Member Reviews

This title is a bit of a mixed bag for me. Maybe that's because I haven't read any previous books in the series. I do love the magician's library that Greer is in charge of organizing, and I like Greer herself as a main character. What I don't love is that the mystery really goes all the way back to her husband's death four (I think) years before, before the series even started. So have all the books had to do with her husband's death, or does it finally just get solved in this one. I think there's so much good stuff here, but it feels a little distant or detached to me. Hmm...I'll either need to read the next one or go back to the start of the series to find out. I don't know if the fact that I now know who murdered her husband will ruin the earlier mysteries. I'd give this one 3-1/2 stars.

Review copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Greer Hogan is a librarian. She is also an amateur sleuth. She is also troubled that her husband was murdered and there is no progress in the investigation and saddened by the fact that he wanted to tell her what his suspicions were, which got him killed, but never had the chance.

Another death in the same company put Greer on guard, and when another person from the same company approached her, after following her for days, with information which he felt was dangerous (and who got murdered within hours), Greer knew she was on track to find out who the killers were.
All she had was a few sheets of random figures, a lot of conjecture, and the support of Grim a colleague whose specialty is magic and who is very willing and capable of helping her in her quest for justice.

The story included libraries being catalogued .(always interesting) and especially since the subject was magic. It added a completely different lift to the story.

Tense, and a page turner. Emotional as well.

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In Smoke and mirror Greer Hogan is inventorying the personal collection of a deceased magician and at the same time is doing an investigation into New Leaf, the company where her deceased (murdered) husband used to work. Pretty soon she experiences break-ins both at work and in her temporary apartment.

When she decides to delve deeper into these mysteries she gets help from Grim, a magician with a mysterious past and some strange but useful tricks up his sleeve. The investigation of her husband's death and the contemporary events are surrounded by a lot of smoke and mirrors but in the end Greer gets to the bottom of things.

I really liked the interaction between Greer and Grim and found the story really entertaining as well as suspenseful. Looking forward to the next instalment and I'm sure to read the previous one as well.
Four stars for this enjoyable book and many thanks to Netgalley who provided me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I feel like this series is a little under the radar -- it definitely needs to get more attention, because all four books are terrific. Greer Hogan is a librarian in the tiny upstate town of Raven Hill. She's come there from a very different life in New York City after her husband is murdered. In this, the fourth title of the series, she actually goes back to New York because she's been temporarily hired to organize and catalog the collection of an eccentric magician. While there, she decides to once and for all, use her sleuthing skills to find out who really murdered her husband. Yes, there's already a man in prison accused of that, but she knows there is more to the story. Great characters, a great puzzle-it-out plot, and a very likable main character, Greer, make this book, and the previous ones in the series, a treat for mystery lovers.

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Haunted by her husband's murder 4 years ago Greer Hogan investigates New Leaf, the company her husband had worked for. Helping her are Grim, an illusionist assisting her in cataloging a fellow magician's house, April, the wife of a now deceased coworker of her husband, Isabelle, her husband's past assistant and Aunt Caro, Isabelle's aunt and quite a character. Break ins, murder and mayhem ensue as Greer follow the clues to find her husband's murderer. This is the 4th Greer Hogan mystery but it is definitely not necessary to read the previous 3 to enjoy and understand this one. Excellent character and plot made it a delight to read. I got a little bogged down with all the business and financial info but that's not an area I'm interested in so could have easily been just me. A thoroughly enjoyable read.
Thanks to #NetGalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for the EARC

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for an advanced copy.

This was my first Greer mystery and I really enjoyed it. It was a slow Burn cozy mystery with wonderful characters. I specially like grim. The details were very good and I could clearly picture everything in everywhere. The story is great to our would recommend this author. 3.5⭐️

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This was a Greer Hogan mystery, and I remember enjoying one of the previous books in this series. I like Greer as a protagonist; I like the way she communicates, and I find her a little bit humorous at times. This was a pleasant cosy mystery, and light enough to read in one sitting.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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The Greer Hogan series always deliver an intricately plotted storywith rich charactersand the latest is no exception. In this fourth book, Greer finds a resolution to her husband's murder and discovers which lives she's willing to to cross. While this could be read as a stand-alone, it's a more satisfying read as the conclusion the arc started in book 1.

While one mystery gets wrapped up, the introduction of the mysterious Grimaldi promises more intrigue to come.

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Initially, I was on the verge of not finishing M.E. Hilliard's book, or at least considering skimming through certain sections. However, I'm grateful that I didn't give up. What caused me to come so close to quitting? It took nearly three-quarters of the book before everything started falling into place. Yet, what motivated me to persevere? It was the occasional quip or literary allusion from the main character that convinced me she was a character worth getting to know.

While it may have taken some time for the story to fully engage me, there were moments of brilliance that kept me intrigued. The main character's clever remarks and references to literature added depth and complexity to her personality. These glimpses into her wit and intelligence made me believe that there was more to discover about her.

In conclusion, despite my initial doubts and the slow start, I'm glad I stuck with it. The main character's occasional quips and literary allusions ultimately convinced me that she was a character worth investing in. If you're willing to be patient and give it a chance, this book has the potential to surprise and captivate you.

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Greer Hogan moves back to New York City to take a temporary job. But the librarian has a bigger purpose in mind. She is finally ready to properly investigate the death of her husband.

In this series, we meet a murder solving librarian. But in this book, her involvement is more personal. As she investigates her husband's former company, things begin to look a little suspicious. And she struggles to decode the final message she left him.

Hogan uses a team of unique personalities to assist her in her investigation. While the solution to the murder of her husband, and several subsequent murders isn't overly shocking, the method she employs to get there is a lot of fun. Her characters are well-developed and interesting.

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This talented author has written a page turner. Realistic characters keep the story moving quickly with mystery and intrigue. Red herrings kept me guessing. Even the title is intriguing. Smoke and mirrors…thi k about it. It brings up all types of subjects. Read this and discover the secrets. Thanks Netgalley

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