Member Reviews

This was a pretty disappointing. The writing felt very juvenile, and the book overall - the plotting, the pacing, the worldbuilding - felt very clunky and awkward. The library scenes were great, and some of the characters were compelling, but by the end I was really disengaged from the whole thing. Would still recommend for those who can't get enough romantasy and aren't overly picky about the elements.

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First, the pacing was wild. As an avid fantasy reader, I understand that the pacing can speed up and slow down. But this would go really fast then a I got in a crutch. I would put it down, finish another book and then have to pick it back up. Either the pacing should have been consistent or make the reader want to continue in order to finish the story. Second, there were nods to other popular fantasy books. Which I thought was funny but still, it left a bad taste in the reading for me.

Now to what I loved.... First of all diverse characters all around! Many colors and preferences were explained in the book and I loved it! Second, there was a plot twist that I didn't see coming and it made me want to read more. But with that being said, I still think this could be a standalone.

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I was intrigued by the premise of Lore of the Wilds and, at first, was really enjoying the read. Lore is an engaging and relatable character, and the setup of her human village, family, and friends was executed well and easy to picture. However, where I expected the story to pick up was when Lore was taken by the fae, but found instead that the plot stagnated at that point. The fae characters, even though we're with them for more of the book, never seemed to be as fully realized as the human ones. I wasn't really feeling the chemistry in the romance, either; unfortunately this book fell a bit flat for me overall.

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3/5 ⭐️
For me, this was another book I think had serious potential to be excellent, but sadly fell short. That I think could’ve achieved it if the story sat with the author and editor to simmer for a tad longer. I think there were a lot of great components like a sole town of humans mysteriously plucked from another world but now kept confined to their town by the surrounding fae. The idea of the FMC making a deal with the fae that she’ll help with their cursed library in exchange for their help with her community. However, there was no cohesion then between the idea of the fae being mean and scary and needing her, to what actually happened. All those stakes and tension, they all evaporated immediately. I did not feel like her life was ever truly threatened past her reaching the fae castle. Instead, the story was focused on hitting popular tropes and giving us something that was cozy sweet. It reminds me of something Holly Black likes to tell in interviews; she says her early stories were terrible because all she wanted to do was write about characters in a coffeeshop. But nothing happened. There were no stakes to her early stories. No true development. Just a group of unique characters sitting around with cups of coffee. This book felt like that. Like there were stakes, but then suddenly they were tossed out the window so the fmc & love interest can all cute go to the market with no real threat to her. (Also why did they give this human they supposedly think as equivalent to a wild dog, that much freedom that early on?).
In addition, I did not understand Asher. He was introduced as a scary fae, but way too soon did he drop that cold, serious act to do silly cutesy things. If the author wanted him to be scary and like enemies to lovers, we needed more time showing us his inherit prejudices and maybe the two of them working past them.
Overall, there is an audience for this. However, for me, it was a struggle to read for the above reasons.
Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Voyager for providing an advance reader copy of this book for my honest review.

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2 Stars!

The tropes and description of this book are some of my favorites! I really wanted to love this one, but some things just didn't work for me. The instalove in this story didn't work for me. It was hard for me to see the connection or chemistry between the characters. I didn't think the love interests made sense for her character. Also, the fox was supposed to be an animal companion, but it was gone for a majority of the story and then reappeared for the ending. To me, it didn't need to be added into the story. The plot for this story was confusing for me. It seemed to be all over the place, and honestly when we find out the reveal, it didn't make much sense. Overall, I just felt as if the maturity of the writing is what made this book not work for me. I thought this book would be better for a younger audience, but there are multiple times it switches from young adult to adult.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for gifting me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Lore of the Wilds was an enjoyable and magical story. The writing and storytelling lean to the younger end of YA, and I think that means it will likely appeal to a wider range of ages. I look forward to seeing what this author published in the future.

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DNF’d at 20%

I was intrigued by the concept at the start and there was a lot of potential for great characterization. However, the writing was extremely bland. It followed a pattern of “I did this… then I did that… I went there…. I saw that person.” It was all tell and no show. If the writing was more atmospheric and engaging I would’ve stuck it out.

