Member Reviews

I'll Be Alone for Christmas was a short thriller novella centering around Romee, a newly single woman staying at a remote cabin over Christmas break. She quickly realizes her private stay just might not be so private.

I read this book in one sitting as it is only 100 pages. It was a decent book as far as the storyline goes. I felt as though I was reading a made for lifetime tv book. It had me wondering if she was crazy or if there really was something more sinister lurking. Unfortunately, I found the main character to be annoying. I understand she is bummed about her recent breakup, but I just felt like she was whiney and obnioxious. Overall, since this was a quick read in one sitting kind of book with an okay story, I will give it 2 stars, but I won't be reading this one again.

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This was a very well-written, enthralling little novella! The majority of the first half is building suspense, and the second half is almost all action. The author puts in little clues for the reader that the main character doesn't realize or fully process. For example, she is using a yellow mug, but then the next day it's blue. If I was her I wouldn't have realized it, but as the reader, I noticed. I loved these little moments in it that built suspense for the reader without frustrating the reader. Suspense/thriller books are normally difficult for me because I can't get over how infuriatingly stupid a main character is, but this author kept that in check by using mostly minor details that you wouldn't take much note of living in the moment.

I was a little hesitant about reading a Christmas book considering it's still early, but the description of this book just drew me in. I was pleasantly surprised to find it to not really be a Christmas book at all. It had Christmas elements - outdoor lights, tinsel, jingle bells, snow, etc., but Christmas wasn't a huge part of the plot. I felt like it was just there as a setting inside of a time of year, which worked really well in this novella! It added to the plot without making it cheesy.

Overall, I really enjoyed this quick little read, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a gripping, short, fun read.

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(4.5) Well okay Meyer 👏🏼 points for making my heart race. This is such a quick bingeable read that had me frantically turning the pages by the end. Note to self: always keep my Stanley nearby. This is the perfect little spooky treat heading into the holidays. Which… is kind of a funny thing to say but hey I love thrillers and I love Christmas so this was perfect. The writing was great and there was just enough info to get my invested in Romee before all the craziness went down. Solid solid debut and I look forward to the other novellas she mentions at the end!

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I received this novella from NetGalley, and all I can think is wow, what a ride! I wasn't sure if I'd even like a holiday thriller, but I couldn't put this one down. The story line had me on the edge of my seat and even had me checking my surroundings several times as I was reading.
I instantly felt for the main character as I was also having a hard time around the holidays last year, so it was so easy to feel like I was actually there with her through this crazy trip.

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What happens when you blend a Hallmark Holiday Story with Horror?

This is not my usual read, but I picked it up on a whim because it sounded quirky, and I’m glad I did.

It starts out, in typical holiday -women’s fiction fashion. Romee can’t wait for Christmas. She’s booked a remote cottage in the mountains anticipating a romantic Christmas holiday with her boyfriend. After all, it’s been two years together and she’s convinced he’ll propose. Sadly, boyfriend has other ideas and dumps her unceremoniously in the lead-up to the holiday, breaking not only her heart, but also her wallet when she discovers the deposit is non-refundable.

But Romee’s a modern woman. She ignores advice from friends and family and opts for a solo holiday – lots of self-pity, TV binging and wine. Things get odd very quickly. Are her items being moved around in the house? Are the sounds the creaking of a cottage, or someone creeping around in the house? And will the blinding snowstorm ever let up?

The tension keeps ratcheting up, until full mayhem explodes … all set to cheery Christmas tunes.

An unusual, but fun read, and since it’s a novella, it reads quickly. Enjoy this quirky Christmas read … just … uh …. not all alone in a remote mountain cabin.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy - all thoughts are my own.

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<i>Thanks to NetGalley, Publishers and the Author for the ARC </i>

Don't be fooled by the beautiful cover and expect a warm cozy Christmas-time mystery. For a debut novel, this is very well written. A quick read if you are bored of lengthy fiction and don't want to read another mushy story about Christmas miracles.

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Romee's winter break was planned out months ahead. A week at a cabin in the woods sounded romantic....Instead, he proposes they break up...Romee embarks on a solitary journey to the remote cabin, yearning for peace and closure in the tranquil snowscape...Yet, she feels that something is not right from the moment she arrives --- is she alone?
It is great that the author puts a warning at the beginning of the book about the content -- I wish more authors would do that.
This short story was fantastic -- the edge-of-your-seat page-turner, the suspense had my breath bated -- The suspense slowly builds with each chapter -- keeping your interest until you are finished the story. Amazing writing! -- I will be looking for more from this author. highly recommended.

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What did I just read! I have so many questions. This being a novella why ask why. This was a quick to the point suspense. Still I kept looking over my shoulder to see who and what would happen next. Clever defense tactics for the win! This was not your normal idyllic Christmas vacation in the woods. Thank you to NetGalley for this free advanced copy. This review was given voluntarily.

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This was such a good book. It was a super quick read. I loved the gradual buildup until half way through and then it was all happening so fast. I couldn’t put it down.

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I had a really good time reading this novella. The plot is straight to the point and effective with its thrilling atmosphere. There are a few pinches of humor that I was not expecting and I loved these. It was very refreshing to laugh a little bit. The main character is quite interesting and well-developed, as well as her backstory and her personality. The reveals were engaging and the ending was quite gory and I actually liked that part very much.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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Romee is spending Christmas newly single, stuck with a remote cabin rental she can’t get out of. She tries to drown her sorrows in wine but starts to wonder if she’s truly alone. Is it all in her head or is she not alone after all?

