Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. I was so excited to receive this one. I’m a big fan of the Sleep & Sorcery podcast and enjoyed reading text version. I love the additional tips for sleep, activities and spells. I can’t wait to purchase my own copy to keep at my bedside :)

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I would like to thank Netgalley for providing me with an ARC copy of this book. The cover photo is what intrigued me into reading it and I am glad that I did.

The book uses the second-person point of view, which the description had warned me about, but I still struggled to adapt to the unusual narration. The author intended to create a meditative mood, but I found it difficult to connect with the scenes. However, once I overcame this barrier, I enjoyed the stories' magical appeal.

The writing skills of the author are flawless and I was engaged throughout the book except for a few places where I was trying to understand. I think the captivating writing style is what made me fall in love with this book little by little. I will highly recommend this book. Grab your copy today.

#SleepSorcery #NetGalley

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I think this book wold be great as an audio book, or to have an accompanying playlist of sleep meditations/stories. This topic is very interesting, and I enjoyed reading more about different rituals/practices related to that sleep and relaxation. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital ARC of this book.

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I really like the idea of this book. I think it would be better as an audiobook so you can hear someone read the stories aloud to you. The stories themselves would be perfect to hear while trying to fall asleep, but did not capture my attention enough to read through them on my own. Overall, I really like the concept and could see this working well as a way to find some more rest in your evening.

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I think that I need to preface my review by stating that I did recive this book for free for my honest review. I was told when I was given the book that this might not be in its final and completed form, meaning that the formatting might not be completed.

With that said I read this via my Kindle and the formatting was off and extremly distracting. Therefore I really hope that will be fixed. For the work itself, I really enjoyed it. The short stories in the book were enjoyable and I loved reading them before bed to help sort of relax and lull me to sleep, which is the idea. I think the exercises to do were also very nice as well.

I actually did not know that the author of this book has a podcast which is sort of the birthplace of this book even happening. I would now be more than glad to check that out.

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Thank you Crossed Crow Books and Netgalley for an ARC.

I don't think this book was for me. I didn't find anything at all helpful and I got really bored reading it.

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I highly recommend this book to everyone that loves a good book that’s great for bedtimes. I flew thru this very quickly cause that’s how hooked I was. I plan to get a physical copy soon to have on my nightstand.

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A good book to have if you are interested in witchcraft. It leans a bit too much on the new age-y stuff for Me, but a lot of witchcraft books do, so that’s no surprise. All in all it has some good info, and thins to try out.

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This is a beautifully-illustrated book of highly-detailed, descriptive, and poetic imagery stories.
Since it is a book based on the podcast of the same name, I used a few episodes like a readalong. There are changes to minor details and wording but still the same story.
While I'm not a practitioner of witchcraft or ritual, the exercises at the end of each story are easily done by the general reader.
If you've never heard of the podcast and aren't familiar with the mythology stories these are based on, it could be read as a compilation of very enjoyable themed short stories.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me access to the eARC!

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Sleep and Sorcery, by Laurel Hostak-Jones, is a charming spiritual self-help guide about learning how to weave fairytales into everyday sleep hygiene. Each chapter is separated into different tales, each of which contain a lesson and at least one ritual. While it does certainly take an imaginative mind, and not necessarily for someone who is more mentally analytical, it’s still a good book. Perfect for anyone who wants to nourish their inner child, or those who practice hearth craft.

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Although the description had warned me that the book would be written in the second person, it still took some getting used to. Though I found it difficult to fully immerse myself in the settings, the stories had a charming whimsical quality once I got fully immersed in them.

The customs and incantations that went along with every tale intrigued me. I believe that I will use and enjoy them the most. These are easy, powerful ways to infuse daily life with magic and intention.

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Thank you NetGalley and Crossed Crow Books for allowing me to read this book before publication.

Sleep and Sorcery originates from the author's podcast of the same name. I had not listened to the podcast before I read the book but I am curious about it now and plan to check it out. I think an audio format may work better for these stories.

The book is written in second-person, which I was prepared for based on the description, but it still took me a bit to adjust to the perspective. It is supposed to feel like a guided meditation but I had a hard time immersing myself into the settings. Once I was fully engaged, the stories did have a whimsical charm.

I enjoyed the rituals and spells that accompanied each story. I think I will get the most use and enjoyment out of them. They are simple, impactful ways of adding intention and magic into everyday life. I will definitely be revisiting the ones that spoke to me most.

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Interesting book, stories are interesting and I think is a very original concept in the creations of this book and the originality of the content.

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It’s a very original book, full of cute stories. I really enjoyed the exercises included, as well as the book’s concept.

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What a magnificent experience for me to have read this well-written, couldn’t put it down book. From beginning to end I was enthralled. I highly recommend it and more from this author.

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A beautiful cover for an enchanting book, mystical and magical with fairies. All small stories helping you towards a good night's sleep. Thank you to Cross Crowed Books and Netgalley for an ARC.

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*This book was received as an Advanced Reviewer's Copy from NetGalley.

lf the essence of a warm cup of tea, in front of a cozy fire, while it's snowing outside could be bottled up into a reading session, I'd say the stories contained within this book would represent it. Or maybe just a really nice dream (which is the whole point really).

Hostak-Jones fills this book with several short stories that give you an idea of pleasant dreams you could have. Richly descriptive and imaginative, they are largely based in fantasy, with all the normal characters (dragons, heirs to the throne, fairies, and more!). With each story, a ritual or spell to help with nighttime relaxation is covered as well (although I admittedly didn't do more than skim through those).

I'd like to say I could tell you in great detail about these stories, but the fact of the matter is, I only remember them vaguely. Which again, is exactly the point as they are supposed to lull you to sleep and get you relaxed. I read one to two each night before bed and was very happy each time.

Utterly charming.

Review by M. Reynard 2024

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Oh this was just beautiful, a lovely book to purchase when it's released! I can't wait. It will sit in view for everyone as it was so nice to read and do the little things at the end of each chapter. I was swept away to magickal places! Absolutely lovely.

Thank you to the author, publishers and netgalley for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I have been listening to the Sleep & Sorcery for months and it has been a huge help in getting me to be able to fall asleep faster. I was so excited to hear that there was a book coming out! This finally gave me a chance to read the endings to the stories since I fall asleep before finishing the story. I love all things magical and fey so I really enjoyed these stories. My favorite one was Fairies of the Forest Floor because I would love to get the chance to meet a fairy. The only part of this that was a miss for me were the exercises at the end of each chapter. Some of them didn't connect with me and while others did, I just don't see myself ever actually doing them.

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"Sleep & Sorcery: Enchanting Bedtime Stories, Rituals, and Spells," by Laurel Hostak-Jones is an ingenious, innovative tool for sleep. I loved the concept of the book. Reading this was like reading a meditation. It is a form of self-guided meditation that I could utilize.

I wasn't sure what to expect when my petition to read the book on NetGalley was accepted. I saw the cover and thought it looked and sounded quite interesting. What I found was a gem. I am grateful that I was chosen to read this book and give an honest review of it.

There are stories that you can read through, which serve as a self-guided meditation. You have exercises you can do afterward or even things you can set up beforehand to help you during the sleep process. I understand this started with a podcast that I had never heard of. After reading the book, I will be searching for the podcast. Hearing these stories from someone else will be even better than reading them myself. This book works better as an audiobook, at least for the stories.

Hostak-Jones weaves magical stories. First, you're building altars, and next, you're brewing potions. What could be more magical than that?! I recommend this book for people who love meditation, sleep aids, magic, and bringing a lot of it into their lives, or even for people who love a bit of lucid dreaming.

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