Member Reviews

Okay so this took me longer to review because I didn’t realise it was a series, so I went back and started from scratch to catch up to this book.

The series itself was great, but I did realise that I probably could have read this book on its own without reading the others. There were references to the other books but nothing that would have been very confusing!
I really liked Misfits Magic. It was a nice, easy read that I would place in between YA and middle grade which made for a cozy time. I love books that I don’t have to work for in order to understand what’s going on (I’ve been reading a lot of world building fantasy) and this was definitely it! I love the boarding school vibe and magic and all things witchy, so this will definitely be a re read come autumn time.


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This was such a great sequel!! It was so good. I could not stop reading it and it was so good! I loved it. This is a great series and I hope it continues because I would love to read more!!!
I just reviewed Misfit's Magic by Fred Gracely. #MisfitsMagic #NetGalley
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Goff thought he was done with magic when he set foot in the dormitory of the boarding school. Goff and his friends Halstrom and Lydia are dragged into another evil plot to create a new and different magical empire. Why? If he doesn’t find a way to stop this, all the people he loves and care about will die. Will Goff be able to do it? While he looks for the answer to stop it, he runs into “the Mosiac Man” who haunts his dreams. It worries him.

The author has written this book as a sequel to his previous book “Misfit’s Magic the last Halloween.” The book is filled with magic, humor, boarding school magic, and monsters. There are surprising twists and turns in their adventure. Ont of the things that surprised me was his visit with a gargoyle. I enjoyed his conversation with it. It is a delightful urban fantasy.

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Thank you for the chance to be a kid again. With this arc, i had a fun time reading this. Cute, cozy winter mystery vibes. I do personally think my audience won’t gravitate towards this book due to it being a middle / ya mystery.

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The story opens with a frightening dream-like premonition. Goff would soon later realize this was the beginning of his days back into magic.

A little bit into the future from the events of the first book, we’re introduced to Goff, Lydia and Halstrom’s life at their new boarding school. It felt a little unnatural but somehow it worked altogether. We don’t delve into their school life a whole lot except their standings, strengths and weak subjects. Although, I think the one school scene was a bit random and didn’t contribute to the overall story. Besides Halstrom and Pam’s relationship, it was also awkward how both Goff and Lydia had romantic interests now because it was a sudden development.

The story has a lot of twists and turns. Some are really well done while others seem a little rushed and sloppy. The plot is quite similar to the first book with another attempt at resurrection with Goff somehow saving the day. I still thoroughly enjoyed it but what stood out for me the most was Goff’s growth.

We could understand and see Goff’s care for his friends and his ability to put things together. While I was not a fan of everyone relying on him and some of the friendship dynamics, I think Goff did a great job in trusting in himself and being honest with his friends.

There are a lot of new and recurring characters in this book. I wasn’t particularly attached to any of them, but they did contribute to the story in different ways. Whether they were being a villain, comedic relief or just supportive they each had a purpose. That said, none of the villains are portrayed as too dark or vicious even though the story does touch on elements of dark magic quite heavily.

Overall, this was a fun adventure mystery. All events tie up cleanly at the end and although the mystery took a while to start, it was engaging once it did. This book does hint at a mystery surrounding Goff, so I’m looking forward to the next book!

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I'm so glad that I got this one for my grandson! It's fun, full of humor, magic and monsters! Everything he loves! The story plot is engaging. Rich characters that are well developed. We bot found this one a delight! Thanks #Netgalley and #BisketPressLLC for the eARC in exchange for a honest review. All opinions are mine

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Would recommend - this is a middle grade I loved the look of the cover and it drew me in as soon as I read the synopsis, I have also since read the others in the series.

This was lighthearted and fun, perfect for all middle grade fans and I would recommend to younger audience and also adult audiences. It was great

4 stars

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This is a wonderful book. The characters are very descriptive and interesting. The story is very well written. The quests and unexpected turns are very fun to read. The adventure was very interesting and extraordinary.
I would like to thank the author for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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"Misfit's Magic" is a delightful young adult novel that effortlessly weaves fantasy elements into an engaging narrative. This book is a joyous exploration of the unexpected and the extraordinary, making it a perfect read for those who love a touch of magic in their stories. The characters are endearing, and their journey is both captivating and relatable. As the plot unfolds, the reader is drawn into a world filled with whimsy and wonder, making it difficult to put the book down. The novel's blend of adventure and charm makes it a quick and enjoyable read, leaving readers eagerly anticipating where the characters will go next. "Misfit's Magic" is a testament to the author's skill in creating a compelling young adult fantasy that entertains and resonates with readers of all ages.

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This is the second book in the series.
A really enjoyable middle grade story with a good plot. I love any series that is well written and has fantasy/magic elements.
5 stars
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC

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Review: I requested this novel as I had nothing else to read and I am glad I did. What I thought would be a mundane slog through YA hormones, angst and saving the world turned out to be all of these things, only the volume was turned down from eleven to four.

