Member Reviews

As a huge Tolkien nerd, I approve.

Everything about this book is perfect, from the stunning artwork to the in-depth descriptions of the characters and places, to the whole layout and interior design. I just love all of it. This is definitely a book that's worthy to sit on the shelves alongside your Tolkien collection. Now we just need a Lord of the Rings encyclopedia!

I can't really think of anything else to say for this book. It's just that good and something you'll have to check out for yourself. I guess the only complaint I can make is there's no entry for Beorn nor his people, but there's little to no information about that in the first place so I guess I can't blame them.

So go grab yourself a copy or request it at your local library. It's totally worth it.

NOTE: I received a complimentary copy from the author for review purposes only. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was such a cool book that helped me learn more about the world and characters in the hobbit. I’ll probably buy this book as a gift for someone who loves middle earth as they would probably enjoy it

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It's stunning. Incredibly detailed. I will not get over how beautiful the illustrations are. Perfect for any Tolkien fan.

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A informative but concise encyclopedia for the times readers may get overwhelmed with the many names and places in Tolkien's world. Beautifully laid out with excellent aesthetics and illustrations. I can't wait to get my own physical copy!

Thank you to NetGalley and Francis Lincoln for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing the eArc.

This is an amazing encyclopedia about JRR Tolkien and his most told tale and fantasy world - the one with the Lord of the Ring and The Hobbits.

We get a short timeline about JRR Tolkien, which was much appreciated for a non hardcore fan.

I really liked the illustration that was included and the encyclopedia was highly interesting. I mean sure I knew alot of the characters, but not on the level the encyclopedia had. Which shows my level of geeky are pretty low here...
Anyway, I would totally give this encyclopedia to anyone that loves JRR Tolkien and his fantasy world.

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The Hobbit Encyclopedia offers information about characters, creatures, places and more in Tolkien’s universe. It’s a great read for any Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit fans.

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“The Hobbit Encyclopedia” is an in-depth summary of “The Hobbit” with reference to other literary works of J.R.R Tolkien based in Middle Earth, providing breakdowns of characters, languages, locations and events. The writing was accurate and enthusiastic which results in an engaging read which I enjoyed extensively.

A stunning concoction of well-sourced and deep-diving information paired with beautiful illustrations throughout all based from the original literary works makes this the perfect companion book for any Tolkien fan. I am excited to buy copies for all of the Tolkien lovers in my life as this is a perfect gift for any occasion.

I am very grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to honestly review this book in advance of its release.

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"The Hobbit Encyclopedia" is an extensive guidbook for every Tolkien fan, both old and new. It is structured well, the font used is fitting and the art abslutely gorgeous. Not only is there a lot to learn about the world of Middle Earth itself, but about Tolkien himself as well as the literature he was inspired by. I honestly can't imagine a better book to gift to a LotR / Tolkien fan.

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This is a wealth of information from the characters to different type of people to various creatures to the languages spoken (with alphabets and pronounciation) to important artefacts and places. Every chapter or item has either colourful illustration or pencil sketch with detailed description. All these depiction are justified with sources from which they were derived from. The illustrations are not based on the movies. This is a good book to refer to when one wants to visualize the characters or artefacts and know some specific details.
Thanks to NetGalley and Publisher for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Hobbit fans' ultimate guide to everything Hobbit is The Hobbit Encyclopedia. In this 334 page book, you'll find descriptions of characters, language and writing systems, objects, constructions, places, noteworthy events, and sources of inspiration. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings introduced readers to the world of Middle-earth and to the fantasy world that would inspire Tolkien's future works. This encyclopedia is the perfect place to start if you haven't read Tolkien's works before. A variety of grayscale and color illustrations in the book allow readers to experience Tolkien's world realistically. Maps were not included in the book, which disappointed me. It is written in an easy-to-follow format that will appeal to fans and new readers alike. The entries are quite comprehensive, engaging and capture the attention of the readers, making them want to read the book from beginning to end. Tolkien's works are well represented and researched by the author. Throughout the decades, Tolkien's writing has captured the attention of readers, which makes this book relevant today.

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This book has been on my radar for ages! I even put it on my 2023 Christmas list (yes, I still have a Christmas list) not realising it wasn't out until 2024. And so I was thrilled to be sent an early copy.

I love J.R.R Tolkien. I have a dedicated bookcase for his books, which include five copies of The Hobbit, and three of Lord of the Rings, amongst literary evaluations from people like David Day, as well as other books by Tolkien such as The Silmarillion, Tolkien on Fairy-Stories, and Tales From the Perilous Realm. I even have a LOTR tattoo, so yeah, I'm a big fan.

