Member Reviews

The book has a lot of potential. It kept me engaged especially at the beginning while we were getting to know Grace. I even cried at some points.

The book however jumped in quality, some chapters were awesome, but as it got towards the end, it started to lose me. It introduced side characters, as main characters that had no relevance to the plot in my POV.

I would have loved to get to know Alex the same way and as much as we got to know Grace.

Overall, strong start and a good story, but slowly started to feel like I was reading a different book, and then got a rushed ending.

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I highly recommend this book which I could not put down. Read it in a few hours. There is a very sad start to this story which is ultimately very up-lifting. The title says it all, no matter the trials we go through finding strength through someone else’s support makes all the difference. Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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I adored reading this story. I found the characters to be complex but easy to like. I was invested right from the start and stayed up late to read more. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars.

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