Member Reviews

A relevant story given the current travel vloggers out there! The couple gets enmeshed in a murder with a strong connection to the women's childhood. I didn't have this figured out!

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This was a super quick read for me but I did really enjoy it. You do have to suspend belief a lot and try not to cringe at some of the writing but the overall premise was really good the plot was decent and the characters super annoying and vile.... but that's what the author intend I assume since they really comited to making them incredibly vapid and dislike able. It's just one of the fun, light hearted thrillers that you don't need to think too much about and it delivers well in that regard. Don't overthink, just let yourself get lost in this reality for a bit and enjoy it for what it is

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I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, but the title and description seemed interesting enough to request it. And, I was very pleasantly surprised! It was a quick read and had an interesting story and great ending! Finally ... an author who created a female character who wasn't an unreliable narrator, a drunk or weak! Thank you, Ivy Chase - you rock!

This review was also published on Goodreads.

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This is my first book by this author and won’t be my last. I enjoyed the flow as well as the twists and turns. I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover but the cover is absolutely beautiful. My only issue with the book was the overuse of the word ‘Hottie’. It was just too much. 4*s

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The Remote Workers seemed to have a plot line that I would like. Unfortunately this book fell short for me. The plot was quite ridiculous as the story unraveled, becoming more and more unbelievable. The writing seemed fairly juvenile, I'm not sure if that was on purpose as the characters were in their 20s or if it was just the author's style, but I did not enjoy it. I wanted to quit before finishing, but felt the need to give an honest review, so I muddled through, but the ending definitely wasn't worth it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
While I thought the book itself was ok and the plot of being a travel vlogger was interesting, the unlikable characters made this one a bit blah for me.
I need to like at least one person in the book to really enjoy it.

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action, intrigue, mystery, murder, revenge, a great who done it, great plot twist, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle!! I definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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This book is about two travel vloggers, Andy and Lisa, who spend the winter in Martha's Vineyard (SO unreasonable when there is BALI!) where Lisa grew up. Lisa's mom was murdered there and Lisa is determined to find her killer, but a wrench is thrown into the plan with the discovery of a dead body. This book had great bones, but I found the characters pretty unlikable and the plot a little lacking. The nicknames and dialogue made me cringe on more than a few occasions, but, if you enjoy thrillers and don't mind the nicknames, I'd say give it a shot!

This was provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Andy and Lisa are bloggers who travel around the world to sexy destinations, making a living from their vlog. So it may seem a little odd that they gave up the opportunity to go to exotic Bali in order to spend the winter in Martha's Vineyard. Even if that *is* where Lisa grew up!

What Andy, an ex-athlete doesn't know is that Lisa is hell-bent on finding her mother's killer. She is convinced it is Max Beaumont, her mother's lover at that time, who is responsible.

To that end, they are staying in his mansion, which they have rented, with Lisa planning to dig deep into her surroundings in order to find out the truth. Unfortunately, what Lisa has not planned for is the discovery of a dead body in the pool, which kind of throws a spanner in the works...

The author does a good job of throwing in twists to the plotline, and writing some very unlikable characters. What didn't work for me were Andy's constant references to his girlfriend as "Hottie", and the fact that the characters did not feel relatable. Overall, this was not a particularly compelling read, though the premise was quite interesting. It gets 2.5 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Somerset Park Press for sending the book for review consideration! Andy and Lisa are travel vloggers who travel to Lisa's hometown of Martha's Vineyard. Lisa had a terrible childhood and Andy comes from a prominent political family and is also an ex-NHL player. Lisa's disgraced mother's mysterious death still alludes her after all these years so she's determined to find her killer.

This book shows the depths of love, that's for sure Andy is seemingly so obsessed with his girlfriend that he not only gives her pet names to her face but as he's talking about her to himself and the reader he refers to her as "Hottie", "my angel", "honey bunny", "love of my life", etc etc etc. And this happens every single page it seems. I live in Massachusetts so I do appreciate the Martha's Vineyard setting but they really shit on the island. I'm not sure the author wrote one nice word about it.

I'm rating this book a 2/5, I really didn't love it and I'm sorry to say that.

Check out or @Fueledbycoffeeandbooks2023 on Insta for more reviews :)

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The Remote Workers by Ivy Chase was a lot more entertaining than I originally thought it would be.
I was eager to start this book and I’m happy to say I was very happy with it.
The writing was enjoyable. The writing flowed and the plot was gripping from start to finish.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Somerset Park Press for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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This book drew my attention right away with its stand-out cover and the description was intriguing. Unfortunately while reading this, everything just seemed so surface level, especially the characters. They seemed too childish for adults, with the boyfriend always referring to Lisa, his girlfriend, as "Hottie", and the inner and actual dialogue of Lisa and Crystal was highschool level pettiness. I get that people can hold grudges but this was a bit much. As this book continued, I found it hard to concentrate. Nothing much happened until almost halfway through. As it continued, the story did unfold and secrets were revealed but I felt it went the way alot of books do lately. I apologize for the not so great review but I just wasn't a fan. Two Stars.

Thank you Netgalley and Somerset Park press for this copy of The Remote Workers.

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The remote working element is what drew ne towards this book as it makes it feel very current. The plot was very intriguing and the twists kept me reading!

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3.5 ⭐

Vloggers, Andy and Lisa, pass on the allure of Bali for a mansion in chilly Martha’s Vineyard. Lisa has wangled her way into an opportunity “to live in the house of the chief suspect in [her] mother’s disappearance” and promises her fiance Andy that she’ll capably balance vlogging and her tech job with her investigation. With so many plates up in the air, readers know that something is bound to come crashing down sooner or later.

The retreat should be everything they’ve ever dreamed of - an enviable beachfront mansion, newly renovated high-tech smart home, and pool - all in the quiet off-season. Fate has other plans and soon they’re hoping that jail will not be their next travel destination.


A body turns up in their pool and they become prime suspects.

This is my first introduction to author Ivy Chase (pseudonym of Bianca Blythe) and I was impressed with her ability to dangle a carrot and get me running off on different paths, confident that I had the suspects and motives figured out.

I struggled with the characters. I didn’t like them. Now, that’s not a reason to dislike a book, but they seemed so petty and shallow, I wanted to give them a shake. When Andy referred to his Lisa as “Hottie” multiple times, I cringed. It was difficult to stay focused on the story, but I needed answers.

If you are looking for a good mystery with a modern setting and millennial-ish characters, and don’t mind cutesy names, this one’s for you.

I was gifted this copy by Somerset Park Press and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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As a remote worker, when I saw this book cover, I knew I needed to put this on my TBR. The cover conjures up what people think we do all day (it is quite the opposite for me).

Lisa and Andy are internet famous travel bloggers. They jet set to exotic locations in their off hours, and Lisa holds her 9-5 on Pacific time job down, no matter the time zone. We follow Lisa and Andy to their next travel destination, Martha's Vinyard, where they become the lead suspects in a murder investigation. The couple come off as vain and shallow, really the typical California valley type. They aren't always likeable and I'm pretty sure Andy was hit in the head too many times through his Pro Hockey career, but they do love each other, and even though they are conceited you don't want them to wrongfully end up in jail. There are some plot twists I definitely did not see coming, with an ending I certainly didn't expect. This thriller is a great read for the season. So, snuggle in and get ready for a mystery and trip to Martha's Vinyard.

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