Member Reviews

I unfortunately had to DNF this book. I kept picking it up to read and quickly found myself losing attention. I liked the synopsis and the concept of the book but I just wasn't drawn to it enough to finish. I really wanted to like this one but it was a miss for me.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The cover and description drew me to ask for this ARC. Unfortunately, the reality is disappointing.

At the beginning the author spends an undue amount of giving information about the characters instead of drawing the reader's attention to the plot itself. Therefore, my attention began to wander.

I thank Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this ARC. It just wasn't for me.

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If you like a lot of action with suspense and twists, where the good guys win and the story has a HEA, then this may be a story for you. This was a true escape from reality type read for me.

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DNF at 15%
I was pretty excited to read this since the cover AND title were quite catchy. but guess what? We're not supposed to judge a book by its cover.

There was too much information overload starting from the very first page of the first chapter. I ignored and continued because, well, it could still have good stuff, right?

poor me had no idea what was going to happen. I had read the introduction before applying for an ARC of this book but turns out this is a very, very, disgusting book.
I couldn't read any further than 40 pages because the writer couldn't go longer than one paragraph without mentioning smutty stuff. like, dude, seriously?

read only if you think you can handle smut.

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