Member Reviews

Outlier alert! I didn’t love this one as much as I wanted to. It has so many excellent reviews, but I think it was perhaps just not what I was expecting. Still an entertaining read. I did enjoy it.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Marlee Bush's "When She Was Me" plunges readers into a suspenseful journey through the tangled lives of twin sisters Cassie and Lenora. 🌲 Set against the backdrop of an isolated Tennessee campground, the narrative unfolds with a sense of impending danger that keeps readers glued to the page. 💔 From the moment a teenage girl goes missing, the sisters are forced to confront their own past traumas and the unsettling secrets they've buried deep within.

Bush expertly navigates the complexities of sisterhood and survival in a gripping tale that is as haunting as it is suspenseful. 🕵️‍♀️ As Cassie and Lenora race against time to unravel the truth, the claustrophobic wilderness becomes a character in itself, adding an extra layer of tension to the already gripping plot.

If you're a fan of thrilling mysteries with twists you won't see coming, 'When She Was Me' is a must-read. Bush's masterful storytelling will leave you breathless until the very end 📚✨

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When She Was Me is a fantastic debut from Marlee Bush and I look forward to seeing what she brings us next! This one kept me on my toes and intrigued the whole way through. I read it in one sitting!

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The twists in this book - let me tell you! I appreciate that this wasn't set up like a typical thriller. You have a special dynamic here given the main characters are sisters. There is a certain trust level we often give siblings based on that sole fact, yet that exact thing is tested deeply in this wild ride of a story!
Throughout this book, you are left wondering often if Cassie and Lenora are truly the victims they are portrayed to be, or if there is something deeper to their story.
The varying points of view in this narrative keep it interested, but I also found myself less interested in some parts because of this. It is a bit slow in the middle, but the ending is not what I thought! The twists in this kept me engaged throughout.

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3.5 stars, really.

Twins Cassie and Lenora live permanently at a rural campsite. They enjoy the isolation after a troubled childhood that left them fleeing from society and clinging to each other. Things are going well until a teenage girl in the next cabin disappears under mysterious circumstances and things begin to fall apart. The girls begin questioning everything, from the people around them, to each other, to even themselves. Can they figure out what’s going on before their world falls completely apart?

The story is told from three POVs: Each of the twins in the present day and an unnamed sister in the past.

There is something very interesting about diving into the world of semi-hermits and hearing their stories, so I think that’s an immediate draw to this storyline. That, and the mysteries immediately presented with the disappearance in the present and the obvious conflict brewing in the “then” timeline, which promises to reveal the key to present circumstances.

So, yes, I was drawn in right away to the mystery surrounding Cassie and Lenora, which really seemed very atmospheric and fascinating. And honestly, it is very good, with each twin having her own quirks and distinct personality. And the ending is very good as well. Not one I would have guessed. There were some interesting twists thrown in there, and the author did a good job with the gradual reveal there.

But I think the book could have been shorter. By the end I was really waiting for it to end. It just was too drawn out. I think that took away from the suspense a little too much. If it was edited down, say 50-75 pages, it would have been perfect.

So, I did enjoy this book, but beware that it may not hold your attention the whole way.

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Read if you like: thrillers, multiple POVs, sister stories, isolated settings, dark pasts, shady neighbors

Twin sisters Cassie and Leonora are hiding something in their past. Living in a cabin in the woods, Cassie tries to take care of her agoraphobic sister who is clearly dealing with a lot of trauma and obsessive tendencies . When a girl camping nearby goes missing, will Cassie’s greatest fears be realized? Could her sister be a killer?

This story was atmospheric and fast paced, splitting timelines and POVs each chapter. I did not care for Leonora’s character and Cassie was only a little more tolerable.

I enjoyed the amount of doubt and suspicion the author was able to cast about through the book but found the ending to be a little too “scooby doo” for my liking. I wish the pieces fell together more organically instead of having to be told the “master plan”. All in all, still an entertaining read.

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Twin sisters Cassie and Lenora, the only permanent residents of an isolated Tennessee campground, have been inseparable since a traumatic event years ago. When a teenage girl camping nearby disappears, it triggers memories of their past. Suspicion grows between them as they realize they may know more than they've admitted. Trapped in the wilderness, they must confront the dark truths of their past before it consumes them.

I loved the author’s writing style and the different POVs… the present bounced between the twins, and the past was simply labeled “then” with no names, adding to the mystery. The story was twisty and left me wondering what was going on, right until the end!

