Member Reviews

The author has a nice writing voice. The information is relayed pleasantly. It doesn't always apply to me as a night shifter, but I did like the suggestions for using the wheel of the year. It was a nice mix of magic and practical suggestions.

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A magical read on the importance of rest in a world where we see being busy as equating to success. The author tells stories and gives rituals that work with the wheel of the year. Each is magical, mythical and calming. It feels as though the sparks of sorcery fly from the page. I would recommend to those who want self help in the areas of sleep, rest and meditation. As well as those who have an interest in magic and craft .
Review on my book club to come and the link will be added. Thank you netgalley for my free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Certainly, I agree with those who say that the best way to enjoy this book would probably be through an audiobook, as if someone were reading you a bedtime story. Not that the printed book is bad per se, but after all, it is true that it originates from a podcast.

Personally, I expected tales more closely adhering to folklore, so I wasn't 100% satisfied with the reading, but this depends on my expectations and not on the book itself. I specify that I didn't know the podcast that inspired it, so I wasn't sure what to expect.

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Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book. The title and cover drew me in right away and I was excited to read it. Although I had some trouble with getting into some of the stories, felt like I should be reading them to a child at bedtime, But I do think hearing this book in audio format would make the stories more enjoyable. That being said I enjoyed the exercises and recipe's that the book contained. I also enjoyed the fact that they are somewhat centered around the Wheel of the Year. Overall wasn't a bad read and I will be implementing a few of the exercises in my daily practice.

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I feel like this would be best consumed as an audiobook, The prose isn't really an easy read but I bet the right narrator would lull me to sleep.
The author includes a ritual per story and organizes them based on the lunar year.

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I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is an interesting book, but it wasn't for me.

I liked the concept of bedtime stories and rituals and the book has some interesting suggestions. The book highlights what is recommended for each season which is nice. Each chapter has a bedtime story but to me it read like something for children, not necessarily a story for adults. The chapter also has a ritual or spell and instructions on how to do it. It's a bit confusing if you're not familiar with some of these ideas because it doesn't seem to be organized by season. I was hoping for something that had more information on regular routines or ways to sleep well and this is much more of a focus on sorcery.

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This wasn't at all what I expected but it is an interesting way of going about this. It's a collection of stories, written in second person so that it's like doing a pathworking, followed by exercises.

The exercises were interesting and the one I'm familiar with, Lucid dreaming, was well described.

Overall an interesting book, though I have trouble keeping my attention on pathworkings.

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This book combines stories and spells to create a fantastic book. Based around the wheel of the year, there's a story that precedes each spell, and the stories are lovely to read as part of your bedtime routine. I have not yet tried the spells but they look simple and done with things readily available, which I very much appreciate.

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This book was made for someone like me with a wide imagination. The great descriptions that were detailed for the stories, I was able to see everything in my mind. I really did enjoy the exercises at the end of the stories.

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Sleep Sorcery by Laurel Hostak-Jones is an absolutely delightful book that will sooth you to sleep. Following each story is a magical activity, ritual, or recipe. This is truly an original book with fresh ideas. I highly recommend reading it!

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I really wish I liked this as much as I thought I would. The cover definitely drew me in, and then seeing it was a book that could make my practice benefit even my sleep routine? Count me in.

However, the stories weren’t really keeping my attention. They were what caused me to take over a month to get through this book because it felt very slow and hard to connect with personally. I did, however, like the rituals, meditations, and spells at the end of the chapters.

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The cover of this book immediately caught my attention with its enchanting and witchy vibes. However, while the stories within didn't quite align with my personal taste, I still found some value in the activities and meditations that followed each story.

The stories themselves didn't resonate with me as much as I had hoped. They didn't capture my interest or evoke the emotions I typically seek in a book. However, I understand that personal preferences vary, and others may find them more appealing. On a positive note, the activities and meditations provided at the end of each story were decent.

In conclusion, while the stories in this book weren't to my liking, I appreciated the effort put into including activities and meditations that added an interactive element to the reading experience. The cover's witchy aesthetic initially drew me in, but unfortunately, the content didn't fully meet my expectations. However, I acknowledge that others may have different tastes and might find more enjoyment in these stories than I did.

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My thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review. I had high hopes for this book. And perhaps those hopes were a bit too high, so what I ended up with was not what I expected. The stories felt flat to me and overly childish. Some felt like a chore to get through. And I don't know if it was merely a coincidence, but for me, the nights I read this just before sleeping, I had strange and disturbing dreams. As such, I ended up reading it during the day. The activities and meditations at the end of each story were more promising. And I will be enacting them as the year turns. So, while the stories fell quite flat for me, the meditations and rituals were very nice.

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In sleep and socery Laurel Hostak-Jones combines ritual, meditation and activities to help get a restful and sacred night's sleep.
There is a section on the sabbats with suggested activities for each.
This book has some beautiful ideas and a soothing voice to help bring a calm and serene sleep.

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Such an interesting way to set up a book! Each chapter begins with a beautiful and calming meditation story, which is then followed by an accompanying ritual that ties back to the story. Since each mediation is from the reader's point of view, you're fully immersed in the story. Each one is pretty long so this isn't a sit down and read from cover to cover book, it's something you would process one chapter at a time. The rituals and recipes are all simple and don't require many ingredients, making it a very beginner friendly undertaking. I think those who are familiar with the YouTube channel will appreciate the content more than someone who picks this book up unaware, but everyone will still find something to enjoy.

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For fans of Sleep and Sorcery Youtube, this book is exactly what you are looking for! This book is made up of a variety of meditation stories, along with accompanying rituals and activities that follow the Wheel of the Year. the stories are all told from the reader's point of view, placing you firmly in the story, with titles such as The Dream Weaver's Palace and The Dragon Rider. This is a delightful book to keep by your bedside that you can return to again and again.
Thank you #NetGalley and Crossed Crow Books for providing me with a copy for my honest review.

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What an enchanting book. It's just magic. Definitely another one I need a hard copy of to put next to my bed. The stories are whimsical and comforting, and the rituals and exercises really spoke to the inner child. I'm looking forward to putting them into practice in relation to the Wheel of the year. Definitely would recommend to witchy, magical people who need a bit of grounding and relaxation in their lives.

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Laurel Hostak Jones is a dreamweaver. In a bewitching collection of stories, ritual exercises, healing recipes, and journal prompts, Jones offers guidance for peaceful sleep and lucid dreaming. The idea for “Sleep and Sorcery” is sourced from Jones’ successful podcast called “The Midnight Myth,” where she remixed tales intended to induce sleep. The author’s theater background is evident in each story's conversational and lyrical feel, which draws upon Western literature, mythology, and folklore. Self-guided exercises follow each story to enhance one’s practices of intentionality and contemplation, anchored in connection to nature. I enjoyed learning about creating a fairy garden, planning a dream altar, and homebrewing an herbal tincture. Jones harbors an inner fantasy writer, as she invites us to dream worlds inhabited by Atlanteans, unicorns, talking frogs, and half-elves. She has a wondrous ability to paint a scene and establish the aesthetics of a place. Jones is an excellent guide for making sense of symbolism and archetypes of dreams, unlocking creativity, and inducing relaxing sleep.

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This book came at the right time as I have been struggling to manage my sleep schedule and needed to learn about meaningful rest. Very helpful and informative read.

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Poetic descriptions of dream sequence stories based on myth and fantasy accompanied by suggestions for magick practices and rituals, including building an altar, ceremonial baths, invocations, spells, journaling.etc.

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