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Thank you to NetGalley for sending a digital arc of this book. I actually had already ordered a physical copy before the approval came through, so I read it as soon as it arrived. Gorgeous cover art! I kept flipping back to look at the characters.

As for the story… I am sad to say after months of awaiting this one and telling friends about it, I am disappointed. The first half had me. I was very interested in the magical library, I found Lore like-able, and I was intrigued to find out what would happen with the love triangle that was promised. Based mostly on the cover art I was hoping to be biased towards the fae with long locs - so dreamy.

As the story progressed I did feel that it got sloppier. The magic system seemed strange to me, that she could only use magic at night and if she was actually holding the grimoire? Why? I also was enjoying the first love interest, surprising enough, but when he suddenly disappears and she barely cares it was odd. She’s so hot and cold. The emotional connection and conversations between her and Finn really didn’t do much for me. I had initially hoped he was endgame, so I felt the writing wasn’t compelling if I couldn’t find his personality appealing enough. I could feel the hints that the reader should prefer him, but it wasn’t working. They felt very surface level. At the same time whenever she was around Asher they were suddenly hot and heavy, which made zero sense to me once I got to the twist at the end. Why was he doing ALL that?

It felt like a lot of plot holes. The fox turns into a moth randomly. Lore can see source when no one else can. She’s able to sneak her friend out of a heavily guarded castle all by herself, and yet Finn thinks he has to be on the end-mission to keep her safe, but his sister can handle herself. Maybe some of these will be answered in book two, that’s fair, but I’m not sure I can bring myself to read it.

It’s not a terrible debut. I did not feel I had to DNF this piece. I certainly don’t think I can recommend it to a friend however.

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Overall, this book is a quick and pleasant read and it gives you the feels. It is however, hard to ignore some things that are overdone. The writing was full of repetition that distracted from the story and wasn't at all helpful. The pacing is a bit off, and the development of the romance isn't fully believable- I was there for it but something about just didn't feel right.

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For centuries, the humans of Lore's village have lived trapped in a dark forest. Any attempts to leave are met with a swift death at the hands of the fae sentries that surround the town. But shortly after a disaster befalls the town, a fae lord approaches Lore with a deal: if she will enter a library warded against fae and catalogue its contents, he will ensure the town gets the aid it needs to recover. Lore accepts out of necessity but also because she's hoping to discover something in the library that could change her town's fortune's forever: magic.

LORE OF THE WILDS is a tale that is absolutely charming when it tries to be a cozy fantasy, but tonal swerves prevent it from truly being one. The cozier aspects of the story are where it shines. From the moment Lore steps inside the warded library, the focus changes from survival to the soothing process of cataloguing books and cleaning shelves. As the story expands, we're treated with cooking, herb craft, and moonlit rituals, all of which make you want to snuggle under blankets as you read. This does mean the story begins to meander, especially in the back half of the book when it leans into the "low stakes" plotting, with urgency largely lost until the final 15% of the story.

But I have to stop short of calling this a true cozy fantasy because of the darker elements that intrude on the story. That includes not only some violence (mostly in the form of combat that results in some gruesome deaths) but some particularly horrifying reveals late in the story. In another book, I don't think I would have made a note of such things, but it was a jarring juxtaposition in a story that largely spent its time embracing cottagecore vibes.

(And if you're wondering about the fantasy romance aspect, there is one explicit spice scene).

LORE OF THE WILDS is also a bit rough around the edges in its writing style, particularly when it comes to dialogue. The dialogue at the beginning of the book felt a bit clunky, and while it seemed to smooth out as the story went on, that might also have been because the cozy elements were enchanting me so thoroughly that I forgave some of the odd phrasing.

LORE OF THE WILDS honestly makes me wish the book had whole-heartedly pursued its cozy aspirations. There were a lot of elements that charmed me, making me forgive the other elements that grated a bit. But the unevenness of tone makes it a bit hard to know exactly who to recommend this to (and also made me feel like the book didn't truly know what it wanted to be). It's cozy-ish, but one plot line in particular really makes this impossible to call a true cozy fantasy. But if cozy-adjacent is something you enjoy, there's enough here to make a pleasant read.