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Twin sisters Cassie and Lenora have an incredibly tight and sometimes creepy bond. They live completely isolated in the Tennessee woods in a Cabin that is only used for others to come camping and leave. However these two have made it their home for quite some time. You can immediately tell these two have some serious issues they are battling each in different ways from their past. They are completely cut off from the outside world until a new owner comes, Sarah, and stays longer than expected as chaos starts to unfold. A family including a Mother, Father, and their teenage daughter, Tilly come to camp and Tilly goes missing. This not only has Sarah staying longer it brings in a lot of police presence and this completely unnerves the sisters. The real question is why? Did they have something to do with the girl’s disappearance, were they hiding secrets, or hiding from someone themselves?

This is told in alternating POVs chapters between Cassie and Lenora which I really enjoyed. Cassie has a successful video channel that talks about the victims of murderers as a a way to cope. Lenora on the other hand cannot even leave the cabin and struggles internally in a much deeper manner. The alternative POVs from each girl was incredibly interesting because you get insight into how the view their past, present, what secrets they are hiding even from each other, and how at times they even start to question each other.

I will say that it did take me some time to truly become invested in this book because it seemed to drag on and not give any new information (slow pace). But what was immediately apparent was the absolute skin crawling, chilling dynamic between these sisters. I found myself wondering who was (if either) was the evil one.

The cons for this book for me was the slow pace in the beginning, at times the storyline could get confusing, and while the ending was completely wild I had to suspend alllllll belief. This ending will not be for everyone if you prefer something more realistic. I just really found the sisters twisted dark relationship to be extremely interesting. Also knowing this was a debut book I will definitely be reading more from this author.

Thank you to the Author, Netgalley, and Poisoned Pen press for the ARC!

I go back and forth 3.5-3.75? I would rate it higher if not for the unrealistic ending.

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I really wanted to love this book, but to me it was super slow and the beginning was lacking action. I really enjoyed the dual POV between the twin sisters, and also enjoyed the little glimpses we got of the past. It wasn’t bad in any way and I did really enjoy it, but I just don’t think it was the right book for me! I will admit the last quarter of the book had me on my toes the entire time. It was suspenseful, thrilling, and so full of mystery! If this book had been a little faster paced I think I would have enjoyed it more, but overall I have no regrets in reading it and hope the author plans on writing more!

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The premise of the book is what intrigued me, and I feel like it had a lot of potential, but it just didn’t do it for me. To me, the dual timelines were a little confusing and the plot line fell a little flat. It was definitely a slow burn and felt like it dragged on at times.

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This book seriously sounded good. It sounded like it was going to be an "unput-downable" thriller. I found it very hard to keep engaged in. It drug on. The characters weren't really likeable and the twin thing was really creepy which I guess was part of the whole premise. Either way, not impressed. Not saying people won't love it. I just didn't.

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When She Was Me, by Marlee Bush, tells the story of twin sisters Lenora and Cassie who are permanent residents of isolated Tennessee campground, seeking refuge following a traumatic event in their childhood. Lenora works as a ghost writer, and Cassie has a true crime Youtube channel. They are going about their quiet lives until the teenage girl, whose family is renting the cabin next door, goes missing. Suddenly, their lives are turned upside down, as memories of their past are brought back up. When She Was Me is told through the alternating POVs of Lenora and Cassie, as well as through flashbacks, as the sisters attempt to figure out what happened to their neighbor while also keeping secrets from each other.
This story kept me guessing until the end what the twist/ending would be, which is what I love in a psychological thriller. It took me a little while to get into the book, but the middle had me hooked, and during the final 25% I couldn't put the book down. The author uses great imagery, to the point at times I felt like I was watching a movie in my head. I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading any future books by this author.

Thank you Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy of When She Was Me.

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As a parent to twins any storyline with them always pique my interest. I do love this bond that Cassie and Lenora have, there is such a fine line between bonds that multiples share and codependency. I loved that although they were codependent they both had these deep rooted secrets about their past which added depth to their relationship and their perspective on Tilly's murder. The alternative POV and timeline was stellar and always helps keep me engaged and wanting "one more chapter." The twists were great and I thing this will be a massive hit!

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Thank you, Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley, for the advanced copy of When She Was Me.

I found myself getting distracted while reading this novel which is never a good sign... It wasn't terrible, but it just couldn't keep me interested for more than a chapter or two at a time. I debated not finishing it a few times. It was just so repetitive. I was waiting for them to get to the point. The last 10% of this novel was FANTASTIC! I wanted more of that in the other 90%. Definitely a slow burn.

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What Everyone is Saying:
"An excellent debut and a unputdownable thriller!"

There's only one way out of these woods… Ever since that night, twin sisters Cassie and Lenora have been inseparable. As the sole permanent residents of Cabin Two, their refuge on an isolated Tennessee campground, they manage to stay away from prying eyes, probing questions, and true crime junkies. Just the two of them, Cassie and Lenora against the world. The peace and quiet is almost enough to make them forget what happened all those years ago. Almost.  Until a teenage girl camping at the neighboring cabin goes missing, and the memories come rushing back. 

