Member Reviews

Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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The twist at the end was good!This was a very slow read for me. I normally read psychological thrillers in a couple days this took me about a week and a half. The story about twins living in a cabin with no real neighbors and feeling the need to protect each other.
I maybe more critical because I read so many psychological thrillers. For me it was hard to follow because it jumped from present to "then". This being her debut book I would say keep writing!!!

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I was shocked to find out this was a debut. The writing was that of a well seasoned author, and the story was delivered so meticulously, leaving me beyond impressed. This book had it all. Dual P.O.V's between twin sisters, both with an unbreakable bond and love so strong for one another while also suspecting something may not be right with the other. An atmospheric setting in the woods with suspicious characters in the neighboring cabins. A mysterious past timeline containing dangerous behavior. I personally love a slow burn like this when the author takes their time telling you the story and building the suspense, but for those of you who don't, the twisty ending will make it all worth your while. I loved this one and cannot wait to see what this author has in store next. Four stars.

Thank you Netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC.

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When She Was Me is a gripping suspense thriller with an almost horror-vibe. Twin sisters Cassie and Lenora live alone in a secluded cabin in the woods. When a family vacations in the cabin next door, Lenora believes there is more to the parents than meets the eye. Then their teenage daughter goes missing and the only suspects are the parents, the sisters, and the new camp owner. Someone is out there to cause trouble but the question is why. Both sisters are hiding dark secrets. Have their pasts finally caught up to them?

When She Was Me is fast-paced and well-written. The author does a great job with the multiple POVs and the dual timelines. I absolutely had thought I had figured everything out, and, wow, was I wrong. The ending is exciting and unpredictable. If you're looking for a gripping (and quite creepy) thriller, this book definitely fits. I'll absolutely be recommending When She Was Me.

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First of all, I'd like to express my gratitude to Net Galley and Poisoned Pen Press for letting me dive into this book early. It hits the shelves on May 7, 2024, and I'm eagerly anticipating the moment when I can grab my own copy!

Wow! I just can't believe this was Marlee Bush's debut novel! This book had me on the edge of my seat — terrifying, gripping, and intense! Reading it felt like watching a horror movie, making me flinch at every creak behind me.

Cassie and Lenora's love was something else – their readiness to fight and protect each other was heartwarming.

Admittedly, there was a point where I seriously considered dropping the book. The scenes were getting a bit tangled, and I constantly found myself backtracking to grasp what had just happened. It could be my reading comprehension acting up, but despite that, my curiosity and the pile of questions in my mind kept me going.

Suddenly, all these intense scenes unfolded, and I was completely drawn in before I could even think about putting the book down. What took me by surprise were the plot twists—I absolutely didn't see them coming. The unpredictability of it all added a thrilling layer to the story, keeping me captivated from one twist to the next.

This book is an absolute gem, offering a captivating and worthwhile reading experience. Its unique blend of thriller, suspense, horror, and eerie elements creates a mesmerizing narrative that will undoubtedly leave you astonished. The way it seamlessly weaves through different genres adds layers of excitement and unpredictability. It's a literary journey that not only satisfies but also manages to elicit jaw-dropping moments, making it a must-read, particularly for enthusiasts of the thriller, suspense, mystery, and horror genres.

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Very creepy atmosphere and the sense that you never knew who to trust made this a really suspenseful thriller.
We read from both twins perspectives and then mysterious chapters from the past which you never know who is telling them. I kept flipping back and forth over who I thought it was and still managed to be surprised.
A wonderful debut novel.

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This book did keep me gripped at points. Especially as it has plenty of twists and turns throughout. I'd recommend it.

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Cassie and Lenora live in a secluded camp. They are hiding from their past. They are bonded in the way that twins often are, and they have secrets that they are keeping from each other.

Lenora sleepwalks on occasion, and strange things happen when it occurs. Like the disappearance of a teenage girl in the next door cabin.

This novel was rich with a menacing darkness. The characters are flawed by their past, and don't quite trust anyone, not even each other.

There were times that I was confused with who was who, even though the POV's were labelled.
Definitely gave me the creeps that there was so much death in their background.

The ending surprised me.

