the book itself.
Something I will say tho is that I really enjoyed the worldbuilding and characters while also wishing that we got more setup and exploration of the relationships in the past

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This book is just utter perfection. No comments other than can I PLEASE HAVE BOOK TWO NOW?

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This was so interesting and felt very unique - the premise of reincarnated gods is fascinating, although I have to admit that with there being so many reincarnated gods with various names/titles, I did get a bit confused! All of these characters, particularly our main character Gem, face mental health challenges posed by trauma that they've been through, and it is incredibly raw. A lot of people will see themselves represented in this book, whether it's through trans, nonbinary, or indigenous representation, or even just the darker, complex emotions depicted which are rarely shown in YA.

What I didn't realise, and I'm not sure if this is technically spoilers or not, was that this is essentially a villain origin story - Gem (and everyone else) makes some incredibly difficult, incredibly un-wise decisions, that you really just want to strangle them all for... but these characters also have a way of endearing themselves to you, particularly Willa-Mae, I really liked them a lot.

I do wish that the worldbuilding had perhaps not been quite so complex, because of struggling to keep all of the gods straight in my head, but overall this was really great and I'm desperate to read the sequel now!

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A joyous read full of mystery and intrigue, with beautiful atmosphere and world building throughout. My students really enjoyed Edgmon's first duology and I am sure they will love this just as much.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Daphne Press for gifting me this arc.

I enjoyed the worldbuilding and mythology created in this book. The plot had enough suspense and drama to keep me engaged. The only thing I would have loved to see more is bigger character development. While the MC Gem had many sides, the other characters sometimes felt flat. But I can see how it could be difficult since we had a lot of them.

I can't wait for the second book!

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Non-binary teen Gem learns they, and the people around them, are reincarnated gods. It is full of messy, morally grey characters, the world-building was done in a way that didn’t feel like an info dump every few pages. I like the complex relationships between the characters, whether romantic or familial.

Overall, I enjoyed the novel and can’t wait for the second book.

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A very unique fantasy adventure, with great world building, well written and an intriguing plot.
I absolutely loved the characters in this book.
I would love to read more books by this author!

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We all know I love a morally grey character, and godly heathens is FULL of them. Gem is such a complex layered character and I honestly love seeing their struggle between what choices to make and who they want to be.

I'm not sure I've ever read a book with so many trans/non binary main characters, and it was so refreshing to see them all living an authentic trans experience while not having their being trans the main thing about them!

I need book 2 immediately, no spoilers from me but I'm glad it's already written and I hopefully won't have to wait too long before getting my hands on a copy!

Not only are the characters so rich and complex, but the flashbacks, powers, reincarnation, wold building, relationship dynamics, just everything, is all so well developed you can tell true care has been given to fleshing out this world.

It was also fun to have the duality of God's thousands of lifetimes old who are also gen Z teenagers before they remember who they are, getting that mix of the old god like figures with teen girls who want to be prom queen is so enjoyable when done right!

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