My Review:

Thunderstorms, rain on crunchy leaves, walkie talkies buzzing on the ground, cabin floors creaking... this book felt like an asmr experience, in a very good way! As a reader you feel like you are fly on the wall watching the characters navigate the mysterious events in the middle of the woods. The characters walk the reader through concepts of sexual, emotional and physical abuse, but do it in a subtle manner. It is not glaring or alarming, if anything most abuse is inferred and not blatantly described. I appreciated that aspect of the book! The set of twins in this book live remotely in a cabin and are constantly finding ways to save each other, both physically and I would argue emotionally. The Poisoned Pen Press is surely a thriller publisher, and from my experience, they find the best of the best and bring the stories to the world for us to enjoy. Excellent job Marlee, I am eager to read your future books.

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I felt like this book was a good change of what I’ve been reading lately and a unique plot for a thriller! I loved the sister dynamic and how we got to understand both sisters own point of view. The setting, an almost abandoned camp ground, was a great choice. It gave me scary movie vibes from the beginning. I didn’t predict the ending, which I always appreciate in a thriller! I also really appreciated the ending, wrapped up my questions!

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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

This was such a breath of fresh air! The way she narrated and alternated between the characters so seamlessly that I was COMPLETELY surprised by the end! I kept trying to figure it out and just when I thought I had it narrowed down I would get a new piece of information.

I cannot wait for this book to be released so I can share it with all of my fellow book lovers!

Thank you NetGalley for this amazing ARC

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This book was one that kept me guessing until the very end. I loved the dual timelines between the past and present but also the story being told through both Cassie's and Lenora's POV. Due to the writing being done this way, it had me changing my suspicions every few chapters. I loved the bond Cassie and Lenora shared and how they were always concerned about the other more than their self. The characters were well written and very intriguing throughout the whole story. The ending was not something I saw coming which I love in stories. If I can predict the ending then it doesn't quit hit the mark for me, but this one was amazing! Congrats to Marlee on writing such an interesting yet gripping story. I can't wait for others to dive into the world of Cassie and Lenora when this officially comes out. I will definitely keep an eye out for more books by this author.

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"When She Was Me" by Marlee Bush is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. The story follows the life of Rachel, a woman who wakes up one morning to find herself in the body of her teenage self, reliving the events of her past. As Rachel navigates through her past and present, she uncovers dark secrets and hidden truths that threaten to unravel her sanity.

Bush's writing is skillful and evocative, drawing readers into Rachel's tumultuous journey of self-discovery and redemption. The narrative is filled with twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the final pages. The characters are well-developed and complex, each with their own motivations and secrets that add depth to the story.

Overall, "When She Was Me" is a haunting and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of identity, trauma, and the power of redemption. Marlee Bush has crafted a suspenseful and compelling story that will linger in the minds of readers long after they've turned the last page.

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When She Was Me
By Marlee Bush
Publication Date: May 7, 2024




Ever since that night, twin sisters Cassie and Lenora have been inseparable. As the sole permanent residents of Cabin Two, their refuge on an isolated Tennessee campground, they manage to stay away from prying eyes, probing questions, and true crime junkies. Just the two of them, Cassie and Lenora against the world. The peace and quiet is almost enough to make them forget what happened all those years ago. Almost. 

Until a teenage girl camping at the neighboring cabin goes missing, and memories come rushing back. As the crime becomes ever more recognizable—they know better than anyone that so-called 'happy families' can be anything but—each sister suspects the other knows more than she's letting on….

Trapped in the isolating, claustrophobic wilderness, Cassie and Lenora must piece together the truth of what happened—and the sinister truth lurking in their own pasts—before it's too late.


Welp, this book will have you checking your heart rate! And for the first 90% (or so) of the book, I couldn't even identify exactly WHY I felt so anxious! 😂🤷 The way this book is written is fantastic! Marlee Bush laid out this story with such incredible intensity -- I knew what I was reading about was scary, but I just didn't know WHO or WHAT to be scared of!

I wasn't initially sure I'd rate it very highly because I couldn't seem to figure out how it was all going to go and I was frustrated with the lack of clarity as I encountered multiple POVs in different time periods. It turns out the anonymity within the chapters written in the past was an intentional part of this "you'll never guess" story...The last 10% of the book made the entire read a very worthwhile adventure in suspense, thrills, and intensity. If you are a fan of thrillers, you will ABSOLUTELY want to add this author's debut novel to your TBR list in May - unless you can get your hands on an advanced copy!

Thanks to Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this advanced reader's copy in exchange for my honest review!

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