3/5 stars from me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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Cassie and Lenora are twins living in a cabin far removed from people. When the campsite owner dies, a new person, Sarah takes over. She seems nice, but to Lenora, who suffers from the fear of going outside, anyone new is disturbing. Then a family comes for a weekend getaway and tragedy strikes. Cassie and Lenora’s backstory is slowly exposed, in the past, and in the present, along with an unknown narrator.
While Cassie and Lenora are each hiding secrets, are either of them killers?
It’s such an atmospheric location. Secluded cabins, people we know very little about, family secrets, oh, and don’t forget murder. I had the identity of the unknown narrator totally wrong. That also meant my guess regarding the killer was incorrect.
I kept flipping the pages just needing to finish one more chapter. This was an excellent treadmill read as I stayed on way longer than usual. It’s also a debut and I can’t wait to see what the author writes next. 4.5 stars.

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The premise of When She Was Me is so unique and intriguing. I couldn't wait to read it, but unfortunately, it just isn't for me. The writing didn't match what I was looking for — which isn't to say it's poorly written, just that I'm not a fit for it. Judging by the other reviews, there's a great story here, so I'm hopeful that other readers will connect with it.

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An immersing and absorbing story that has you on edge. Twin sisters who would do anything for each other, but a series of events will lead them to face hard truths. A dark forest, a mysterious new owner, strange neighbors, and many secrets are the elements that will help us put this puzzle together. Plenty of twists and turns made anyone a suspect, including the sisters. There were some moments when the pace of the story was slow, but it was made up for with that ending that I didn't see coming. The constant eerie and unsettling atmosphere surrounding that place makes you doubt whether it was real or not. Furthermore, the disturbed, but compelling bond between these sisters was as tender as terrifying. What surprises me the most is that this is the author's debut book. It's totally unbelievable how amazing it is.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC.

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The story was good. Definitely a lot of unexpected twists and turns. It did feel a bit slow about 75% of the way through, but I stuck with it since I wanted to know what happened in the past and how it was foreshadowing the present. Definitely worth the read and an excellent debut novel!

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The first half of the book was a little too slow moving for me, but the second half definitely made up for it. I was very surprised by the ending, and I loved the twists and turns.

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Wow! I can't believe this is a debut! This was fantastic! I loved the (twin) sister bond, the need to protect your sister no matter what. I loved the creepy atmosphere of being in the middle of nowhere, the dark forest, the slow unraveling of the past. Piecing together how these sisters got to where they are literally and figuratively. One of the best books I've read this year!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Hiding from their tragic past, twin sisters Cassie and Lenora are permanent residents of a secluded campground. Their quiet lives are upended when a teenage girl camping in the cabin next door goes missing. As the past comes flooding back, Lenora begins to lose grip on reality as Cassie tries to protect her at all costs. How far will the sisters go to protect each other?

This book is full of dark family secrets and has an astonishing ending that I am still recovering from! The story is told by both Cassie and Lenora's POV and has a dual time line. This format works great for the story as the past narrator is unclear and helps build suspense. The book is so well written I could feel the sisters' fear, uncertainty, love and obsession for protecting one another. The campground setting lets the reader sense the isolation the sisters must feel both being physically isolated from the outside world and being isolated from each other as they hide their secrets. High recommendation for readers who love psychological thrillers. This story has one of the best endings I have read in a long while!

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When She Was Me is a fast paced novel that doesn't let up from the first page to the last.

Twins living in a cabin at a campground have spent their lives trying to overcome a tragic past. When a teenage girl goes missing it brings back the memories of the trauma.

They search for the answer to the question of where she is and who took her. Each sister thinks the other is holding back information.

It sets up a deep look into who knows what and what secrets are buried.

You can finish this book in one sitting. It is just that fast a read.

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Cassie and Lenora, twins with a codependent bond, are living in a campground, secluded away in a cabin. They are just trying to escape their troubled past, when a girl from a neighboring cabin is found dead. This is bringing back a plethora of memories they have tried to bury, and the resemblance they se in this girl’s relationship with her parents is eerily similar to one they both know well.

Both Cassie and Lenora are hiding secrets from the other, each sure the other knows more about what happened than they are divulging. This situation is spiraling them down into a headspace neither of them want to be.

I loved the dual narrative, but I thought the other narrative we get from the past was done really well. It kept me on edge because it’s a first person, but seemingly talking to someone. I found it a fun addition.

This is filled with dark secrets, deception, obsession and fear and I thought it was so well written. The story is gripping and well paced, leaving me feeling like I was watching everything play out in front of me.

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