It starts slow and even teases with a romance trope in the beginning. This is a great premise for a romance novel so the cover playing off that was a fun touch.

The thrills start small and quiet before a mad dash of chaos kicks in for the end. It’s short and moves quickly once it starts going so the less I say, the better. Excellent creepy Christmas novella.

This is likely the result of the eARC but the formatting was strange. It was all italicized and right aligned. This was only on the Kindle app and looked normal on my Kindle. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Meyer Matthews you blew me away. This is the first book Ive read from this author and I am obsessed. The writing, the pacing, you kept reeling me in and I couldn’t believe how insane I felt thinking like Romee but also being like ok Romee is passed out drunk and dreaming all of this, There is no way this is happening this was a true horror story in the sense that this can happen, these things do happen. Even if this wasn't a true story things like this can happen in real life.

There were so many things about this book that reminded me of the movie The Strangers, which I recently rewatched only to find out that, that movie still freaks me out. I’ve had an experience like this when I was 5, having an intruder invade your safe space is something I don't wish on anyone. This was such a fast read I felt like I was at a game with how much i was getting up and cheering Romee on. But it also made me get a chill up my spine and on the back of my neck, also gave me full body chills and that never happens to me. Ive read so many horror, thriller and scary books but nothing has come close to how I felt when reading this book, I even went around my house making sure my kids were ok.

I’m 100% a Romee. We are survivors, there is no way we’re going to hear a noise and say it was the wind especially not after this. I will be reading more from this author. Definitely recommend.

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This was eerie and engaging, a good Christmas story if you want a bit of spook! I flew through it! Also I love this cover, credit to the cover designer/artist!

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I'll Be Alone for Christmas is a festive holiday thriller full of suspense. We follow a woman, Romee, who has just experienced a break-up before the holidays and still decides to take the trip to a secluded cabin in a snowy town for the Christmas period but is met with an ominous presence whilst she is staying here.

The gradual build up of dread in this short novella led to me experiencing so much anticipation that I got so engrossed in this story I didn't want to put it down. This is truly a captivating thriller that made me feel scared for her especially as this theme is something that terrifies me personally, I loved everything about this story.

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After never really reading them, I've been super into novellas recently and this one sure kept up its end of the bargain! I finished this Hallmark-meets-Lifetime thriller in a single sitting and couldn't put it down! Matthews really knows how to draw readers in with her quick writing and attention to detail - I found myself really immersed in the little things! This is one I really wish had a full-length version to provide more depth and developments of the plot and characters because I wanted to know more - the ending sure packed a powerful punch! Overall, this was a great read for the start of the holiday season and I look forward to more from this author!

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You definitely won't want to rent a cabin in small town by yourself after you read this thriller.

I'll be alone for Christmas is a thriller novella. At 121 pages, I had no problem reading this heart-pounding thriller in one sitting. This Christmas Novella is definitely not a heartwarming Christmas tale.

Romee Anderson booked a winter vacation to a cozy cabin with her boyfriend. She is picturing beautiful scenery and roaring fires and a proposal. Only her boyfriend breaks up with her right before their holiday. Romee decides to go on the holiday on her own. Creepy incidents start occurring, and she wonders if she's alone in the house.

I could not put this book down. It was creepy and intense and action-packed. It felt like reading multiple urban legends in one short novel. Heed the authors warning when you go into this one - "proceed with caution."

If you like a creepy Christmas story, you'll love this one.

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Wow! This book completely defied my expectations! It's an incredibly fast-paced and thrilling read, allowing me to finish it in a single sitting. I had not planned on devouring it so quickly, but with just under 2 hours of reading time and the escalating suspense, it was nearly impossible to put down once the story starting building. The main character, Romee, was super relatable and quickly became a force to be reckoned with which I loved. Overall, this was a fun, suspenseful, quick little holiday thriller.

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I wasn't expecting much from this but wow! That is how you write a novella! From the very start I was hooked and on the edge of my seat waiting for the next thing to happen to our narrator.

I loved the aspects of our current reality that the author threw in there, like the Stanley Cup being basically it's own character and the references to how vigilant we all are these days when staying in Air Bnb type accommodations.

A really fun thriller with just the right amount of Christmas thrown in that you could really read this anytime of year. Looking forward to seeing what this author brings us in future!

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A quick fun read for me. Romee has planned her winter break for months. A quiet cabin out alone in the woods. She's hoping her boyfriend of two years pops the question during the secluded stay. But alas! He breaks up just a week before the planned trip. Romee is devastated but goes anyway hoping for some peace and relaxation. From the minute she arrives, things seem weird. Her feelings of being watched. Filled with suspense, you'll find this a page turner! Thanks #Netgalley and #MeyerMatthews for the eARC in exchange for a honest review. All opinions are mine.

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An edge-of-your-seat read!

Romee may be my new favorite female lead in a thriller. Audacious, brave, and in touch with her intuition—a reminder to trust those gut instincts. The perfect thriller with “just enough” Christmas thrown in. Suspense with a side of Charlie Brown Christmas tree and candy canes.

I hold my 5-star reviews closely.

This was an incredible debut for the author and I can’t wait to read more of their work.

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