Member Reviews

Nalini Singh’s sixteenth installment in the Guild Hunter series, "Archangel's Lineage," beautifully returns to the heart of the series, focusing once again on the beloved couple, Elena and Raphael. After a long absence in the spotlight, their dynamic shines as brightly as ever, reaffirming them as one of my favorite pairs in this richly crafted world.

The story presents a rollercoaster of emotions as Elena and Raphael face challenges that threaten their loved ones. Singh masterfully intertwines themes of grief, love, and compassion, creating an emotional depth that resonates throughout the narrative. Her prose flows like poetry, effortlessly drawing readers back into the enchanting realm of angels and vampires.

The pacing is excellent, keeping the plot engaging and well-structured. Familiar characters return, enriching the interactions and making the story feel alive. The love between Elena and Raphael is palpable, enhanced by their dual perspectives that add layers to their bond.

Mystery and danger weave through the story, striking a perfect balance between tension and lightness. Singh captures the emotional rollercoaster of life and death beautifully, prompting reflections on love and life that linger long after reading.

The introduction of ancient lore adds an intriguing layer, showcasing Singh’s impressive world-building skills. The history of the angels is captivating, and I found myself longing for more stories from this universe, especially involving the newly introduced ancient beings.

Overall, "Archangel's Lineage" is a treasure that fans will cherish. I can't wait for the next installment, eager to explore more adventures with these beloved characters!

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Elena and Raphael are back! I would not mind if this series kept going forever, but I am also intrigued by what was implied in this book about the possibility of peace. And now I can only wonder what will happen next if peace is indeed achieved. As always, the characters are engaging and the plot intriguing. And as always I am eagerly awaiting what comes next in this world.

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4.5 stars. I’m such a big fan of the Guild Hunter series. As someone who loves this world and lore, and who deeply resonates with and loves the cast of characters, it’s no surprise that making a return to it would elicit such a strong positive emotional response. I genuinely didn’t know where else this series could or would go, but I trust in Nalini Singh’s ability to write more in it — and that trust isn’t misplaced. It was really cool to see the lore get larger, that’s for sure! And, of course, being amongst individuals I hold so beloved was a real treat — even when what was going on made me incredibly emotional (in the hysterical screaming in joy and pain sense). Another hit for me, for sure, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

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I’ve been a fan of this book for years and I’ve loved returning to this world. Being back with my favorite couple is so nostalgic and wonderful. Five stars from me.

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With the sixteenth book in the Guild Hunter series, Nalini Singh brings the series back to its original focus as Elena and Raphael become the main couple of the book again. Since it’s been a long time since we’ve had a book with them as the featured couple, I was very excited about this. And even after reading this book, they remain as one of my favorite couples in the series (despite the fact that there are so many other great couples in this series).

Elena and Raphael encounter several issues that hit a bit too close to home, endangering those that they love, so it’s definitely a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I really enjoyed the level of grief, love and compassion that this story possessed.

Singh’s words are like poetry, painting a beautiful picture for readers to enjoy. The narration flows like water, making it easy to read. Everything feels so effortless when you step back into this world of angels and vampires. I already can’t wait for the next one.

For a guaranteed good read, you don’t want to miss out on ARCHANGEL’S LINEAGE.

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It was great to return to Elena and Raphael and see what their new normal is for now. I'm still wanting more with Aodhan and Illium's story so I hope that's next. We keep learning more about angel history and seeing the constant ripple effects of long ago actions, and how they affect contemporary characters who had no knowledge of them.
I never want to spoil too much as Nalini's books are such a treat for readers, I'm sure they'll be thrilled with this latest book in the series.

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Singh returns to Elena and Raphael's story with this next installment of the Guild Hunter series. The two are navigating a time of peace as Elena faces the realities of mortality and works to heal, come to terms some of the broken bonds in her family, and gain a sense of closure. Meanwhile, an archangel has gone missing and there are warnings of a new threat to the world. Like other books in the series, there is plenty of political unrest, romance and adventure. With a lot wrapped up in the previous book, I felt as if Archangel's Lineage may be leading up to some conclusions rather than introducing another arching story line. I think readers of the other books in the series will really enjoy this returned focus to Elena and Raphael. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and is another example of why I love this series.

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** spoiler alert ** My heart! I was roped back into the world Nalini has created and it was like a warm hug! AH! I screamed with a smile and tears of how much I love these characters. Can't believe it's been 16 plus books so far. Want to do a whole reread before the final book for sure!

I love the plot of the book. It was interesting and good paced. There were so many characters that we got to previously know and how they interreacted with each other was amazing! The love that Elena and Raphael have for each other is beautiful! Each word spoken is amazing! I love that we got there POV in this book!