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Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana

Read this if you like:
💌3rd person POV
💌diverse characters
💌witchy vibes

🦋Things I liked:
The world building was great. I found the FMC to be likeable if not a bit boy obsessed.

☔️Things I didn't like:
This one took me a while to get into. It's a short book, but I struggled up until 70% to get into it. I didn't like that this was labeled as a love triangle when it was very much not one. I don't feel like the relationships were fleshed out well enough BUT this is a debut so I think that's okay.
I also felt like I got tricked into reading a witchy book. I don't mind a secondary character being a witch but I'm not super big into witchy books. I know the description said magic but then it got into spells and grimoires and I wasn't really into all that🥲

I ended up getting the audio for this one to help me push through it and I'm glad I made it through. The end of the book makes up for the slower parts. I enjoyed this one but I'm not sure if I'll pick up the sequel.

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I really enjoyed this one! I thought the world building was super easy to follow + I LOVED Lore. The pacing was great + I found myself always wanting to pick up the book + see what happened. I am very excited to continue this series!

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I first heard of this book from a reviewer on tiktok (@satrayreads omg she’s an icon) who raved about it and so this became one of my most anticipated reads of 2024.

For a debut novel, I thought it was very well done and I really really enjoyed it. The main character, Lore, is so dedicated and compassionate and such an amazing figure to have as an fmc in a book. I mean the author really took this book and said let’s put in the best fmc that makes your heart all warm and fuzzy and squishy, that’s Lore. Seeing how courageous and determined she is but also getting to see the flaws that she has with her self-sacrificing, risk-taking ways was so cool to see because usually in fantasy novels those attributes are placed on main characters that are portrayed as the ‘sassy badass assassin’ when in reality they’re just stupid and ignore any kind of warning signal. Seeing Lore’s character have those qualities and those flaws but it actually be done well was very refreshing and I loved it so much.

Another thing the author does very well is the writing. The writing alone was beautiful and could easily make someone get lost in the story. The characterization was incredible. I absolutely loved the characters and how they were described and how they acted. Even the evil characters were so so interesting to read about, and it made me hate them even more and wonder why they became evil to begin with. I think this author really succeeds when it comes to their characters and being able to write them well in a unique way while still including elements that are typically found in romantasy novels already.

However, there are some things that I did not like as much. First, I felt as though this book could’ve been run through the editing process one or two more times. There were some minor spelling mistakes and some sentences that, when paired together, didn’t really flow together in a way that made it seem like a story. Things like that tend to seem very clunky, and they in turn pull me out of the story because it’s irritating trying to escape into this world but then the same word is said twice in a sentence and the sentence isn’t even long or detailed enough to support it. (I did read an ARC however, so this may actually be something that is fixed in the published copy.) Secondly, I did not enjoy the pacing of this book. We would get occasional gaps in time and I feel like that didn’t really benefit the growth of these characters and it prevented from being able to clearly see the emotional changes that occur over a period of time. After finishing the book, I can see why we have some of those gaps, but I still wish that the pacing was left to be more of a slow burn. That way we, as readers, can get the full effect/emotion and it will leave readers guessing, theorizing, and wanting more by the time the ending comes along. I feel like this book would definitely benefit from being a longer novel because of the potential to be more of a high fantasy read than romantasy, so I’m hoping hoping hoping that the next book will be longer.

After reading the book, without giving away any spoilers obviously, I get the feeling that the author is trying to take us on this road with the main character where pieces of the story or the world-building aren’t given to us right away because of the fact that Lore’s people aren’t originally from this world, so we’re on this journey with Lore to figure out the secrets of the world alongside her. However, I feel like there was a lack of cohesion. I was disappointed with the lack of history given in regards to the world-building, and some characters or situations left me thinking things like “how is this possible?” or “where did this come from?” or “how did this system get put in place/come to be?” and I feel as though things like that could be fixed if there was maybe a clear scene where Lore finds out more on the history of the world she’s in or even just of her people. I think there were many scenes where something like that could’ve been included, but it wasn’t and that left me a little sad.

