Member Reviews

I found that this book wasn't for me however I enjoyed it's setting. I turly felt for Sunday and her guilt at the start of the story.

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Gråe, a thirteen-year-old girl hailing from a small town in Norway, with dreams of becoming an Animalia and securing admission to the most prestigious magic school. The art of Animalia involves control and connection with animals, and Gråe is determined to follow in her father's footsteps, even though he was tragically murdered when she was younger.

After she becomes one of two from her town admitted into the prestigious school, Gråe finds herself questioning her unwavering aspirations. The school is plagued by a series of baffling disappearances and murders, further exacerbated by the lack of Animalia students. As students continue to vanish, Gråe must grapple with the realization that danger looms larger than her dreams of becoming an Animalia.

“Animalia” by Shauna C. Murphy was a very good read. It reminded me so much of Harry Potter. I loved the unique lore and magic ideas, the characters, the peril, and the suspense. I would absolutely love to read future books. 5 out of 5 stars for sure.

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Animalia is great fun. I loved the premise, especially with the animals. Harry Potter fans and fantasy lovers will enjoy this. I look forward to more Sunday adventures.

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3.75 ⭐️

This was a very solid debut novel perfect for fans of Harry Potter and Wednesday (TV Show).

A refreshing take on the fantastical school, mixed in with some mystery and historical elements makes this book very fun and engaging. Perfect for children and teenagers alike, it follows Sunday as she enters the Svalbard school for talented people.

I did really like Sunday as a main character, her internal monologue was very fun especially because her ‘dual identity’ makes her a very interest character. Although that is something I wish the author explored a little more.

The setting was also great, I personally think we should have more books with a Scandinavian setting as it’s so atmospheric and fun to read about. The Victorian aspect was also something else I liked as it allowed for the sprinkling of some history within the story. However, I often forgot it was taking place in the Victorian era and wish that was used more throughout the story.

The mystery in general was exciting but, sadly, predictable for me. I guessed most of it while reading and wasn’t surprised when it was revealed, however, there was a small plot twist at the end that somewhat made up for it.

I think this would be a really fun series if the author decides to continue with it and would recommend giving it a try!

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A captivating blend of fantasy, mystery, and adventure that transports readers to a mesmerizing Victorian-era world. The story follows Sunday Gråe, a determined young girl who embarks on an incredible journey to become an Animalia at the enigmatic Svalbard School. The author’s vivid storytelling and world-building bring the school's unique programs, including the fascinating Animalia, to life. As Sunday grapples with the mysterious disappearances of her fellow students, readers are drawn deeper into a web of intrigue and magic.

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Hold onto your hats because Animalia by Shauna C. Murphy is a wild ride you won't want to miss! Imagine a world where students from all over the globe are trained in extraordinary skills, from inventing to warrior training. And then there's the Animalia program, which takes the cake!

From the moment I cracked open this book, I was hooked. Sunday Gråe is a heroine you'll root for, and her journey is filled with heart-pounding moments and unexpected twists. But what makes this book amazing is its celebration of our connection to animals and nature, a universal magic we can all relate to. So if you're looking for a thrilling adventure that'll remind you of the wonder of the natural world, Animalia is the book for you!

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This is the perfect book for all readers around eight years and up. Sunday Gråe is a teenager who wants to study Animalia, one of the five strengths taught at Slavbard, but can she find the strength to battle through her fears. When she reaches the school she finds something is wrong. But with trust in new friends and a maybe newt she won’t stop until she gets to the bottom of the mysteries at the school. Thank you to Coco Studios and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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This was a delightful fantasy novel. It was wintry and magical, sophisticated and uncomplicated. I thought it was a terrific story, the kind of book that would be adored by younger readers but also greatly enjoyed by adults too. It did remind me of Philip Pullman's Northern Lights, so if you liked that, you may also like this.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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