The mystery and danger in this book was fun to read. It wasn't heavy or very doomy feeling. But the emotional roller coaster between life and death was so beautifully written. I was contemplating my own life and how I want to live it with my own love one and how there is a sliver light at the end.

I don't want the story to end cause I want these characters to forever live and that mean new books forever please! JK! Not but for really I would LOVE to keep reading about new Characters.

The history of the Angel was so interesting honestly Nalini is so smart with the whole Lore of their Kind. It was super cool of an Ancient to be introduced! I love them for being this old being and how they have a whole story and if it involves a love I want to read about it!

I will treasure these new releases and want more!

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FINAL DECISION: ARCHANGEL'S LINEAGE feels like the end of an era, wrapping up major storylines while leaving the door open for potential future developments. Nalini Singh has crafted an emotionally charged and gripping tale that will leave fans of the series both satisfied and eager for more.

THE STORY: Raphael and Elena are finally experiencing a year of true peace, free from the horrors of war and archangelic power. However, their tranquility is shattered when the earth beneath the Refuge begins to tremble, endangering the fragile young of angelkind and the sanctuary that has kept them safe for eons.

Amidst the chaos, Elena's father suffers a violent heart attack, threatening to extinguish their last chance to heal the wounds of their shared past. As Elena battles grief, Raphael is torn from her side by the sudden disappearance of an archangel. To make matters worse, an ancient Ancestor awakens from his slumber to warn the Cadre of a darkness so terrible that it causes empires to fall and civilizations to vanish.

OPINION: ARCHANGEL'S LINEAGE is a fitting return to Raphael and Elena's story and feels like it could possibly serve as the series' conclusion. The world is unsettled, with quakes and natural disasters plaguing the globe, and the couple must strive to protect their people and the failing natural barrier of the Aire.

Nalini Singh masterfully blends action, suspense, and character development, creating a riveting story that keeps readers engaged until the very end. The exploration of Elena's mortality and her relationships with her human family adds depth and emotional weight to the narrative.

The introduction of new characters, such as the enigmatic Ancestor, and the emergence of a secondary story involving a former Guild character and a mysterious vampire add fresh elements to the well-established world.

This book really feels like a conclusion to the initial story of the series. In Singh's skilled hands, the narrative ties up loose ends and provides a sense of closure for the characters and their arcs while still leaving room for potential future developments. In Singh's Psy-Changeling series, she made a deliberate pivot to end the initial "Season" and move into new stories. This book can operate in the same way. It feels like much is resolved. If she intends to continue the series, I hope this opens new stories and characters for exploration.

WORTH MENTIONING: The book provides satisfying updates on couples from previous books, such as Titus and Lady Sharine, and offers glimpses into the lives of the growing children in the series.

CONNECTED BOOKS: ARCHANGEL'S LINEAGE is the sixteenth book in the Guild Hunters series. To fully appreciate the character development, story arcs, and satisfying wrap-ups provided in this installment, it is essential to read the previous books in the series. While ARCHANGEL'S LINEAGE offers some context, the emotional impact and the significance of the resolutions will be most keenly felt by those who have followed the series from the beginning.

STAR RATING:  I give this book a well-deserved 5 stars for its perfect blend of action, romance, and emotional depth and for the satisfying resolution it offers to the series' fans.

NOTE: I received an eARC of this book via Netgalley in order to prepare a review. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter books are the first of her books I read, and have a strong love for the series, and especially Elena and Raphael. Archangel's Lineage was another winner in the series.

I'm always here for a book that focuses on Elena and Raphael, and we really got to spend so much quality time with them in this book. Ms. Singh has fast forwarded the timeline about 20 years, and I enjoyed getting to see so many favorite characters from past books. I especially loved that Elena and her family seemed to finally make some peace with the past, and won't lie about the number of times I teared up reading her time with her father talking about the past. This portion of the book alone was catnip for me, as I've always wanted Elena to find some way to have her family in her life.

There was so much that went on in the world during this book, I really had to reflect on much of it for a while before writing my review. I really did love this book and all the twists and turns we experienced in both the angel world and vampire world. I find myself once again wishing we got more than one Guild Hunter book each year, as I really adore this series, and Archangel's Lineage was such a wonderful addition to the series. I'm not sure exactly where we are headed in the Guild Hunter world in the future, but I'm definitely along for the ride for each and every moment to come.

Rating: 4 Stars (B)

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My Review (May contain spoilers, fair warning upon reading this review)

My Rating: 4.5 Stars

Archangel's Lineage is a powerful read here. I absolutely had a fun time returning to Raphael and Elena in this fun adventure. I always love the books where we get back to this couple. But I will say that even though we got some fun times with Raphael and Elena, it felt different from previous books that we have had of them together. I really wanted to love this more than I did, but there were some side plots that I just didn't seem invested in.