Honestly, if you are a person that tends to love characters that are very heart-warming, and especially if you are a fan of the found family trope, I think this would be an amazing book for you. If you’re a fan of romance/romantasy, this too would be a great read, but the pacing and time skips might make you wonder, like I did, why those skips were included and why there wasn’t as much detail put onto the introduction of some characters. If you are also a cottagecore girlie and love everything fantasy, witchy, mushroomy, maybe you hang those fake vines up in your room and wish to live as a little wicked witch in the woods, this would also be a nice book for you too.

Thank you NetGalley & HarperCollins for the gifted copy of this book. This is my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, Harper Collins for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
First things first, I loved the cover of the book and for the story, it was indeed fast paced but truly lacked some direction. Yhe author tried to fit so much into 32 chapters even putting a plot twist at the end to get us to wait on the next book which i think is foolish. Lore , the FMC has no motivation for most of her actions. Yes the book is about her wanting magic but so many random things happen that it doesn't make sense in the slightest why they're happening. The love triangle I thought would occur in the book took like 22 chapters before it happened.
So much time was wasted trying to describe Lore's daily activities.
This story deserved 50 chapters and with more emphasis on the characters actions.
It's an okay book but not so exciting

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Lore of the Wildes very much gave that cozy warm book read but was fae. It is filled with fae, magic, a cursed magical library filled with magical books. It follows a human named Lore who is the FMC from a village of humans who are oppressed by the fae. And one day the fae come asking her for a favor. I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading about fae and with a little romance and lore about the stars.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book for an honest review.

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This book was a labour of love. Every word put to page demonstrates this. Its slow burn was pure magic. The characters were all thoroughly developed, as was the world that was woven. Lore starts off rather meek and naive. She learns that not is all as it seems and that the magic she has been seeking is within her grasp. She learns that trusting too easily comes at a great cost. The people she meets shape her character. Asher was with her from the beginning and supports her throughout - but in comes Finn and he begrudgingly begins to teach Lore the language she needs to further tap in to the magic available to her.
We’ve got a book brimming with magic, a potential love triangle, new friendships, betrayals and some twists - I suspected it for a while, but the reveal was still satisfying. I feel like the story was just beginning when it ended. I crave more and I look forward to the next book very much. I highly recommend this new series to en very reader of fantasy out there, especially if you, as a human, crave the existence of magic in the world.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Voyager for an advanced e-copy of the book. The opinions expressed are honest and my own.

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I am so mad at this book for leaving me on a cliffhanger like it did and then not having a release date for the follow up!

The twists were twisting and I’m gonna be salty about it until I can read the sequel to this cottagecore romantic fantasy with POC rep as far as the eye can see.

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Thank you @harpervoyagerus partner for my gifted copy.⁣

“I can do something to change things for them. I want to help my people stop surviving and start living”. ⁣

Honestly, 10/10 no notes. I loved this book. The magic system, the hierarchy of beings, the little romantasy, the cliffhanger?! Honestly, just so good. ⁣

We follow Lore, who is a human. She gets tasked by this Fae Lord to catalog a whole library (dream, right?) and if she finds anything ✨enchanting✨, let him know. Ok, cool. Except, her whole village is basically prisoner to this jerk, and she starts to find the history that she was essentially denied. Knowing what she knows now, she’s ready to free her village and come into her own. Theres another Fae, a guard, she befriends and has feelings for. Theres another they meet along the way that drives the grumpy/sunshine and touch her and die trope. Love it. ⁣

I cheered so hard for Lore. She’s been denied so much and just want her to come into her own power. She’s amazing, and I’m happy she was written into existence. It was such a twisty and turn plot that I ate it up.⁣

Out now, probably my favorite read of February.⁣

QOTD: How was your weekend? We finally had decent weather and I got to start some of our garden! 🪴

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I enjoyed this one but it wasn't my favorite. Language is a little more YA and modern than I would've liked. I'm not a fan of love triangles, and there were parts that were very slow. I think execution could've definitely been better.

Other than that, I loved the cozy vibes and will continue to see where the story continues.

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This book was so amazing and I’m devastated that there’s such a huge cliffhanger. I hope that we get a sequel to book one soon!

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