There is so much in this book. I don't know why I'm surprise, I mean it is an encyclopaedia after all. But it covers characters, creatures, types of people i.e. dwarves and, obviously hobbits, languages, writing systems, objects, places, notable events, and sources of inspiration. So there really is something for everyone and you can pick the particular bits that you're most interested in.

There are some lovely illustrations in it, some colourised and others simple sketches, but they really help bring the words to life, and I have always been a fan of illustrations in grown-up books.

I was worried at first that it would simply be a regurgitating of facts from the books and wouldn't actually bring anything new to Tolkien's world. But, whilst there is obviously an element of repeating what we already know, Damien and his co-authors are clearly superfans and have done so much research to fill the chapters, it's very impressive. Now I admit, whilst I have a lot of his book, I wouldn't call myself a Tolkien superfan in the sense that I know the answer to any Hobbit question, and so it shouldn't surprise me that a lot of what is writing is new to me. Even for the biggest of fans, I think it gives you enough new stuff to excite you.

It is very information heavy, which to be honest is what you expect from an encyclopaedia on any topic, but just note there's a lot of reading involved and I think that would scare away younger or unconfident readers.

I'm not sure I got it's full effect as a digital copy, but I think it would look really great in a physical form on your coffee table. If you're a Tolkien fan or a Hobbit fan, then get this on your radar.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for giving me this eArc to review.

This is a beautiful encyclopedia that includes stunning art, family trees and lots of detailed information. I feel like any fan of Tolkien would love this book.

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If you love The Hobbit, if you love J.R.R. Tolkien, this book is a must-have. A beautifully illustrated treasure trove, perfect as a gift for yourself or all The Hobbit loving members of your inner circle. A masterpiece!

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What a splendid book! This is a lovely illustrated encyclopedia of characters related to JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit. The entries are detailed and clearly written. The style of the book fits with the Tolkien theme. The illustrations are detailed and lovely to look at. This book would appeal to the gamut of Tolkien fans. From casual readers to deeply devout aficionados—this book will be a gift for anyone’s collection. Lovely work. Very well done.
My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this digital ARC. My opinions are solely my own.

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It was a very great encyclopedia it was very informative and gave me everything I need to know about the hobbits and the middle earth

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author 's for gifting me the ebook. Absolutely beautiful photos and just loved this book! If you are a Hobbit fan and fan of the author you will love this book! Highly recommend it.

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Gorgeous encyclopedia for all Tolkien lovers!! I absolutely LOVED the illustrations that went along with each entry & found it super easy to dive into and read about what interested me at the time. This is perfect for any Tolkien fan & focuses on the lore for The Hobbit (although there is, of course, some crossover with Lord of the Rings info)

Really beautifully compiled book, that made me eager to re-read The Hobbit once again. Huge thanks to NetGalley, Damien Bador, and Quarto Publishing for the chance to read and review this e-copy! My thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Extremely well-detailed and illuminating, this is certainly a great encyclopedia for Hobbit lovers and collectors. I liked the way it was structured and the subjects included.
The drawings match the canon’s style and are beautiful. Visually, I expected a bit more. Otherwise, 5 stars. For my taste, 4 stars.

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A perfect encyclopaedia to have if you struggle with the all-too-numerous names and places in The Hobbit, well organised by topics and with a tonne of beautiful illustrations.

Tolkien's work is known for being very dense in terms of worldbuilding, so the casual reader will often get lost in it and probably need help to keep all that information straight. Given the narrative scheme of this book, I suspect it was written with that audience in mind. They are certainly the ones that will need it the most, especially if they've dipped their toes into LOTR through the films before the books. This encyclopaedia is about the book, however, though it also includes some information that is in LOTR and The Silmarillion, because, let's face it, Tolkien's work is neither standalone (even if The Hobbit can be read as a standalone) nor exists on a vacuum: all the books inform and feed each other, and presenting all this information in a way that doesn't overwhelm readers was quite thoughtful. There's even a guide to the Dwarven alphabet!

For the fans and old hands, though, the selling point will likely be either the collector's bug biting hard or the artwork. In my case, it was a bit of both but mostly the latter. I tend to collect illustrations of my favourites, and I liked the artwork for this encyclopaedia. It's a mix of pencilled black-and-white physiognomy studies and full-colour illustrations in a realistic style. I appreciated the no inclusion of film stuff, at least I didn't notice any; the artist that did them is obviously a fan, seeing all the care and love they put into the artwork.

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This was utterly fantastic!! More than I even thought possible! Tolkien was a genius. I'd like to say "is a genius" because as far as I'm concerned creating creatures and languages, writing songs and developing whole new languages is just not done. At least not done logically. I hold his spirit as the pinnacle to which all other fantasy authors aspire. To be a pragmatic daydreamer is not easily done . It cannot be faked. And I think with the resurgence of all things Tolkien in the last ten years or so it's proven fact that he is king.

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