The serial plot of this story was so fascinating and I am very curious to see where Nalini Singh is going with this one here. I really was intrigued because we get a character connected to the legion and I am really like this dude haha But we also get some interesting aspects happening to Elena's family that really adds some depth to her character in ways that I didn't expect to see. But I also was endeared in how it grows the relationship between Elena and Raphael. We also see aspects of the serial plot and we are seeing growth of their connection being key to everything. I absolutely adored it dearly.Now while it wasn't perfect, it was still a super solid read and it was refreshing to get back to one of my favorite couples.

Overall I found Archangel's Lineage to be a powerful story that continue the epic love story of Raphael and Elena and the serial growth of this world. A WILD GEM OF A READ!

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Such an amazing and emotional read! I loved being back in the Guild Hunter world with my favorite couple - Raphael and Elena again! Elena hasn't always had a good relationship with her father but I liked how this one provided a sort of closure for her and how Raphael and the others were there to help her through it. I feel like the series might also be winding down soon. I don't know how many more books we'll be getting but I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to this one yet🥺

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I really enjoyed this edition of the Guild Hunter archangel series. Got a very quick snippet of peace and happiness before it all starts crumbling down, literally. Something is shaking the foundation of angelkind, no big baddie but all of the earth itself. On the homefront, Elena is pulled back to NYC and divided by her father's health and dangers of world events. I actually enjoyed this book much more than recent books in this series. Felt like we got a peek at several of the side characters, but Elena and Rafael are front and center again in this one. Love their love! and a new character is introduced. Just when we think we have mysterious sleeping angels, we get a hint of much much more. Also, Elena's time with her sisters and family was extremely rewarding. Thank you #netgalley #nalinisingh for this ARC. Publication date is currently set for April 23, 2024. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. I also purchased this book in audio format and it was a great listen, too. #ArchangelsLineage

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I adored this book because it gave us more Elena and Raphael! They are so great together. I love the world that Nalini has created. Its beautiful and terrifying! Long time fans of the series will be delighted with Archangel's Lineage!

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Erica – ☆☆☆☆
ARCHANGEL'S LINEAGE is the 16th installment of the Guild Hunter series. It cannot be read as a standalone and all 15 previous novels must be read in order.

A sense of finality upon completion. A warmth that all is right in the Guild Hunter universe. I have no idea if this is the final installment, but I can't see how the series moves forward unless in a different era or focusing on different characters. The stage is set for Vivek, which I would be ecstatic to read.

ARCHANGEL'S LINEAGE felt like old-school Guild Hunters with how Elena revisits past characters not shown often in later novels.

Time has passed since the Cascade and wars. Some peace has been found by the awake Archangels in the Cadre, but all those recent events shifted the balance. A balance that needs to be reset.

A series of natural disasters occur as Elena sits at her father's bedside. While these two events do not connect, they inspire similar emotions and mindsets.

Bittersweet wistfulness. A sense of urgency to right past wrong, heal old wounds, clear up miscommunications, and give forgiveness. A gamut of raw, real emotions.

Elena is discovering the price to no longer being mortal, as the passage of time slowly draws her family from her. Elena's younger sister is experiencing age-related issues, as they watch the youngest sisters grow into adults and have children of their own. The eldest niece and goddaughter are grown young women now. Elena and her family come full circle in the loss of their matriarch and two elder sisters, something that has ridden shotgun since the opener of book one.

Information on the ancients comes to light, which adds to the mythology of their creation and existence, as well as their place in not only the world but in time as well.

The Cadre must come together in unity with the help of an unlikely yet surprising ally.

A wonderful addition to a favorite series of mine, even if Singh overcomplicates some portions unnecessarily and adds many points of view (some only a paragraph in length) that probably lend more value versus confusion on a reread.

I had planned on a reread, but I think I'll try the audiobook version next. I'm curious to hear the series brought to life.

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This was a good book in the series, with lots of action and conflict. However, there was very little romance and the writing wasn’t great. I’m glad we’ve come back to Raphael and Elena though!

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This book felt like an end of an Era.

I’m wiping away tears as I write this review because I just finished this book. This book was emotional yet gripping and Nalini should be proud. The emotionally charged moment because Elena and her human family mixed with the drama unfolding for the Cadre was masterful. I also love the addition of Vivek’s POV that you got sprinkled in. At this point- if you made it to book 16 you are already invested in the series, but even then, this book was truly great.

I’m trying so hard to not spoil this book since I read an ARC, but I felt like Nalini wrapped the series up in a way. She left the world open for potential, but it also felt like she ended all of the major issues and brought in a potential for peace in a way that no previous book did. I’m not sure what her intentions are, but if this is the end it is quite a satisfying one. But if it is also just the start of something new? Well I won’t complain.