This was a good time with some interesting turns in the story line that are rather unexpected. The is palatable in that it is fairly grounded in presentation. The kid gets his ass kicked here and there along with his buddies yet never quits. A good message for those little fukers out there thinking life should hand them everything.

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This is a great follow-up to the first Misfit book. It refers back to events in the first without rehashing everything that occurred and continues to develop these characters. Quick note - if you haven't read The Last Halloween you probably want to before starting this as it provides a lot of the background you will need in order to follow everything that happens and is discussed. I liked getting to see the characters of Goff, Lydia, and Halstrom continue to work as a team in taking on whatever evil plots they find themselves in. The humor in the book (especially the banter between Lydia and Halstrom) keeps the story from getting too dark. I'm assuming the characters of Sam and Joy will play a role in future books because I didn't think they added much of anything to this one. I actually thought Goff and Lydia's feelings for those characters came on a little too quickly (this was more the case with Joy and Goff). The big reveal about Dempsey was a nice surprise and I look forward to seeing what he gets up to in future books. The villains keep the stakes high and turned out to be even worse than expected. Sometimes the second book in a series don't live up to the first, but I found this to be a perfect sequel. As I mentioned previously, it continues the already established story while moving the characters and larger plot forward. I can't wait to see what happens next with the main trio, but also what future books have in store for Pam and Ben (that reveal was definitely a game changer). Looking forward to book 3 next fall!

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I was drawn to this book because of the cover it gives us dark fantasy/mystery vines and feels like the three will face many dangers and it didn't disappoint. Also, the colorful tiny lights hint at Christmas a great sequel to the first book (that I believe has Halloween vibes - I haven't read the second and didn't notice there was a second because the author crafted this volume well to stand on its own). The end is satisfying and joyful and my favorite thing is their link of friendship that makes the team strong and confident to save the world.
The author has great scenes well described and easy to visualize, some are dark others are magical and splendurous.
Fun urban fantasy with lots of action and creative characters.
My favorite character is Goff.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this e-ARC.

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Just want to start with that I did not read book 1 before reading book 2. I did not feel like I needed to read the first one to be able to understand this one. There are references to the events of book 1 but I did not feel lost by it. And it doesn't give too much away where I cannot go back to read book 1.

With that said, I did enjoy this book. The world is imaginative and I love the creatures that the author have created. The gargoyles are not the usual gargoyles I have seen in other books. The three friends( Goff, Lydia, and Halstrom) are written so believably. They banter and tease each other that made them real as I read through the book.

I was nicely surprised by the darker elements in the book. I liked that this story does not dumb down the material to its intended audience. It is a good read for young middle grade readers.

I do recommend this for readers who live urban fantasy with relatably characters.

I would like to thank Netgalley and Buskett press for an eARC of Shades of Winter.

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This book has all of the YA/adult urban fantasy vibes, but is more appropriate for the younger crowd with no bad language and no spicy content. I personally find that many books that try for that vibe take it a bit too childish, and it becomes more of a twisted fairytale. This book is NOT that. It does have a few dark elements that might be disturbing for very young children depending on maturity, but would be great for the upper elementary and middle school crowd!

Before I get into my review, I'd like to say that I went into this one without having read the first book (this is book 2). While there are a few slight references to events in book 1, I felt that I was able to read book 2 without feeling lost or as if I had missed tons of information. I also didn't feel as if anything that I read in book two gave away massive spoilers from book one, so if I went back to read the first, I would likely still thoroughly enjoy it.

And now for my thoughts on the actual book/story...

I really enjoyed this! I loved the creatures that the author dreamed up, and that the nixies were given names to humanize them a bit more. I love the banter between the characters that provides a very good glimpse into how middle school friendships appear in the real world. They're always teasing and prodding at one another in a fun and sarcastic way! While I missed some of the magic in this book, that was kind-of the point, as Goff (who I kept calling Geoff in my mind) had lost his magic. That said, the magic from the other creatures came into play to make things interesting. And that ending! I did not expect it to go the way it did!

Would I recommend???

Absolutely! Especially to tweens and teens who may not be ready for the super heavy stuff, yet want a well-developed, not babyish storyline! I have already recommended this book to my daughter, and look forward to sharing it with others.

Side note: I am really liking the grouchy gargoyles, and will have to watch for more books to get more of them!

🧚🏻Thanks so much to NetGalley, Bisket Press, and author Fred Gracely for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Buskett Press LLC for a digital review copy of "Shades of Winter" in exchange for my honest and voluntary review.

YA fans of Harry Potter and Groosham Grange will undoubtedly enjoy this well written and surprisingly dark magical fantasy that celebrates individuality, friendship and found family.

This is book 2 in the series and this instalment sees Goff and friends Lydia and Halstrom now at Amworth Academy, hoping that the events in Spraksville are long behind them as they look to the future. But - nothing is ever that simple and so our heroic trio are dragged into a diabolic plot to create a new magical empire funded by rich and powerful people!