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Archangel’s Lineage takes place ten years after the war with Lijuan that nearly ended the world. They’ve been living in relative peace for the last twelve months, so the Cadre decide to throw a post-war ball at the Refuge. Before the celebrations can commence a violent earthquake strikes, injuring and killing many and severely damaging the Refuge.

Natural disasters are happening around the globe with increasing frequency and intensity, and the Refuge’s camouflage is fading with no knowledge of how to repair it. The Cadre band together to find out how to stop all this before the world is destroyed.

Meanwhile, Elena’s father, Jeffrey has a heart attack and is unresponsive. Elena is terrified he’ll die before they mend all the past hurts between them. My heart ached for Elena. Jeffery’s situation brought home the reality of her immortality, living on long after her mortal family is gone. I really enjoyed seeing Elena grow closer to her extended family. It was cathartic and healing!

This is book sixteen in the Guild Hunter series. That sounds a bit intimidating, but several books can be read as standalones, IMO, because they focus on other couples besides Raphael and Elena, and only touch a little on the continuing story ARC.

The Raphael/Elena books should be read in order. The history of their romance is not to be missed! There are eight, including this installment. I binge read the Raphael/Elena books in a month, back in 2018, and have been reading every new installment since.

The Guild Hunter series is addictive and exciting! One I wholeheartedly recommend! The audios narrated by Justine Eyre are fantastic!

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Nalini Singh's Archangel's Lineage is the Sixteenth installment in the author's Guild Hunters series. This is a series set in a dark world where lethal, beautiful archangels hold sway over immortals and mortals alike, with the Guild Hunters caught in between. Key characters: Elena, Guild Hunter, made Angel, and consort to Raphael. Raphael, Archangel of New York and one of the members of the Cadre who oversees the world as well as keeping various supernaturals in line.

It has been 20 years since Elena became Raphael's consort. It has been ten years since Lijuan died. It has been 11 months since the war ended, the Cascade seems to have rescinded, and the Legion disappeared leaving a hole in Elena's heart. Raphael and Elena are experiencing their feeling of true peace. No war. No horrors of archangelic power. No nightmares given flesh. Until the earth beneath the Refuge begins to tremble, endangering not only Angelkind’s precious and fragile young but the very place that has held their most innocent safe for eons.

Until it appears that yet another apocalypse is on the horizon and this time it might be the end of the world. Amid the chaos, Elena’s father suffers a violent heart attack that threatens to extinguish their last chance to heal the bonds between them and make sense of the ruins of their agonizing shared history. If you have read this entire series from the beginning, you know that Elena and her father, Jeffrey, haven't exactly had a close relationship ever since Elena lost her mother and her two older sisters in a brutal assault on the family leaving only Elena and her sister Beth as survivors.

This part of the story is emotional because as her family grows older, she knows that one day she will lose them. It's also telling that even Elena's best friend Sara is now in her 40's, and her daughter is growing up to be just as amazing as her father Deacon when it comes to making weapons. Even as Elena battles grief, Raphael is torn from her side by the sudden disappearance of an archangel, and a member of the Cadre. But worse yet is to come. An Ancestor, an angel unlike any other named Marduk.

Marduk's awakening is a warning to the Cadre of a darkness so terrible that it causes empires to fall and civilizations to vanish. This book ends up being a race to solve the mystery of why this is happening and the awakening of an ancient so old that he’s literally one of the last universal common ancestors for some of the Cadre who have somehow lost part of their own history as well as their language. But leave it to Cassandra to be there to help her favorite burgeoning Angel, Elena in some unexpected ways that will lead all of the Cadre to question their origins.

*Thoughts* I have skipped several recent installments in this series because I just wasn't interested in the characters who were featured. It has taken me years to come around to liking Raphael, but I have seen how much he truly loves Elena. He literally gave his heart to her so she would survive. A lot of this book is about Elena coming to terms with what it means to be immortal and getting the closure that she needs to say goodbye to her mother and sisters. To make things interesting, Vivek, a former Hunter, now newly turned vampire, seems to get a fair amount of storyline as he helps research what is happening in the world, and dare I say, a possible lover? And now it seems that the ending of this book leaves little room for another installment. Am I wrong? If so, drop me a note and let me know.

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This book took a deep dive into grief, loss, and trying to work on relationships that have long been strained. Readers learn so much more about Elena and her childhood as well as her relationship with her family currently. This might be the most emotionally charged book of the series in regard to Elena’s inner mind.

Seeing Elena and Raphael semi-settled was such a treat and I’m glad they’re happy. I’ve been following their story for years now and the pay off is well worth it.

It also felt like a nice “goodbye for now” for the series. The struggles and wars that had been raging throughout the series have come to a close and things seem to be calming down. I’ll always be awaiting more from Singh, but I think a pretty significant time jump would need to happen for the main story to continue.

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