Much like with Book 1, I was so surprised at how dark and close to horror this book got with the use of very black magics, and eerie and effective settings making for a highly entertaining and spooky read.

This time the story wasn't quite as intense on the horror side and was more magics focused so will probably be a bit more comfortable for most in the YA/Middle Grade audience however it still had an edge that meant it isn't a soft magical book like the earlier book in the Harry Potter series are and definitely read closer to the later books in that series.

Much like Book 1 this story was a little overlong with some of the build-up probably being able to be cut down a little and I found Halstrom more annoying this time round however his banter with Lydia is very believable. This reflects on the rest of the characters as a whole who are generally very well rounded and three dimensional,and Goff especially is a likeable lead. Also we have again, truly bad baddies, and the final showdown was vividly written and action-packed.

I would recommend to read the books in order to get to know the characters plus several plot points directly relate to book 1. You can still absolutely read it out of order but I think you'll get far more enjoyment from starting at the beginning. A recommended and magical read.

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This is a fun story. Dark but perfect for kids. I enjoyed the characters and the premise. Well done.

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What worked:
The opening scene offers an effective hook as Goff awakens from a horrible dream that seems like more of a premonition. He sees a mysterious “mosaic man” making plans with a gargoyle and saying the kids got lucky last year. They won’t be a problem this time. This vision really shakes up Goff and will immediately create tension for readers. His school life is complicated when Goff discovers some entitled classmates acting suspiciously and he fears magic is making its way back into his life. However, he’s sent off on a secret mission with his “team” before he can fully investigate the terrible thing brewing on the school’s campus. Much of the plot takes place across the world where Goff uncovers a nefarious plan of dark magic that spans generations.
Goff’s team mostly consists of his roommate Halstrom and a loyal friend named Lydia. Halstrom contributes humor to the story through his overly literal, analytical mind. Ironically, one of his first funny scenes comes when he tries to get Lydia to understand that she’s using the word literally incorrectly. Lydia isn’t so concerned with details but the author introduces a twist to her character. Something unexpected happens when Goff is hit with a blast of dark magic in the first book that has a game-changing effect on Lydia. Curiously, Goff lived with foster siblings named Ben and Pam, who enjoyed bullying him in the previous book, but Pam has now become an ally and Halstrom’s girlfriend. Pam and Ben become key factors in the plot but for totally unexpected reasons.
The concept of magic comes in various forms and sources. Goff is separated from his magic but that may be confusing for readers. He’s still able to connect with elements of nature and use the connections to perform “magical” deeds but this isn’t considered magic in the context of the story. The plot also includes things called nexi that help Goff, Lydia, and Halstrom with their magical shortcomings. Goff’s feelings about these small balls of light and their helpful actions actually boost them to the level of friendly characters. The evil characters perform traditional magic spells with sacrificial offerings and group chanting. Human sacrifice is not out of the question which amplifies the suspense.
What didn’t work as well:
The story makes a big point of describing how Goff lost his connection with magic however he’s still able to manipulate nature. I’m not able to reconcile the idea in my mind that Goff’s connection to nature isn’t considered magic. That inconsistency doesn’t work as well but most readers can probably disregard this concern.
The final verdict:
It’s not required that you read the first book but it wouldn’t hurt. Goff’s insecurities about being a leader and his loss of magic make him more endearing and add drama to the story. The whole conflict boils down to a resurrected battle between Goff and an ultimate evil and I recommend you give it a shot.

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Title: An Enchanting Tale of the Unconventional

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

"Misfit's Magic" by Fred Gracely is a delightful journey into a world where magic is as quirky and diverse as its characters. This enchanting tale celebrates the unconventional and the extraordinary found in the most unexpected places.

Gracely's storytelling shines through as he weaves together a narrative that's both heartwarming and comical. The misfits, each with their unique magical abilities, are a charming and endearing bunch. Their quirks and idiosyncrasies make them feel like old friends, and you'll find yourself rooting for them as they navigate a world that often misunderstands their powers.

The plot is a whimsical adventure that combines elements of fantasy, humor, and friendship. While the pacing can be a tad uneven at times, the story's charm more than makes up for it. The unpredictability of the misfits' magic keeps the reader engaged, and there are moments of genuine brilliance in the way their powers are portrayed.

What truly sets "Misfit's Magic" apart is its celebration of diversity and the message that being different is what makes us special. The book is a reminder that our quirks and oddities are what make us unique, and that our true magic lies in embracing our authentic selves.

If you're looking for a lighthearted and positive read that celebrates individuality and the extraordinary in the ordinary, "Misfit's Magic" is a magical choice. Fred Gracely has created a world that's as strange as it is wonderful, and it's a place you'll want to visit again and again.

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Loved Misfit’s Magic book one - The Last Halloween, and this one is even better. For young readers and up. Fantasy, magic, friends, humour, mystery and villains, all rolled up in a perfectly formed, entertaining package. Read the books in order if you can. Thank you to Buskett Press, LLC and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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